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You Are Your Life’s Designer – WATCH THIS | Jim Rohn Motivation

▶You Are Your Life’s Designer – WATCH THIS | Jim Rohn Motivation
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▶Unlock the doors to success with Jim Rohn’s timeless motivational speech! 🚀 In this video, we delve deep into Rohn’s wisdom, guiding you on a transformative journey toward success. Discover the secrets to attracting success with clear direction. 🌟
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▶Speaker: JIM ROHN

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Jim Rohn was an influential American entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker known for his profound impact on personal development and success philosophy. Born in 1930, he rose to prominence through his engaging seminars and books, which focused on achieving personal and professional excellence. Rohn’s teachings emphasized the importance of setting clear goals, cultivating positive habits, and taking responsibility for one’s life. He is widely recognized for his famous quote, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with,” which underscores the significance of our associations and influences. Jim Rohn’s timeless wisdom continues to inspire countless individuals to strive for personal growth and success.

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Thanks for coming today I appreciate it very much and uh I’m just delighted to be here how many of you have never seen me before this your first time wow everybody I keep thinking I’m famous but I guess you know that settles that anyway nice to see you I’ve got some

Interesting ideas to share with you if you’re ready say I’m ready and if you’ll take some good notes I got some lists for you to make the you can take home with you and Ponder at later times some of the things I want to share with you I was raised in Southwest

Idaho my parents gave me an incredibly excellent start in my life which I appreciated very much but I quit school at age 19 unfortunately my reasoning was I’m smart enough to get a job how much smarter do you need to be and with that shallow

Thinking I quit school aged 19 and got a job went to work little while later got married started a little family and I’m struggling and you know trying to do my best but it seems like each year I’m falling just a little bit further behind finally age

25 the climax of my sort of you know weariness with where I was not doing as well as I thought I should I hear a knock on my door and I happen to be home alone when I open the door there was a little girl scout about this tall selling Girl Scout

Cookies and she gave me the finest sales presentation I’ve ever heard Girl Scouts around the world no better organization and we’ve got these cookies only $2 several flavors and with a big smile she very polite lightly asked me to buy no problem I wanted to buy big

Problem I haven’t got $2 in my pocket now I’m a grown man I live in America I’ve been to one year of college I’m married I’ve got a family and I don’t have $2 in my pocket and I didn’t want to tell her that so I did what I thought was next

Best I lied to her I said hey look I’ve already bought lots of Girl Scout cookies I’ve still got plenty in the house that we haven’t eaten yet and she saidoh that’s wonderful thank you very much and she leaves when she leaves I say to myself I don’t want to live like this

Anymore I mean how low can you get lying to a Girl Scout I mean that’s about as low as you can go but I promised myself that day I was going to start my search of finding opportunity finding somebody who could teach me and Coach me on doing

Much better for myself and for my family and for my future and shortly after that I met a most extraordinary man very wealthy but um a friend of mine said you got to meet this man he’s rich but he’s easy to talk to he’s got a unique

Philosophy of business in life and the more he told me about this man the more I said I’ve got to meet this guy and shortly after that I had a chance to meet him sure enough uh when I met him I was impressed obviously he was rich but he was

Friendly and easy to talk to and I said to myself if I could just get around someone like him and if he would coach me I would be willing to learn anything I’d love to be like him well my good fortune was he invited me to join his

Company and over the next 5 years my dream came true he coached me in taught me how to turn my life from pennies to Fortune and he’s not alive anymore but uh I’d like to pay tribute to him one more time Mr Earl scha for the dramatic

Impact he had on my life especially during that 5-year period And so my whole life turned around I made my fortune by the time I was 32 starting at age 25 and um some of the ideas that I want to share with you today came from that 5-year

Experience then from there I got into lecturing and giving seminars and I’ve written a few books and uh my career now spans about 41 years but I’ll never forget the impact this gentleman had on my life with a few simple Concepts that totally change my seventh Millennium and there’s probably a lot of

