Garden Plans

MAKING PLANS FOR THE HOUSE AND GARDEN | PetiteElliee Moving Vlogs Episode 9


Let’s start planning what we’re going to do with the house!! I’ve been doing a lot of interior shopping, have been making some home updates and am finally showing you the garden.

#homeupdates #movingvlog #gardenrenovation


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Products Featured:

Coffee Machine –
Coffee Cups –

Ralphie Cable Knit –

Quilted Coat –

Shop new in at Homesense –
Lampshade –
Tea Towels –
Print –


Alter Me Home Cushions –
Secret Garden Cushions –


Oka Linen Cushions –
Similar from H&M Home –

Similar Bed Frame –

Next Home Quilt –

French Bedroom Chair (similar) ––B9aVw

Pixi Vitamin C Range –

Dressing Gown –



0:00 Coffee
0:20 Garden Updates and Plans
04:33 Garden Tour
12:20 Homesense Shopping
17:18 Homesense Haul
22:03 Plans For The Bedroom
25:58 Home Updates and Tour
38:23 PR Unboxing
42:53 Bathroom Renovation Plans


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Good morning M te and welcome back to my channel and happy Monday I actually started my Monday for canceling my gym class I made myself my morning coffee because I was up a little bit later this morning and I canceled my gym class because oh my goodness me does my entire

Body ache we actually spent the entire weekend out in the garden and I could not tell you the last time I’ve done that much like physical activity for that long a period of time my back aches my arms ache my shoulders ache I feel like I’ve never used my arms that much

In my entire life I was actually pressure washing the patio yesterday and it’s got a lot of Kickback let me tell you I ended up with tripley amount of freckles that I usually have which actually because it’s been winter I don’t really have any freckles at the moment my glasses were literally

Spattered they were covered in mud it was not really a Vibe but we really wanted to just start work on at the Garden and we ended up spending the entire weekend hacking away some like old brambles the garden that we have is a really lovely size it’s like very much

A Country Cottage Garden not huge about the same size as what we had before but I feel like it’s just such a perfect like little space that I’m going to be able to create such a sanctuary but I do say we’re going to have to create that

Sanctuary because um it’s been left in a little bit of a dis which is a bit of a shame um but I just think the previous I’m going to call them the previous custodians cuz I feel like that’s a really great term when you have especially like an older property rather

Than being like the previous owners the previous custodians of this house if you don’t know what custodian is it’s usually referred to like if you like Downton ABY that’s basically what they are they refer to themselves as the custodians of downon ABI they don’t own downon ABI they’re not like the owners

Of downon ABI they’re the custodians of D ABI which basically means you are in charge of looking after this house you’re in charge of maintaining this house keeping it running keeping it going basically for the next generation and I feel like this is a house that

Like we really want to restore back to what it was and we really want to like bring back to life so as the current custodians we are doing everything that we can to basically restore the garden to what it was because there’s like a lot where brambles have taken over um

And I feel like it’s a garden that has so much potential and I’m not really showing you it yet because I want to do a bit of work before we show it to you before it is looking um a bit more presentable and a bit more YouTube

Worthy essentially um so we were out in the garden yesterday Alex was hacking away brambles which were literally like this thick they were absolutely insane and one thing that if you’re wondering like why we’re hacking away brambles they are so bad for other plants there

Was one and I it broke my heart because we ended up having to say goodbye to it and dig it out we have no idea what it was some kind of bush some kind of tree some kind of beautiful plant that had been completely taken over with brambles

So we did lots of trips to the um waist center with lots of garden bits um thank goodness for the Range Rover because otherwise I don’t know how we do it I don’t know how people would like normal cars if we both had a fat I don’t know

How we would be able to get everything out to the Garden w Center and like actually take things away because we filled the Range Rover twice that is a big car let me tell you so thank goodness for that car um we had lots of

Trips got rid of a lot of garden waste but I feel like we’ve only just scratched the surface but safe to say that I am exhausted after that but we have big plans for the garden like really really big plans we just want to make a beautiful sanctuary and I do feel

Like the garden we had before because obviously it was rented like I wasn’t able to do a huge amount I have my truck I had lots of pots I was able to put some things in the Border but I feel like this Garden we are just going to

Transform and I cannot wait we do actually want to do it this year I was talking to Alex about this and I was like do we wait do we do the garden next year do we just kind of like live with it and he was like no no we love our

Garden as soon as summer hits we’re going to be so grateful that we’ve put this work into it now um so yes pressure wash the patio this week and then next weekend will be grouting it I believe is what it’s called grouting or sealing I can’t remember basically I need to put

In the cement in between between the stones which I can show you that actually I might show you a couple of little bits out in the garden weather is not quite spring weathering today so I do apologize that I feel like nothing is going to look its best in this weather

But I thought I would just show you a couple of little bits cuz as I said I haven’t really showing you anything yet because I just wanted to get to a point where we’re a bit more proud of how it is looking but one thing I really want

To do as well this year I do think I will head to the Garden Center sometime soon and look into this but I would love to do a climber behind us like going up and thinking between the patio doors um and the kitchen window I think a climber

Would be amazing to go up here I’m either thinking honeysuckle or Jasmine would be amazing a lot of you guys have asked me about whether I’m going to do a Wisteria in this Garden like we used to have in the old Garden but to tell you

The honest truth it was so difficult to train the Wisteria was so like badly behaved and I do find for 9 months out the year it looks very Twiggy so I’m undecided whether I want to do a Wier but I definitely want to do a climate I

Also want to get rid of this if you’ve seen this poking out from the window in the kitchen this used to be a basketball hoop from the previous custodians they had kids and it was very much like a kitty garden I remember when we viewed this property there was like a

Trampoline in the garden there was a little basketball hoop there so we need to take that down but we need to get like the correct filler cuz obviously we don’t want holes in the brick work of the kitchen um but yeah if you’re wondering like what is that scaffolding

