



Benefit Precisely My Brow Shade 4

MAC Prep + Prime 24-hour Extend Eye Base

Rude Cosmetics Flower Love Gardener Eyeshadow Palette

Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer Shade Fair 5

Kat Von D Tattoo Liner

Just Add Sparkle Eye Pencil

Collection Sculpting Lash Primer Mascara

NYX On The Rise Mascara



All right let’s play with some makeup guys and we are going to be using this palette from Red Cosmetics it is the flower love Gardener 35 palette and it looks like this absolutely stunning stunning um so yeah I am buzzing to give this a go and yeah if you like the sound of

This video with me testing this palette out then please just keep on watching okay so I have swatched the palette so this is what it looks like I did have to use both arms for this because there is 35 Shades in this palette um hence why I

Done watches off camera because we would be here forever doing online um I will say I’m not the best in the world for swun but this is beautiful absolutely stunning now there is some Glitters in this palette that do not Swatch on the arm but they do swatch

On the finger for some reason just transfering them onto the arm was a no go but that’s what they look like now I do love press glitter a lot of people don’t seem to be a liken press Glitters which is honestly unfortunate because it really enhances an eye look like it

Makes an eye look look so intense yeah that is the swatches of this palette see that there is a lot of choice when it comes to this palette you know you’ve got your greens your Blues your pinks your yellows oranges nude tones you can do a lot with this palette

To be honest um for sure you’ve got your purples as well well one purple um but yeah you can do a lot of different looks with this palette for sure um so you could do like a neutal look if you wanted to you can do a very colorful

Look that is why I love palettes like this cuz it’s like an Allin one isn’t it you get color you get you perfect palette I will see the this white here M white beautiful this nudish white shade is very similar to that shade I don’t think we need both

To be honest um that is a beautiful matte nude shade by the way right there absolutely gorgeous but they are really pigmented I was actually quite shocked on how pigmented the white was um and I figured I would use my bit products cuz I’ve not used these in a while so I’m using

The Gimme brow by benefit the writing is totally rubbing off and I’m using the precisely my brow pencil in the shade four for this I always start off with my brow and then I Prim my eyes and then I start the eye look I lost my BR hair there

But I’ve woke up and I’ve lost bre hairs here honestly like I don’t know what’s happening to me guys I don’t I do not know what is going on with these monstrosities but you know what we will we will go with the floor on it because it’s it’s clearly just hating me right

Now my brows are hating me I’m really trying to salvage this BR at least because as I said I have no no idea how I’ve lost my BR hairs there yesterday my um this is a really bad habit I’ve got to Hest I get dry patches there and it

Was flaking on my eye lid um so I’m like rubbing my skin with my my fingers trying to get the dryness like dry FL skin to come off cuz it was just in my box and to be honest and I think to be honest I’ve rubbed too hard and made my

B hairs for it I think that’s maybe what it is but I don’t know and with my MAC eyeshadow primer I think that’s maybe it though but I honestly I don’t know cuz I lose brow hairs for no reason most of the time I don’t know some just oh it’s going

Weird I’m really annoyed with myself so and the fact that I lost lost a lot of ha there I will never be doing that again I’m not following Trends this is why I don’t follow Trends cuz they’re all so bloody stupid but I fall for I don’t

I cuz I thought it looked really cool and I wanted to do something similar and I regret it on a massive level I mean you would think that you would be safe though I mean they were using mask and tape and they didn’t lose their

BR mask and tape is a hell of a lot stickier than this tape here so honestly list um so I’m going to go in with this matte n and I’m just going to go all over the lid with that just to add some coverage to the

Lid with this deep shade here this is a black brown shade but it’s got specs of glitter in it I’m just hoping the glitter doesn’t totally trans L onto that eye because I want use it as my deep shade here which is working nicely actually let’s see

Yeah you can’t really see the Spees of Glitter sometimes it kind of makes me wonder with these Shades though I mean is there a point putting glitter in them if when you put the shades on to your eye it doesn’t even translate onto the skin it doesn’t show up it’s like they look beautiful in

The palette but I mean if I’m not going to really translate what really is the point of like the glitter being in them I’ll never understand that to be honest but it’s still beautiful as you can see with this shade I’m having really build it up to get the

PE off that I want but I prefer that with an ey Shadow because it means you’ve got a lot more control and then then we’re going to go And I’m going to go and to this purple here I’m hoping that this will trans and help blend this shade I don’t know if it will because this quite a deep shade compared to this purple and the fact is this purple is actually a pastel purple and they don’t

