Front Yard Garden

Planting Flowers Finally! | Florida Spring Yard Refresh Ep 3 | Fix It Friday

Hey Guys! This is Episode 3 of my Spring Landscape Refresh Series I do every year. If you missed last weeks Spring Landscaping Video go here:

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๐Ÿƒ Front Yard Landscaping Makeover || A Year in the Making! 2017










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Hi guys I have another fix it Friday for you and in this episode is another spring yard refresh this is episode three so if you missed episodes one and two you might want to click down in the description and click those links and watch those and get caught up if you’re

New to my channel my name is Michelle and this is my everyday wife life where every day is a fresh start okay this is is well filming day three but I think it’s actually day four of doing yard work so Hub and I are going to do some yard work

Today I got my bubba mug I woke up with a Hut migraine it’s like 12:20 still have not a migraine but a headache and nothing in doing is working drank water ate something Coffee banana something salty not working I’m just going to get up and move and see if if

That helps usually it doesn’t but sometimes it does so get up a mve guys I am going to um get my hat cuz it’s quite sunny today so there’s that all right I have to put my shoes on maybe we’ll get the garage cleaned up

Today too we did a little bit but we didn’t finish it so um we went to another Nursery which you’ll see in another video or have already the second one went to some place called Rock City Garden and got some more well we had those we got these Snap Dragons I think

Hubby Yi he is some his own so he’s putting them in on the pool area I’m going to get some shoes on and uh put these plants in the front area I think that’s what I’m going to do pretty sunny today I don’t know what the temperature is I want to say

65 pretty warm today going get the golf cart casy so I can put the plants in the golf cart bring them around front and some dirt too C compost and let me tell you I have gotten some comments that oh you’re getting back on track you have more

Energy now I do but let me tell you uh daily chores yes that need cleaned up is not getting done that’s what happens if I’m going to do something like yard work daily chores ain’t going to get done maybe a little bit make dinner maybe sometimes we eat out on those days

It is what it is I do the best I can with the energy that I have the reason I’m saying that is so you don’t feel bad if you are in the same position my same age all the things you can do it tomorrow it’ll be all right you know it’ll be

Fine probably should have backed up I know I can fit actually I’ll be parked closer to the garage yesterday when we came back from the nursery oh my God it was beautiful there even well even better than the other Nursery I don’t really know it was just different a different type of

Plants and stuff you watch it’ll be cool I’ll be posting that sometime also don’t also don’t feel bad if the if your kitchen right now is a mess and you’re doing this and you’re like cuz you know I’ve said that before in a video I feel like I can’t do yard

Work till my house is clean go guess what my house is not clean so well just needs a little Jing but I’m going to take this opportunity because it’s been raining and it’s been cold for several day so it’s gorgeous today and I get my water in and my

Sunshine two or three birds with one stone that’s what I’m going to do so there’s that we’ll see how much I get done today save some energy to straighten up the house later but I did not make my bed this morning and it’s fine I’ll do it later

And I need to go back in inside and get the tripod apparently Sun’s going to come too do some yard work um see it’s cominging out now so that will be helpful okay y’all a little update that has nothing to do with this video I just got a shipment from Walmart Walmart did

Ship free this stuff and some cat litter so I was able to do that and now I haven’t done the Walmart pickup thing like yall have suggested maybe one day I do that but they don’t won’t ship everything for free it’s like next day it’s coming from the local store I’m

Sure so that’s why they won’t like gorade they won’t ship that so I got some cat food and some cat litter so making progress on that um I need to try the pickup thing cuz definitely Walmart is cheaper for some stuff just trying to save money where I can when I Can I found my water I swear I would forget my head if it wasn’t attached that’s what my mother would used to say I’ve took an online test on so I took an online test and apparently I have ADD what a concept or ADHD I don’t know

About the age part because add is attention deficit disorder ADHD is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder but people don’t even refer to add anymore anyway hubby said CH it probably Rings true for anyone who takes a test cuz they’re trying to sell you something which is true but I have

Wondered if that is my procrastination problem I can’t stay focused on one thing I’m I’m um all over the place but what have I said I still managed to get S stuff done and guess what it don’t matter anyway cuz I’m not taking medicine for ADHD so

There’s that I don’t take medicine for depression that’s just not I figure out other ways of doing it mostly it’s get my thyroid uh medication and uh check and I’m sorry I’m seeing something on the corner of my eye it’s hubby anyway um my thyroid levels plus I’ve

Mentioned this before too guys I haven’t done it in a long time so if you take synthroid look into natural desicated thyroid CU Synthroid is just t four which your body makes naturally T4 T3 and a couple other things but moonly mainly T4 and T T3 well I don’t have a