Outside the kitchen window used to be a basketball hoop but let me show you my patio which I feel like it’s got to look worse before it looks better but we’ve gotten rid of all of the Moss and all of the weed weeds that were between the

Patio um Stones so it’s looking so much better now I’m not going to lie this is such a big patio that we have like it literally continues all the way around here and like laps around the garden which is amazing but it was completely overrun by weeds and this was completely

Full of moss so I basically pressure washed the entire thing I’ve pressure washed the stones which have come up so so well you should have seen the color they were before they were like literally black before um with like a moss with mold with so much that had

Like buil up on them so I’ve washed in between the um like stones and then I’m going to repoint or regrout I don’t know what the exact terminology is we’re going to watch some YouTube videos and I’m going to see if I can do it myself

Um but and then we can just get that all filled in and that is looking so much better already as I said it’s not looking like amazing cuz I know it’s got to look worse before it looks better it got to a point where I was ready to cry

Cuz I looked at Alex and I was like why does this look so bad when I was in the middle of pressure washing but thank goodness it definitely has come out so much better than I was expecting um it’s still very much you know an old country

Patio which I really really love you know it’s never going to look brand new but that is something I do actually love and I think it really works with regards to The Farmhouse you know style that we have one thing that we have in abundance in this Garden is snow drops they are

Literally taking over the flower beds I do want to create a beautiful herbaceous border so I think a lot of this is probably going to get dug out um but they are the most beautiful snow drops it’s so lovely just to see a little bit of color because other than that it’s

Still looking very wintry in the garden I I say that it’s nice to see a pop of color but actually we have the most beautiful is it Cornelia Bush I believe in this Garden that is giving us the most stunning pink vibrant pop which is absolutely beautiful it’s not a bush I

Would have thought to have planted but I do absolutely love it I believe these flower for quite a long time in spring and summer as well which is really really nice one thing I would love to do is maybe just C like cut it down a

Little bit here so it looks more like a tree than a bush I saw someone on Tik Tok that had done that and they basically hacked down at the bottom so you just saw the trunk and then it just had the most beautiful tree like shape I

Think I want to do that and just make it a little bit more kind of like neat and tidy and a little bit more shapely it’s a beautiful Bush but it’s definitely been left to left to grow left to go a little bit wild um I also definitely

Want to paint the fence panels because this gray it’s not really a Vibe I’m thinking a beautiful dark oak would be absolutely stunning I am not going to lie I am so excited to see this hydranga come into bloom cuz I’m really excited to see what color it is if you guys

Watch my moving Vlogs I think I actually showed this to you when we first moved in and there was actually the tiniest little Buds and now it really is starting to come up so I think May June time we’ll be able to see exactly what color this is as well as this bush

Beside it I have no idea what this is but we’re starting to see a few buds there so I’m really excited to see what’s going to be coming up as I said we have a lot that we want to change but I’m excited to see what’s already here

And see what we can kind of like work with so that we don’t have to completely start again with regards to this Garden one thing though that I don’t know if you will have ever spotted this out of the kitchen window if you ever would have been able to see this this is

Something that I’m not going to lie breaks our heart that the previous custodians did and that is chop down this I can’t even tell you how old tree oh my word it breaks my heart because this is huge look at the size of it compared to my hand this must have been

A good 200 years old I reckon this tree and we have a lot of trees around us which is lovely and we love having like big old oak trees I mean it would have been amazing to have had this in the garden the only reason I can think as to

Why they must have cut it down is because as you can see this angle it is leaning so so badly so I’m assuming it was actually a risk and that maybe it was at risk of like falling down maybe it was like infected or something I’m

Hoping it was a good reason because oh my word it breaks her heart that this is just sitting back here as you can see it is trying to grow back which honestly this is just what amazes me about nature it is literally grown again right behind

The old I don’t even know if I can call this a um a stump because it’s the tallest stump ever it’s almost the height of me this trunk that was left behind there is a new one growing beside it which I honestly I just think is the

Most amazing thing in the world but um yeah it breaks our heart that this tree was cut down we’re going to have to do something with this space we we definitely think we can create like a lovely space here but this is very much going to take a tree surgeon to get rid

Of because Alex did try he might be able to see here giving it a little chop to see if he’d be able to get rid of it and that is definitely a no go but it does break a heart that this was cut down by the cre previous cedan as I said I’m

Hoping it was for a good reason but how amazing would have this been to have had in our garden but nonetheless we’re still going to be able to plant our own trees we definitely want to plant a tree here in this Garden um and watch it grow

Over the years I just think it’s so so magical like an apple tree or a cherry blossom tree I think would be amazing um but yeah this does this does break my heart I’m not going to lie to you I love it when we’re outside chatting in the

Garden and all you can hear is the bird song The Birds just twittering away the pigeons cing the birds tweeting away that is just the soundtrack of The New Forest and it is my absolute favorite thing so yes as I said quite a small country cottage regard Garden but a

Garden that I feel like we can just do so much with we have so many plans for it so I’m really really excited to see them coming into fruition as I said it’s got to look worse before it looks better and especially cuz it’s a bit of a soggy

Day today I feel like it is not looking its best but we’re going to get it there we are so excited to get it there and just put our own stamp on it create a beautiful s to be in cuz you know what we’re like as soon as summer hits those

Patio doors will be open and we will just it’s like another room in your house we just spend so much time outside in our garden we absolutely love being there so yes work has started on the garden weekends are being filled with pressure washing grouting cutting back

And just getting to grips with making the garden into exactly what we want it to be and just putting our own stamp and I’m so excited to see what a transformation I feel like is going to happen out there and I can’t wait to show you a little bit more once it

Starts looking a little bit better I feel like as soon as we start getting into spring as well the weather warms up and it’s not as soggy and it’s not as wet things start to look a lot better then as well and being able to see

What’s going to come into bloom the like really established plants that are already there I’m so so excited to like learn more about this garden and I just think it’s going to be such a journey short girl problems having to sit in the Range Rover after Alex has

