Gardening Trends

Best YouTube Keyword Research Tools (to Rank #1 on YouTube)

My favorite keyword research tool: VidIQ for 30 days for $1
▶ (normally $49)

Keyword research is extremely important if you want to rank #1 on youtube. In order to do this there’s many keyword research tools available but which is the best one? Today I’ll test 5 keyword research tools for youtube to find the best one for you.

These include:

1. VidIQ ▶ (just $1 for 30 Days)
2. Tubebuddy (don’t recommend)
3. 1of10 ▶ (nice additional tool if you have budget)
4. YouTube Search Bar (great)
5. Keywords Everywhere (wouldn’t recommend for youtube)

Watch My Complete YouTube Keyword Research Tutorial 👉

🔗 Mentioned in Video
VidIQ ▶ 30 days for $1: (normally $49)
1of10 ▶
Live Research (1 hour session) ▶
1of10 demo ▶

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#YouTubeAutomation #YouriAutomation #youtubecashcow

00:00 My Results
1:19 Tool #1 (my favorite)
7:50 Tool #2 (meh)
11:44 Tool #3 (pretty cool)
16:10 Tool #4 (amazing)
19:44 Tool #5
21:48 conclusion

Doing proper keyword research on YouTube can make an incredible difference you can go from being stuck at just seven views on a video to getting millions of views in your video getting pushed by YouTube and let me tell you I’ve been stuck at the seven views situation for

Years but that was until I understood how keyword research works as soon as I did I was able to rang my videos and get for example 2.6 million views which as of right now is still getting a ton of traffic from YouTube search every single day not to forget this video made a

$1,000 however with so many Tools around which is the best keyword research tool to help you grow your Channel today I’ll answer that question by comparing five keyword research tools I’ll be comparing them based on the following things number one the quality of the keywords that I can find with the tool because

The better the keyword the better the ranking the more views you’ll get then the time it takes to find the keyword if it takes you hours and hours to find just a keyword that is not going to be that great and then finally the price of

The tool now some of the tools I’ll show you you’ve seen before While others are completely new and you’ve not heard of them some are free some are paid my goal with this video is to help you find the best tool because of that I’ll be doing

Research myself and I’ll try and find five keywords with each tool in the AI Niche starting off with vid IQ vid IQ has been in the game since 2010 and is trusted by many big YouTubers whereas back in the day I didn’t really use it myself since early 2023 I started using

Viq for keyword research and let me tell you right away as a right now is one of my favorite tools this is what viq keyword research will look like you can find it by clicking on keywords and you’ll then get to see this right here now if you’ve got your channel linked to

Vid IQ you’ll see the best keyword opportunities for your channel specifically as well as the current top search phrases for your channel as you can see they will base the top keyword opportunities for now on your already well performing keywords however this is not really the best thing about vid IQ

Here’s how I do research myself with vid IQ and how you shoot too so they’ve got these search Search keywords bar right here that allows you to search for any keyword that you want as mentioned I’ll be doing this in the AI Niche so I start

Out by typing in AI what I recommend you do is just search for a broad term within your kind of industry could be editing could be AI could be gaming whatever it is you make the search and then right away the searge volume as well as competition will show up however

You want to completely ignore this and go to matching terms instead matching terms will show you keywords that contain your search keyword or phrase in any order meaning if I search for AI I will now get to see much more keywords that include AI in that keyword AI cover

Open ai ai news ai lookbook ai video generator and because of this within one click you’ll now get to see a bunch of more keywords that are more specific that include the initial term that you search for why I like this is because it allows you to find a lot of keywords

Very very quickly and the more you click on a keyword for example Ai influencer and then you click on matching terms again the more specific the keywords will get within just two clicks in 1 minute we now went from AI to how to create AI influencer but that’s not the

Only keyword as you can see if I scroll down there are so many of them how to make AI Instagram influencer I had never seen that keyword before I can now click on this once again and then go to matching terms and then potentially see even more in-depth keywords however this

Is kind of where it ends meaning that this is the most longtail keyword you can find regarding this topic what you can then do do is select the keyword click copy and then go to YouTube and search for this I don’t recommend paying too much attention to the search volume