Thyroid and the T4 wasn’t working for me so I take Natural cut desicated thyroid in uh medicine that is the one I take there’s a couple different brands the one I take is naturethroid and it’s T4 and T3 and I’ve been doing that for a couple years

Um and it’s so so so much better than the Synthroid it Synthroid I know works for some people but not for other people as hubby he knows when I started uh the natural desicated Thor first I took armor but then that was giving me side effects but literally within the

First day I started to feel better he’s like whoa it’s like all of a sudden I had energy and stuff it was weird I was I was like that’s crazy maybe it was the next day but it was quick honestly yeah it was crazy how much

Better it made me feel okay so we thought that that was the wind oh man my drink fell the end of the cold weather and that’s why I was started the yard work and then it got cold again it did like 3 days I I um recorded two days of

Um video for two different videos but we actually did three days of yard work and so this will be the fourth and I’m looking here on the ground there’s lots of leaves in this back H May if I zoom in yeah look at all them leaves around

This tree so we still have to do that after doing I don’t know I lost count I think 15 we raked up 15 barrels garbage barrels of leaves yeah I’ll tell you a a little bit of some dreaming that where I don’t know it may may may work cuz hubby wants to

Do this so one we’re going to get rid of all the tires in this corner we’re going to we’re going to Z up this corner here and one step at a time and um so first we’re going to get rid of this corner and I think possibly hubby might come out from that

Post to over there and he’s going to put bamboo here leave a little opening there bamboo there and bamboo by the um we’re going to cut that pepper tree down and bamboo by the uh fence to enclose it and make like a little Tiki Hut inside there

In a seating area cuz he likes to sit outside in the rain he loves the rain and he just I don’t know it’s just something he wants to do and we’re going to be using our vacation money to do that because we done vacation enough we do not want to sit on the

Airplane and travel anymore just not something I want to do um unless it’s to go to Connecticut which is only a 2 and 1 half hour uh flight or Vermont maybe maybe Georgia we were talking about that this morning about in the fall making a quick trip to Georgia to Atlanta it’s

Only an hour and a half flight from here so um we could do that that would be fun right for in the fall and go to we’ve been to Georgia but but not everywhere that we wanted to go we actually lived in Georgia for 4 years but we were young

And stupid and we didn’t uh do anything while there hubby was stationed at um Fort Benny and we didn’t do anything we didn’t even go to St Mountain Georgia which was really close to us I don’t know you’re dumb when you’re young we was 20 something all righty going to do

Some stuff here see if I can get hubby to move that for me planter okay I want to do these planters first he’s busy doing something so when he’s finished doing what he’s doing I’ll come have him help me here in the front and yeah so I’m going to

Put I’m going to call it dwarf uh Morning Glory but that’s not it is Also Okay Sun’s raking over there um you need a hat son you need a hat Okay so so I did a little bit of weeding this but I’m tell you that pending over stuff is a killer when you’re overweight so I still need to do a little more get the rake and just just

Mul a little bit turn it over in spots but I still have to do this so this this section is pretty done I might get some morning glory to put in the bottom of that just so that looks pretty um this is looking terrible that’s I Ain going to go I don’t know

What I’m going to do with that ow that it is what is the word I’m looking for Eng Gorge that planter I want to plant there’s in order to take that out I’d have to break that dang thing probably so I don’t know what I’m going to do with

That I don’t want to break the planter but you can’t get it out so so this is not this is going in a different section of the yard or the landscape area so I think I’m going to plant the lavender next um I only got this for the lavender I think will be

Enough I need to water all that in too and this is going to be for the Cactus for the um I’m out of breath I need to sit and rest and uh get a drink it’s hot y’all I got to I got to clean this out and uh that’s going in

Here so I probably get some other dirt not the counter compost so I think I’m going to put the lavender in here I’m wondering if it should be in in the shade maybe switch that one out for this one so it’s in the shade I know that you are having a hard

Time right now that everything seems to CR humble around you I know that you feel all alone in this world but you have to put your trust into us and we will help you through cuz we only want what’s best what’s best for you Okay I planted the lavender here I need another the white thing is called aium I think so I need one more for right there um I put some Mulch on the top of this tie plant and some commoner compost and I used this top sole bag for this which

Has mulch you can see has mulch in it so it will dry it’s wet right now cuz it got in the bag on through all the rain and stuff and I have been watching Cactus videos you just take off one of these stems sticking in there and you

Can propagate it real easy I have two more of those rain well they’re Planters but I’m using them for rain bucket but I need some kind of scoop so I can water the plants easily this I can just do like this that’s why that’s there plus it will