Driven it I literally to sit here for about 5 minutes whilst it adjusts to my settings but we in the car now because I want to do a bit of shopping I am really in the mood to head to home sense I just want to add in a few nice little Decor

Pieces things I feel like will make a big difference I always say this it’s the little things that make the biggest difference and I just want to add a bit more cozy Vibes into the house at the moment I’m not really feeling the Cozy Vibes in the house especially as much as

Like we felt them in the old house I think we partially F them in the old house cuz it was so much smaller so it was a lot Fuller in terms of like space so it’s quite easy to feel Co when there’s like a lot of things surrounding

You but especially cuz I’m like changing up um kind of color schemes I’m changing up like the vibe of things I feel like I just want to get a bit of inspo so we’re going to head to home sense and fingers crossed I don’t literally break the bank

And make Alex really mad just going to find a couple of nice pieces I feel like I just want to find a couple of nice bits to add into the house just that can make make quite a big difference as I said it’s the little things that make

The biggest difference so let’s get going we have arrived to the Mothership the best home sense in my opinion this is the home sent in hedg end just outside of Southampton and it is huge so let’s head inside and see what we can find you know you’re getting old when

You start to get excited over Crockery but h how adorable are these plates this pattern is the cutest I love these bowls as well very cute very Botanical I feel like I’m really starting to show my age here that these are the things that excite me now the middle section always

Just has the best furniture I mean look how beautiful this marble side table is that is stunning very modern so not quite myby but I quite like this little bobbin shelving unit it’s very sweet it’s a shame it’s gray if it was white I might consider it for the bathroom I’m

Not biggest fan of the gray but I always love checking out the furniture that they’ve got in the middle aisle oh my gosh if you’re as obsessed with stripes as I am a little stripe individual sofa oh my gosh this is just the cutest little accent chair so summery I love

The like linen striped gray and white vibe that is the cutest damaged but adorable same H same I’ve been thinking about getting a little poof um to put in our bedro room just for a little bit of added kind of like Comfort I feel like it’s a little

Bit empty at the moment and this is why I love home scents cuz I was having a look online at some and they are hundreds like literally hundreds this gorgeous Bay one $99.99 what an amazing price this is really cute and I do think that would look really nice in our

Bedroom it’s a little bit low for what I was looking for and I was hoping to get one with a bit of storage inside as well oh my gosh these cushions I am so tempted by them they are huge I honestly can’t explain to you the size of them

The most beautiful like linen and green Vibe I’ve already ordered some more cushions for the sofa if I hadn’t I would pick these up right now might text Alex just with a question mark thoughts I must admit I think for me the best items to pick up at home sents is

Artwork to add into your new home because they just have the most beautiful individual artwork pretty much all of my favorite pieces the pieces that I get asked the most about my ballerina the big canvas print I used to have in my office and my sax

It’s all come from home sents and their prices are actually really reasonable as well I mean the size of this and it’s only £60 so if you’re someone that you love art but you’re not really an art snob you don’t really know the best places to go to look for like beautiful

Unique individual pieces you just want something a little bit different I would definitely recommend checking out hom cuz I mean look at the size of this canvas it’s huge I do think it’s just the best place to come to to find beautiful artwork for your home oh my gosh these are absolutely adorable

Little oval pieces got little hair there got a little pory oh my God should I get this big tree is an almost like apology to our old tree that the previous custodians cut down that is beautiful I do love that I mean the frame is stunning it’s like this kind of Oaky

Vibe that is gorgeous well El we got a little horsey again oh my gosh so many gorgeous prints oh now this is going to be hard to leave behind most beautiful vintage inspired drinks trolley wow it’s got the most beautiful like bronzy um detailing to it mahogany wood it’s

From the um passport to India range which I do love we have quite a few pieces actually from the passport to India I’m pretty sure passport to India is where my dressing table is from I do love the range they have some beautiful like wooden pieces but oh this is going

To be really hard to leave behind because that is beautiful well I think it is safe to say that that was a rather successful trip I did leave behind the drinks trolley because I feel like Alex would kill me if I bought that because we’re not focusing on the kitchen right

Now I’m really trying to focus room by room so it’s not to overwhelm ourselves too much I’ve actually spent the entire weekend mood boarding which I feel like has helped a lot I’ve created a mood board for our bedroom and for our living room cuz I do actually have a few

Updates that are coming for the bedroom as well I placed a couple of orders last week that should be arriving really really soon which I am so excited about cuz I feel like it’s just going to make such a difference um but that being said I did buy something for the kitchen

Which I wasn’t intending but I thought you know what this is just the tiniest little addition and I don’t think Alex is going to get mad at me for these because I do feel like I need to change out our little hand towel our little tea towel in the kitchen because it’s very

Wintry it’s red it’s checkered very much giving Christmas Vibes and I wanted something a bit more spring– like so I spotted these I got a set of two cuz I always like to have two so that when ones in the wash the other one it can be

Swapped over because I wash my towels a lot it’s something that I would love to know how often do you wash your towels in terms of like our actual like um bath towels shower towels for me that’s just once a week and I do feel like fresh

Towel day is as good as fresh sheet day in my opinion there is nothing better than drying yourself with a fresh towel washed your hair shaved your legs drying yourself with a fresh towel that is literally heaven to me but hand towels I will wash at least twice a week CU I

Just feel like they have like a lot of use and a lot of people feel like you don’t need to wash them as much cuz they’re like you’re literally just using Clean Hands to dry them but I feel like because they’re wet and then they’re dry

And then they’re wet then they’re dry I just don’t feel like that’s the most hygienic so let know how often do you wash your towels but it just means when I have one in the wash I can use the other one and I just thought the little brown gingham was really really cute

Really giving me Spring Vibes and I thought that would go really nicely in the kitchen I then picked up a new lamp shade which I thought this was really really cute I must admit I feel like homesteads is one of the best places to go for lamps and lamp shades they had so

