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Today we are playing Garden of bamban chapter 6 with bambolina say hi to everyone bambolina hi guys we actually got bambolina to play with us and she reveals insane secrets about the garden of bamban chapter 6 in this video I have a big crush on Sheriff

Toader we beat the entire game in this video with the help of bambolina and adidam even tries asking her out on a date in this video well she says we’ll shock you are you ready let’s go today we are playing garden B chapter 6 with bambolina say hi to everyone

Bambolina hi guys this is so crazy guys I don’t know how we set this up but Adam said he got bambolina number and we got her on the phone right now bro yes guys I am incredibly nervous for this video but we actually have bambolina and she

Is going to help us beat Gard of bamb band chapter 6 I’ll try yo guys this is going to be awesome because I’m just going to speedrun the game guys with all you guys’ help I’m going to speedrun the game but we’re going to ask bamboline a bunch of crazy

Questions like um how do you feel Adam has a h cross on you oh um well I’m sorry I’m kind of nervous because I have a big crush on Sheriff toadster right [Applause] here no my heart all right well this is my competition then yo Adam you better

Start hitting the weights bro he is jacked I don’t know what to tell you he is very strong hey um bambolina um so like are you and Sheriff toadster Like official or is it just like a crush uh it’s definitely just a crush he has no interest from what I

Know yo oh so he doesn’t like you back I don’t think so but who knows maybe Adam’s hoping there’s a chance still don’t worry bambolina now bambolina we have a crazy question is this your class room in in in in the game we’re in garden B chapter 6 is this your

Classroom it is that yo that is a giant leak now that that is bina’s classroom now bambalina now right in this part of the game we get jump scared by a cow character we’ll show you do you know who this cow character is because her jump scare is really crazy in the game

Actually this is milky Mo yo milky Mo hey yo heyo boy wait wait yo we got sir dado do and now milky moo yes milky I feel like I might have two crushes now yo just like my favorite type of milk 2% I also have two crushes bambolina and

Milky milk this is a big day for Adam right here guys this is crazy we’re actually playing with bambalina now let me let me make sure I beat this Obby to show you guys this jump scare guys this Milky moo character is insane here we go

We’re going to go up here we’re going to go up here and I’m I’m going to turn on the lights cuz a little it’s a little bit dark in here right now I’m I’m going to turn on the lights right now and let’s see milky moo up close guys let’s

Let’s let see now she’s not there right now check this out bambolina grab that she does that she’s a sneaky one I’ll protect you bambolina don’t worry hey yo oh my gosh that scared me that is super scary bambolina that is super crazy now bambolina I’m I’mma ask you an

Important question what about Sheriff toter do you like because maybe Adam can learn to better himself then well like you said he’s very strong and he’s a sheriff I love his star bad who wouldn’t love that yeah true yeah Adam yeah hey Adam you taking notes you taking notes buddy yeah but um

Bambolina um I I play Roblox with Justin and I make YouTube videos so that’s kind of like being a sheriff I guess what well I mean he protects everybody he protects us all yo there’s B yo and she’s standing with Sheriff toaster hey yo heyo hey yo hey

Yo Bina why why do you like him well Sheriff toaster just said that he was going to start a YouTube channel and start playing Roblox 2o hey yo we got competition Adam you got competition oh come on man wait is Sheriff toadster the only character in Gard of band band

That you have a crush on or do you have multi oh crushes yo well I really really really really like band ban too yo I mean who who doesn’t guys this this video might be the worst day of Adam’s life for real for real sussy No Cap honestly Adam

I’mma Be I’m I’m Adam I’m I’mma keep it a buck with you Adam all right all right keep it 100 you’re you’re not going to beat this physique right there nope that’s true man he has the greatest physique of all time there’s no no way dude look at how he’s built dude he’s

Built differently you can’t do that Man whatever Bambina Bambina we got a we got a huge question for you where did you get this little bow tie or this uh yeah where’d you get that the bow where who who gave you that I got it from my secret admirer and I still don’t know

Who that is hey yo hey yo I might have given bambolina the that bow what now guys this video is getting real crazy it’s getting real spicy guys I’m going to go over here and I’m going to make sure we get to the next area guys

Cuz we got to we got to beat this game we got to actually beat this game fair and square because I got to show everyone bambolina what do you think of the new character sir dadoo so so scary sir dadoo is really creepy huh we we’ll

Show you at the end how he like attacks all the characters it’s really weird let’s go over here guys we got to beat this next puzzle this couch puzzle and then we’re going to show a Bambina her dad to do and we’re going to see what