Good reason that that is probably true unprecedented opportunity uh We’ve now got the technology uh we pick up a telephone now and talk to somebody on the other side of the world Transportation now is so easy I get on an airplane in Los Angeles and uh 13 hours later I’m in

Tokyo five meals three movies and you’re there I mean you know it’s a simple deal anyway we’ve got technology we’ve got Transportation we’ve got all the rest right so this is going to be a time of unprecedented opportunity in every field you can imagine every industry every country it’s going to be the

Greatest period of opportunity time in the history of the human race the 21st century especially these opening years of the 21st century so that’s number one unprecedented opportunity now here’s the second note to take now also Keen competition because we now play the world game and it’s not just competition

Across the street and Company to company and you know division to division and uh you know company to company now it’s worldwide competition a job now becomes available does it go to someone in Minnesota or someone in India worldwide competition so now you’ve got to be ready to cash in on the

Opportunity but you’ve also got to be ready for the competition so I’ve got some interesting ideas on how to be prepared for both opportunity and competition in these opening years of the 21st Century here’s some of my best advice number one you’ve got to have more than one

Skill it’s okay to have one skill but I’m telling you if you want economic safety for the future especially this Century my personal opinion you need more than one skill we’ve seen people ride the last 15 20 years that only had one skill worked for this company for a long time the

Division the guy worked for got chopped eliminated now he loses his job now he tells us he’s in economic distress why would that be simple answer he only had one skill so for economic safety for the future my personal advice you got to have more than one skill in fact it led

Me to my first fortune and that was learning more than one skill I started learning these extra skills in Idaho where I grew up I knew how to cows but it didn’t pay very well then someone gave me this incredible advice if you want to lay the foundation for a future

Fortune you’ve got to learn more than one skill and I started that process age 25 here’s the first one and I started part-time a little sales job that I got a product that I believed in learned how to present it well enough for somebody to say yes gave

Excellent service so that that would lead to multiple sales and this little extra part-time job in sales absolutely started multiplying my income from milk and cows now I’ve got this ability now to start getting customers keep them serviced and make some money in this extra skill so now

I’ve got two skills milking cows and finding customers here’s the next skill I learned just to give you a quick list next was Finding good people if you’ve got a little Enterprise going and you need some people you have to just go look for them and when I learned this skill

Finding good people for my little Enterprise I couldn’t believe how it drastically changed my income my income now starts to multiply not just increase so now I’ve got what three skills milking cows getting customers finding good people I’m on my way here’s the next one that paid me big

Money in case you’re interested and that’s organizing organizing simply means getting people to work together big challenge but if you learn the skill getting people to work together they pay extraordinary money here’s the next one that really increased my income substantially and that’s promotion and recognition rewarding people for small

All steps of progress I mastered this one and here’s the philosophy behind it be so busy giving other people recognition you really don’t need it for yourself I mastered this guess what it pays big money let me just give you one more and it’s in three parts and that’s

Communication learning to affect other people with your language of all the things not to be lazy about its language because words can work miracles and communication I found in three parts here’s number one training showing somebody how the job Works showing somebody how the business works we call that training I got good

At that paid big money here was the next one teaching teaching people how life Works teaching people how to set goals teaching how to become a leader man manager entrepreneur stepping up to the higher opportunity and better challenge this one paid me extraordinary money but this one paid the best learning to

Inspire helping people to see themselves better than they are so I’ve got how many skills right a big long list so safety economic safety for the future especially the opening years of the 21st century learn more than one skill here’s number two it would be good to learn more than one

Language some of my business colleagues who uh speak three or four languages earn $34 million a year one of my friends Leon wise Bine from Russia I remember when he was making $3 million a year he spoke three languages here’s what he said I think I’ll learn another language make another million

Dollars those extra languages are so valuable when I travel the world I got to find somebody that knows more than one language or I’m in deep trouble if you think the time has passed you by to learn that second third language make this note you heard it from Jim ran give