Many beautiful lamps the Ralph FL and home ones I feel like I’ve seen there for months I was really tempted to get them a couple of months ago but I just don’t really feel like that Oriental style is like really our Vibe and it’s not exactly very like Farmhouse Vibe

Either so I’m glad I didn’t get them but they are beautiful if you’re looking for like a real statement lamp would definitely recommend but I just wanted a lamp for my office upstairs I’ll probably end up changing the light properly when I do my full dressing room

I keep calling it an office I need to stop calling it an office because it’s not actually an office I don’t sit in there and work my dressing room or my filming Studio or my walk-in wardrobe space what you want to call it I’ll probably replace the full light um

Fixture when I like redo it now I just needed something nice and linen that would go really really well so I saw this and it was literally $1 199.99 so super affordable and I really liked the scallop Edge and then the last thing that I picked up which I’m pretty sure

Was literally on my mood board because I saw this and I was I feel like I recognize you I feel like I’ve seen you before but a cute little print that I wanted to put upstairs in art bedroom it’s Botanical but not floral I feel like the thing I’ve learned with Alex is

He does like Botanical prin he doesn’t like it to be grannyish he always says this to me like a lot of the prin I like he’s said that’s very floral that’s very grandma like and I’m like fair enough you know I want to make sure that we’re

Both happy with our space so I feel like with Alex the thing I’ve learned is to go Botanical not floral and to go for those more like classic prints I thought this would be quite nice cuz I do feel like we’re missing some artwork up in

Our bedroom so I thought that would look really really lovely and I’m pretty sure I added this exact piece to my mood board so hopefully that will help with regards to just like a bit more of those finishing touches upstairs cuz as I say the little touches are what makes the

Biggest difference so I thought that was really really lovely and that was only $1 199.99 so I would definitely recommend checking out hom sets if you are looking for some artwork obviously it’s Hit or Miss it’s the kind of thing where you can come away with nothing you

Can come away with loads of pieces I would love to get like a huge print above art sofa but it’s something where both Alex and I in agreement we’re not going to settle I found this really gorgeous piece of artwork which I did actually add to mood board but they

Didn’t do it in a big enough size and it has to be right I’m not just going to put something there in the space to like fill the space just fill the the spaces sake that’s auner just F filling the spaces sake so I’m going to wait I’m

Going to leave it blank until we find the perfect piece but I just keep going back to home sense and seeing what they’ve got and hopefully the perfect piece will eventually come up if not I can find it on Etsy I can find something online if you know any amazing like art

Dealers that aren’t going to break the bank do let me know because I would love to discover some new artists that creates some really beautiful like Landscapes and beautiful oil paintings I think will be amazing but if you’re looking for some gorgeous art on a budget home sense is the place to shop

Good morning from a rather happy little bean this morning I had some rather exciting deliveries arrive yesterday afternoon after my home sense trip yesterday I basically just spent the rest of the day on my laptop doing some admin doing some work bits but also scaring the internet for just a few more

Updates and as I mentioned yesterday I’m really trying to hone my focus I think is the best way because I am someone that like I can literally have like a million jobs going at once I feel like it’s part of being an influencer because you need to have like 10 plates spinning

At once obviously YouTube needs to be updated Tik Tok needs to be filmed Instagram needs to be done um the newsletter the blog like there is always so much going on so I feel like it’s part and parcel of my job um but also I

Do remember my old job that I used to have actually I was a content creator and social media manager and I do remember one of the things my manager used to always say is people often don’t COPE in this role if they can’t handle not working in a linear way and he would

Always say he’d always go if you want to go in house if you want more linear everyone will understand like to other people that would maybe like leave the company or like move on or things like that and I do remember there was one girl actually who moved on and the main

Thing my manager kept saying was just couldn’t cope it was just wasn’t linear enough she just couldn’t cope and I feel like because of the job that I do I’m very used to things being like all go at the same time so I’m trying to make the house process a bit more linear

Basically um so I’m really Hing my focus and I’m creating mood boards for every single room so far I’ve created two mood boards I’ve created a bedroom and I’ve created our living room what I might do actually I’m going to pop it there so that you can see the moodboard for our

Bedroom because I am very much keeping a lot of the same Vibe and a lot of the same furniture from the old house but I’m tweaking it I’m updating it I’m making a bit more in Synergy with the rest of this house one thing that’s really important to me with regards to

Our bedroom is that it’s a really calm space to be in I want our bedroom to be somewhere but we come in the evening heading to bed and you just just you know what I mean I don’t want it to be packed I don’t want it to be

Maximalist I don’t want it to have a lot of stuff I just want it to be a really really lovely space to be in so I’ve gone for a lot of calming tones there’s a lot of Grays a lot of beiges a lot of white and it was very gray in our old

Bedroom we had gray walls and I really leaned into that whereas I kind of want to like switch up ever so slightly I do love the gray tones but I do feel like this is a much more like warm toned house and especially with the color

We’ve got on the walls I feel like bringing in those warmer beiges those warmer tones just works so so well with this room so in terms of the furniture all of the furniture has stayed the same our bed has stayed the same our uh dressing tables have stayed the same our

Bedside tables have stayed the same Mirror Has stayed the same so I’ve brought in a lot of what we used to have in the old house like I feel like I’m really able to like reuse those pieces but it’s quite nice to have a few things

That I want to update as well for example we’re going to be doing a built-in wardrobe for example the artwork and I feel like small Furnishings like soft Furnishings are the best way to make an update they’re the best way to like change a Vibe and

Like switch up a situation in quite I would argue an affordable way cuz you’re not switching up like an entire bed frame like I love art bed frame it is actually really old it’s from but obviously went into liquidation I think it’s now owned by next but dusk have an almost

Identical one which I will leave linked down below if you do want to check it out I’ll also link down below all of our furniture Shir that you see in our bedroom because I do absolutely love it but I’ve just been making little tweaks here and there that as you can see from

The mood board I have been adding into and I’m so so happy that I’ve done this cuz I feel like it’s really helped me to kind of like Zone my focus on each individual room and see how like the overall Vibe looks which is like the

