Front Yard Garden

Ai Koi Ponds & Landscaping Designs | generative ai use cases

🎨 Dive into the world of generative ai use cases and architectural rendering with AI and elevate your Koi pond and landscaping designs to new heights! In this comprehensive tutorial, we’ll guide you through the fascinating process of using Artificial Intelligence to bring your architectural drawings to life. From intricate details to breathtaking landscapes, you’ll learn the secrets of creating stunning visualizations effortlessly.

🔍 Key Topics Covered:
1️⃣ Introduction to AI-powered architectural rendering with MidJourney
2️⃣ Step-by-step guide for rendering Koi ponds using prompts
3️⃣ Transforming landscaping designs with AI algorithms
4️⃣ Enhancing details and realism in your drawings
5️⃣ Tips and tricks for optimal AI utilization and editing

🚀 Whether you’re a seasoned architect or a passionate hobbyist, this generative ai use cases tutorial is designed for all skill levels. Unleash the power of AI to revolutionize your creative process and captivate your audience with awe-inspiring designs.

🔖 Tags:
#ArchitecturalRendering #AIDesign #KoiPondArchitecture #LandscapingAI #ArtificialIntelligence #DrawingTutorials #ArchitecturalVisualization #CreativeDesign #AIInnovation #LandscapeDrawing #DigitalArt #DesignInspiration #RenderingTechniques #ArchitecturalDesign #AIRevolution #TutorialTuesday #DigitalTransformation #CreativeProcess #ArchitecturalArt #landscapingideas
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👉 Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more cutting-edge tutorials on merging AI with creativity! Let’s redefine the way we envision and design architectural masterpieces together. 🌐✨

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#EpicPonds #CertifiedAquascapeContractor
00:00 Introduction
00:25 Pointers Before We Begin
02:11 Examples of Ai Renderings
08:23 Begin Tutorial
19:42 Conclusion

And welcome to my office so yesterday a little background story uh yesterday I was in a pawn contractor group on Facebook and there was a big conversation amongst myself and some other Pond contractors all around the country and other parts of the world where we were talking about artificial

Intelligence and the ability for AI to be able to uh design um a rendering of a prospective project that you might be wanting to build and so what you’re seeing on your screen right now I’m just going to kind of flip through a couple of different really cool uh renderings

That I did all in about maybe about 20 minutes of of each other um and I’m going to show you how to do this because when I was going through YouTube yesterday I couldn’t find anybody that could kind of break this thing down for me and make it as simple as I possibly

Could for my limited understanding on how to do this and I want to let you guys know before we get started that I’m very new to this and so the benefit of that information to you the viewer is that um with my limited experience I

Know that there are going to be a lot of other different ways that you can go about doing this and some other tools that you might already be using so um that’s me me trying to hook you on to this one particular way is um not going

To be the um only way to go about doing this but it’s just another Avenue so here we go so in this particular image that you see I asked artificial intelligence I asked the program uh and I’m going to be showing you the program

That I use here in a few moments so bear with me I promise you this video is going to be useful to you um this first image I asked AI to render me a recreational swim pond in a modern home with people swimming in the pond and uh

This is what a I drew for me in about maybe 15 20 seconds a friend of mine um Gerard Tu is’s an Irishman and we’ve been friends for a very long time uh he has a saying that says shut the front door so in a response to his comment in that thread I

Asked AI to render me an Irishman shutting the front door in front of a koi pond and this is what AI came up with it was kind of funny um there was another rendering of that same one I’m going to show you how it’ll give you like four different options to choose

From and how you can kind of edit those options uh this is another uh rendering that I asked for a qu pond with rocks in front of a modern home with a patio uh somebody in that thread said hey you’re throwing me breadcrumbs and you’re not telling me who it is so I

Asked AI to you know give me breadcrumbs of a guy on top of a bridge over a COI Pond and so I put this in there just again trying to be funny with the thread and trying to uh generate interest um this is an overhead architectural rendering that I just

Completed uh this morning before I uh put this video together um and I actually kind of like this it gives me a lot of really great ideas like for example um I do like the way that the pathway kind of Curves around the right hand side and how the waterfall is kind

Of hidden underneath that you know that wooden bridge maybe we wouldn’t do it exactly that way but it does kind of give me a little bit of extra inspiration which I kind of like and that’s what the whole purpose of this is is for you to gain a little bit of extra

Inspiration for your project so that when you go about doing it you could say hey you know what I think I want to kind of try to design something along these lines remember all of these designs are just nothing more than a Launchpad for you with your project so that you can