Really show up on my skin tone so that is where the trouble is actually lying here pastels do not show on my skin tone it’s honestly ridiculous because my skin tone isn’t even that dark it’s quite pale for an olive ton skin tone so why pastels don’t really show up is beyond

Me blending out nicely though but you can barely see the purple on camera you can definitely see it in person a lot more but it’s not as vibrant as what I would have liked it to have been so Christmas has been andone another year is Done and it’s so sad because you work all year around being all excited for Christmas and then the day comes and it goes by so fast before you know it it’s already done and it’s like why was I even excited because really Christmas day is just another

Day when you think of it I mean especially if it’s just going to go by so quick you know I I do love Christmas don’t get me wrong but it goes by way too fast you’re building yourself up for like excit being excited for it

And then it goes by that quick it’s just it’s just a shame that it doesn’t last for very long Um but no it’s going to be New Year’s Day coming up really soon is anybody doing anything nice for New Year’s Last year me and my partner didn’t really celebrate it we just really sleep to be honest with you Um we used to we used to celebrate it a lot in my family we would like all stay up for the bells we would make um cocktails use cocktail sticks and like adds pickle and cheese and that I loved that that was like New Year’s day used

To be quite nice in my family household um but now we don’t celebrate it really um we just still go to our bed um it’s not really as big as what it was when I was a kid which does make me quite sad to be honest obviously when me and my partner

Get our own place we’ll celebrate it and that like stay up for the bills and that but right now we’re stuck at my parents house and we’re in we B room all the time because well personal reasons on that um so there’s no point like celebrating

It and that’s crappy bedro you know what I mean um so we’ll probably just watch TV and I probably won’t even notice the time until it gets after 12 now like oh happy New Year I’m going to go in to this pinkish purple shade here and I’m just going in to the

Crease and for 20 24 can’t believe it’s 2024 honestly I feel if it was only yesterday it was 2008 I was just starting high school at the age of 12 and now it’s 2024 but the years are going by way too fast I’m going in with this deep pinkish purple shade

Now I just feel like life is going by way too quick and I’m just going Bel that Shades so yeah as I was saying I just totally forgot what I was talking about but yeah our plans for 2024 is to for sure save up to get our own

Place um because we really want to move out and just get our own place set ourself up you know like just be our own little family each other um cuz we’ve been at my parents for far too long now and it’s about time that we move

Out just going back in with that purple shade so fingers crossed for us that we save up quick and get a house quick I’m hoping to be out here this year fingers crossed um so yeah wish should all the lock in world because I am hoping it works

Out just dippen in that corn up a weit Again beautiful and I’m going to end with that deep pink shade just do Under the lower lashes I’m hoping to maybe lose some weight this year as well cuz I’ve gained a bit and it’s making me unhappy um so I’m making a conscious effort to really St Comfort because it’s getting out hand

And I’m getting the weight back but what can you do when you’re really depressed and leave food as your comfort but then you sit and regret that youve just sat and ate like several packs of sweets at the one goal basically um like you do regret it but

Then you keep doing it because it gives that really short amount of time of comfort and then afterwards you honestly you regret it cuz you you know you just know that it’s making you f so yeah I’m hoping to lose some weight I’m hoping to try and start counseling this

Year although with certain circumstances I’m kind of feeling as if there’s no point because I feel as if it’s not even going to work because the situation is still stuck in my e um but I’m going to try because well worst thing is it doesn’t work for

Me this time and then I go back when the situation as an in my you know okay and then just blend those edges just a little bit what else am I planning on 2024 uh what else oh obviously I am going to be on a few years’s makeup nobody and I’m really

Want to stick to that so I’m sitting thinking of ways on how I’m going to stick to that you know um cuz I know what I’m like and I think my partner knows what I’m like as well so I’m trying to think of ways that will encourage me to stick to

It um and I’m thinking getting like a diary cuz I want to try and grow my hair out I keep saying this all the time and I cut it but this time for def I actually want to see if I can go out and make it long again cuz um I’m kind of

Really getting FedEd up having short hair um so that’s my plan I am planning on trying to grow my hair out what do few years makeup bu unless obvious say I need to replace like a mascara for instance like something should put like that um so I’m thinking like if I get a

Diary I could maybe like every single day write in my progress and I want to get some like hair growth stuff but don’t really know what what stuff to use it’s actually good for growing the hair out you know what I mean um so I’m using their the pink pressed

Glitter I’m just adding that here but yeah honestly I don’t know what stuff’s good for GR hair out because I never used to have such an issue with get my hair to grow but I think because I’ve kept my hair short for so so long like I’ve kept my hair short since