It as a gift to your children the second language maybe that’ll Inspire him to learn the third language and then no telling where it it might go from there I asked a school teacher one time how many languages can a child learn here’s what she said as

Many as you will teach them they don’t lack capacity they don’t lack intelligence they certainly don’t lack curiosity they only lack a teacher so you got my good advice now more than one skill more than one language here’s the rest learn the simple economic formula that works for

Everybody and I can give it to you in just a couple of sentences a simple economic formula kids can understand it anybody can understand it anybody that wants to get paid here’s the language for your notes we get paid for bringing value to the marketplace that’s as simple as you can

Put economics anybody that wants to get paid you get paid for bringing value to the marketplace the marketplace is the people now the value we bring is one part of it a product or a service but here’s the other part the value you become so just off to the side put the

Value is two parts the value you bring like a product if you manufactured it you might keep improving the product if someone else manufactured it and you’re out selling it they probably keep improving the product but this is the one you have to work on yourself the value you become like an

Entrepreneur a leader a teacher supervisor manager what you become also pays much more than what you bring once I understood that then here’s what my mentor said go to work on yourself harder than you work on your job if you work hard on your job you can

Make make a living then he said if you work hard on yourself you could make a fortune so I worked hard on my job and made a living but I learned starting with those extra hours per week learning these extra skills I started working on myself and here’s a philosophical phrase

Everybody should take home here it is success is something you attract by becoming an attractive person success is not something you pursue it’s what you attract by becoming attractive by becoming attractive to the marketplace what would do that multiple skills multiple languages and then some of the things I’m going to talk

About the rest of the seminar so now what else would help you to be attractive to the marketplace besides more than one skill and more than one languages I’ve divided it into five five simple basic fundamentals of ideas to ponder and think about that will increase your value to the

Marketplace could perhaps like it did for me multiply your income by two and then multiply it by three and then multiply your income by four and then by five and once you get there it’s not that difficult to multiply it by 10 because all you have to do is make

Sure you become more valuable and more valuable and more valuable you don’t have to work on the economy because here’s the first note each person’s income is determined primarily by their philosophy not by the economy once I understood that then I said well I don’t have to go to work on

The economy and the answer was no you only have to go to work on yourself to make yourself more valuable so now here’s five things I want to share with you and the first one is your personal philosophy what could get you more prepared and ready for cashing in on the

Opportunity of the 21st century and here’s the first one personal philosophy your personal philosophy is like a guidance system that helps you make decisions what to do what not to do from the information you get and what you learn and what you know we decide maybe your philosophy would have been 5

Years ago never to attend seminars like this you just didn’t go now 5 years later here you are something happened along the way to change your mindset saying hey for the money and the time if I just get one good idea and walk away it certainly is worth the money in the

Time so now that little amendment in your philosophy you now say I’m going to regularly go because it doesn’t take but a few ideas to make a great difference in your income personal life social life and all the rest so now you know that’s valuable a change of mind a change of

Idea so that’s what personal philosophy is all about the more we learn the more we know the better we’re able to make better decisions about two major things your philosophical guidance system does two things for your notes number one helps you to see the dangers on one side so you can avoid those

But here’s what else your guidance system does personal philosophy helps you to see the opportunities on the other side so that you can expand those maximize those and here’s what that’s called The Game of Life is to minimize the dangers and maximize the opportunities and the more we know and

The more we learn the more experience We Gather in sessions like this from the sermon on Sunday morning to the books we read read and all the rest helps us to keep continually adjusting our philosophical guidance system so that we minimize more dangers maximize more opportunities that’s

Really the game of life I couldn’t put it much more simply so number one we’re affected by what we know now how do we know more things and learn more things that’ll help us readjust our thinking so we can avoid the dangers maximize the opportunities here’s number one learn from personal