Drip I can actually just leave it there for a few minutes or do that and then let it drip back in the container if it’s in the right spot but it’s not anyway so what else so I do have one more pot right there that I can

Put the Snap Dragons in I do have an extra ra pot here um so this is the what are those things called I probably W not know how because I done that was the white thing sweet elisium dusty miller that’s that thing that’s not what that is

Elisium Dusty Miller what the heck was that called Evol evolis blue date that’s what that’s called I don’t know anyway so I have the Snap Dragons maybe I need something here maybe or do I feel like I need something and the other Alis and the we’re going to call it

Dwarf what did I say dwarf something I don’t remember already so and that’s going to get real big and we’ll hide the um shed so think I’m going to take a break for a little bit well let me go get the buckets um in the garage and cuz sun is

Watering everything and he can fill them up so I’m thinking I might need some more and of these buckets Plus something to scoop it with it just is a pain in the butt to drag the hose out every time I need to water something you got to

Talked about this in my other video he didn’t watch that go C it’s just it’s a the water has to come from the side yard for the from the well it’s such a pain and it’s dragging this huge long ASF um hose to the front yard So I really need a piece of paper andless I guess I could write on my phone of a couple of things I might need so I’m GNA put one there and when I’m watering I’m gonna fill that up with water and the there there’s some water

In the bottom of this one so that’s going to oh that needs some top soil in it I see Roots I need to fill that up and where should I put maybe I should put it here yeah maybe that man it’s not oh I’m going to be telling hubby he

Has to touch up look he missed a couple spots well he didn’t do that cuz I have to just out on the trim yeah there’s a lot of touchup that you did not see in the beginning and all of a sudden we’re seeing it now so he’s

Got to he’s got to redo it some of it see some spots depends how the lights hitting in it’s hard to tell all right son wants me to help him so I’m going to do That Might have to move the desert roads I don’t think it’s getting enough Sun see how it’s not even getting in Sun right now not have to move it got a new Sprout on there so we saw this yesterday when we went to Rock City Garden

We think it’s the same tree that had a huge tree I’ll put in a clip here that we think is this very same thing we have no clue what this is so hub’s going to put this in the ground whenever he gets around to it so it will get really

Big I think it keeps getting new branches and stuff on it we call it the do Seuss tree lovingly okay he’s going to water this section of the the front the very very front yard he’s got it staked off cuz it’s hot out here and he he’s out a

Shape all am my it’s sted off so we raed up this area so we’re going to weed and feed this area and tomorrow we’ll do the next area and so on and so on so he’s watering it all right I’m going to take I’ve lost count y’all I think this

Is Barrel 16 does it matter no I have to make a note I need another SEO pal what else do I need guys for this we’re going to put SEO P there um we decided to keep it cuz the cats don’t come out here anyway so and Paige said

They’re not they don’t bother her pets but I don’t know take a chance it’s not just upu to me uh Hobby and son too don’t want don’t want it but hubby thinks it’s okay to have it by the driveway like I said the cats don’t go out

There unless they’re on leash I’m going to attempt to move I don’t know this one’s really heavy but I think I need to put the desert rose did I already say that here and put that over there because I don’t think it’s getting in the Sun so

That’s what I’m going to do I think I can move the desert rose but I don’t think I can move that so I’m going to I got the hand truck over over here and uh we’ll see what I can get so I my mount on my on my camera

Thing broke so I need a new one so now I can’t time lapse and put it CH on the tripod so I didn’t show us that’s boring anyway we weed and seated this front area uh all right with weeding seed so um and I moved this planter all by

Myself except for son did help me get it off the the dolly hand truck whatever you want to call it put that there and now the desert rose is over here so it will get more sun and I think I already said this my sister’s been telling me

That for a couple years’s not getting enough sun it’s little crooked let me fix it there we go and or maybe it is kind of down uh deep there but maybe I should get I’m going to go to Home Depot and get some more of those trays for

Underneath the pots that one this one I a worry about the cactus I don’t know they didn’t have any smaller ones I still have this pot and this pot which one and that pot over here to put Snap Dragons in I think I’m done for the day after that

Where where where where maybe right here maybe right there I don’t know I might move these cuz there’s nothing over here I don’t know what we’re going to do over here these will come back I don’t know I want to call them colius but I have no

Idea what they’re called and that needs weed yeah looking good so I think I think the next video I probably the next time we come out here I probably won’t film cuz I already got this is the third video on the on the art already so I’ll skip one

And then maybe finish with the other one I don’t know it’s never finished this needs trimmed that needs to be done and I got to order my camera mount so I got to wait for that to come back again I want to tell you how harsh the Florida