Kind of take it and make it your own so uh one of the guys said that um uh that it was cold outside or something so I had AI draw this for me this is not a real picture this is AI giving me a picture of a pond in the snow with a

Hole in it um and as you can see these are just some more real fast renderings that AI put together for me and as I kind of go through this you’re going to see um in this particular case here there’s uh there’s four options and I’m

Going to show you how you can get to choose each one of these four different options and how you can edit those options out and how you can make it your own another set of four options um and uh you know there some of these are a little more outlandish than the others

And some are more doable than others and that’s fine I mean again like I said make it your own uh again this is an architectural rendering one of my own clients um uh got back to me uh last night and he’s like I love this and don’t let it stifle

Your creativity and this is not about stifling creativity this is about just getting different ideas and running with those ideas and maybe for a customer in a customer presentation you might want to give them a bunch of different kind of varieties and a couple different ideas and allowing your customers to see

Something like this is going to um uh is going to give you a Launchpad maybe you’re a customer and you are hiring your own Pon contractor it’s not Columbia Water Gardens and that’s fine uh maybe you might want to use this as a tool to be able to

Uh go back to your contractor and say I really like this design what do you think it would cost for me to have this in my yard so again here’s another really good thing here too um another four-way rendering uh and again it all starts with four options that you can

Come in and you can say I like this one of the four the best and I want to uh peek it and tweak it in uh this particular set of four I really like the upper right hand corner what do you guys think I think the upper right hand

Corner is really cool because you can cut the concrete um maybe they already have an existing concrete Pao you can go and you can cut that concrete out and you can make something very very similar to this in so many backyard settings um I like that a lot maybe the bottom right

Hand corner suits you too and uh again this was another one that got a lot of uh response on that thread and so the response I got off that thread was really positive on this um again postmodern this is an interesting one this is kind of like more on the style

Of maybe a recreational swim pond with a patio and uh again they’re using a container house which is not something that we see a lot of out here in California but maybe someplace in the country maybe you have a container home or maybe you have something like that uh

The container maybe it’s not the home maybe that is just an additional living space that you want to have put in next to the pond believe it or not we just did a project like this in Southern California um towards in the last quarter of the year last year uh and

They put a container right next to the pond and inside that container um it has all their equipment for their off- grid solar system that we uh just designed and built for them their entire Pond is completely off the grid ran by solar and I’m going to be doing a video about that

Uh on my YouTube channel uh very very soon uh the pond is completed it is up and running and the home motor is thrilled um this is just another variety and another variety and so there you have it so now that you’ve kind of gotten a little bit of inspiration from

Watching through some of these different pictures that I have clipped through let’s get right at it and I’m going to show you um how the program works I’m GNA close this out and let’s just go ahead and um open up this so I’m going to close this

Out and um the name of the program that we’re using is mid Journey so you’re going to go to www.mid and um Mid journey is going to have you download the beta file and you’re going to have to walk yourself through the step you know the installation the step

Process um because I was new to this I opted for for the trial version I’m going to put a link in the video description below to another video that actually walks you through the setup and the start uh the startup process and as you can see on my screen right now the

AIS that are coming up in this particular thread these are all other people uh doing their own versions live within Discord and you’re going to download the Discord so that you can do that so let’s go ahead and get started I’m going to first start um and I’m going to prompt

It so once I open up the prompt then down in the bottom section there you see where it says prompt in the black letters there let’s just go ahead and um design a real quick pond so what I’m going to do is I’m going to do I’m going

To ask AI to give me something very specific I’m going to say um over uh overhead um uh architectural rendering with soft pastels of a uh small uh COI Pond um next to a patio in the corner of the yard um Pond measures approximately um 11t by uh 15 feet with a small

Rock waterfall um house is California ranch style and let’s see what it does oh the overhead architectural rendering just kind of proof reading myself real quick here let’s see what it does and as I’m doing this live right now um you’re going to see how fast it

Goes and right now you see the mid Journey bot is getting ready to start and it’s under Columbia Water Gardens and it’s going to take a few seconds for it to start to render well this is rendering in the background other people’s projects are also rendering so

Here it is you get to start to see on the screen it’s just kind of softly kind of putting things together and it’s kind of starting to draw things a little bit I can already see that I like the upper right Corner coming to life um but let’s

Take a look and see what it looks like when it’s done um and there it is so uh it gave me four options I’m just going to go ahead and click on the image and just kind of see it a little bit better on my screen and wow look at these that

