
Want to start some mesembs/conophytum species from seed, looking for advice

Recently got hooked on growing lithops from seed (photo to flex) and they’re really looking like my gateway drug into starting mesembs. I want to try some other mesembs from seed, specifically conophytum because I love the many looks.

I guess I have a few questions. How different is the germination process from lithops? Are different species harder to grow than others? What are some good sources for mesemb seeds? (preferably not ebay or etsy, and I’m already well acquainted with mesa garden) Are there any other mesemb species I should try that are forgiving for novice growers?

Also, I made my own soil mix which was kind of a pain having to order from many different places. Is there a specific site out there that sells fine grit(preferably 1/8 in size) I could use in my mix?

Any advice is appreciated, or links to good sources.

by smoqiey

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