Edible Gardening

10 Unique Houseplants that won’t disappoint! 🪴🥰

10 unique plants that I consider weird and why I call them strange.

0:00 Intro
0:29 Pereskia Aculeata
1:29 Euphorbia Trigona ‘Rubra’
2:58 Hoya Macrophylla Red
5:07 Alocasia Jacklyn
6:31 Cercestis Mirabilis
7:51 Alocasia Scalprum
9:06 Philodendron Tortum
10:24 Whalefin
11:32 Philodendron Hybrid
12:37 Chamaeranthemum Venosum

Hey guys and welcome back to Garden of kand so I have a lot of plants and while some of them stand out for being exotic or expensive or rare or whatever some of them are just outright weird beautiful but weird so here are all of my weird

Plants but before we get started hi I’m Kayla and welcome back if you’re new here welcome and be sure to subscribe If plants are your Vibe now let’s look at some bizarre plants but or not this is a cactus it’s actually called pesia aulia and it grows edible fruit called

Gooseberries that are like these orange little grape sized berries if you will and what’s so strange about it besides the fact that it’s this tropical looking Cactus it has sort of spikes on the stem too which are totally unexpected to me and the colors on it don’t disappoint we

Have like red orange and green leaves which I think are really cute right now I just have mine up on a trellis obviously but I’m hoping that in the summertime I can go ahead and place this outside and maybe even get some of that edible fruit when I was researching it I

Also saw that people use the leaves to cook as well I guess maybe like as a seasoning I don’t know a whole lot about it yet I’m still learning but I just thought that it was really weird that this is spiky and has edible fruit a cactus with edible fruit I’m sure it’s

Not the only one in the world but it just kind of threw me off because it definitely does not look like a cactus since we’re talking about cacti I might as well throw another one in there now I’m not a big Cactus girl myself but occasionally I’ll see one that kind of

Stands out and if it looks weird enough I’ll get it so I think this one kind of passes the test this is a Euphoria trigona I think that’s how you say it and if you know me and how much I love my red plants this one definitely had to

Come home with me and you can kind of see underneath that red tone that there’s still some like green and yellow underneath there now it doesn’t have flowers but when I first got it it had flowers and that was just amazing if this was just the regular green one I

Probably wouldn’t have gotten it but the fact that it’s a red one is what made it so odd and bizarre looking I do think that I need to keep it under a grow light or it needs like direct light in order to keep this red and since that’s

Why I got it I want to keep it under the grow light for that reason but I definitely think that this is a conversation starter I’ve already had people come over and mention it maybe because it’s in the back of a bunch of green foliage that you know it kind of

Makes it pop out a lot more not g to start getting into cacti I don’t think at least not right now it just it still just isn’t my thing I have three in here right now but hopefully I can get like another two or three more and just have

A big old pot of them can you imagine having to repot this how’s that going to work how do people repot like sharp cacti that’s definitely something I should look up but either way I love this Cactus it’s here to stay this is my Hoya macroy a red and if you’re

Wondering where the red is so am I I mean there’s a little bit on the back but this was sold to me with the impression that these leaves would be well red but even though they’re not this is still a really weird one for me I think it’s just because of the sheer

Size of the leaves no I take that back because of the size and the texture of the leaves with those two things combined this is and I think maybe how they grow like the pattern they grow in this is definitely a weird one even though I’ve had this under a grow light

For about 4 months it still hasn’t grown any new leaves it hasn’t done anything it hasn’t turned red it hasn’t grown a new Leaf it’s just it’s just here I did check the roots recently and they were healthy so maybe it’s just a slow grower

But get a look at how big these leaves are even with just five leaves on here it’s still pretty large so I’m not complaining about the size or anything I’m just really curious about this one of the things that also makes it weird is the fact that like why isn’t it sunri

Dressing there is a little bit of Darkness at the margins but I don’t know this plant just continues to confuse me and The Roots keep growing so I put it in a bigger pot but no leaves so it’s definitely a weird one a weird one that I really love of course especially

Because I love a Hoyer with large leaves like this one but I’m really disappointed at the fact that it still has not turned red the leaves are really shiny and very thick and they have a really cool texture like a tortoise shell kind of I got this imported though

And it was in the pictures it was really really red did I get duped or like am I tripping even if the pictures that advertised this were just Sun stressed then how come this one isn’t Sun stressing I don’t know the questions are just left and right with this it leaves

