Front Yard Garden

Can You Build a Waterfall in less than 24 Hours??

In this video we show you how we build our Patio Falls series, backyard pondless waterfall, in just one day! If you are looking for landscaping ideas for your backyard patio, this is a great option!

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Atlantis Water Gardens is located at 3017 Route 10 in Denville (Morris County), NJ (New Jersey) with a full pond supply store and specializes in the design, maintenance and construction of backyard fish ponds, boulder waterfalls, fountainscapes, decorative water features, natural looking ponds, koi fish ponds and outdoor goldfish ponds for backyard landscapes

[Applause] [Applause] [Applause] what is up everyone we’re here in Pompton Lake New Jersey and we’re going to build a 12T patio Falls Deluxe come outside and see what it’s like I think you’re F the weather is nice you so as you can see here it might look like a war zone now but the customer is putting a lot of time and getting a lot of work done here into their backyard

You can see here they’re having an outdoor kitchen being put in they got beautiful stone veneer already done you can see the base for the patio they’re going to put in that’s going to come to here and it’s all highlighted by the 12T pondless waterfall that we’re putting in

Right over here so the customer wants a couple splits in it lots of different action different views from different angles so we’re going to make that happen let’s get to It [Applause] So the guys are working on getting the reservoir all set here Joe’s in here at the 4ot level he’s getting this nice and flat and we’re going to make sure we have our pitch going this way towards the Vault where Joe is and that’s right

You heard me say Joe twice we have two Joe’s today they’re making it difficult they are making it difficult keep saying Joe and both them look up I don’t know what I’m going to do I don’t know what we’re going to do this is a problem peew

For the rest of the day yeah so his name is now Peewee and this is Joe we got by and Brennan is with me so these guys are going to get the hole nice and set and clean then we’re going to get our Fabric and our liner in there away from the you Change It’s not even lunch time yet and we are moving right along with this pond lless so byy is at the top of our waterfall here we are out of our Basin by about a foot or two we’ve got already three waterfalls right here where buly is there’s one right

Here there’s one right here there’s one that’s going to be right here and in here this is going to look super cool this is going to have a big rock right behind it probably to kind of feed both of them and this is going to be a lot of

Action happening right here be some twisting and turning that comes into here then we’re going to bib all in here to make sure that we can have about 2 in of water an inch of water and you can see that kind of flowing through here and then it’s going to hit this rock

Crash through all this right here and just just kind of fall off like a sheet right here on the front of this rock and we are actually going to foam in between all these little rocks right here and put a Little Rock so that way we can get

A tiny little stream right in here too let’s work on That So if you can see back there there that black thing that’s our Spillway that’s at the top of our waterfall which means we are getting close to the end here we’re going to be putting that rock that’s attached to the excavator right now in there and we’re going to work

Around that all this is wrapped up including our Reservoir up to about the middle of the stream here we’ve got another set of waterfalls and maybe one more and then we just have to do the rest of our outcropping and our grading with the rest of the dirt that we have

In the truck There it is now about 5:00 and we are building the rest of our retaining wall so that means we are almost done but the rain is coming in so we’re trying to hustle a little more so I’m going to go help these guys so we

Can make sure we get out of out of here on time we have just about every Rock placed in here maybe another one or two that might need to go in around the sides but for the most part this is complete our vault is full of water we

Have our AutoFill in there the pump is plumbed our line is ran Spillway is done now we’re getting all the dirt out of the truck the rocks are going to start making their way back in the truck then we have to grade out some of our dirt

Around the sides here and kind of make it blend in with the yard they still have a ton of work to do back here there’s going to be some patio and this is also going to all be patio this is going to be their seating area cuz they

Want to be able to sit right here and get full view of this which is absolutely what they’re going to get okay so this week we want to find out how many of you guys out there made it this far into the video this week’s question is how do we

Make it work when there are two Joe’s on the job drop your answers in the comments Below I wasn’t here when uh boly and Colby and the boys built this but man wow that looks Phenomenal So CLC Landscaping came in and they developed this entire plan and we were just a very small part of it they built patios beautiful fire seating area look at the landscaping and they tasked us with creating a pondless water feature to add to all this so we’re at the back

