Garden Plans

Cottage Garden Plans for 2024 : what I am growing, DIY projects, landscaping & more

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In this video I’m going to discuss my plans for the garden this year 2024 uh my videos have been a bit sort of halfhazard lately because I have obviously not been very well um I’m now on some antibiotics so we’ll see how I get on

But this video of course is going to be about what I’m going to do going forward so that you can get an idea of sort of where the channel is heading and whether or not that sounds like your kind of thing all right so I breaking it down

Into bullet points so the first thing I want to do is prepare the borders well I am doing it already for the May June flowering show I didn’t really aim for anything to flower before this because I knew I was Rel landscaping and the garden I Garden on

Clay we’ve had a lot of wet weather so it’s very muddy and in places compacted so I knew realistically especially then when I was interrupted by this sort of prolonged coughing virus thing that I had uh I knew realistically I wasn’t going to have anything flowering before

Then so therefore my goal was to just make sure I at least had everything ready for sort of that may early June summer flowering period where there’ll be forget me knots hopefully my Canter Bells some snapdragons roses aliam renun Kula and my best daughter pink poers which is

One of my favorite plants in the garden so all those should be flowering tulip Queen of the Night which come a bit later than other tulips so uh you know that was my goal was to just have everything prepared for that first initial show of Summer um so number two

Preparing my daers for um the later sort of transitional period in the garden so the later summer period uh so right now I’m sorting out the daily is um removing some some tubers that I can with eyes to get them started early and these are not for planting these are for cutting so

What I want to do is to trick the daers into producing some foliage so that I can take cuttings from them and hopefully triple if not quadruple my stock of daers because I have been a bit late with the daily as I’ve always concentrated on early summer cuz I can’t

Wait for that you know the flowers in the spring and then I sort of Peter out and don’t really uh put my mind to the later flowers and although I have some daers I don’t have enough to sort of really fill and billow out those borders so I have

Been preparing those already in advance of the late summer show um so I and I will be doing a video later this week on that on how I’ve prepared the daers for cutting number three is is utilizing my driveway so it’s a mess at the moment

It’s it’s just a Tarmac driveway at the side of my house it has a logstore it has my compost heap um and it gets sort of more or less the bottom half gets Sun for most of the day and then half of the other part gets Sun all of the day

Because it is technically south facing but of course it’s butts up against the house so it does get some shade uh but I figured you know I do lots of plants that I don’t necessarily want to grow in The Cottage Garden I love growing and trying new flowers and plants and all

Sorts of perennials shrubs whatever and I don’t necessarily want those things in the garden while they’re growing or while I’m trying them out so the driveway is going to become my Nursery area and in it I’m going to grow flowers for cut flowers that I don’t necessarily want in my garden as such

Flowers for dried flowers that maybe haven’t got a place in the garden but I definitely want them for dried flowers so and and just more Nursery plants so things that just take a little bit longer to grow so I’ve got at the moment some white mow musk and I don’t know how

It’s the first time I’ve grown it and I’ve just potted it on and it seems like a slow grower it’s perennial so I don’t know how long that’s going to take to become a mature plant it mature enough to go in the garden so that can go and

Live out on my drive in the nursery area while that’s happening I also have some ropy old Planters which I might reinvigorate um and you know plant some zenas I have done it before I’ve planted um sunflowers and sweet peas in those so I’m just going to tart up the garden a

Bit and make it more useful I don’t park my car down the bottom I park it at the top so this whole double driveway double garage space is is free for growing okay next one is uh paying number four paying more attention to my pots so when my children were young I almost

Exclusively gardened in pots uh because it was just easier for me and also the children needed the lawn you know to we did go out all the time we had a really nice city park near where I lived in Brighton and it was perfect but sometimes the kids just need to go

Outside and play in the sand pit and you you need time to wake up and have a coffee before you start marching out on the with the day and so um I used to make it easy on myself and tener gardening because it’s easy to control they’re smaller little jobs and you can

Just move the the pots around and so on and so forth and have lots of what’s seems like a ton of flowers uh but obviously you can keep the then the garden free for the children I had a climbing frame Wendy house sand pit you know those things you have to have when

You have small children so um but as I got this garden and as my children became teenagers and just are always out and about and hardly ever I mean they’re never in my garden to truth be known except sometimes in the evening we’ll have a barbecue that’s

It um so that was when I obviously then transitioned the garden into a proper Cottage Garden and I was able to utilize and Rel landscape um the borders and take out that grass and have a more productive garden and while I was doing while I’ve been sort of preoccupied by

That I’ve completely neglected my pots and haven’t really been paying as much attention to the beauty of the pots and what would be really nice if I could pull it all together this year and have the beautiful borders and the Beautiful pots and get back to that uh you know

Fanci fying up my pots again and having those as beautiful as the borders and I kind of uh was reminded of that really it sort of snapped me out of it when I went to great dixer last year and I’ll put that video below and they do a lot