2016 2015 2016 sort of time and and I think because of how long it’s been getting cut for like just nonstop it’s not growing the way it used to because cuz my hair like I could have my hair like this short just now before and it used to

Grow like fully out in like 6 months like my hair used to be like super quick like that whereas now I can go a whole year with my hair basically this length it doesn’t grow that much anymore it used to um so it’s kind of it’s one of the ones

I feel as if it’s never going to grow because of that reason and I’m never going to get a hair length that I actually Want but I mean all you can do is try your best you know um going to do a bit of Research see if there’s any like products that are like very highly true and tested because I really want to grow my hair out and I say this all the time to be fair I’ve got this bad habit I’ll see it let it grow to bit there and then I’ll

Turn around and make my partner cut it yeah um but this time do you know what it is so it’s not really that I want the short hair back it’s more like I hate that awkward stage when it’s grown out I get so fed up with the awkward stage

That I just I just cut it back to this cuz I’m like well this is better than it looking ridiculous cuz my hair does look ridiculous in the awkward stage um but I think I’m going to need to just bely B it and actually just accept that awkward stage because

Otherwise I’m never going to get the long hair and then yeah what’s the point I need to just sort of like P of here through that awkward stage of things where I want to or not if I want have long hair because I actually take it

Seriously cuz I don’t that my trouble I don’t take it seriously cuz I get fed up with the awkward stage and in a second planing because I want my hair long you know like can’t have it both ways unfortunately cuz if you could that would be plus but that’s not how life works

So so going to go in to this PR glor here see press col just makx a look right I’m going to go in to this Shimmer here and put that in the inner Corner good the thing is like if we want to save up for a house I can’t be

Sitting buying makeup all the time and when we actually have her own house I won’t be able I wouldn’t even afford be able to afford let me just get myself comy my legs are getting quite sore now um but I wouldn’t even be able to afford to be buying makeup as ruthlessly as

What I’ve been doing you know what I mean like when we get we in place it will be an absolute luxury when I’m able to afford a new piece of makeup anyway so I need to sort of get in the routine of being used to not being able to buy

Makeup whenever I want and using what I’ve actually got at home I need to get used to that because that is going to be the reality when we go get our own place because of bills obviously um going in with this reddish Shimmer here applying that here

So I really it’s really important that I get used to uh and if I can stick to this makeup Noby that will get me used to not buying makeup all the same you know what I mean like cuz it is a bit of an addiction for me

And with this eyeliner that I got from this set my brother got me Christmas just to give it a try and see it’s any good I know when I swatched it it was really creamy so oh yeah that is actually pretty decent this is some lash primer

So now I’m going to try this mascara that I got from this set my brother got me I don’t know if I like it to be honest I’m extremely picky with mascaras because a lot of mascaras just don’t work on my lashes a lot mascaras don’t do Jack from my lashes to be

Honest but a weird smell what does that smell it’s not a bad smell to be honest it’s um oh that reminds me of something it actually reminds me of soap but like a really nice smell and soap though it’s not doing anything for my lashes so let’s just go in with

My neck on the rise mascara just cuz I need something obviously not trying to sound ungrateful about the gifts that I got cuz I am far from an ungrateful person when it comes to gifts um it’s just unfortunate that the mascara just doesn’t do anything to my lashes at all

Um have it had a different W it probably would have worked but those ones are just rubbish on my lashes like I’ve got long lashes but they’re very straight so they sit downwards so I need like a mascara on like this from my lashes for it to actually like lift my lashes up

Um I don’t use lash colors cuz honestly with my lashes I will curl them with a lash color and then as soon as I put mascara on it actually for some reason the mascara just makes them fall back down um on hly just using mascara works

The best for getting my lashes to set up and be more curled and I’ve noticed since using lash primer as well that really helps to keep my lashes sitting more curled up before I used I never used to use lash primer and it would just F down um instantly does matter what

Mascara you used even the really good ones I absolutely love it it they be just full um but lash primer has made such a huge difference when it comes to my lashes and that is why I will not do my makeup without my lash primer anymore no chance blush brush one just to

Separate okay so this is the final eye look using this palette from Red cosmetics I am going to be doing the face M the base makeup in another video so if you like this video then please give it a big thumbs up it would mean the absolute world to me please subscribe to

My channel as well that would also mean a lot and comment down below what your favorite eyeshadow palette is are you looking forward to New Year what is it that you are doing for New Year comment down below and let me know and I will see you in my next video guys bye

1 Comment

  1. That palette is lovely and those glitters are amazing.
    Your look turned out lovely thanks for sharing!

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