She thinks of him I’m just really scared because bambolina kind of gets kidnapped in this game by a slug baby um bambolina how do you feel about this Adam has told me in private he said if sir Dy dude tried to kidnap bambolina real life I

Would punch him in save her what how does that make you feel well I would hope someone would save me yes sir see Jus see yes sir she it Adam just says he just says she doesn’t want to be saved bro that’s what he says bro I always

Want to be saved bambolina I I I I really just don’t want to even play around anymore are you interested in dating me um no come on come on why okay wait wait wait bab B what do you think of the jester is he is he

Sussy or n no cap for real for real Jester’s pretty cool I mean one side’s green and one side’s blue that is true that is true guys Adam dude Adam it’s not looking good for you man I don’t know I don’t know why you set up this

Call man this is going to hurt your confidence I mean are you half green and half blue I am not half green or have blue unfortunately no Adam would probably paint himself this way though if if it meant uh winning your heart bambolina he probably get some body

Paint I’d love to see that if I dyed my hair half blue and half green then would you date me go M I’ll think about it all right all right so you’re saying there’s a chance there is a chance Adam yes sir maybe like one in a

Million I’ll take it I’ll take it what if I showed you that I’m really good at math cuz you’re you’re a teacher right bambolina true I am you can quiz me and Justin I can um not me not me what is 1 + one we’ll start easy that’s 11 what a noob

Question two two two that’s n that’s 11 what a noob question that is it’s two a well it’s cuz I’m doing this puzzle I’m doing this chair puzzle so I’m distracted that’s what that was all right let’s run it back let’s turn up the difficulty a little bit okay do you

Know what 3 * 2 is I haven’t gotten that far in school I haven’t gotone that far in school to be honest you don’t know multiplication no I know Adam knows mumification I don’t know that one um listen I’m trying to turn on these lights I’ll let you guys

Talk I’ll let you guys have this little bambolina date I’m I’m busy right now guys I’m a busy man I’m going to lock in six that is correct very good nice ad cheating no Adam’s cheating he’s got a calculator in front of him I know he does he’s trying to impress bambolina

Guys I I know he is no calculators yeah Adam got a calculator it’s it’s a calculator the shape of a cow cuz milk yo milky yeah cuz milky milk bro although I do encourage everyone to drink their milk true makes your mind stronger yes sir

True Bina I I am actually um trying to get stronger right now I’m drinking two gallons of milk a day instead of one um and I’m working out with my mom every single morning and Justin he can actually back me up cuz he sees me working out with my mom really hard all

Adam does but listen guys don’t try that at home Adam has three stomachs for milk don’t try and drink that much milk it’s not safe only Adam can do it yes I would not recommend that much milk yeah Adam Adam a glass Adam Adam really hopes that

If he gets big and strong like Sheriff TOA you’ll give him a chance bambolina what do you think we’ll see maybe there’s a chance there’s a chance Adam you got a chance bro I’ll take it I will literally take anything I will take scraps at this [Applause]

Point thank you so much bambolina hey yo huhuh wait I’m not here to crush anyone’s Dreams yeah yes sir bolina is a is a generous Queen now I’m I’m dude guys I’m so focused on this I think I messed it up honestly I’m so focused on Adam’s e date

With bambolina I think I might have messed this up please yes I’m a genius let’s go bambolina do you think that nabnab is handsome no I do I mean he brushes his teeth every single day like three times a day that’s true Adam doesn’t do that Adam doesn’t

Do that Adam listen Adam you stop asking these questions you can’t handle the truth Bambina could I get some glow up tips what well just like nabnab I think brushing your teeth every single day right right right right your breath smells really really really really good y so important hey bambolina hey

Bambolina hey bambolina uh rate Adam’s RZ uh what is a Riz rate Adam’s Riz bro Adam you got to use a Riz you got a Riz bro Adam Riz and she’ll give you rating now hold on but hold that thought because we’re about to see sir Dandy do bambine and check this out this is the

Brand new character in chapter 6 he is super duper sussy if I if I fly through here there’s his teeth what do you think of his teeth ew ew e is right is right let me let me delete all this so we can actually see

Sir D do when he spawns in he’s going to spawn in right e e e e e e e e e oh my gosh I’m closing my eyes I’m closing my eyes e e e e e e e e that’s so gross it’s like a slug and I don’t know now I

Got I got a real question I got a real question Bambina rate rate sir dado Do’s RZ sir radoo can I give him like a negative number okay okay so Adam look at least she doesn’t like s dad do okay that that’s that’s a W for you Adam not

All right so would you rather date me or sordat do um are you kidding me you can’t give me these trick questions you you have to think about it that long yo she [Applause] y she rather date a slug ay yo oh boy guys this is a very humbling