Experience one way to learn do to do something right is what first do it wrong right mess up and then you say wow that was costly I’m never going to do that again so one way to learn to do it right first do it wrong sometimes a negative experience

Turns out finally to be positive they say if you survive your first heart attack you may now live to be a very old person why is that well that first heart attack if you survived it is called a wakeup call and maybe the doctor said one more

Of these and your history and you said wow and you make it for the health food store and you start reading every book you can find on good nutrition how to avoid another one of these heart attacks and you start jogging and start walking and doing all of the stuff and this

Total change of Lifestyle could now save your life and cause you to live to be a very old person here’s what my mentor said that some of the best advice I ever got he said Mr rone if you will change everything will change for you if you’ll start making personal changes your

Income will change your health will change your future will change everything will change if you’re willing to start making the changes so sometimes a negative experience now causes us to really make a sudden shift in our philosophical guidance system that says hey I’m never going to let this happen to me again

Fantastic now here’s the next way to learn and that is to learn from other people’s experiences whether they are negative or positive it’s too bad failures don’t give seminars like this wouldn’t that be good information now we don’t want to pay them so they don’t lecture so but their information would be

Valuable if you know a guy that’s messed up his life for 40 years you have to say John would you spend a day with me and I will bring my notebook and take good notes a good-looking guy like you beautiful family every reason to do well

Threw it all away teach me how for the last 40 years you messed it all up and he tells you and you take good notes learning from the negative side of someone’s experience if somebody tells me these eggs are rotten I’m not going to make an omelet and try it right I’m

Just going to take their advice and their knowhow so learn number one from your own experiences learn number two from other people’s experiences and my mentor taught me to always keep a journal here’s what he said don’t trust your memory if you want to live a dynamic life multiplying your income multiplying your

Future be a good student if a good idea Comes Your Way write it down then ponder it then perhaps go do it okay now your philosophy comes from what you learn comes from what you know comes from other people’s experiences three ways now to learn from other people

Here’s number one learn from what you see one of the great watchwords of these early years of the 21st century pay attention if you just watch you can pick up Clues success leaves Clues and if you’ll be a better Observer of the winners and the losers

Those that are doing well and those that are falling behind and just take mental notes and good notes and say I’m going to adjust what I’m doing based on what I see here’s number two we learn so much from other people based on what we hear here’s good advice on that be a

Selective list listen to voices of value that have experience ideas reputation something valuable to share now here’s number three read all the books now there’s millions of books so you can’t read all the books but make this note read all the books you need to

Read to make you as wealthy as you want to be as healthy as you want to be as prosperous as productive as unique as human being as you want to be to be read all of those books don’t leave those books go unread my mentor got me started on my

Library when I was 25 I got one of the best if you saw my library you would be impressed I haven’t read everything in it but I feel smarter just walking in it right my library I was smart enough to buy it all now I got to be smart enough to read it

All now jot this down when you do read you have to sort through what you read and decide which is valuable to try that’s part of the process of learning gathering information and sorting through it one the information that would apply to you and what you think would be valuable based on your

Current philosophical opinion so read all the books our lives are greatly affected by what we learn and what we know now here’s number number two of these very basic five things I want to share with you first your personal philosophy here’s number two your attitude first we’re affected by what we

Know when I talk to the kids in high school classes college classes that’s the first thing I tell them get the information while you’re here right nothing worse than being stupid when you get out of school so get the information being broke is bad but being stupid is what’s really bad

And what’s really really bad is being broke and stupid nothing much worse than that unless you’re sick right sick brok and stupid that’s about as far as you can fall unless you’re ugly right but surely that would be the ultimate right the ultimate negative life ugly sick broke and

Stupid so learn all you can we’re life we’re affected by what we know so get the information don’t be lazy in learning don’t be lazy in going through the books building your library coming to classes like this consistently consistently some of them will be so dramatic your life will never be the

