Japanese Garden

Essential Cutting Tools for Outdoor Survival and Collapse Scenarios

🔪🌲 Welcome to my latest video where I delve into the crucial world of cutting tools, vital for both outdoor adventures and preparing for collapse scenarios. In this comprehensive overview, I introduce you to the key players in the world of bushcraft and survival tools – axes, knives, and saws.

🌳🔥 Whether you’re a seasoned woodsman or new to wilderness survival, this video serves as an essential guide to understanding how these tools can be effectively used to process firewood and navigate the wilderness. From the sharp precision of knives to the sturdy power of axes, and the indispensable utility of saws, get ready to explore how each tool plays a pivotal role in survival and outdoor preparedness.

📚🎥 As part of my ongoing mission to provide in-depth analysis and valuable insights into survival tools, this video is a precursor to a more extensive cutting tools guide that I’m currently working on. For those who want to dive deeper, premium subscribers on my website will soon have access to additional video content, demonstrating more complex tasks and techniques essential for mastering the art of bushcraft and wilderness survival.

💬👥 Your thoughts, experiences, and questions are what make this journey in learning and preparedness more enriching. I encourage you to utilize the comment section below to share your insights or seek answers to any questions you might have regarding the topics discussed in this guide.

🪓📝 Stay tuned for an upcoming detailed post specifically about axes, where we’ll explore their utility, history, and techniques in greater depth.

Remember, in the world of survival and outdoor adventures, being prepared is key. Semper paratus!

#SurvivalTools #BushcraftBasics #OutdoorAdventure #AxesKnivesSaws #WildernessSurvival #SemperParatus #JustinSurvivalGuide

Hey how’s it going everyone this is Justin with collaps curriculum.com.br and how you choose them how you take care of them and all that kind of stuff what they’re used for so I’m going to show you real quick here uh some of the common tools that are used in Bushcraft

And survival um and kind of just what I choose to use and how you should go about doing that so let me take you here to the table so what we’re looking at here is um couple of different kinds of axes and some knives and some saws there also

A couple other tools here that I have uh on hand usually in my truck at least now this is a a cool shovel and this is a mallet all right so we’ll start over here with the axes now axes uh can be very handy they make quick work

Of wood so processing wood for fire for shelters and those kinds of things and there’s different sizes as you can see we compare these two for example that head is much bigger than that head it’s heavier too this is three and 1 12 lb I think this is 2 and 1/2

And you can see that the length of the handle on this one is much longer and I’ll talk a little bit more about the heads in a minute here uh and of course this is what you know you just call a hatchet and basically the differences between these are you

Have the um these longer ones and these heavier ones will obviously cut uh quicker because of the weight because of the Velocity that you get but it’ll also wear you out faster and so really a big axe like this is usually especially with this head used for splitting wood and you can see

How the head gets pretty fat in this area right here so it’s thin up here to go into the wood and then it becomes kind of bloated here and that is for the purpose of splitting wood typically you see these on you put a piece of wood that’s cut with a saw on

A chopping block and then you split it into smaller pieces this is more like Forest ax so it’s much lighter you can strap it to a backpack this is 28 in Long there you can some people have 18in or 24in axes that they you know carry on

Their backpack with them uh but this 28 in one to me is the all-around axe you can pretty much do everything with it you could fell a tree you could um then Buck the tree into smaller pieces uh for firewood and then split those with the same Max as an all around

Tool pretty good and I’ll show you the profile on this one as you can see the head is not as fat in this area right here it’s not as bloated because the the purpose isn’t to isn’t so much to split wood it is to cut so this is also going to usually be

Sharper so for fing trees and you know if you are I I think this is really best used if you’re in the the Wilderness for a long time so if you’re really trying to uh cut down a lot of wood for firewood like let’s say you’re in the winter time

And it’s you’re going to be out there for a few days and you really or or longer and you really need to uh process a lot of firewood for a stove or something then this would be what you would want you I I think you should have

One for obviously for um more long-term survival purposes if you needed to uh process wood for building shelters for anything like that this is a great tool to have and I’ll show you kind of how it’s used and of course the hatchet is smaller can be wielded with one hand like

This uh but you know you’re not going to be able to chop down a tree with this um it’s more for process processing small pieces of wood making uh kindling and just working with wood uh for various purposes like if you’re creating other tools things like that all right and I’ve already

Published about the the Bushcraft knife this is a little bit of a smaller one which is great for carving um you know recommended get one between 4 to 6 in long and that has a 90° bevel or I’m sorry a 90° spine like this so that is flat on the back and

Then of course there’s the blade on this side and that way you can use it to Baton wood which I’ll show you and um it can also be used to strike a Ferro Rod to make a spark for a fire this is kind of like like

A a hybrid tool kind of like a a NADA which is a Japanese tool that looks very similar to this sometimes those have a more curved handle but what I like about this tool is I carry a smaller Bushcraft knif knife which is good for carving and

Things like that it could be used for processing wood and stuff like that and instead of carrying these guys like if I’m out for you know if few were in 3 days particular and I don’t need to process a lot of firewood I’m just making small fires I just have these two

Cuz they’re much lighter and this will really baton wood and I can basically replace the hatchet with this tool it’ll do pretty much most of the things that the hatchet would do and it kind of is a cross between um you know it’s almost like a

Machete so you could use it uh I’m in some pretty thick uh temp temp rainforest here and this could be used to to clear a a path through dense Woodland so for my environment that is a good the I think these two and then I also carry a saw a hand saw like