Isn’t this cool how fast this was wow um I like the bottom left one I really do I think the bottom left one is really doable for our skill set um it’s it’s super easy and it has some really interesting things so let’s go ahead and

Take a look at that up close so I’m going to go back into mine and so you have one two three and four one two three and four so I want it to pull up number three and uh there it is let’s go ahead and pull that up on the screen and open

It up in the browser so from here in the browser I can rightclick my mouse and I can save that image as um the uh picture that I that it is I’m just going to rename it and I’m going to call it uh California ranch style pond with

Patio so I get to keep that and it’s mine but let’s say that that I want to edit a few things out and let’s let’s go ahead and let AI play with that a little bit so let’s say I want to edit this a little bit I’m going to I’m going to

Have it vary by region and vary by region means that I get to select an area uh inside here that I want it to change so let’s have it change the house let’s just have it change the house so I’m going to click on the lasso and I am

I’m going to have it change the house and let’s see what it does so right now it’s working and I’m just going to scroll down to the bottom of the Discord here and right now you can see that it is other people what the heck is that that monkey face is

Hilarious so I’m still waiting for it to rerender oh here it comes it’s giving me four new varieties where I had asked it to change the house out so let’s take a look and see what it comes up with so I like the pond uh let’s change the

House it’s still rendering and it is almost done one of the things I really like about this is how fast it is and um it’s usable because it’s a great like I said earlier in the video this is a great uh um uh diving board to be able

To kind of get into some different uh areas of inspiration so let’s just take a look at this here oh it’s none okay so let’s go down here and let’s pull it back up again And this is very common for California structure yeah so I I think I’m going to play with this one here and I’m going to look at this real quick so I’m going to click click out of that and go find version 1 2 3 and four so let’s take a look at

That and here it is we’ll pull it up on the screen open it up in the brow browser and I’m going to save that that is really really cool um save the image as and I’m just going to say California ranch style with patio um ver

Two and I’ll save that so let’s go back into the Discord and let’s see what these other buttons do together so I’m going to go back into uh these guys here and let’s go ahead and let it automatically give me some varieties on version 4 so I’m going

To go ahead and ask it on version four to give me new varieties so it is now rendering four more varieties of this now I suppose you could probably do this for pavers and maybe artificial turf and other things but because I’m a pond guy uh I really want to focus

Primarily on just Pond Inspirations and so on and um so far I think you guys have already got the hang of it uh for those of you that are holding on to me through this video I want to thank you guys in advance um again the purpose of

This video is really more contractor driven than it is uh driven for um uh for homeowners um but uh let’s take a look and see what it just did with those versions of what I just asked it to give me so um I really don’t like the look of

This that much o I really like this this is cool I like this a lot let’s go ahead and close that out and and let’s go and take a hard look at that one so we’re going to look at one two three let’s pull up number three

And let’s go ahead and open that up that is cool I’ll tell you what there’s a lot of things about this design that I like a lot um one is I find it very interesting to be able to bring the waterfall right up against the edge of the patio that’s something I’ve never

Done before believe it or not and it does give me the inspiration to think you know what that would be super super slick I love the big boulder stepping stones that kind of take you around this pathway maybe and you walk down the boulders down to the edge of the pond I

Like that a lot I love the canal lever Boulder right over the edge of this corner over here I love this planting pocket here this is really really super slick in fact um I think this is something that I would want to maybe present to a uh present to a homeowner I

Really like this I’m going to go ahead and save this one here and again I’m just going to rename this as version three so as you can see this is something very very simple um it’s an absolute uh simple tool for you to be able to use um I hope that you found

This video useful if you just came across my channel for the very first time and you like this video uh do me a favor and you know put a like against the video if you found this video through a Facebook link do me a favor on

The Facebook link give me a thumbs up on that Facebook Facebook link it really helps my algorithms for subscribers and for comments so if you like what I’ve done here and if you like to see more stuff or maybe if you’d like to see a variety or you want to see me prompt

Other things or if you want to play with it yourself um the Discord for this costs uh it costs about $10 for your entry level uh on a monthly basis which is I bought the entry level plan when I got started with this yesterday and uh you can always

Upgrade your plan to have more um uh more usage and so on and so forth and that’s all personal to you but in the meantime I want to thank you for watching the video and um please like comment share this video subscribe to my YouTube channel and in the meantime

Thanks very much for watching I’m CW with the Columbia Water Gardens and I’m here to remind you that AI designs for ponds really really matters happy Ponding


  1. Great tool. Can you get AI to look at a specific address and come with a pond design?

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