Same maybe this is one of those today next we’re affected by how we feel attitude this is the emotional part we need the intellectual part to set sail so as the winds blow we can still get where we want to go redefine keep strengthening our psychological and philosophical guidance system

But now we’re also affected by the emotions that’s the power and jot these notes down as I hurry along now four things to consider on attitude and how you feel here’s number one it’s how you feel about the past it’s important to make the past useful past experience even past losses

Past failures as well as successes to review it and go back over it see where you went wrong correct that invest that now now in the future don’t live in the past and don’t carry the past around like a burden but simply use your past as one of your

Mentors to help refine mistakes make some changes that you can invest now in the future here’s the second attitude it’s how you feel about the future we look back for experience but number two we look forward for inspiration now where does the inspiration come from looking forward

Here it is learning to set goals number one decide what you want takes more than five minutes take some time and decide what you want where do you want to go what do you want to do the next 10 years 20 years what would you like to become

How many skills would you like to learn what are the books you want to read how about the people you want to meet the cities you want to visit experiences you’d like to have over this next period of Time start thinking about all of that here’s the next key write it all

Down building a life is like building a house you wouldn’t start building the house until you had it finished wouldn’t you look foolish starting to build the house if it wasn’t finished first what if you were laying bricks and somebody came by and said what are you

Building here and you said I have no idea see they would take you away to a safe place so building a life is a lot more important than building a house house and yet people treat it treat it so carelessly and so casually about planning and making plans for what they

Want their life to work out to be so I’m asking you not to be casual anymore start designing the future for yourself for your family for your business for your future okay decide what you want okay so from the past we get experience from the future we get excitement inspiration by setting

Goals now here’s the next advice put everything on your list of goals little things insignificant to someone else but important to you a goal list is important you don’t have to publish it in the local newspaper my Japanese friend Toro eada San Jose California put on his first list a Caucasian Gardener I

Said gotoro back then everybody had a Japanese Gardener he said no I’m Japanese I want a Caucasian Gardener I like that so set goals set the goals that’ll turn you on goals that’ll get you excited put everything on your list now here’s the next attitude it’s very important how you feel about

Everybody if you want to be a leader extraordinaire here’s what you learn each of us need all of us one person doesn’t make an economy one person doesn’t make a symphony orchestra it takes all of us for each of us to be successful

Each of us need all of us and all of us need each of us each gift is important as we bring it to the table as we bring it to the country as we bring it to the community learn to appreciate that each of us need all of us now

Here’s the last one on attitude it’s how you feel about yourself nothing more powerful than self-confidence to start multiplying your income by 2 x 3X 5x 10 and where does that come from make the note it comes from self-esteem doing the things you know you should do

And at the end of the day your self-esteem is soaring and high you’ve met the people you said you’d meet you made the calls you said you would make you did the things that you required of yourself to do and at the end of the day you feel great about yourself that is

One of the greatest motivating factors for the future self-esteem feeling good about yourself now let me give you the miracle piece of this formula if you’re you ready say I’m ready here it is number three is activity we’re affected by what we do now we’ve gotten to the formula of

How to turn ideas into reality how to turn imagination into substance it’s called number three activity so add these notes to it now activity is the work activity is the labor you might add labor pains I’m short on personal experience here but the mothers in the room would

Tell us we know what that’s all about labor pains why would an upcoming potential mother be willing to put herself through maybe a rather painful experience she said that’s an easy answer and it’s for your notes it produces New Life why wouldn’t she put herself to the

Labor now comes the Mir Miracle of new life and whether it’s new career life or new business life or new friendship life or new married life or New Life of any kind it has to come from the work it comes from the labor in fact labor was so important

Here was the original formula for labor if you have forgotten it remind yourself for your notes six days of Labor and what one day of rest now it’s important not to get those numbers mixed up why is that here’s why why not 52 I don’t know maybe five