Video for me but I will not give up I will not guys listen guys never give up guys listen bambolina we need you to rate Adam’s Riz bro we need you to rate his Riz B bambolina uh bambolina um if you were any card in a deck of cards I

Think you would be the queen of my heart well I mean technically we already have a queen true Queen vilia true true Adam true and she’s my friend bro Adam I’m not I’m not interested in Quin Bel CIA Bambina you have to understand I’m not interested all I want is you no

She’s talking no she’s talking about your Riz line bro oh you just didn’t like the Riz no that’s a negative Riz listen Adam that that is a negative RZ I I’m sorry listen listen Adam if if if lanky box was a deck of cards Adam would be the king of s I’ll

I’ll I’ll be the Joker I’ll be the joker now guys bambolina I got to ask a question why are you standing here with Sheriff toaster again uh why why why are you standing up your Sher toaster again because he asked me to stand next to him yo overlooking the pretty scenery

Yo Adam what are you going to do man why would he ask you to stand next to you like that unless he likes you back do you think he likes me back it’s getting sussy ad him it’s getting sussy ad him just bail bail bail stop talking

About Sheriff toaster Adam this is a bad look for you man he’s got too nice of a physique that’s true I could never possibly beat him um let’s just keep playing and see what happens here guys Okay now what’s really crazy bambolina is this is the part of the game of

Chapter 6 where you actually get attacked by Sir dedo’s babies guys we’re going check this out check this out oh this is insane guys this is a truly insane part of the game here we go guys here comes the little baby to come attack bambolina guys and we’re going to

Show bambolina herself getting attacked in 4k bambolina if this happened in real life I would protect you I just wanted to say that that is true Sheriff toter does not protect you here bambine he just runs off check this out guys it’s pretty crazy well I do appreciate that

Oh oh my gosh pleas oh oh oh no attack me with his mouth oh oh he dragged me away Sheriff knows oh Bro Look hey that’s that is true guys Sheriff TOA just ran off he’s nowhere to be seen bambolina that that is true my friend Adam would save you

But Sheriff TOA just fled the scene to be honest he’s nowhere to be seen why would you want to date a guy that doesn’t even protect you maybe he want to go start on the case File to get me rescued true I I bet he honestly went to

Try to Riz up Queen bounia he probably already moved on to your friend Yo which I would never do I would never do that you think he likes Queen boun Celia more than me yes ma’am I do yes ma’am I do I don’t though Adam Adam this is a

Really devious t tactic you’re using here all right you’re basically lying about Sheriff toer to try and get Bambina to like you but well we don’t know we don’t know where Sheriff toter is he might be right it smells in where I’m filming smells like desperation I don’t know

Why oh that’s you Adam you’re smelling yourself oh yeah you’re probably right right H you know what I smell Adam I smell a whole lot of C I smell a whole lot of cap I think you’re capping bro F FRFR F FRFR Adam’s capping NGL I’m going to keep it a buck

Right now Adam is capping for real for real NGL okay but F FRFR who’s going to save me yo Bambina I’m going save you br I’mma save you bambolina I’m the one playing the video game let’s go dude I’m a pro gamer now there go wait wait

Justin are you trying to get in here too are you trying to name bambolina no no I’m not dude no I’m not I’m loyal to Wendy oops I was supposed to say that listen no no I’m not no no I’m not that be ridiculous true Hey bambolina cuz you

Are a girl um so my friend Justin has a crush on Wendy’s like the restaurant girl no I don’t I just like the chcken sandwich it’s just a good sandwich how do you think that he should ask her out dude it’s just a good sandwich I don’t

Well she has the prettiest red hair so I think a compliment about her hair is a great star bro Adam stop capping bro stop capping I just like the chicken sandwich all right all right whatever man whatever now we’ve never been down here it’s really dark in there I’m out

Of there okay so now this is the really hard part of the game where you’ve got to like get the Drone to do this I wonder if I can do it better if I fly I oh I cannot use the Drone when I fly okay so this puzzle is just really hard

There’s bamb band now bamb you did say you like bamb band right I do I mean look at him he’s a great shade of red okay okay okay okay guys I’m zooming Adam this this must be a very hard video for you that’s okay Adam you’re doing your best Buddy you there Adam huh is he crying do I hear teardrops falling onto the keyboard dude Teardrops on Adam’s guitar that’s Crazy oh man guys this video really is just hitting me in the heart there are Teardrops on Adam’s guitar right now guys this is insane and bamboline is the reason that I have those Teardrops on that guitar that is crazy bro that is crazy right now I am captured by a baby

