Japanese Garden

Godzilla’s NEW Look EXPLAINED | Godzilla x Kong

Why on earth did Godzilla turn pink? Today’s episode will explain a few reasons why this color isn’t just another random coloration for Godzilla and also point out the significance of it in the Hollow earth. That’s not all, Godzilla will also come with a few.. Upgrades. – if you can call them that. Watch till the end to find out how different Godzilla will be in GxK The New Empire.

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Holy crap that’s Godzilla he’s Waking Up Wait hold on hold up is that pink who said Godzilla can turn pink they put him on a diet he can run now don’t worry we can explain in this episode will not only give possible reasons why the Gman changed colors in the new film Godzilla

Kong the new Empire but also provide a breakdown of what else Godzilla will be able to do with this new form but before we start don’t forget to give us a like And subscribe or Godzilla will step on your house just kidding to begin let’s address the elephant in the room and

Talk about why pink for those that don’t know this is not the first time we’ve seen Godzilla be portrayed in a similar color palette going back to 1999 2000 Godzilla was featured with spiky dorsals with a purplish pink Hue additionally this animal featured spikier skin as well as sharp Jagged dorsal plates these

Subtle purple and pink Hues can also be seen if we go back into time to 1994 where we see space Godzilla’s crystallized formations contain these Hues almost 30 years later Godzilla will revisit this color palette in Godzilla Kong but this isn’t exactly why the Gman

Is pink here now before we begin to dish out theories we’ll drop a disclaimer here and state that the material mentioned in this episode is pure speculation and should not be considered Canon to the monsterverse unless proven true after gxk is released the best Clues we have as to why Godzilla turned

Pink can be found here you can’t miss it pink Hues embedded in the ice can be clearly seen as Godzilla is frozen in the ice evolving into a more powerful form as per IGN’s article released before the trailer this pink coloration or better described as magenta hued

Energy is something that is not newly introduced in this film yes we see a vast amount of pink colored crystals in Hol Earth caves and we were introduced to plenty of pink colored crystal structures in the trailer but if we go back back in time to the events of

Godzilla versus Kong we’ll notice an interesting detail in this clip where Nathan Lind and Company breached the hollow Earth’s Veil leading into the vile Vortex we witnessed all sorts of coloration appear on the windshields of the heaves these were most likely some visual of magnetic or energetic currents

That were quickly bypassed by The Hollow Earth exploration craft this phenomenon also occurred in Monarch Legacy of monsters and what do we see here pink indicating that this coloration along with the blue color signature could be one of the several energy forms found down here keep in mind that this is

Science fiction so not everything will align with the actual science however an interesting takeaway from this is that the color signatures or Hues seen so far displayed by Hollow Earth phenomena closely resemble that of auroras what are these These are light displays that happen as a result of disturbances to

The Earth’s magnetosphere caused by solar wind which happens to be highly radioactive and one of the colors that is seen in an aurora Spectrum happens to be pink in addition to a few shades of blue yellow and orange all which we’ve seen in legendary Godzilla other colors

Such as the light greens are also reflected in some of the hollow Earth’s crystals how does all of this tie in together Godzilla here could just be simply absorbing one of these forms of energy that already existed in the hollow Earth one which is presumed to be

A more powerful energy source as a result the g man’s dorsal plates which are responsible for expelling and storing this energy will now reflect this pink Hue and not only that something that always matches the color of these dorsals is Godzilla’s Atomic breath which also happens to be you

Guessed it pink or magenta note how we haven’t seen how this pink Atomic breath reacts upon hitting the target but it’s likely that it will produce a different type of destructive damage is it hotter than the blue well it’s hard to tell note that blue colored Flames are one of

The hottest if not the hottest in the temperature spec Spectrum magenta isn’t really found here at all but looking at the RGB color spectrum we find that this color is the combination of red and blue the hottest and the least hottest of these making the effects of the new

Atomic Ray a mystery and definitely up for grabs in this Cinematic Universe so it may or may not be more powerful than Godzilla’s blue Atomic breath back to this clip we find that this color is not exclusively found in crystals but in forms of energy that take some sort of

Organic form as seen here almost looking like veins of some sort serving as conduits for this energy yes this stuff is probably an extremely strange form of energy that Humanity doesn’t understand and perhaps the world is better off leaving this energy to be wielded by just Titans and not Humanity which

Brings up the question is Godzilla the only one wielding this new form of energy our best guess probably not and here’s why now that we kind of have a good theory of why Godzilla turned pink we need to think of the purpose behind this Evolution note that this said more