And competition in my opinion on all of the other tools as well these scores are a bit inaccurate I’m a big believer in doing the research yourself so by using vdq you’ll find the keyword you then search for it on YouTube and that’s where vdq comes in again you can install

Their vdq browser extension I’ll leave a link for you in the description down below that gives you access to a bunch more features that vid Q has and these are some some of my favorites when it comes to doing qer research on YouTube right away what you’ll manage to see

With that IQ extension installed is the subscriber count for the videos that are ranking so this person is ranking number one and has 66k subscribers as you can see this is powered by vid IQ so if that weren’t there I needed to click and then check myself obviously to do that once

Is not that much of a problem but if you’re doing research for 1 hour and you have to click 500 times that’s going to add up quite a lot then you can also see the outlier score which is the performance of that current video compared to the average performance on

Their Channel ultimately the best thing you can find is Channels with not so many subscribers and a very high outlier score that indicates that this keyword did very well additionally when you start researching the keyword itself which if you’re not sure how to do by the way check out my full keyword

Research tutorial I’ll leave a link to that video in the description as well you’re able to see how this video is currently performing in case you want to try that for yourself you can do that with the link in the description down below whereas normally will cost you $49

A month for the first 30 days you can now try this yourself for just $1 which allows you to see if you actually like vid IQ so I highly recommend you check that out and this is my favorite tool when it comes to doing keyword research

If I click on historical I can now see the performance of this video over time now because this video is massively growing as you can see right here I now know that this video is still being watched as of right now it’s even peeking it’s at its best moment getting

About 800 views per hour the reason that it’s so valuables because you can now make a better informed decision this video right here has 200,000 views by a channel called knowledge base I might now think that this right here is a good keyword to make a video about however if

I look at the historical data that will prove me wrong because as you can see right there this used to perform really well but right now even since last year this is barely getting any traffic with not even one view per hour back in November and this channel right here

Made that mistake they probably saw this video right here with 200,000 views and thought it be a good video to make and so they did but they’re stuck at just 400 views which shows you the power of using the historical data tool as it allows you to see what a video is still

Getting traffic or not anymore which is hands down why that right there is indeed my favorite tool as well as the most important tool when I’m doing keyword research with that being said it is now time to do keyword research with that IQ however I cannot include the

Live recordings for that in this video as the video would be way too long so in case you want to see how I do live research for all of the tools in just one video I’ll leave a link to that video in the description down below for

You as well so overall in my opinion VI Q is amazing simply because it has stuff that actually adds to the table when it comes to keyword research the main things I’m pointing at there is the matching terms within the keyword tool that allows you to easily find longer

Till keywords based on just one single word which allows you to rank easier because usually the longer and more specific a keyword the less competition and the easier it is for you to rank additionally what I like is that the subscriber count shows up right away

When you make a search as well as the outlier score helping you to quickly analyze and understand whether this can be a good keyword or not and then the ice on the cing when it comes to vid IQ is the historical data tool this allows

Me to figure out if a video topic is still as of right now picking up views or whether it has completely died down which helps me choose the most relevant keywords all the time and I know that might seem like a small thing however in my opinion the historical data is one of

The go to tools when it comes to keyword research because if you make the wrong decision and you choose a keyword that used to perform well in the past but right now is completely dead and has no traffic anymore you’re pretty much wasting your time and effort so wherever

You are in your current YouTube Journey you cannot really go wrong with vid IQ next up we’ve got true bodyy truebody has also been around for a while and it’s the biggest vid IQ competitor and I can tell you as well that when I started off doing YouTube I was using true

Myself as well true’s platform looks like this in my opinion this is a bit outdated and you’ll feel that as well when you start using this sidebar right here however that doesn’t matter that much as we’re not going to do keyword research in here instead you also want

To add the True Body extension to your browser which will then allow you to click on it and then open the keyword Explorer right here once you do this is what the keyword Explorer looks like now once again a bit outdated but it will get the job done however will it do that

In a good way or not so much let’s take a look you can start off just like on vid IQ by clicking right here and then entering a keyword for example AI once you do that all of the predictions will then start coming up you can click on

Explore and all of this right here will load it will start off by giving you an overall score for this keyword a 63 out of 100 what is alarming to me is that it’s rated very good but the keyword I put is AI which is not a longtail

