Garden Design

Discover art and garden design in “The Giant’s House,” New Zealand #mosaicartwork

Welcome to Josie’s home, called “The Giant’s House,” a big old house made in 1881. It’s in a cute French town called Akaroa, near Christchurch, New Zealand. But The Giant’s House isn’t just a regular house. It’s a special place where people can feel safe, be creative, and relax.

Inside Josie’s garden, you’ll find all sorts of interesting things. There are sculptures made by Josie that you can see up close. They’re part of her private collection and decorate the garden in a special way. Among the pretty flowers and paths, you’ll see Josie’s amazing artworks. She’s made sculptures with lots of details and big mosaics that tell stories.

Right now, Josie is working on a really big mosaic that lights up at night. It’s going to make the garden even more magical! The garden itself is like a magical playground where you can let your imagination run wild. Art and nature mix together here, making a beautiful place that makes you feel happy and amazed.

The Giant’s House isn’t just a house. It’s like Josie’s living artwork. When you visit, you’ll see how Josie’s creativity fills every corner. Her artworks show how art can change the world and make people feel different. Come and explore this special place, where The Giant’s House shows us how amazing people can be when they let their creativity shine.

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