Main thing that I want to start focusing on is just the overall mood of a room the overall Vibe of a room and this room is just all about that like calm tranquil space so I have a couple of updates to show you hey MTV and Welcome to our

Crib who remembers MTV Cribs from like the early early naughties I think it was I used to love that show MTV Cribs and my super sweet 16 those were my after school guilty pleasures when I was like a tweenager teenager I used to absolutely love that if that’s not

Showing my age I don’t know what is but as you can see it’s vsly the majority of it looking the same but a couple of little tweaks and a couple of little updates that I feel like are just making the world of difference I’m not joking when I said yesterday when they arrived

I ripped open the packaging and Chuck them straight on I was just so excited to sty them up and see how they looked because sometimes when you mood board things it doesn’t always come out the same way in like reality so I was so happy to see that they came out in my

Opinion actually better than how the mood board looked I am so so happy with the vibe going on in here it is just calm it is tranquil it is such a lovely space to come to so the big changes are the cushions C cushions not pillows on

Our bed which I am just absolutely obsessed with as I said I really wanted to lean into those warmer tones I feel like I’m just over the gray it just looked a little bit too cool toned compared to the rest of the house and as much as you don’t need your whole house

To match I like there to be Synergy running from room to room and I feel like bringing in those warmer tones really brings in the Synergy into the house and my new cushions I am just in love with I discovered this brand it’s a beautiful small business called ultimate

Me home and she does the most beautiful cushions she does some really cute little like decorations for like Easter and things like that um she does tablecloths Linens she even has a beautiful dress on her website and she’s actually been kind enough to offer me a

15% off discount code for you guys which I did buy these cushions at myself but it’s so so kind of her to have offered you a discount so if you want 15% off at ulty home use the code ellie5 I’m kind of tempted to use it myself I’m not

Going to lie to you because I really want to order some more pieces it’s only valid until the 31st of March so be quick because it’s not going to be around for a long time it’s literally just under a week as this video goes live if you do want anything but I can

Confirm her pieces are stunning now I wasn’t sure whether to just go for the cushion cover or whether to go for the insert I’m actually so glad I went for the insert as well it’s not a huge price difference so I thought I may as well

Just try the insert and see what they look like and oh my gosh they are such high quality I love like a heavy pillar like you know when you like Chuck it down and it has weight to it that is what I love in my cushions and this is

Just so so beautiful so she’s so many gorgeous designs I can’t remember the name of this one that I went for but I will leave it linked down below along to her website if you do want to check it out but it’s got the most beautiful look

At these it’s like an arch Choke Print I love it as I said Alex loves Botanical but not too floral so I’m really leaning into that with regards to our bedroom cuz I just want it to be a space that we both absolutely adore and it’s got this really beautiful like beigey undertone

To it but it’s predominantly white which is what I really really like about it so I picked up two of those because I always love to have like a bit of a a tutu situation we’ve got two cushions each we’ve got one silk cushion each and

Then we’ve got one um I keep getting them confused I’m so sorry pillows silk pillow cases and then the cushions which I love and then I’ve actually just brought this one up this is quite old I can’t remember where it’s from but I know Oka do an almost identical version

So I will leave the Oka one link down below but it’s a beautiful linen cushion with this little kind of trim to it and I think it works so well with the ultim home cushions I absolutely love how they look I also love it with our bed spread

We actually have it now I’m not someone that IRS my bed spread so please excuse the fact that there are creases in it um but it’s got this like really subtle strip to it which I really really like and I feel like the cushions just work

So so well with it they also work really well with the um headboard considering it’s more of like a gray cooler toned headboard in fact I wouldn’t say it’s a cool tone I’d say it’s a gray but it’s like a warm tone gray in my opinion so I

Just think they work really really well and I quite like this setup where we just have three cushions and then we have a bed spread because it’s quite easy in the mornings I’m someone that likes my bed to look nice but I am not going to spend 20 minutes every morning

Making the bed and Alex certainly isn’t either so this just takes 2 minutes fluff the sheets up P it all tight Chuck the pillows on Chuck the bed spread on and we are good to go and speaking of the bed spread oh my word how stunning

Is this I’m in love I was really struggling actually with what bed spread to go for I’ve actually ordered quite a few different ones I’ve had to retire CU they just haven’t been quite the right tone they have in quite the right color so I eventually said you know what let’s

Just go for white and I know it’s like very white but I really really love the juer position between the pattern and the bed sheets I think it works really really well so I actually picked this up from next home and as you can see it is panical without being floral we’re

Really leaning in to that Vibe and I’m just in love this definitely needs an iron you can see all the crease marks from where it’s come out of the packaging cuz I literally unpackaged it yesterday but I’m not going to lie to you I don’t know where our iron is we

Have a few things that haven’t quite been found since the move that I need to unbox unless Alex has like shoved it in a cupboard that I don’t know where he’s put it so I might have to ask him where that is but I am in love with this it’s

A really beautiful one actually it’s a lovely quilt it’s not too thick either so I feel like it’s a really nice one for spring summer I might change it up in Autumn winter go something a bit thicker a bit more of like almost like a patchwork quilt I think would be

Beautiful like a beigy patchwork quilt I would love but that’s very much like winter Vibes and I really wanted it to be a bit more springy which I love well we don’t actually sleep with this I just take this off every single night but it’s super easy to again just fluff up

I’ve like pulled the sheets here now let me pull these and make that a bit straighter um but it’s super easy just to fluff up and make look pretty in the morning and I absolutely love it I also didn’t realize quite how much it matches my new print from home sense now I’ve

Just put that there for now it’s obviously not going to stay on the window where I would like it is up here but Alex got home quite late from work last night and I didn’t really feel like it was fair to me like how was your day

Darling I’m so sorry I had so many meetings could you just come upstairs and hang a painting on the wall for me please so he’s going to do it I think at the weekend but I just think it’ll be really lovely there just to give a little something because I quite like