Keyword it is not specific it is extremely competitive and you cannot rank on just AI as a search phrase maybe if you got the biggest Channel you might might be able to do it but for 99.99999 people watching this that is not going to be the case but like I said

Earlier I don’t really recommend using this scores on any tool anyway it does show us searge volume not with a amount but rather a red to green bar searge volume is excellent meaning a lot of people search for this the competition is unfair and this is for my specific

Channel so if you’ve got a paid license on chew it will take a look at the competition based on your channel size which for me says fair then we’ve got optimization strength which once again is a bar that says excellent which shows you how well optimized the top ranking

Videos are for that search phase if the competition did not optimize it properly it will be in the green however if all the videos were to be optimized it would be in the red so green is a good sign however in my opinion this doesn’t tell

Me that much it just tells me the surge volume not even the exact amount just whether it’s green or red and then competition and optimization strength so in my opinion this is all data that doesn’t really tell me anything to be honest what I do like about this is that

You can have the related searches show up right here just like on vid IQ however there are far less that show up plus whereas on vid IQ we’ve had the matching terms that are clearly related to what we search for on True Body it shows AR which is a YouTuber not really

A video keyword as well as a lot of other keywords that I cannot do much with for example Ain’t No Sunshine airpods Pro I mean that’s not related to AI so what is doing there is once again not that good it does get a little better if we search for more specific

Stuff right away for example AI video it will then give us all of these right here and this is stuff that we can actually work with AI video Face Changer those are actual keywords you can then directly click on them and then you’ll also start going more in depth in the

Keywords itself but then once again it gives me a score that doesn’t really tell me that much and when it comes to keyword research specifically with chew that is pretty much all there is to it the only only thing that they’ve added as well is that when you search for it

On YouTube yourself you’re able to see the related searches and then the keyword score as well right here however as you can see the related searches also show up on YouTube itself if you simply hit space after the keyword and that is it when it comes to the keyword tool

From True Body keep in mind they’ve got a lot of other features as well but that’s not really related to keyword research so overall True Body in my opinion is a decent tool however that is about it it doesn’t add a lot to the table when it comes to keyword research

All it allows you to do is also find a few longtail keywords based on an initial search phrase which is what you can do in video Q as well however chew body does not come with all of the additional tools that it helps with keyword research then we’ve got a brand

New keyword research tool this is up and coming and it’s called one of 10 made by someone that has been working with Mr Beast himself one of 10 is a tool that allows you to do research based on outlier videos meaning they’ve built a platform where they collect data from

All videos on YouTube and they’ve added very specific filter that allows you to find exactly what you’re looking for however how do you do keyword research let me show you this is the platform itself this is the keyword research tool they don’t have an extension but it’s

Also not needed on one of 10 you’ve got the homepage the whole premisis of this is that it will show you outlier videos so videos that perform much better compared to normal on a channel so this video right here performed 2.6 times better than average on that channel

Specifically if you go to home it will just show you random videos however you can also filter per category for for example you’re in the tech Niche you can click Tech and then it will only show you outlier videos in the tech Niche for example this video performed 150 times

Better than average you’ll be able to open up that video by simply clicking on it and then as you can see it will open this up which will then allow you to analyze it I actually do so by adding vid IQ to the sauce as well so that I

Can take a look at the historical data for this video going back to one of 10 you may also click on find similars to dive into a rabbit hole for example if you want to find find more similar content that are outliers based on Google Deep Mind as a topic you can

Click on find similars and it will dive into that rabbit hole as you can see we now get more videos around that topic that also performed well which helps you analyze whether this topic or Niche is trending as of right now which honestly I think is a really cool idea you’ll be

Able to save those as well by clicking on bookmark and then adding it to one of your folders if you then go to saved right here that will indeed show up with all of the videos that you added inside that folder apart from clicking on an

Industry you can also filter this if you click on filters it will open up the following filters and there’s quite a lot of them which is good starting off with the multiplier rate so how much better did those videos perform compared to usual on a channel if I set this at

Four I’m only going to see videos that perform four times better than normal for a channel which by default is going to show me viral video topics I can also filter on a minimum amount of views for for example 50,000 uploaded in the last x amount of time for example the last 3