And two would be okay if God would have thought of five and two he might have made it 5- two but you can’t think of everything when you’re putting one of these together but maybe one of the reasons for 61 jot this down now if you rest too long the weeds take the

Garden not to think so is naive as soon as you’ve planted the busy bugs and the noxious weeds are out to take it so you can’t linger too long in the rest mode you got to go back to work 6 days of work then rest and spirituality and friendship and change of

Pace and then go back over the last six days what did I do what did I miss who did I miss what happened so that I can invest those Corrections in the next 6 days of higher productivity have you got that now 6 days of work one day of rest

Don’t get the numbers mixed up activity Now activity finishes the miracle good question for your nose how did this convention center get here let me give you the steps number one somebody saw it while the property was vacon you say well how could you see a Convention Center if it isn’t here it’s

The only way it will be here and somebody has to see it so clearly they can draw a picture of it saying this is the convention center you say no it isn’t there they say yes this is the convention center the artist rendering shows you a picture of what isn’t there that’s the

Beginning of imagination so to turn nothing into something here’s what you do imagine the possibilities that’s why we recommend testimonials for someone to say hey I started with pennies and made a fortune and when they finish sometimes they say something like this if I can do it what

You can do it and we start Imagining the possibilities here’s number two have faith to believe that some of them are possible for you and both imagination and Faith are powerful forces but we still don’t have a hotel we still don’t have a house even though those are powerful

Forces it is the beginning now imagination and faith Faith must be deposited in activity or it is wasted but the Finishing Touch of the miracle process is now go to work go to work and build a better career go to work and build good health you can’t have good health without the

Work when did we start hearing that phrase no pain what no gain you got to do the work you can read all the books until you’re wise you can have faith and believe until it is extraordinary but now you must go to work and if you’ll learn to

Appreciate the work that produces the miracle of good health the miracle of a career the miracle of a relationship the miracle of a fortune only humans Now can do this the birds of the field can’t do it no other life form can imagine and create something from

Nothing have faith and then build it and make it real only humans it’s an extraordinary gift depends on how often you use it so number one of the ideas I wanted to share with you to make this an extraordinary opening year Century for you is philosophy we’re affected by what

We know second is attitude we’re affected by how we feel third is activity we’re affected by what we do now here’s the final two pieces number four learn to measure progress once you’ve set up a project now you want to turn nothing into something now you must measure your progress how are you

Doing here’s how we teach it to our children life expects us to make measurable progress in reasonable time measurable progress in reasonable time that is The Game of Life so part of it is not just to set up the proposed project but as we start working on it we start measuring how we’re

Doing now now first what is reasonable time you can’t ask someone every 5 minutes how are you doing now see that’s too soon guy says I haven’t left the building yet give me a break now we can’t wait 5 years that’s too long so there’s reasonable time so make

This note now what is reasonable time one at the end of the day a conversation the father should have with his daughter today because the magic is there if he waits till tomorrow the magic may be gone today next is a week make that note usually we get paid by the

Week somebody adds up our value to the marketplace out comes the check the next week somebody adds up our value to the marketplace out comes the check what I learned to do is to change my value to the marketplace so the check kept getting bigger and bigger and

Bigger I didn’t have to change the economy I only had to change myself measure your own progress success is a numbers game we demanded of our children how many years do you want your child to spend in fourth grade approximately about one year right you say well if they’re nice kids would you

Give them three or four years you say no this is not a nice game this is getting ready for the future this is getting ready for the challenges and the opportunities you can’t linger in one grade more than one year now make this note the same should go for us as

Adults don’t linger more than one year in one grade of learning adult management entrepreneurship leaderships of all kind keep up the pace of learning okay the numbers measure count now here’s the key face the truth if you’re only making this much progress you know there’s no use trying to kid

The world no use trying to kid anybody else and especially don’t kid yourself if in a period of time you’ve only made so much progress you just got to swallow hard and say this is the truth I’ve got to face it now what could I do to start increasing my progress and