Me guessing and I guess that makes it more interesting to have but when it does start to finally take off I’m going to have to find something else to put it on because a bunch of these leaves I mean it’s already like wobbly now it’s

Going to be so heavy if if I try to keep it on here so maybe it not growing is a good problem to have right now but I still wanted to do something you know so I show my allocation jacine a lot and you can certainly see why the leaves on

The jacine are very texture they almost have like this fuzzy type of I don’t know surface on the top of it it’s it kind of feels like sandpaper if I had to describe it it’s just taken off and it won’t stop there’s one two three plants

In this pot and it all started from one really dead plant that I just completely chopped back and this is what I’m left with now like are you serious you guys this is another one that people stop and ask about and they always feel the need to touch it like they’re always you

Can’t help but to touch the leaves on this because you see like little furry spikes I don’t know how else to describe it but it’s really really crazy looking I always say that if there were plants in space they would look like this plant and the allocation Jack starts to get

Really big and the stems just kind of get really long so I’m going to have to find something to kind of stake these up soon but I really can’t imagine like leaves being any bigger than this on here because there are just there isn’t

A lot of like surface level on it so I’m just curious to see exactly what that’s going to look like this one is not only one of my favorite plants ever but it is like really crazy looking very very weird very beautiful but very weird I think it’s pronounced sir cestus

Mirabilis and I always have a hard time with that so don’t com Fort me in the comments y’all I tried they’re very slow growing which is okay because they need really high humidity and you know my options are limited for like 80 88% humidity consistently I have to have it

In one of the cabinets so if it gets when it gets any bigger than this I’m going to have a hard time like relocating it because the leaves just are getting bigger and bigger bigger and this is the newest Leaf so it’s still kind of reaching its full potential this

Is the mo the one before that so it’s obviously going to be bigger than this one I don’t know I don’t know what I’m going to do with it when it gets any bigger than this but I’ve never seen anything like it I think that it definitely stands out and I don’t really

See a lot of people talking about it either there isn’t a whole lot of information on them right now I just know I had to snatch one up I actually thought it was an allocation when I first got it and you know it’s not too far off because it needs that high

Humidity like one it has those crazy shaped leaves like one but if you learn to care for it properly and if you give it the right humidity you are rewarded with like these crazy insane tie-dye leaves which I absolutely love I can’t get enough of this plant it is certainly

One of my most bizarre ones another one that I think is out of this world is my aloca scalp rum I did not have a lot of luck with allocations in the past this is one that I have managed to keep on track I think it’s because ooh look at

That leaf oh my gosh crazy and they’re getting so big but I think it’s doing so well now because I keep it in the cabinet and it even has this newest Leaf coming in can’t imagine how big that one’s going to be these leaves can go very dark and they’re very textured the

Undersides are red of course or more of like a pink so it’s like a really cool contrast of colors of course some very very incredible textures going on here the leaf is very thick and waxy which is another thing that I love about it but if you really look closely you see that

The center of them is more of a darker color which is another thing that I love I don’t know everything about this plant like from its texture to its hard almost fake filling leaves and then these really deep sinuses just H everything about it I worked so so hard to get this

Plant um and keep it on track so I’m really happy that I managed to do so and that the leaves are starting to get so big it’s just everything that I could dream for this is the filad torum that is always on its best behavior there’s

Just a lot going on here but each Leaf kind of looks like I don’t know Fishbones a pot full of joy and chaos but it works out especially now that I have it up on a moss pole and I have this in Lea and it just grows so rapidly

The craziest part about this plant for me though is how it looks when it’s unfurling like what is going on it looks like it’s struggling but it’s just imagine these all curled up into one when they’re coming out they just look really really crazy I love this plant

You guys I really do and the fillet inja torum used to be one that was kind of expensive I’ve seen them um the price drop on these significantly in the last year or two so I feel like they’re more easily accessible and readily available now so I definitely highly recommend

They’re very easy to care for but really cool if you want something a little bit different or even if you want a palm without the spider mes I definitely would consider the filad torom I mean look how crazy this plant looks I can’t believe I have this I remember I wanted

It for so long and not only do I have one but I have one that’s thriving and starting to get pretty big so it’s really awesome to have it now so next is my wellin snake plant and I’m really not a fan of snake plants they just look

Like a bunch of like spikes hanging out it looks like a death trap to me just imagine this without the baby in it just one like weird random single leaf and I mean you can see the color on it it’s like a two-tone green that definitely