Months this way I can find recent keywords that will perform well as well as the subscriber count ultimately setting this at a lower subscriber count because now I’m going to find videos that got over 50,000 views in the last 3 months for a small Channel with less than 28,000 subscribers click apply

Changes and those videos will now show up and then when it comes to keyword research specifically they’ve got the surge bar right here just like on the other tools I will now search for AI and these are the videos that show up regarding that now as you can see this

Is a totally different concept than the previous two tools because this is not really going to show you keywords itself but rather videos including your keyword that performed well so all of these are AI videos that perform better than usual for a channel which allows you to find

Video ideas that are proven to do well additionally I can then go to filters again put my multiplier subscriber count range as well as the publication date and then as you can see these are very very well performing videos in the AI space an example would then be AI

Animation generator which I can click to analyze the video and see what it’s about as well as click on find similars to see if there are more videos like this that perform really well and as you can see there are 38 times better six times better 21 times better all about

AI animation videos and because of that I have now found this video topic right here that has been doing well for other channels and that’s how you can start finding video ideas SL keywords with the one of 10 tool in case you want to try out one of 10 yourself I’ll leave my

Personal Link in the description down below for you as well as a full tutorial about this platform well let’s wrap up my conclusion for this tool overall one of 10 in my opinion is a great tool for overall research on YouTube for keyword research specifically it is not a 10 out

Of 10 tool however I do use it myself I have a subscription and I use it in combination with vid IQ as well as tool number four that I’ll show show you in this video and what I found myself so far is that I find a lot of keywords

With one of 10 that I’ve not really seen before next up we’ve got a free tool which isn’t really actually a tool it’s called the YouTube search bar and this is actually what I started with in the beginning of my YouTube career as well this right here is that YouTube search

Bar it allows viewers to find videos but also us as creators to find keywords because when you click on this bar you’re able to search for anything you’d like you can type in whatever now when you do that YouTube will show you predictions and these predictions are

Based on their data so what they’ll do is that they’ll find out what is most likely to get searched for when someone types in whatever so if you type in how to how to rra a gift is currently searched for the most often the reason they’ll put the most search for things

At the top is to make it more likely for someone to click and then actually watch a video and that goes with anything that you type in for example if you type in AI all of these predictions will show show up right here so the way you can

Use this to find keywords is by simply start typing in Broad terms in your industry and then see what shows up if I type in AI this is the list that shows up this already gives me quite a few keywords we can make this more specific

By doing a few different methods one of which is the alphabet method so you start off by using an initial word or keyword for example AI you hit space and then from there you type in the a once you do so you’ll get a list of predictions based on that

If you do B you’ll get other search predictions you can do c you can do d e the entire alphabet and from there you’ll get a ton of keywords here’s another example how to a you’ll get this list right here how to B will show you

These keywords how to see will show you these keywords and you can also make combinations so for example let’s say you type in how to you then add a verb for example how to remove and then you do the alphabet method again you’ll get even more specific keywords so how to

Remove a how to remove B how to remove C you get the point and then as you can see right here you’ll get a list of keywords showing up every single time you do so for example how to remove copyright claim on YouTube you can then search for that and then start doing

Your research now once again to learn how to do that research check out my full research tutorial link down below but just as a method of generating keywords this is extremely powerful let’s say I’m a video editor and I want to make a video about that topic I can

Then type in how to edit and then get a clear idea of what people search for the most for example how to edit 4K video in cap cut that right there is a keyword that I can then Research Now by using the vid IQ extension I can see that this

Small channel right here has a video with 800,000 views even though they only have 4K Subs most of which probably came from this video and this video performed 3,400 times better than usual the same goes here how to browser 12,000 times better small Channel with 166,000 views

Which could show us that this keyword right here is a good keyword to make a video about and this goes on and on if you typing editing a you’ll find editing apps for YouTube videos as a keyword and then we can start analyzing the results

And that’s how we use the search bar to find keywords so overall the YouTube search bar is amazing you can definitely use this to get your stuff done and to be honest it is all you need however it does require a higher level of understand understanding of how youo

Works if you want to find proper keywords so if you’re a beginner please keep in mind that this will work for you however you’ve got to have some patience to understand exactly how it works and then finally on our list we’ve got keywords everywhere a subscriber of mine