Sun is I think I showed you these when I first breay painted them they were copper now the sun has beat them and now they are bronze that’s how bad the Flor the sun is and that one that’s like completely off practically in some spots anyway FL sun is R’s havoc on everything

And yep the flag’s still there taking bets right around it’s 3:30 so right around 3 hours I think I started at 1220 did I show you the the cactus thing so I rinsed off some of these um fairy garden stuff with the jet spray on the hose and put those back in there

And Snap Dragons I showed you those and then I rinsed not on camera I rinsed off the cart cleaned it off there was garbage in there and tools in there and put them all away so that’s all rinsed off and uh ready to go my little pillow that I put by my

Side one of them on there that my sister made me I need to drink the rest of my bubble mug maybe I’ll take the cart down the street for a minute to get it dried off before I go inside put these back using those when I would I don’t

Know I need to do do something with them they’re getting all dreed out um when I used to go down the park with my planner and I’d do some weights or when I would walk in the park and PE some people okay one I think one person asked

If I am going to be doing the I’m going to be doing the walk 30-day challenge in April mhm yep going to be doing that again so let me know in the comments below if you’re participating I’m going to go get hubby see if he wants to go

For a quick golf golf cart Ride [Applause] O somebody put a bench over here that’s a nice spot to sit a nice spot to Sit In the next episode of fix it Friday spring yard refresh hubby and I go to Tractor Supply to get a stock tank to make a self-watering planter raised bed garden so stay tuned for that there three of them I don’t even these three they’re all the same

Price but how are they fitting inside of each other they say there I don’t know but anyway we’re going to get two of these they’re 4T 2T X 4T by 2T for 150 now we decided we’re just going to get one this one’s 219 it’s one what is

The size of it babe 262 2T by 6t by 2T yeah let’s do that we can always get another one if we decide next year I think we’ll start with one go with that see how it works out we going to pay we’re saving we’re pay 300 for that set yeah we’re saving

Almost $100 we’re saving $80 okay let’s do that so same problem here if we get that not that we were doing that today we just happen to see it not even thinking about it it we’d have to where are we going to store it so that’s a no we’re looking for

Tubing I don’t know where that would be maybe it’s not out here tubing to put in the bottom of the stock tank for to I don’t know you’ll have to see how go watch the video um it on how to do that so you got to put tubeing in the bottom and then

Cover it with land and fill it up with water landscaping material and then put your dirt on top of that um yeah my Sheed I joke about it was Heavy all the time like I want to see said actually that’s not that bad that’s huge 7 almost

$7,000 feel like that’s pretty big open It




  3. I don't get must done because I have to take care of my husband. Everybody tell me to rest when he does. I went to see the Dr Tues I thought because of the trees blooming I thought it was my sinuses but it was corvid but didn't have any fever. They put me on some medication. I had to take my husband to the Dr office for blood work this morning. The Dr told me as long as I long as I didn't have any fever. So my house doesn't get clean much. I do what I can.

  4. GOOD NIGHT MIMI. HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY.!!!!!! TODAY I HAD MIGRAINE. AND IT'S LIKE MY HEAD BLOWN UP.!!!!!๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’žI LIKE THESE FLOWERS.!!!!!!!โคโคโคโคโค๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒท

  5. Looking amazing, Michelle, Iโ€™m so glad you have help this year, yโ€™all are doing AMAZING!!! Love ya, Darlingโ€ฆ โคโคโค

  6. They got rid of ADD in the last DSM change. It is all ADHD now. But I'm with you, fix the things that are contributing to the symptoms and fix those, and use the hacks you need to use to work through life and it is perfectly possible to live life.

  7. I've been working on garden projects slowly but surely, but then I found I could start planting cool weather stuff, so I got sidetracked. Lol. But fingers crossed my peas come up!

  8. Oh, Michele, beautiful flowers!! I canโ€™t wait to see them grow! I hope youโ€™ll share. Yโ€™all have done so much to your yard!! Itโ€™s all beautiful!!

  9. Love the cactus garden! I can't keep succulents alive, I think I overeater. I've done three short sessions in my garden clean up. Cold again, so waiting to do more, still early for it anyway. I think I am going to plant a lot more annuals this year. Maybe grow some from seed… although maybe I am too late.

  10. Hi Michelle, We can't be in two places at once…the yard or inside the house! Something's gotta give. You'll be in more when it's blazing hot outside. Meanwhile, your yard is looking so nice with all that you and hubby have done!

  11. I love garden videos! It's so interesting to see what plants and decor are used in other areas. I'm confined to planting in pots on a balcony nowadays and miss having real space to play in. It's a treat to watch your yard wake up from its winter rest!

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