Container Gardening

Soil Delivery For Container Garden | $140 Soil | HOW To Prepare Buckets and Soil For Gardening


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Hey y’all welcome back to my channel Mississippi Girl life I am T just country Mississippi girl born and raised but now is living in North Carolina this channel is aimed to motivate and inspire you I hope you Enjoy all right y’all so about to get this so delivered she going drop right here Y and then I’ll pull for all right y’all so about to get all this delivered I’m so excited let me get over here in the sun it’s a little chilly still to

Me let’s see so this is Four Scoops and if y’all watch the video uh before this one you would have saw when we went and looked at the soil and all that type of stuff yep you would have saw that in that video went and looked at the

Um the soil and got so I ended up getting three scoops of the Blended soil and one scoop of the regular soil so yes And here we go Jacksonville Mulch and Moore okay Jacksonville nor North Carolina all right there you go there it goes that’s a lot of so huh that’s a lot of soil y’all so let me sign the paperwork to um them let them um you have to sign paperwork

To make sure it was delivered and all that type of stuff but look at this that’s a lot of soil so it’s time to get this all amended well all I got to do is put pear light in it so yeah all right y’all so it is here okay

So I’m about to go ahead and start putting PE light in here and all that look at that oh my goodness look at that y’all oh my goodness let me walk y’all around this now look at how much soil this actually is look at this that is is

A lot of soil let me see if I still got y okay that’s a lot of soil so we going to see how much this actually fill up um um the bucket so what I’m going to do is cuz we haven’t washed I might well do

The buckets in here so go and start running buckets out here and I might as well have y’all to wash you’re going to wash buckets and our Rin while this get amended so yeah it’s the whole thing now of getting it getting it um getting it done putting

The pure light in all right y’all so this is the pure light I’m probably going to end up putting all three bags in there cuz that’s a lot of soil so um the P light is what I’m put I got these two today if y’all saw the Vlog before

This way this the one I been had that my son left on the deck but it’s pretty dried so that is good so that’s what is about to go in Here the black bird inside your chest that caus on you to cry you decided it was time for him to Fly out of the darkness and into the light higher and higher out of sight whisper inside your heart tells you let go Time to Leave the Past you did what you knew slow down and rest you’ve been through a war no one can hurt you anymore behind

Clf all right y’all so got the PE light on there now it’s to get turn turn turn I always try to tell you wear a mask turn your head something when you dealing with pite because that stuff can get down your throat and it’s not good for your

Lungs and all that I only have cloth and paper mask and it still come through so I do better with covering like this and turning my head or whatnot because I’ve tried it with mask and it’s still the it’s like the the fumes it’s different because it’s dry now um a lot

Of people probably be like oh well you wearing mask and for Co and what it don’t that’s different those are wet droplets from people cough and spit it all that but this right here is more of a fine powdery mix MK and it’s some kind of way it just

Still do what it do so I find it to turn my head and cover with my hand that way see like I can keep it my face covered more so that’s why I putting down on if y’all been F me you know I used to wear

Them I didn’t then I used to wear and it just still was the same so um yeah make sure you are doing that so now the soil is about to get turned So y’all it’s getting mixed I feel like I need more PE light but I’ll see after this all done it looks like I need more cuz that dirt get thick in the meantime in between time this is what’s going on over here the kids is these is all the

Bucket all the buckets and they are about to get washed out um and these are food grade buckets they had deal pickles um in them yeah they’re all food grade buckets too and these are the tote bands that the nice man gave me too um I told y’all in the Vlog before

This my last trip there he made it free um and gave me all the bans and the last of the 15 buckets um cuz I had already bought what 64 from him and um yeah so I got these these going to work out perfect they going to get

Washed out too and holes going to be put on them and I can grow things potatoes and all that and bees beans beans and all so I’m excited about that look at all these buckets got to get washed all these and then they going to be getting filled with

This so that’s why I have bleach and stuff um right here and they going to get sealed and start being taken to the back well well actually we going to since they getting washed we’re going to load the wagon and let them dumping in the back and we’ll fill everything in the

Back seem like it’s more work but it’ll just work out that way I’m literally looking at look like I need more P light all right y’all so they are putting the the B we didn’t even get a chance to wash them yet they putting the buckets

