Container Gardening

Spring Porch Refresh | Container Planting at Home 🌸

Hey Friends! I’m kicking off my spring container season by changing out my front porch pot. Come along as I share a few quick design tips that make your pot go from boring to fabulous!


Design Seminar:

Plants used in this container:

Euonymus ‘Silver King’

Color Spots:
Ranunculus ‘Sprinkles Purple’
Tulip ‘Princess Irene’
Narcissus ‘Toto’
Erysiumum ‘Winter Orchid’
Iberia ‘Snowsation’
Saxifraga ‘Scenic White’
Heuchera ‘Obsidian’

Texture Bits:
Dryopteris erythrosora ‘Autumn Fern’
Acorus ‘Ogon’
Sedum ‘Angelina’
Selaginella brownii

Hello my friends welcome back to the Garden today I am continuing with my dedication to self and I’m going to go first today tomorrow I actually is the official start of my spring container design season and so today I want to do at the very bare minimum the pot at my

Front drawer so I’m going to spin you around and I’m going to show you what I am working with here and I’m doing this for two reasons number one I think it’s important that I be realistic and number two I think it’s important to show you what like neglecting yourself looks like

And how every time you come home you got to look at this business so here we go so here she is in all her glory just a hotus Express so literally I threw a h Hy in there it’s just like this is not how I want to be greeted

When I come home so so I am going to take you through a little bit of a mini design process to tell you my thinking and how I approach most of my containers and we’ll see what I come up with so to come down a little bit further I want to

Show you kind of the palette of what I’m working with and I’ve divided these things into categories right so up top we have theway scarletta we have CIO angel wings we have a hooka called obsidian and I also throw in a little Autumn Fern back there these are kind of my larger textural

Bits that are going to go into the arrangement I’m still going to play around just to see what colors I like best but this is what I’m starting with then over here I have brought in some grassy bits um these are the things that I feel like every pot needs a

Grassy texture so we’ve got just some Classics Black Mondo we’ve got a little 4in aorus oon this is a really pretty carck called Feather Falls and it tends to actually like Cascade and drape down the edge of a container and then over here we have this curly C junus which is actually

Super tall so I thought it might had add some nice height and drama then coming over here this is essentially the color story this is a wallf flower I’m going to zoom in on this here is called winter Orchid and it comes out in these just like beautiful

Orangey deep orange tones that are kind of I like things that are a little bit Moody a little left of center not something that’s so predictable then next door we have just a perennial favorite this is a ranunculus I believe this is a purple sprinkles I can double check on that for

You and then next door let me show you this cutie these are leftover Toto from my display garden and so I was able to find two that are still very budded up these ones have yet to crack back here so I’m going to play with some of

These white tones and just in case I feel like I need some more height I brought these bad rides now these were labeled as a ice folies but when they I had a couple of these in the display garden and when they bloomed they were

More of that true yellow not as big as a Dutch Master but definitely yellow on yellow and then down here this is our little marriage bit the thing that pulls it all together this is a tulip princess Irene it is orange on the outside and then has this just like awesome purple

Flame that comes up here actually one is blooming let me show that one to you it just this is just the tip of the iceberg it’s so so so pretty so I like to have an element um often times when I can that will pull the color story together and then coming down

Here I want to show you the little bits okay so every container needs some just fluffy little texture bits this one is an um they call it candy tff it’s iberis I think this one is Snow Station let’s see here yeah snow station and then we

Have this cutie little Moss this is cell Janella brownie eye I always think it looks like a brain or something or like a little pin cushion I love it and then over here we’ve got a couple other things I like to have an icy blue texture in a

Lot of my pots it just helps cool it down and so this is an ivy called Glacier so super sweet has a little bit more of that white margin we have some Sedum Angelina which I think is always a lovely addition to any container and I

Use this as like a cascy textural bit and then last but not least I pulled this one out of a pot look how cute this is this is a saxifrage and I cannot remember I can’t remember the color if I can remember I’ll pop it up here on the

Screen but another little little yummy bit and I feel like this fresh whiteness with all of this intense you can kind of see what I’m doing here this is a super low growing bit and then we have the white Toto that’s going to be a little

Bit higher and it kind of helps book end this color story so that is the color story that I’m going to work with today and I’m going to start throwing things in the pot playing with different combinations and we will see how it Goes He okay I like where we have arrived okay so typically when I do a container I like to spend a little time futzing around seeing how the arrangement is coming together I want a little bit of balance a little bit of symmetry and I want the eye to travel

Throughout the container with my usage of colors so you saw me kind of go back and forth I didn’t want purple on purple I didn’t want orange on orange I didn’t want white on white I want everything to kind of form a little bit of a