Of uh pot container gardening and then they use the containers to supplement the borders which is what I had been doing in the past but I I just it just kind of reminded me that I needed to get back to that and I do actually really enjoy that container gardening is kind

Of slightly different because the conditions of the plant are different in a pot than they are in the ground but you know I think I’ve got my head around all that so I don’t see why it should be a problem for me to catch up and get back to that container gardening number

Five I have a DIY project so I have three DIY projects that I would really like to get done and one is to create a living roof above my log store on the driveway so I need to cut down that branch and I’m going to put a membrane

And some sort of border around the top of this log store and grow a living roof which is going to be a wildflower seed mix I’m going to give this one a go and if if I don’t see any signs of Life I’ll just obviously plant my own stuff in it

Because I’ll have plenty um so we’ll give it a go anyway in case you want to buy those packets yourself if you’re new to gardening you may not know all the different varieties of plants that you could just grow separately you may not want to buy all those different packets

Of seeds so I’ll I’ll experiment with the packet for you and we will have a go at that I’ve got a remover Branch the birds love that tree there they love the ivy there’s all bugs in the ivy they put nests in my Ivy so they are always

Flying over my drive and into my garden so this is a really nice biodiverse area of my garden it complement my organic G Cottage Garden and I thought if I could just add that I see the birds often uh sitting on the top of the log store contemplating flying over the wall uh

Into the garden and it would be really nice if I made that landing pad for them a little bit nicer um lots of bugs butterflies bees and everything should be attracted to that my second DIY project is to convert that Cheapo old rotten shed that I bought from Amazon

That didn’t last 6 months into something I at this point I don’t know what I kind of lowkey think it might be a greenhouse or you know I don’t know I I haven’t quite decided what I’m going to do with it but I know I’m going to do

Something with it even if I just turn it into a raise bed for some of those pots on the garden as I said to stop that soil uh winding its way down to into those drains I’ll see I’m not sure that is actually not a bad idea that I might

Do anyway uh and the third one is to build that perlara over my seating area so i’ I’ve sort of half got down the perlara from that was cutting the sky off and just the you know the VTO it was just it was just chopping up the sky and

Chopping up the flow of the garden so I took it down I actually did run out of steam taking it down uh because you know with my illness and everything and I really wanted to tackle that hedge and there’s only so many jobs one person can

Do so I you know do run out of time frequently and I decided in the end I’m going to abandon the rest of that perlar for now because I needed to get planting and I needed that hedge cut um and I’m going to do another video on that hedge

And show you how I did it and what tools I used because I also did that on my own and so then now that I’ve got the wood for the perlara over the seating area I am going to try and build my own perlar so I used a gazebo last year um

Um but this year I would like something more permanent we’ll see that’s a big project I need to do some quite heavy research and strategizing around how I’m going to do that on my own so that’s going to come later in the year for sure

But that’s one of the projects I have on my plan and then six I’m lowkey thinking about selling some cut flowers locally um I’m addicted to flower farm videos I’ve always been a gardener at heart and a flower farm I’ve always preferred flowers over vegetables but I do also

Like growing salad crops and tomatoes and things like that um so I thought well I grow so many I love experimenting growing different varieties not necessarily for cut flowers but just because I like to see how they’ll look how they’ll turn out whether I’m going

To continue on with them or not and that usually means I definitely have more flowers than I can manage and I cut flowers prolifically in my garden anyway even before I landscaped the new borders and I can fill up every room in my house every week with a vas of fresh cut

Flowers um and I just goes like that all through the summer and that’s just my own house and I still have loads more and especially things like roses because they’re repeat flowering and you need to dead head them and you need to keep cutting them and there’s lots of flowers

Like that I thought well maybe I should have a go at that you know uh we’ll see anyway so that’s it that’s my plans for the garden this year now I’m not saying I’m going to get all of them done I don’t see why I won’t but you never know

What’s going to happen so and then there are other smaller jobs that need to be done in the interim there is a transitional period that I do need to set my mind to that’s between uh the early summer flower flush that I have and then the daers because I just I

Haven’t thought that kind of interim what am I going to do in that interim section yes probably zenas and things like that but um you know I need more so I need to give that transitional period some thought through uh The Cottage Garden uh transitions there and that’s

It so there they are my plans for the garden so there will be lots on and you know my next videos are going to I’ll show you the dailies that I’m doing and I’m going to do a review of all the seeds that I’ve grown so far that it

Will be ready to go out in the garden or on the driveway whichever um so I’ll do that video as well so I’ve got lots more to come uh just to let you know in case you thought I was flagging I was flagging but I hopefully I’m back and

Certainly I’ll I’ve got lots of exciting projects and content to bring to you so if you think you’re going to want to follow along then don’t forget to subscribe like click the notification Bell so you know when I’m going to post those exciting videos and I’ll see you

Again in my next one thanks for watching bye


  1. ๐Ÿคญ dahlias could easily become an addiction. But Iโ€™m glad your on the mend Jill, Ali ๐ŸŒง๏ธ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ

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