Container Gardening

My Plant Care Essentials For Container Garden & Houseplants

Here are my plant care essentials that I’ll use to keep my houseplants and container garden healthy and happy in 2024. All the products are listed below.

Alga Grow

Alga Bloom

Power Roots

Green Sensation

Sugar Royal

Power Buds*
This product is new on the market. I suggest checking availability wyour local Plagron suppliers (

To learn more about each product you can also visit


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▶️ How To Grow Hydrangeas In Pots – Complete Careguide

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#containergarden #fertilizers #plantcare

Do I really need 20 different fertilizers for  20 different plants that I grow? I use the same   stuff for my indoor plants and for my outdoor container garden! For pest control I rely on…   hello everyone welcome to this new video! My plant care products for 2024 have been delivered like  

Several weeks ago so it’s about time I open these boxes and get my stuff ready for the season! So in   today’s video I want to show you everything that I will use in my container garden in 2024 and right  

From the start I’m going to tell you I keep it  simple and universal! I use the same stuff for   my indoor plants and for my outdoor container garden! So you will notice that my plant care,   let’s call it routine, is pretty minimal yet very  effective, because as you could see for yourself  

I grow healthy and happy plants. And I think  that’s also really important to share that and   to show that you really don’t need a lot of stuff to grow healthy and happy plants. Cause sometimes   you know, we browse the those websites with plant care products and you wonder like do I really need  

20 different fertilizers for 20 different  plants that I grow? And the answer is – no,   all you really need is two fertilizers and the  rest is just like some little extra that you may   or may not want to try at some point during your gardening journey. So let me show you what is my  

Base routine and what are my little extras for this year. Okay so let’s start with this first   box, this is actually my base routine, looks like a lot but it’s really not, it’s two fertilizers I   just have several bottles of each cause I grow a lot of plants. And all of my plant care products  

Are from Plagron, cause it’s been like 8 or 9  years now that I’m balcony gardening and I tested   a whole bunch of different fertilizers and then at some point someone recommended Plagron to me   and since then I’ve been using Plagron exclusively and I’ve had amazing results with them. And it’s  

Been like four years now that I’m recommending their fertilizers to you guys and I’ve heard from   a lot of you as well that you also bought them and you also had a great results. All right you guys,   so as I said at the beginning all you really need are two fertilizers one “GROW” one “BLOOM” cause  

No matter what plants you grow most plants will go through three different phases in their life.   First we have the growth phase from the moment the seed germinates all the way until that plant   starts to produce flower buds this is the growth phase, then from the moment that plant produces  

Flower buds all the way until it produces fruit this is the flowering/fruiting phase and then   once the plant is done fruiting when it starts to set seed and when it starts to slowly die   back this is the senescence. Most plants in the growth phase will require high doses of nitrogen  

Because nitrogen is responsible for healthy  growth and for healthy leaf development. And   then when plants are in the flowering phase they don’t need as much nitrogen anymore they need a   lot of potassium and phosphorus to produce flowers and then to produce fruit. And obviously there are  

Some minor differences between what specific plant prefers like for example maybe roses need a little   bit different NPK ratio than tomatoes or than hydrangeas or than geraniums but those differences   are so insignificant that it’s not really worth  to buy a specific fertilizer for those different  

Plants unless, let’s say you grow 30 roses and only roses then that makes sense to buy a rose   specific fertilizer. But other than that you can really get away with just buying one fertilizer   for the growth phase and one fertilizer for the flowering phase. I use this organic line Alga  

Grow and Alga Bloom. Basically mineral fertilizers they are immediately absorbed by the plant so if   you are not careful you can easily overdose that fertilizer and if you use too much you can burn   your plant roots or if you use them too often you can have a buildup of salts in the soil and  

This can also be damaging to your plants. Whereas organic fertilizers they are more gentle because   they fertilize the soil and then your plants  can take up those nutrients as they need them   they are also great for soil life because mineral fertilizers they will kill the soil life whereas  

Organic fertilizers feed the soil life. And by  soil life I mean all of those beneficial bacteria   beneficial fungi protozoa and all of those  microorganisms that also help your plants thrive.   So this is what I use and this is what I would recommend to anyone as a base as a start to your  

Plant care routine. Okay and in the second box we have just a couple of extras a few additives,   a few boosters, that I find really helpful and  particularly useful in my container garden. So the   first one is called Power Roots. I swear by this product! I found so many incredible uses for it  

Like at least four or five uses for this product. This is meant to help your plants develop healthy   root system. You can use just a tiny bit for your seedlings to help them grow healthy root system,   you can use it when you transplant plants, because this helps to eliminate the transplant shock but  