Slug so what oh right true I should be the only one crying right that is true we’ll save you bambolina don’t worry let let me just figure out how to drive this drone I’ll save you dude don’t worry all right let’s go over here press this

Please work this game is really hard you got to get it to oh that’s so difficult you know what I’m just going to delete this let’s go all right let’s go I’m zooming I don’t know if I can get through this next part with that

Deletion oh I think I can actually cuz I can get this key card now bamb this is where s dad who attacks us but we cannot get that because it’s the the puzzle’s too tricky now that looks like you bambolina but it’s actually ban ban yeah I see his little party hat yeah

Pretty lit huh let me go over here and get this too all right guys I’m going to get out of here really quick I’m just going to go ahead and go ahead Adam this is your one call with bambolina dude ask her some questions man like do some Riz

Bro hey hey bambolina um so do you also like Stinger Flynn or are you guys just friends s fln is just my really good friend nice okay W so you would say he’s in the friend zone he is in the friend zone forever wow Adam’s asking the important questions he’s in the jelly Zone Adam is jelly Adam’s jelly of a jellyfish Amina um I was just wondering um if you like Legos I do I love Legos well you you going to invite her to play Lego fortnite what is this no because um I would never let go of you if we were

Dating well you better Lego my egos because I love my EG waffles oh yeah yeah Lego my egos like all my OS that’s why I say Adam in the morning at breakfast time those are my waffles oh they’re my fa I love the chocolate chip ones get ye on Adam Lego

Myos hey Bambina um can you put the phone down really quick I just want to say something to Justin uh we’ll be right back um hey uh so Justin I feel like every time I’m doing the pickup lines on babina she is pretending to not really hear them and then just says some

Random stuff and it doesn’t sound like she really likes me back what do you think I should do oh you want my advice on how to Riz yeah that’d be great you want my Riz advice bro yeah cuz I really R you oh right okay well Adam yeah first

Thing first I’m the realist and second things you need to start showing me some respect okay got it okay now I think what you should do Adam is propose some sort of date with bambolina and see if she says yes I think that’s the easiest way cuz then you’ll just know for sure

Oh perfect okay got it uh okay yeah okay bamb are you are you there uh what what oh uh we we we cut out for a second um but you’re back right you can hear us yes okay um well I I was wondering um bambolina is your name Abraham cuz I was

Wondering when are we linkoln yo that’s disrespectful well LinkedIn like you want me to work for you no no no Lincoln like um never mind u b would you like tozz LZ elz elz LZ L RZ that’s not what I told you to do

I thought I told you to do it all L would you maybe like to go get ice cream and I lost and I lost cuz Adam’s rid was so bad I got jump scared now I’m trying it’s hard man you lost a lot of everyone’s respect right there bro

Bambolina would you like to get ice cream sometime all right that was better o i I do love ice cream um and band ban and Sheriff toader come two o Adam’s getting fourth wheeled she skipped the Third Wheel went straight to Fourth that is a tough one

So you want to invite every other guy that you currently have a crush on to go on this date with us that’s crazy I mean the more the merrier right uh well I I probably wouldn’t um buy them ice cream because um I don’t have that much

Allowance I would only buy your ice cream okay well that’s okay they both have jobs so they can buy their own wow bro can Jus come too I don’t want to go I have frosties from Wendy’s you don’t want to go on this quadruple date with Sheriff toaster it sounds it sounds really

Awkward I I really I really would rather not go and actually frosties sound really good I do love Wendy’s frosties yeah Wendy’s best do you just want to go to Wendy’s with Justin yeah that sounds good yeah lit did did wait huh like by like with with Sheriff toaster and them right or

Just Justin dude I lost the mini game again Bro well I mean I think we could all go nice nice and then maybe um bambolina would you like to go in my mom’s Tesla to Walmart and Target after so we can get lanky box merch your mom has a Tesla y she can come to the date too if you want

What I love to meet your mom yo this this is going exactly as I hoped okay Bambina do do you want to get do you want to get ly box merch though I think that was the point of Adam’s question uh yeah oh let’s go man let’s

Go you know what dude Adam we didn’t even think about that dude wait Bambina yeah don’t listen to this part really quick dude Adam I didn’t think about that dude number one Riz is to say that bamb can come hang out foxy boxy and everyone cuz everyone loves them bro oh

That’s smart okay let me try it uh bambolina are you there I’m here hey um so bambolina um we were wondering would you want to um go to Walmart and Target with us because there’s brand new lanky box merch there like the giant foxy mystery box and new

Figures and squishies and there’s even some new merch coming really really soon so we were wondering maybe if you want to be our friends we can get you free lanky box merch would that be cool oh I would love that especially the new mystery box let’s go let’s go let’s go