Makes it stand out even more but it’s really the growth pattern and the shape of the leaf and how big the leaf is and it’s a lot more rounded than your average snake plant so that’s another thing that I I mean that’s the main thing that I like about this again I

Think I think it looks way cooler when it’s just a single you know just a single leaf but what can you do if the plant is thriving the plant is thriving so I’m glad that there’s a baby in it but you know eventually I’m probably

Going to cut it out and put it in a different pot and have two of them I think it’s one of the most interesting plants that I have and another one that people ask like what in the world is that um yeah I think it just stands out

The leaf is really thick and hard and like I can barely even bend it it’s just a really incredible plant to me and I just love it so much so this is a really cool one I recently got this one the leaves I just want to point out are a

Masterpiece they’re like this beautiful heart shape very rippled and red underneath when they first emerge but that’s not what makes this plant so weird what makes this plant so weird to me is definitely the fuzzy stems on it and I mean there are a ton of plants out

There right now with fuzzy pedos of course like literally there’s one call it the fuzzy pedal but it’s just the combination of this beautiful Leaf in conjunction with the fuzzy petales that is making this one stand out for me so I got this one fairly recently it’s a

Hybrid of the filad dendrin varicosum and the filad dendrin serpents I’m really obsessed with this plant I’ve showed it on my Instagram on my Tik Tok and I can’t stop talking about it right now I didn’t even take it out of what it came in yet because I don’t want to like

Risk any damage or any shock or anything like that so fingers crossed for this one you guys but look oh my gosh isn’t it so gorgeous it is you don’t need to tell me it is y’all I have been on live celles like showing out I got this one recently on a

Live Cale and like can you blame me so I was showing this to my grandma she thought it was a watermelon pepperona and watermelon pepperona wish it could look this good okay even though they do look alike I’m not going to lie I read that they also flower not really into

The flowers on this but look at the foliage like are you kidding me so the leaves are really round they’re very textured and they’re velvety but look at the two-tone colors like the silver in the middle just this plant is everything it’s not that big right now but it

Doesn’t need to be big to make a statement and I think it looks so weird in such a beautiful way like I said I didn’t even know what it was until they showed it on a live sale and I had to snatch it up I had to have this plant

It’s only pushed out one new Leaf for me since I got it but that’s okay that’s okay and I keep it in kind of low light so for it to be like still looking this good it’s really thirsty but for it to be still looking this good is like I’m

Doing something right and me and this plant are definitely vibing right now I love it so much it’s really weird


  1. It’s incredible how we have the exact same taste when it comes to weird plants! My whalefin is currently in the mail and I’m super excited for it! 🎉 Any secret Alocasia tips? I’m still struggling, but finding it impossible to give up on them 😅

  2. Cercestis Mirabilus ( African Embittered Plant) needs a self watering pot. Never let dry out. Runners grow wild and I do not know what to do with them besides cut them off. It grow big beautiful leaves. No full sun. Weird and Beautiful. I have mind in 50% humidity. Half soil and half Aroid mix. 🪴Happy Planting🌿

  3. I love weird plants – things that look like they grow on another planet. The fuzzy petioles, or like the ferox. But grow lights are not the same as sun. Put it in sun.

  4. Hoyas need a lot of light to turn colors. If you have a spot outside that you can safely put in indirect sun? And they like to be slightly pot bound. They love Orchid fertilizer spray.

  5. Pereskia are such a fun plant!! I bought that one because of the cool science behind it! It’s a primitive cactus , before they developed spines!

  6. For your African milk tree make sure u wear good gloves with it bc the “milk” that they drip when u break a spike off for example can irritate your skin

  7. I have a cutting of Hoya Macrophylla Red and it is just popping out a new pair of leaves which are still very tiny, but completely red. I figure they will turn green in a more adult adult state, just like I have experienced with some of my other hoya.

  8. Hi there Kay, You might have to stake up that Macryphylla? to a stronger more steady stake. That might be the reason why it's not growing. It does not feel stable enough to grow more. That plant really looks like a Sarawak/Latifolia. I don't know. I know of a Macryphylla but it's a hoya and is shaped differently. Take care.

  9. Might need a stronger grow light for that Hoya Macrophylla to get the red sun stress 😮 ! Seen a post on Reddit recently that the ‘red’ just means sun stressed not sure exactly. 😂

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