The two really incredible uses that I found  and this product is not even advertised for   those things that I’m about to tell you, so  this is pretty incredible, because this is   based on potassium and vitamins, so you can use it when your plants are under attack,  

For example when you have some past or disease problem it’s great to give your plants pottassium   booster because potassium is a mineral that makes your plant stronger and tougher so they are less   likely to suffer damage caused by disease or by pests. Another use and this is my favorite  

Use is for frost resistance potassium helps to strengthen plant tissues, it creates pressure   in plant tissues and it lowers the freezing point in plant tissues. So it makes them less likely to   suffer frost damage. But it’s really important to apply it regularly so that your plants can build  

Up that resistance. One time application won’t do the trick. I start to use it already early fall   and I continue to use it all the way until the  soil is frozen. So absolutely love it and would   recommend it as an addition to any plant care routine. I’m sorry my camera stopped recording  

While I was talking about this next product. So let me just quickly repeat a few words that I   said. Green Sensation is a very potent potassium and phosphorus booster, this is something that you   will use in the flowering phase. To put it simply – it gives that extra kick, so you can use it in  

The vegetable garden to increase the yield but you can also use it in your ornamental garden,   for your ornamental plants, especially those that are heavy feeders that require a lot of nutrients,   plants like geraniums, hydrangeas, roses,  clematis, or annual flowers like for example  

Petunias those plants that either put on a show or that bloom for the entire season they can   really use some extra nutrients. Let me show you a picture of my geraniums hydrangeas and   clematis just to give you an idea what this  product is capable of doing. As you can see  

This is pretty incredible and it makes your plant bloom to their best potential and you don’t need   a lot you only need 1 ml per one liter of water this entire bottle will last me for the entire   year and they also come in smaller bottles as well. Next we have a teeny tiny bottle of Sugar  

Royal this is a really funny product and I’ve  experimented a lot with it. I used it and then   I didn’t and then I came back and honestly it’s a game changer so this improves the taste and aroma  

Of your fruits and vegetables . So how it works – it contains an enhancer that makes your plant   produce more resin and resin is what makes your plant sweeter and what makes your plant taste   better and smell better and then it has amino acids that improve plant productivity so long  

Story short you get more fruits and vegetables and they taste and smell way better. So I like   to use it for all those little crops that I  grow in my shade garden for my blueberries,   alpine strawberries and stuff like that. Okay  so normally this is all that I use but this year  

There’s one more product that I’m really excited to give a try. This is new on the market and it’s   called Power Buds so this is bio stimulant, these are fertilizers, these are additives, this is bio   stimulant. This is something that you would use with a base fertilizer for example Alga Bloom and  

You use it when your plants starts to switch  from that growth phase to the flowering phase   when it starts to produce flower buds and this bio stimulant will make your plant produce more   flower buds and it will bloom quicker. So this is really awesome to use not only for ornamental  

Plants but I would say even more for food crops because more flowers equals more vegetables or   fruit and you can really optimize and boost your food production especially in a small space like   balcony or container garden by using a bio  stimulant that will make your plant produce  

More flower buds and essentially more food. So I’m really excited to give it a try and we will   see how that goes. Okay and that’s literally it two base fertilizers, three additives and one   bio stimulant that I’m going to be trying for the first time this year. As you can see I don’t use  

Any pesticides my garden has always been and will always remain pesticide free. I want to support   wildlife and pollinators in the city center so I  don’t use pesticides. For pest control I rely on   cultural methods, so physical control methods and removing pest manually when possible and whenever  

It’s getting out of control, let’s put it this  way, I use biological control methods. Introducing   a natural predator for that specific pest and when you… I always say this…. I don’t want to sound   mean by saying that but when you educate yourself on how it works how the pest work and how those  

Natural control methods work, introducing natural predator to fight that specific pest, when you do   it properly it really works incredibly well and  I’ve been relying on that for the past eight years   and I had all kinds of pest in my garden – really all kinds of possible pest you can imagine, and  

I’ve been relying on those two methods: cultural methods and biological control methods and never   ever have I once felt the need to introduce any type of pesticides. So that’s what works for me   and I highly encourage you to look into this how natural predators work and how you can use that  

In your garden for pest control. But this is  going to be it for today’s video hope that you   found some helpful informations and maybe you’ll want to give a try to some of these products. I   highly recommend them that’s what I’ve been using for the past years and works really really well  

For me. So thank you so much for joining me today and we will see each other in the next video bye!


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