Nice nice we’ll take that we’ll take that Adam nice hey um what do you think of kittysaurus bambolina kittysaurus is pretty cool pretty cool huh gives really great cuddles oh my friend Justin does a really good kittysaurus [Applause] sound pretty lit huh pretty good huh pretty good huh

Sure yes sir yes sir yes ma’am now I’m going go over here and finish the game real quick guys I’m almost there I just got to beat this last puzzle it’s going to be lit all right well bambolina um how has this been for you are you nervous are you doing

Okay I’m just nervous I’m are you guys going to save me or what it’s been a long time dude we’re trying Bambina I’m trying my best um so what type of lanky box merch would you like to get from Walmart and Target oh I know that’s always so tough

I love the plushies oh true that’s that’s always a great choice true but the new mystery the mystery boxes and the Mini Mystery figurines H it’s a hard Choice yeah yeah yeah we can just get you one of everything oh oh really guys Adam’s Adam’s trying

To flex Adam is trying to flex right now that’s crazy your RZ has gone up in my BS yo so it really just came down to buying you lanky box merch hey who can say no to free merch yeah true I’ll take it I will take I

Literally will take that all right nice Adam dude you’re doing great Adam keep up the Riz guys I’m almost there I’m almost at the end of the game all right well oh no no I’m a genius see save that all right guys yeah this part of the game is actually really really

Tricky the platform jumping uh puzzle yeah but see see how good I am at jumping look at that can’t even beat me all right now we go here wow yeah pretty good huh babina now I got to get out of here right now because it’s time to

Scadaddle it’s time to scaddle and get that last part of the game unlocked bro which I think is right here bambolina are you friends with um opila bird and slow Seline h not really opila we had a bit of a falling out when I accidentally ate one of her eggs for breakfast

Yo an Aur gets really really cursed in this game like she tries to O you a lot in this game yeah all right now here we go that’s okay here we go we’re about to get Queen boun cilia’s wand right here let’s go and she is a queen let’s see

This cut scene and now we’re going to see sir Dy do also this is the crazy end to the game bambolina I I need to prepare you for what you’re about to see you might see yourself get cursed right here oh no yeah it’s about to get a

Little bit sussy wussy it’s really really scared and that’s why you should definitely um never date Sirata do bambolina because he’s actually evil he wants to um do really evil stuff to you okay yeah no thank you yep yes sir all right here comes n n to press the button

And he’s going to start yeting on the button check this out yep and that is going to summon sir dad do oh brh oh bruh okay let’s get that wand right now get that there’s the wand there’s Queen B cilia’s wand nice yo and you’re friends with Queen B right

Uh bambolina I am this is so cool we get to return her wand to her then no cuz here comes sir dadoo it’s missing a piece Here Comes sir dadoo guys keep your eyes peeled here he comes here he comes Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh

Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh there he is e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e oh a look at his TI oh my gosh he is so scary sus sus sus sus sus

Sus but it’s okay guys ban ban is going to inject nabnab with a exe potion Jenum and he’s going to attack him yeah nabnab is going to turn into a giant like tarantula nabnab oh my go ew dude s dadoo is so sus I wonder if he brushes his

Teeth I don’t know probably not it doesn’t look like it or smell like it either ew ew all right here’s the here’s the injection oh bruh oh bruh oh b b watch out oh don’t trust band ban oh yep Yeet with the injection Yeet oh oh oh oh

Oh wow he did really eat him oh my gosh oh oh spider versus tarantula oh and he took him nice now we run run run run Jester cuz the little baby slugs are after us ew this game is so scary and remember bambolina don’t get scared when

You see yourself here you might see yourself super super cursed okay bro okay I’ll try not to get scared run run run run run run run run the jester kind of got Fancy Feet watch out for the Slugs watch out run band band if you get scared bambolina you can hug your lanky

Box plushies I am hugging them right now yo I cool I am going to say something for real for real No Cap I’m going to keep it a buck um listen bolina ever since you went missing Sheriff toaster has been gone I I I I I I I don’t think

He’s looking for you I I think you got to crush on Sheriff toaster but I I I think he’s I think he’s gone so I don’t know how that changes your opinion of Adam and Sheriff toaster well I guess we’ll just have to see I mean I don’t want to count anyone

Out true you never know all right bambolina are you ready to see yourself get cursed uh if I have to all right guys this is the crazy ending of Garden of bman 6 and bambolina is about to see it with us right now here comes sir dado

Do no way oh my gosh oh my goodness bambolina you’ve been cursed although I do like the glow it’s kind of pretty with that purple oh bambolina likes being cursed at him no that means she actually likes her dad do a just calling


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