This uh between those three that’s pretty much it’s light and it’s pretty much everything that I need to process wood and uh shelter and things like that if I needed to so um let’s talk about this saw here this is a photable saw as you can see this is

Kind of like a what they call a buck saw uh that that one’s really small and I don’t really like it because it’s kind of hard toless I don’t have a blade cover you get a blade cover for it and you can attach it to your back and carry

That but this is so much better look I mean basically you can fold this down I have a sheath for it I can put it on my belt or you can keep it in your bag and it’s you know relative to the size of my hand

I have kind of a big hand but um it’s about the same size as my hand when just folded up the blade on this is a little bit bigger than my hand but you can see my knife is about the size of my hand so this is um a bako Lap Lander saw

I think you can get it for $15 $20 and so that’s going to be used for uh sawing pieces of wood um especially if you want flat edges and stuff like that and or you’re making tools things like that of course over here this is a shovel I mainly just use

This from my car if I’m car camping uh I could bring it some people will even sharpen the edges of these sorry so some people will sharpen the edges of these shovels and they’ll even use these as kind of like a replacement for hatches so they’ll bring this so

They can have a a shovel and a sharp edge to process wood with and then they can just bring like a knife and a so and they don’t have to bring a hatchet or one of these so it really depends on your environment and your needs like if you need a shovel

Then that might be a good way to go uh the Mallet I just that’s a tool I have in my bag in my um truck but you know if you really need a mallet we’re going to talk about making a baton you can make um your own mallets out of wood

So I think what we’ll do and I’m going to show you how basically how to process wood uh where I am at least and it’s going to be similar wherever you go um but it’ll have its differences as well so you’ll want to know your environment it’s very important and

Something I’m going to write about um this concept of Bio regionalism where you create identity based on the uh the bio region that you live in you create identity you create even ideology but certainly practical knowledge about survival um knowing the environment that you’re in allows you to know you know

What kind of wood is going to be best for fires and for shelters and that kind of thing uh what kind of plants can you forge out here um and as well as animals that you need to watch out for plants you need to watch out for

Those kinds of things so that’s very important but uh I will show you kind of how I would go about uh processing some firewood and what these tools can do with that wood all right so when you’re out on the land you’re just trying to build a fire

Most of the time you know pieces like this are going to be good and you can then split these into smaller pieces as well uh but rather than have to saw this down it’s a lot of times it’s just easier to break it so you find a a tree

Like this where the branches are close together and you can just basically use that to break the stick and then you just continue to do that and make a bunch of pieces like this and this is good stuff for fires now the other thing is if you find

A piece like this that’s still pretty green it may not break very well in there but these are harder pieces so you try to break in it doesn’t break and this is where you get out the saw and saw to whatever length you want to use it for and then

This can be come a baton because it’s still kind of green and it’s hard it’ll be it’ll make a good baton and potentially this is good baton and I’ll show you what we can do with that so then let’s say you find yourself uh out here you’ve sawed your

Baton and you want to cut some more pieces let’s say if you just had your your uh Bushcraft knife and a baton you can literally cut down trees this could be used for shelter or various purposes see if I can make sure you can see that so got a sapling like this

And with just the bush the Bushcraft knife I’ve cut down this tree and I could continue to cut pieces from it or cut these branches off just by doing that so let’s talk about to you know the scenario when you have a down tree like this we’ll talk about

Fing a tree later but let’s say we already have a down tree we talk about how the axe can process make some quick work out of this so first you know you come through and take off all these branches and notice I’m cutting away from

Me not down towards me where I could hit my foot very important we have a clean log to work with is there another one cut couple more pieces so as you can see it’s a pretty good haul just from that little down tree right there so we’ll take this back to campsite and

We’ll process it some more all right so we have this pile of wood right here probably took 20 minutes or so to process that fallen tree over there just goes to show how quick of work an axe like this can make a firewood so now we’re going to talk about you know

Obviously uh even if we had a chopping block here these pieces are not flat on the end so we couldn’t split them that way so if you have a pile of wood like this uh you don’t or if you don’t have a chopping block either

Way uh I’m going to show you how to go ahead and process uh go ahead and split this wood so that you can use it on your fire so you can always just put a piece of wood like this up against here the side here rather than from the

Top so let see if we can make a clean cut here see [Applause] [Applause] that all right so then some of these smaller pieces we might consider using another tool to split and Baton it so we have this piece right here this is my uh my NADA pretty

Good it’s pretty good small pieces there you can also use the Bushcraft knif knife for these kind of things got the Baton another split with scrap knife so there you have it uh as you can see these cutting tools have really made uh processing this wood pretty easy they all have different

Advantages and disadvantages and it’s really a matter of you finding out what you need for your environment and this is a pretty good overview of what these cutting tools can do there’s a lot more and we’re going to get into some of that when we get into

Like firecraft and uh axe craft and things like that we will delve more deeply into uh how this all works but you can kind of get an idea of why it’s useful to have an axe or a hatchet or uh you know the Bushcraft knife in this

Particular uh situation and I hope that this was helpful so that you can understand uh what the cutting tools are are used for you know when you’re building your kit start with some of the basics start with a Bushcraft knife start with I would say an axe I would have the

Handsaw and I would I would get what you deem is best for your environment you know thanks for watching thanks for being a subscriber and if if you go to collapse curriculum.com.br for

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