Of the house all the windows here are focused towards that spot this is the focal point in the backyard and the boys did not disappoint on this one standing at the kitchen sink the homeowners are going to be able to look out the window and be inspired every single morning

When they’re drinking their cup of coffee or come out here sit that sound is just permeating through the backyard as I stand here now it’s got a tranquil Babbling Brook type sound this is a pondless water fall it’s about 14 ft long from start to finish and speaking

Of start these guys did a great job starting this pondless waterfall I’m a huge fan of making sure we disguise how the water source is coming out of the ground and here they killed it we’ve got a nice deep pool just Welling water out of here they Buri the spillway way down

So you can’t see any of the components and that’s what’s starting this we’ve got a gap here that they created by bringing two rocks together pinching those in this water is like 4 in thick coming through here I love that look then from there pooling area splitting around rocks using the

Shape of the rock to have water bouncing off and then sliding down on an angle towards the pool these guys have learned well more of that here still we got three waterfalls coming through this section one on the far side we’re bringing that stream far out there

Making a turn almost 90° and coming back in towards this pooling area and then we’ve got some splitting going in here too love what they did here this looks like it’s one rock it’s actually not these are actually two rocks great job there making that look like it’s one rock

Formation love how they use the shape of the rock here where it goes down it had this natural cut out probably a piece of it broke off they utilize that to let the water come down and then skip back out creating that waterfall and then even bringing another one down here

Around the left side these are the little things this little pooling area birds bees dragonflies are all going to love spots like that where they can go and they can bathe and they can actually drink that water and utilize it when you’re putting something like this in the backyard

You’re going to invite nature in give them a place to actually use the water source for drinking for bathing and they did a phenomenal job here for that and look at the way this was finished off with the Landscaping CLC came in and they added stuff like these roses we got

Coral Bells there creeping jenny all kinds of things are going to help naturalize this thing and this is only a couple months old imagine what this look like next year in the year after as things start to fill in and really naturalize this space this yard slopes

Away from the house so the trick here is make sure we bring the BM out wide enough so we don’t end up with a volcano here and the guys did a good job of that as these plants start to come up this will just kind of blur this whole area

Those irises will stand up we’ve got a maple back there that evergreen’s going to do his job of screening the fence I just can’t wait to see this in the coming years if it looks this good now imagine 3 years from now [Applause] if you live in northern New Jersey you’re interested in maybe putting a pondless waterfall on your backyard visit our website Atlantis water you click on the pricing page and go to pondless waterfalls this is our patio Falls Deluxe 14t long 2T of elevation this one has an upssize pump

Underwater LED lighting and look at how fantastic that looks I could see this in most backyards how about you come on back guys we’re here every single week building beautiful water features and showing you how we do it we’ll see you on the next one


  1. don’t call both Joe 🤔?
    That’s really beautiful though I not the biggest fan of a pondless. But I can understand that maybe there are little children in the family…

  2. Nickname sure, but I think it should be Joe and Joseph. Whoever looks up quicker is the trouble-maker of the bunch! Always hearing “Joseph!” from mom!

  3. This is not a waterfall some average Joe could make. What I have learned with years of watching Atlantis Water Gardens videos is exactly the style of pondless waterfall I would like in my yard. This particular one suits my taste perfectly. Great job guys!

  4. I really agree with you, Jaak. That really is phenomenal, and in Three years from now (February 24th 2024) It is going to be even more breathtaking.

    Like 52 is now up.
    Thankyou very much for sharing.

    Keep up the good work, gentlemen.
    Take care. 🤙🏼🙂🤙🏼❤️

  5. Wow incredible how many tonnes of stone where used on this project. Can you do a video on how you calculate how much stone you need that would be great. Love the art you guys create

  6. Joe 1 and Joe 2…my brother married a “Linda” and we had the same problem…either we both answered or neither one of us
    answered‼️ So that’s how my family figured it out when we were both at family gatherings 🙋‍♀️💖🇨🇱 Great job guys 🎉

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