Not having any artwork over the bed I feel like keeping it nice and calm nice and tranquil maybe we could panel this room it is something that we have considered I think would be really really lovely but that would be something that we’ll do way down the

Line that is not a priority right now I think just making a nice calm space to be in is our top priority so I think just adding the print up there will be perfect and I really didn’t realize how the leaves are the exact same it looks so

Deliberate I am absolutely in love with it so my new space I am just adoring this isn’t quite finished yet obviously the print needs to go on the wall and we do still have a couple of other updates I’ve been planning how I want this room

To look and feel and I really just want it to be so Zen so I want to hide this radiator it also really annoys me the radiator is not Central so as you can see from the bed it’s like a bit shifted so when we put the TV up I was like do

We put the TV central to the radiator do we put the TV central to the wall and Central to the bed I was like it has to be Central to the bed I’m not like twisting my neck to see the TV when we are in bed which also yes we do need to

Trunk this wi that’s not exactly a buy but again it is something that’s going to happen this is real life this isn’t Instagram I could have unplugged that and pretended that we had like a lovely fitted plug behind there but that is not real life and I like my Vlogs to be as

Real as possible um so yes we did the TV to the wall which also means that this just looks so UNC Central so I really want order I found the most beautiful radiator cover from B&Q but it’s not available on store in on store online or in store so I currently have

Notifications turned on for it because that’s the only one I want like I’ve seen so many others and the one from BQ which I’ll pop a photo here of exactly the one I want it was of course in my mood board as well um but I want that

And then it’s slightly longer than what this radiator is so I can basically have a gap that you wouldn’t see so it will kind of like come over a little bit more we can add a bit more Decor to that I think that might be quite nice and it’s

Just so beautiful it’s like a very vintagey inspired one which I really like cuz a lot of them are very like slatted or quite modern so I think that would be really really lovely cuz we don’t exactly need the radiator like it will still come out through the radiator

Cover the heat from the radiator um we have it turned down massively anyway because Alex gets so hot at night he still uses his fan even in the depths of winter so yeah I think that will make a really big difference and then also what’s going to make a huge difference

Is this space here you’ll seen this space a little bit in like um re and like my R Island Hall but this currently is a big empty space and what we’re planning on doing is a beautiful fitted wardrobe now when I say a fitted wardrobe I’m thinking of doing a bit of

An Ikea Hack we’ve been watching lots of videos of people doing like DIY Ikea fitted wardrobes and the price like the amount of money you save and how well it looks I feel like will make such a huge difference to this space to make it look really built in I found the most

Beautiful wardrobe on ik it’s like a paneled one which I think will be so so lovely and then we can make it look like properly fitted to this space and then I just think it will look so bespoke which I’m absolutely in love with and I feel

Like that will really help with the vibe of this as well I have to say my favorite thing about this wallpaper is how white looks next to it so I think beautiful white wardrobes will just finish the space off and really help with regards to like the coziness of

This room because at the moment it’s quite a big room it’s quite vast and I feel like that was the thing that was one of the most intimidating things about this room when we first moved in here I was wow this room is so much bigger than our old bedroom it looks

Really empty it looks not cozy at all it just looks like there’s not enough in here but I don’t want to just fill the space with stuff so I feel like just adding these little touches what’s going to make all the difference and also being okay with a lot of like empty

Space we’re going to have so much empty space here which I’m like I could put a rug down I could put something no I’m just going to leave it be cuz I think it’s really really nice to have a lot of empty space so it would be so nice to

Have those big fitted wardrobes and then we’ve got our own Suite in here and then my little outfit of the day mirror which obviously I don’t show you because it’s very back lit this is just our getting ready in the morning mirror but it’s really handy obviously everyone needs a

Mirror in their bedroom but um yeah I think having the fitted wardrobes is going to make such a difference that’s something that will be down the line we currently have um wardrobes in a room you’ve not actually seen yet that we’re currently using for Alex’s stuff that

He’s housing all of his bits in we’ve got the fourth bedroom which has these um built-in fitted wardrobes which is really handy that we can just use that for storage for now until we actually have our beautiful misspoke Ikea DIY fitted wardrobes done in our bedroom but

I’m so happy with how it’s looking I feel like my mood board really has just come to life and that’s what just makes me so so happy so as I said I’ll leave all of the furniture linked down below like our bed um our side tables our desk

I do love our desk as well actually um again it’s looking quite empty see what I mean Alex uses his fan every single day every night he has that fan on and I quite like the fact that it’s for the first time ever actually side of the bed

Is the side people don’t see when they walk in because before we used to always have the door on the opposite end and people would always see his space first so I really like that it can just stay there and it’s 99% hid and no one ever

Sees it um but yeah I do love our vanity I’ve just kept it again really really minimal all I’ve got on it is some beautiful flowers I’ve got a little Pandora jewelry box and of course I’ll red diffuser um and then I’ll put the print up on the wall and I’ve got the

Most beautiful chair that I actually can’t remember where I picked this up from I think it’s French French furniture company French bedroom company potentially but I do absolutely love it and of course 99% of the time that chair is covered in clothes um because it becomes The Dumping chair but every

Bedroom has got to have one um as I mentioned as well when I was in home s yesterday the only thing I feel like I could is potentially missing is this is a bit of an empty space and we could put like a little poof in the corner but I’m

Not going to buy something unless it is literally the right one unless it goes with this room perfectly I want something like beautiful maybe Botanical I think would be really really lovely again Botanical but not floral I think would be beautiful so that’s that could go in the corner but again not something

That is absolutely urgent I feel like for me the main urgent things are the radiator cover as soon as it comes back in stock and then we can start to focus on the fitted wardrobes so yeah as I said I feel like my mood board has come

To life and it just makes me so so happy looking at this room and just coming up to bed every night it is like my zen it is my sanctuary and that is exactly what a bedroom should be oh my gosh that view behind me just makes me so happy I love