Relationship ship so now that I have it in I’m going to start getting going here now as I’m going through here one thing that I will often do which I think is just honestly good practice and even after as many containers as I do I will start in the middle and then

Work my way outward the other thing that you’ll see that I do is I’m kind of getting a little rough on these plants I am not I’m not into babysitting I’m not into going so easy on my plants that they can’t handle the toughness of this outdoor condition I like

My so I’m going to go ahead and just like rip off some of the bottom of the roots I’m going to get smush them down in There Okay my friend hopefully you can hear me over the lawn crew next door but here she is so I didn’t mention this in the first part of the video but this is a variegated uus it’s one of my favorites I will pop a name up on the screen here

And then I want to get you in close so like we talked about I wanted this to feel elevated and yummy and vibrant yet still refined and sophisticated so I went with this playful palette inspired by my garden at the northw lon Garden Show Forest bathing and lots of like

Fresh whites purples pops of orange and so you can kind of see what I’ve done and I want to walk you through just a few little things that I typically do with my containers I like to have a nice color story so if we take a look at

What’s going on here you’re going to see I’m doing a couple of different things to have your eye move throughout the container okay first let’s talk about our greens we have variegation up here so so I didn’t feel like I needed a whole lot of variegation down here

However the aorus has a beautiful chartreuse stripe to it this is aorus ogon and that chart trusi stripe relates to my Sedum Angelina down here and then back on the other side I have just like a nice textural mid-tone green moment and some strappin from my daffodil that balances

The strapp over here okay next let’s go to our oranges I actually did something super symmetrical which is not something I usually do in containers but I have my princess Irene here I have this gorgeous wall flower I don’t know if I mentioned this this is winter Orchid and over here

I have another tulip princess Irene all right now next we are going to go to our purples and this is where it’s kind of a little bit of an odd triangle I have this purple Runk back here I have the purple from this beauti beautiful hooka

Look at that new growth is that so cute or what this is the uh hooka obsidian and then if you’ll notice right here the bud color matches see if we can get that this Bud color matches this HRA I mean this is just Sensational so right here again we

Have another triangle it’s subtle but it’s there and then last but not least let’s go through our whites I have this beautiful white e right over here and that’s going to it’s buted up it’s just going to flush out any second I have this saxifrage over here this is the

White saxifrage I’ll see if I can find a name and pop it up for you this is just one of my favorites it’s so cute and then up here we have that beautiful Toto which is just it almost H comes out with like a creamy yellow and what’s so funny is

The newer blooms almost blend in with this uous but they’ll freshen up and they’ll become more of that bright pop so here she is you guys going first first container of the Season at my front door oh and I almost forgot lest you think I am some tidy little monster out

Here in the garden that would be a hard pass that would be a no I make a giant mess every time oh I almost forgot I like to do little surprises so I put a little salad Janella Brown the eye tucked back in here and I’m hoping it’s

Going to Cascade down the edge of this container and just be like gorgeous contrast so there you have It All right my friends I’m feeling very pleased about the progress today it may just be one little pot but honestly a pot by the front door is transformative it literally changes how I return to home every single day and I feel very good that I’m keeping my promise to

Myself of going first and it has done the exact thing that I thought it would it has made me completely excited and thrilled and just ready to jump in tomorrow and start my container season I hope you all have a wonderful day and say hello to your garden for Me


  1. I love the gorgeous combination of plants you used in your front door container. It's a lovely spring greeting for everyone who enters your home.

  2. It’s a work of art, Kate! ❤ I love all the colors and textures so gold. I knew you’d put together something amazing. It also helps me look for more foliage specimens rather than just mixed flowers with some greenery. Such a cool term color story. And the little spaceman, so cute. 🥰 Excited to see some more designs. ❤

  3. It's beautiful, also appreciate seeing you fiddle around before landing on the prefect combination. Interesting too, your coat matches your house.

  4. Love the container! But what I really love is the backdrop – the house and door colour are perfect. Do you know the names of the paint colours?

  5. Wonderful and it definitely helps inspire to start spring pots and summer plans. Glad you have a channel. I’m looking forward to seeing more

  6. The pot is stunning! I love how you talked through and described your thinking and process… so helpful for me! Thanks so much!!

  7. Beautiful!! I love your style. I was wondering how one could reuse broken pottery. I had a terracotta floor vase with a long neck. It broke in the middle. It has tribal markings on it. I put the bottom out as a bird bath on a dead tree stump, as no drainage holes. I don’t know what to do with the long neck. Any advice would be appreciated.

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