Make my health better better make my income better make my investments better make my value to the marketplace much better get busy learning the second skill and the third skill and the next language and the next language to increase my value I got to get busy and

Do that see if you will do that I promise you one of the greatest motivating factors in the world is progress and if you’ll measure it you’ll get excited now here’s number five of the five major things I wanted to share with you to make these opening years of the

21st century really pay off for you and here’s the word lifestyle learning to live well because the ultimate essence of life is not a Ferrari the ultimate Essence Is Not a Home the ultimate Essence is not a bank account it’s not a million dollars it’s not a fortune here it is the ultimate

Essence of life is learning to live a good life that’s the key whether you have modest resources or whether you have Mega Millions either way the real key is learning to live a good life and so in my closing five minutes let me give you what I think is a good

List now this is the short list in other presentations I cover a longer list but this is called Jim Ron’s short list for living the good life here it is number one productivity you really won’t be that happy if you don’t produce and here’s the next bit of advice on that produce

To the max if you possibly can to produce a little is okay to produce enough is okay to produce some to get by is all right but why not try productivity to the max Andrew Carnegie who built the steel industry back in the 30s here’s what Andrew

Said I’m going to spend the first half of my life accumulating money I’m going to spend the last half of my life giving it all away he got so inspired by that goal that the first half of his life he accumulated $400 million which back in the 30s was a lot of

Money a mega Fortune guess what he did the last half of his life he gave it all away I got a good question for for you as we close here’s the question what’s got you turned on what’s got you up early what’s got you eager to face the day what’s got you

Inspired to learn the extra skill put in the extra time go the extra mile learn how to work with people guarantee your future good question here’s number two good friends you got to have good friends the best support system in the world is good friends collect and nourish those as

Priceless good friends are those wonderful people who know all about you and still still like you those are good friends here’s number three your heritage what’s made America so unique among all the nations of the world and the greatest experiment in the history of the world and that is the depository of

Gifts that have come to America over the last 3 or 400 years the Heritage from all walks of life all over the world now the key to keeping America vital and powerful and unique for generations to come is to keep alive these heritages the music the dance the costume the Customs the

Literature the poetry and all the rest combined together making us an extraordinary unusual Nation among nations keep your heritage alive here’s number four your spirituality whatever you believe in terms of spirituality that’s important and I’ve got three words for you to consider here they are study practice and teach whatever

You believe in terms of spirituality study practice and teach don’t leave your spirituality unstudied don’t leave it unpracticed and don’t leave it untaught it’s one of the major components of a good life and now to close for your notes take special care of the inner CC Circle family close

Friends nourish them they will nourish you inspire them they will inspire you and take care of the details the little things that makes it special for family and friends when my father was still alive after my mother died my father lived about another 78 years when I used to travel I would try

To call him while he was having breakfast with the farmers Southwest Idaho make a special day if I’m in Israel I got to get up in the middle of the night but I call in the middle of the night Papa I’m in Israel and they would bring

Him the phone in this little cafe called the decoy Inn and papa would say Israel son how are things in Israel and he’d talk real loud so everybody could hear right say papa they gave me a reception last night on the rooftop overlooking the Mediterranean he’d say over looking the

Mediterranean now he’s got a story to tell for the rest of the day my son called me this morning while I was having breakfast with the farmers I know he had to get up in the middle of the night special days one more Scene I thought about my

Father walking down the lane on the farm to the mailbox opening it up and this is for your notes make sure the mailbox is not empty my father lived to be 93 what kind of an experience would that be for a day age 93 open the mailbox and

It’s empty even if it’s just a postcard make sure the mailbox is not empty the details the Inner Circle and now here’s the last maybe just maybe some of the things I’ve shared with you have been seeds that have fallen on your Consciousness at the right time and then if it turns into

Something valuable for you in the future that will be well worth my coming being away from my grandchildren and my children for a little while to come and deposit the best of my experience with all of you today thank you very much


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