How the cushions look I feel like ultimate H does such an amazing job in fact I think I might Place another order with her because there’s a couple that I’ve seen that I think would work really really well with the living rooms as I said I’ve also been doing the mood board

For the living room and I’m really enjoying those like greeny earthy tones there’s a couple I’ve seen on her website that I might make the most of the discount with so make sure to make the most of that discount for the 301st of March it’s also so lovely to shop

From a small business as well as much as it’s really fun to like go to places like home scents have a look at what they’ve got I feel like it’s so so lovely to support smaller businesses shop smaller and gu something that’s a little bit more unique her pieces are so

Unique and so beautiful so I will leave a link down below you know I’ve just realized actually this is the exact view this is the exact spot that we sat on the first day that we moved into this house and I did an unboxing here and already things are changing already

Things are updating and I feel like I’m really starting to like learn how each space works like how I want each space to look and like the vibe that I want to get from it and I’m so excited to start adding those touches around the rest of

The house but as I know we all talked about it’s really important to go room by room and as much as we moved into this house and I just moved all the furniture in and I was like yes I love this room it’s so nice to have our

Bedroom set up to what it used to be I actually think it’s also really nice just add a couple of little changes and make it like a bit of a different space because in every single house your space is going to be slightly different and I feel like this bedroom is so different

To the old bedroom we used to have so despite the fact that we’ve got the same Furniture despite the fact I’ve got the same desk and the same bedside tables already it’s starting to feel like such a different space and I can’t wait to see how else it evolves and like what

Else we can add to it I feel like once those wardrobes go in it’s going to make such a huge difference but we haven’t quite decided when exactly we’re going to be doing that but I thought this would be the perfect spot to sit down

And do a bit of an unboxing because I had a very exciting PR parcel arrived this morning from one of my faves at pixie and because this is just such a calm and triquel room I feel like it’s the perfect space to like do Beauty unboxings and like chat about skin care

And I just want to utilize this space more with regards to filming as well so I’ve very kindly been sent ooh the wake up and glow set from pixie unveil the secret to an effortlessly awakened and vibrant complexion with an invigorating Mist energizing sheet mask and the ultimate under ey brightener Ure you

Start your day with confidence and embrace the Glo inspiring magic of skincare I love that pix were like one of the first Brands to like encourage the glow I remember that they started doing kind of like glowy products before it was really a thing so it’s so lovely

To see how much the brand has evolved so first up we have the vitamin makeup Mist now this sounds amazing especially for like those early mornings when you’re on the way to the gym you know when even when you do your usual morning skin kit

Your skin just feels a bit dull I feel like this will be so so perfect just to like energize yourself before you’re going for like a workout I might just add that straight into my gym bag I love the look of that we then have a face

Mask which sounds perfect I may have to R myself another bath tonight I’ve had quite a few in the new house I had one at the weekend actually after all of the gardening and it was so so needed because my muscles and my bones were just aching and I’m ABS obsessed with

The bath here so I might have to find myself a bath tonight and use this eye mask the sun is like coming out in my eyes now so I’m sorry if I am squinting a little bit but I wasn’t expecting it to be this sunny sitting in this spot

But we really do get beautiful light here in this bedroom despite the fact that it’s making me squinty McGee but most beautiful vitamin C face mask and then the vitamin C under eye brightener which I don’t think I’ve tried this from pixie vitamin and C under eye brightener

In shade Peach flush that sounds amazing I cannot wait to give that a try especially when I have my early morning starts going to the gym and getting my workouts in but I think we can all agree it’s getting a little bit too sunny I think that’s probably all I can show you

From this unboxing but this space just makes me so so happy looking the viewfinder and seeing the beautiful calm tranquil colors the inviting space Oh this is just my dream bedroom I think it’s safe to say I have planned and curated art dream bedroom here in the

New house okay I promise I will stop going on but just look at the sunshine that streams into this space oh my word it just makes me so happy well after that lovely Sunshine earlier the sun has now all but been and gone it is quite a

Few hours later and I feel like you can tell by my sleepy eyes I’ve spent the vast majority of my day at my laptop and now it is time for my favorite part of the day makeup off hair of my face comfies on I feel like there’s just

Nothing better I’m someone that loves more of an earlier skincare routine I don’t like doing my skincare just before bed I feel like actually using the water wakes me up a little bit so when I do my skincare just before going to bed I feel like I’m like Wide Awake again and I’m

Not actually like settled and ready to kind of like start my circadian rhythm so for me as soon as I’m kind of done with the working day like before dinner I like to get my makeup off I like to get my skin care on I like to get my

Skin care like chewing is that the right word manifesting on my face and I it to really soak in and I realized just before I started doing my makeup no my skin care wow you can tell that I’m tired I just can’t make words I can’t make sentences words are not

Wording but I thought before I do my skincare routine I realized this is actually another room that we have big plans for talking about plans for the house that I’ve not actually shown you yet this is basically my bathroom we have two like full bathrooms we’ve got

The on suite and then we’ve got this bathroom um and then like a third toilet which is really really handy to have because at Le when you got guests and stuff like that you know me to share bathrooms and it’s very lovely when there’s just two of you in the house cuz

It basically means that you can kind of split your bathrooms and I can’t remember where I read this but it was I feel like it was someone’s mom that they said the secret to a happy marriage is the same bed different bathrooms and that is honestly so true cuz being able

To just spread out I mean for me to to spread out my skincare routine Alex likes to spread out his hair products is after shaves like the fact that we can kind of just like let loose in our own bathrooms it’s so so nice and also it’s

Great when you’re both wanting to shower like after doing the gardening and we’re both like right see you later I’m going for a full hair wash I even had a bath later that evening it is so so nice just to have like my own space so I’m basically calling this my bathroom which

Is going to be the guest bathroom whenever we have people stay over but up until that point for 99% of the Year this is mine so I need to start putting together a bit of a plan of what we want to do with this bathroom we’re not