Powerful form is probably a response to something that happened before this evolved State before Godzilla used to glow blue wielding energy that was probably surpassed by another foe that’s right something or someone caused Godzilla to go take a nap and evolve perhaps someone who is also wielding this power who well it’s common

Knowledge by now that scar King isn’t going to be the only big Kaiju around here causing problems there is some cave art floating around originally found in Call of Duty’s war zone Godzilla versus Kong event showcasing this creature who was confirmed to be also appearing in Godzilla Kong this animal of seemingly

Colossal proportions features what seems to be crystallized formations along its dorsal plates possibly wielding an energy form that was able to vest Godzilla’s power forcing the Gman to then try to acquire this same energy to even things out if true we are seeing Godzilla become more powerful out of

Necessity and not just because we’ll cover this additional Titan in more depth in a future episode subscribe to not miss it this new energy that we are introduced to did a lot more than just make Godzilla glow pink the absorption of this energy came with more interesting side effects that’s right

Legendary Godzilla is seen to wake up with a few relative upgrades if you can call them that Godzilla is now seen to be a lot more leaner especially from the abdominal area and thighs the advantages of this Evolution are the following less weight to move around allowing Godzilla

To run even faster than before this does look a bit bizarre but makes some sense given that these new less heavy appendages do allow Godzilla to lift his knees higher and make much longer and faster strides making him much faster than when he charged gadora in king of

The monsters the disadvantages of being leaner would be the possibility of being lightweight this weight disadvantage would be offset if Godzilla grew much taller but this doesn’t exactly seem to be the case however one indisputable upgrade is the presence of longer more muscular arm mature Godzilla isn’t too

Bad at using his four limbs for combat in fact he’s actually pretty good but now in this film he’ll not only have better reach but also be able to use them as an extra point of stability longer arms such as these would easily allow him to take a more effective

Quadrupedal stance allowing him to stand up faster crawl or even climb we can expect God Zilla to be an even more fearsome combatant thanks to this new design frankly this was actually required for Godzilla since scar King will most likely be a strong and agile combatant the new Titan in some cases it

Also helps a lot if you’re much more agile than the big heavy opponent Godzilla has one last set of upgrades courtesy of his last evolutionary nap if we look closely we’ll see that Godzilla evolved to have more thorny skin most notably on the Brows these glowing formations were not there there before

Making him look more fearsome additionally another spiky upgrade seems to be on the tail if Godzilla’s tail wasn’t already op capable of flooring 121,000 ton kaijus with one swipe this tail is now armed with thamiz a total of four to six dorsal plates that appear on

The tips of this tail anything on the receiving end of this will have to endure the entire force of this tail on these smaller tips making this a potentially Lethal Weapon that can kill with one well-placed hit we’ve seen what a supercharged dorsal can do now imagine what a dorsal packed with centrifugal

Force high temperatures and sharp tips can do death is found on the end of this tale if you enjoyed this episode and don’t want to miss the next breakdown don’t forget to subscribe thanks for watching and we’ll see you in the next episode


  1. The fact godzilla aint needing the Power but he will save it until the next fight, MASSIVE RESPECT🫡🫡🫡

  2. What about the spikes on his arms, those are also pretty cool and could do a ton of damage. I GvsK G-Man misses by just a few feet (or at least it looks like that) and the extra reach, and cutting components could prove to be an amazing edge as well.

  3. Maybe Godzilla just wanted to be more agile so he doesn't get ragdolled like what happened to Hongkong when he fought mecha Godzilla 😂

  4. Nah I'm not having it….pink godzilla is not appreciated at all from me respectfully I need the community to get together and complain like how mfs complained when they tried making the sonic movie with that ugly thing portrayed to be "sonic" so they retconned the design and re did it making sonic look like sonic yh I need that but for godzillas color

  5. With regards to power, I think Godzilla's breath is primarily radiation not fire, With red being the least radioactive and violet the most radioactive.

  6. Shin godzilla was also pink, and he was VERY strong as seen in 2016. This could mean that legendary godzilla may or may not have similiar powers/abilities. It could also mean that godzilla is a lot stronger than before.

  7. in monsterverse monarch outpost 1230s of behemoth the mitghy return like maybe behemoth like godzillla his royal friend is impossimble

  8. chat message true; oh gxk has been relased legendary; yep because is march 29 2024 today true;oh okay you catch it legendary; the created this film is adam folcey true; are you serouis

  9. chat message 2 warnerbros; in 2021 gvk is boring right legendary;yeah lets getting newest one in march 29 2024 warnerbros; thank you legendarypitcures 🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝

  10. Godzilla turned pink, because he mistook the color pink, for the color purple. He is going to use the power of song to show the hollow earth community "I love you and you love me, and we're a happy family".

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