Back up going to put them in the garage cuz we got to leave and go get some PR light I’m hoping don’t nobody come in and take none of my dirt okay um but we got to go and get some P light cuz this is definitely not enough um them three

Bags was not enough so got to go get some peite and I’m just going to grab lunch so guess what just going to have to bring y’all on um um well I’ll be able to see if somebody come and get some dirt we going to have a problem okay I’ll be able to

See that so I ain’t worried about that but if they take this then you know them my buckets my buckets so we just going to go cuz they’ll be easier to you know do all that so um I ain’t worried about that um so yeah

So I’m going to leave that right here um I’ll be able to see while I’m gone if anybody come and mess with my dirt um but I need to at least go get some more PA light so we can get this turned and move to the back um and then they’ll

Wash this when we come back okay busy day busy day trying to get this stuff together y’all I got plans I got goals and with God’s will I things is already looking up for my goals okay um when it comes to all this and it’s a

Lot of work but it’s got to be done we got to eat so I’ll see y’all in the next scene all right y’all so we are back to the house and we end up getting four bags of the um the pite by viaro Viro y don’t

Know what I’m saying this be a good price um for this brand I used to use the soil everything that I could from them their steaks and everything um but got four bags and that should be enough once that go on there I’ll let y’all see in a

Minute I don’t know I don’t know I’m scared You want them separated too all right y’all so I got this band with some warm water well hot water from the house and a little bit of um cold water you make it warm and put some dishwashing liquid in it and some bleach and that’s what we’re going to wash the

Going to wash the um the buckets out wi so that’s what this step is right here okay a lot of y’all be asking do I put holes in my bucket yes you got to have good drainage for yourself to grow so just take your drill and I just put a lot of little

Holes um some people put it along the outside I don’t do that I put them at the bottom they be just just a lot of little um Hes shimmering gold behind St where the Shadows play there’s no look in the other way and cool Stays all right y’all so it’s almost 4:00 and we had a little thing going Tatiana was on washing Duty Kye was on rinsing and I was drilling the holes and into the bucket and then they was filling the boys was filling and and taking it to the

Back um R was filling and the buckets and uh my son was taking them to the back so it’s almost 4:00 so we’re about to start doing now is starting to fill this wagon right here going to fill that wagon and start taking dirt to the back

And then we’ll finish it tomorrow so the girls is going to finish washing and and rinsing so that ain’t got to be done once they wash and rinse now we going to be stacking it like these are um over there I don’t know if you can see start

Stacking those and we’re going to take them into my garage so tomorrow it’ll be just putting more holes in them cuz all these got to get holes for them put more holes in them and then filling them but it’ll be done in the backyard all right y’all so we got saw

Right here that needs to be done we went on Dr everything to the back and these uh one 2 3 4 four things of Saw right there is is wrapped up so we’ll finish this tomorrow guys I think it’s supposed to rain so that may delay us I’m not

Sure um but definitely got all the all the buckets that’s got to be done and the rest of the tot right here y’all still got a lot of buckets that’s got to be done they theyve been all washed everything been bleached down and washed but you got to put holes in it

And fill them up with dirt and some of the stuff was getting right here y’all can see start filling up that area with the buckets yes okay y’all that’s the end of this video I hope y’all was motivated and inspired don’t forget to like comment and subscribe hit the notification Bell

So be notified each and every time that I upload a video and I will see y’all in the next one if it’s God’s will y’all be safe okay until next time bye


  1. Hi that’s a good setup you have hopefully I can get into planting this year. I had surgery last year and couldn’t do anything.

  2. Y’all definitely have an adventure ahead of y’all. Looking forward to seeing the final placement of the buckets 🪣 and soil.

  3. Thank you for sharing this adventure with us Sis. My mom is 87 and she doesnt do stocking/canning/freezing anymore and im 58 and have had several major spine surgeries and now im learning from you. Im still behind cause i take care of my mom who has had a stroke, stage 4 kidney failure, diabetes, heart issues(A Fib) and some other issues but im out here evaluating containers, big flower pots and whatever else i can use. Our yard is big but i dont have the health to get down in it this year but im getting ready to do what i can with pots & etc.

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