Recently told me about this tool and mentioned that he’s using it he asked me on my opinion I didn’t have one because I don’t know the tool so that’s why I started testing it keywords everywhere is not a platform specifically made for YouTube and there’s no direct platform

That you can do your keyword research on mean meaning you have to install the browser extension which you can do right here and then from there you can start using it and that’s when you go to YouTube itself so once you now start searching for stuff with the search bar

Like I just showed you as well with keywords everywhere they’ll show you the search volume for example Kung F Honda 4 has 450,000 searches per month now it’s cool that you can see that however I’m pretty sure that this data is not from YouTube itself but from Google which

Means it’s slightly relevant but not so much because yes if people search for it on Google probably they do the same on YouTube but the numbers might be way off so if I now type in how to and then for example uh a I’ll get all of these

Keywords right here how to apply driving license online it says to have about 5,000 searches per month I can then search for that and then I’ll get to see the results and that is about the only thing that keywords everywhere adds to the table so you can see the YouTube

Trend for that specific keyword right here now that is cool I’m not 100 % sure how accurate this is however it seems to be going up which is good to see but as you can see the videos that get to show up depending on where it’s from have a

Lot more views than just 5,000 searches per month which makes me think that the data is not that accurate apart from that what it adds to the table is this right here it will show you a ranking difficulty score the surge volume the top channels maximum views and a lot

More stuff right here however in my opinion this doesn’t do that much compared to all of the previous tools that I showed you arguably this one adds the least overall this tool is not that great especially not for YouTube all it does is show the search volume which

Once again in my opinion is not that accurate especially for this tool because it’s not even based on YouTube traffic it’s based on Google traffic with all of that being said which keyword research tool should you use coming in on number one we’ve got vid IQ

Overall this is one of the best YouTube tools out there and I do think that they’ve got the best features when it comes to keyword research specific specifically they’ve got a dedicated keywords tool on their platform that will allow you to see the top search phrases for your channel specifically

But also mainly allows you to search for any keyword then by clicking just a few times you’ll have very in-depth longtail keywords which allow you to quickly find them so that timing is one of the main benefits as well as it gives you a quick understanding of what people are

Searching for but then what tops it up for me is the historical data feature that allows me to analyze whether a video is still currently getting traffic or not the outlier score that they’ve recently added is great as well as it allows you to go to channels and see

Their top performing videos and analyze them against their average performance once again I’ll leave my exclusive Link in case you want to try this for just $1 for 30 days in the description coming in at number two we’ve got one of 10 overall a great research tool for YouTube itself for keyword research

Specifically it is not the best however it does help me find a lot of keywords and a lot of video ideas that I normally don’t come across then coming in at number free we’ve got this the search bar itself overall this is free so anyone can get started with this great

Choice and you can learn a lot from this at number four or five I simply don’t really care we’ve got true BU as well as keywords everywhere I do think true bud is better than keywords everywhere because it’s an actual YouTube Tool rather than just an extension however I

Won’t use them for keyword research as they don’t add that much to the table with all of that being said I’ll leave all resources in the description down below if you want to watch my full keyword research tutorial that’s 1 hour long totally free click on the video

Right here then I’ll see you there have a good day


  1. Very well done video explaining all these tools. I only use TB for seeing channels information (videolytics) though that broke on Firefox and only can see in Chrome.

  2. Thank you for consistently delivering engaging and informative .Your videos never fail to entertain and educate. Much appreciated, and looking forward to more awesome videos from you 😉😀

  3. Thanks for such a wonderful and informative content on using tools for best keyword in YouTube. It's very helpful for me.

  4. If you want your videos to appear in the top search results on YouTube, this video is the place to start.

  5. I'm nominating this video for a Youtube Award! Clear, concise, and packed with value. You deserve all the recognition!

  6. Great video and very helpful. I learned a lot and was trying to decide which one was better before. I stumbled on your video.

  7. please when I get the right keywords, should I use the keywords as my title or build the title around it.

  8. respect, so many channels vaguely give an overview of these tools (especially VIDIQ because they make affiliate money) but never give a guide how to use them. I also find the channels promoting VIDIQ don’t give the full picture (like the channels who actually advise you using the AI video ideas given my vidiq which are actually garbage). Nice vid!

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