Planning on doing anything too soon this is definitely one of those rooms where we really want to just like live in it first and like see how the space Works cuz I do feel like especially in this bathroom there is so much wasted space there’s only a shower over the bath and

There is definitely enough room for a bath a walk-in shower a toilet and a basin I actually think there is enough room for a standalone bath which is honestly my dream a tubby tub would be i’ know i’ made it in life if I managed

To get myself a tubby tub I would love for this room to be maybe a little bit more kind of like antiquey a bit older and then I think in the on Suite we can maybe go a little bit more modern cuz I do feel like the on Suite is very plain

So we’re probably thinking about doing them at the same time or at least one after the other so we always have one working bathroom um but doing up our suite and doing up this bathroom there’s nothing wrong with them they’re just very very basic there’s just nothing

Really like to them in terms of like Decor in terms of like design as you can see behind me it’s just like these kind of like beige tiles and all of the appliances are just very standard there’s nothing wrong with them but we would love to have our own stamp because

Having only rented before obviously we’ve only ever used rented bathrooms they’ve always looked like this it feels very exciting to be able to like let loose with a bathroom and actually make it a beautiful beautiful space to be in because I do spend a lot of time here

Doing my makeup doing my skin care showering baths like I feel like the bathroom is actually quite an important space in a house that often gets forgotten about and often gets neglected so this is a room I’m really excited about so I would love it if you could

Send me some bathroom inspo because as much as I do want to go a bit antiquey I don’t really have a vision for this room I feel like every other room in the house I’m like yeah I’ve got Vision I want the bedroom to be like really cozy

And I want it to be really tranquil I know what I want my dressing room to look like I know what I want um like the spare room to look like I know what I want the living room to look like the kitchen to look like this room I feel

Like it’s quite a blank canvas as much as to say I want it to look antiquey that’s pretty much all I have in mind I don’t know whether I want like a fullon farmhouse bathroom if I want to do something maybe a bit more modern with like some marble I want gold

Accents brass accents silver accents I have no idea so if you have any inspo let me know cuz I’m going to need to start doing a bit of a mood board and I think a night on Pinterest is on the cards I have to say when it comes to

Social media apps Pinterest is one of those apps where I go through like love hate relationships with it sometimes I don’t use it at all but when it comes to like finding inspiration I feel like if you know what you want quite specifically Pinterest is the place if

You like you know you’re looking for like spring outfit inspo Pinterest if you know you’re looking for like barroom in BO Pinterest Kitchen in BO Pinterest baking recipes Pinterest it’s such a good place when you like know what you’re looking for and it’s very much

Like a slow social media app so it’s a great one just to like spend in the evening having a little scroll through and just just enjoying being on social media and getting a bit of inspiration um so yeah this is a bathroom that we need to start

Planning and to tell you the honest truth I haven’t even thought about it yet I mean we’ve not really been at the house all that long so it’s not as if it’s one that I’m in a rush to do but this is one that I do feel like when we

Do do it the transformation is going to be insane I feel like this is going to be a bathroom that’s it’s just going to change so drastically compared to when we first move in so I’m going to take a lot of before and afters of this room

Although that being said this bath oh my word the biggest bathtub in my life like literally it’s this really weird shape it’s like a kind of Bean in the corner can you see that which yes does look very weird especially cuz it’s like a corner bath but when I tell you it is

The biggest bathtub I’ve ever satten in my entire life I’m not joking it feels more like you’re sitting in a Jacuzzi because you’ve got the kind of like two rounded edges you can sit cross-legged without each knee touching sides or at least I can which means Alex is going to

Fit in this bath I definitely want to run him a bath cuz I think he will really really enjoy it and I can actually stretch out I can like lean against the side I can put my legs out on my word I’m really going to miss this

Bath when it goes but to be fair to replace this for a roll top I feel like it’s no competition I’m going to absolutely love having a roll top bath I think this is going to be a room I’m going to have a lot of fun with and I

Won’t like I can’t wait to start making plans to this room but for now we’re just just going to leave it as is it does exactly what it says on the tin it is a functional bathroom and it is all we need for now but I think this is

Going to be a room that I can have a lot of fun with so I’m going to get my makeup off now I am obsessed at the moment with bioma melting balm cleanser and I feel like the name is exactly what it is this literally melts away your

Makeup it feels so chewy and so rewarding when you take your makeup off with this at the end of the day it literally just melts away I love it so so much so if you’re looking into something hydrating and like a really enjoyable cleanser to use I would definitely recommend the biome I

Actually pick this up um I got sent this from space enk and it’s definitely one I’m going to have to repurchase which I feel like says a lot because I’m lucky enough in this industry to try a lot of different cleansers and a lot of different types of cleansers and a BAL

Cleanser is always my favorite cuz I just I hate to say it but the greasier the better for me I love like a greasy cleanser that just really gets into your pores and melts away your makeup and this I think it is safe to say has been

One of my favorite fom cleansers I have ever ever tried so I’m going to get my makeup off I’m going to get into my comfies and I’m going to enjoy an evening on the sofa scrolling through Pinterest I mean that is literally my ideal evening what could be better so

I’m going to leave this Vlog here I really hope you guys enjoyed this video seeing all of the new house plans if you got to the end of this video comment down below house plans cuz I would love to know if you got to the end and I hope

You’re excited to see all of the updates all the changes everything that’s happening with the house I just want to say actually quickly such a huge thank you for you guys because sometimes showing these things you can worry that you’re like I don’t know just being a bit like tasteless and actually your

Guys response like the fact that you can just like feel the palpable energy of mine and Alex’s excitement in this new house the fact that you’re coming on this journey with us it just means the world so I’m so so excited to take you on the journey even more I hope you’ve

Been enjoying the Vlog so far and I promise you there are going to be lots more coming so I really hope you guys enjoyed a bit of a house update Vlog and I will see you in the next one bye


  1. House plans xxx yay I always look forward to your uploads, love the little changes you’ve added and can’t wait to see more xxx

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