Gardening Trends

Discussion on Your 2024 New Year Gardening Resolutions & Trends | 70

Welcome to Episode 70 of the Gardening Simplified Show! Join hosts Stacy and Rick as they discuss your 2024 New Year gardening resolutions and trends. Plus, enjoy quirky gardening news and stress-relieving tasks to inspire your green thumb journey.

0:00 – Episode 70 Introduction: Happy New Year Resolutions
0:27 – Cut Flower Garden Resolution
1:30 – Blind Gardener’s Resolution
1:50 – Drip Irrigation Resolutions
3:20 – Seed Bomb Resolution
4:30 – Trench Edging Resolution
5:28 – Limerick for 2024
5:46 – Garden Plan Resolution
7:15 – Perennial Exchange Resolution
8:02 – Weed Barrier Removal Resolution
9:03- Divide and Conquer Resolution

10:15 – Plants on Trial
11:45 – Juiced Orange Jessamine (Not Jasmine)

20:24 – Gardening Question and Answers
21:02 – Some more New Year Gardening Resolutions
29:48 – Pre-Ordering Plants
30:35 – Interesting Competitions
32:10 – Top 10 Stress-Relieving Tasks
33:25 – Peanut the Chicken’s Story, Goodwill Vase, Rediscovery of a Golden Mole
35:55 – 2024 Gardening Trends
36:24 – Favorite Gardening Movie Lines
37:29 – New Year Wishes

Show notes!…

For more information on Juiced® Orange Jessamine…

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Have a question you want to be answered? Send them our way! Stacey and Rick will answer them on the show. Leave your questions in the comments below or visit our website!

Happy New Year coming to you from Studio A here at Proven Winners color Choice shrubs it’s time for the gardening simplified show we’re going to establish a resolution Constitution for you this year on today’s show with Stacy herela me Rick Vice and our engineer and producer Adriana Robinson Happy New Year

To both of you and uh here we go this is going to be fun resolutions not from us from you and we thank you very much I love the first resolution right off the top Stacy from an she says Happy New Year I’m in 6B and I’ve been gardening

For 30 plus years my New Year’s resolution is to start a cut flower garden I felt guilty for cutting flowers to bring them indoors to enjoy no more well I think that’s a great resolution I think that it’s just as important to stop feeling guilty about stuff you’re

Cutting as well as giving yourself a place to you know cut other stuff but uh it cut flowers are the fastest growing segment in agriculture right now Cut Flower Growers and I think we’ve said it on the show before it’s the ultimate luxury to be able to go into your own

Backyard and pick a fabulous bouquet uh so Kudos an I can’t wait to hear how that turns out good work an and I love this one from naen she says my name is naen I am from Belgium Flanders I was in Holland this past year I wish I would have crossed the border

Into uh to Belgium what a what a wonderful place uh naen says I am a blind Gardener my resolution for next year is to sew more flowers and hopefully succeed kudos to you naen way to go yeah that’s a really interesting situation I’m wondering what she’s going

To plan we’d like to hear from you again naen that’s fantastic also you know it was interesting to me a lot of the resolutions related to something that I boned last year and I’m working on and have resolved and that is irrigation and drip irrigation Altha says my resolution

Is to learn how to lay drip irrigation I’m so overwhelmed and clueless it actually scares me but I know if I plan to be a successful Gardener I have to learn and it’d be great if you guys speak on this topic Cecilia says the same thing 2024 resolution is all about

Garden beds and pots have to be on drip before I plant any anything and Carol Rose says the same one resolution is to follow my plans and then install drip irrigation well you can’t argue with that I have had drip irrigation before and for me that’s the ultimate luxury

Because I do not enjoy watering my garden I enjoy the results of a well watered Garden it’s kind of like cleaning your house you know it’s I don’t like the process of cleaning I like that it’s clean similarly I like plants that look watered and healthy but

I do not personally enjoy watering I’d rather weed than water and so I’ve had a garden on drip irrigation and it is fantastic you just you do nothing and you get all the credit and you know and it uses less water because it’s a very low water emission so it sounds like

It’s a resolution for a lot of people to get away from those kinky hoses and uh install some drip irrigation I love this one from Brandon I’ve got to share this here a minute Brandon says my resolution which started about a month ago is to

Make and throw more seed bombs out of my car window on highways and interstates sounds a little dangerous but every winter I make seed bombs with Native Prairie plants to make these areas a little more attractive mostly to help out with insects birds and small

Mammals I take care not to throw them in moan areas or areas that are adjacent to Farmland to avoid spreading them into crops uh but he’s doing more of that this winter and his sore shoulder is there to prove it I like that few seeds germinate and survive to maturity but

When you see something you’ve planted a couple years prior it puts a smile on your face happy New Year from your Southern hooer neighbor in Indianapolis Brandon that is not a resolution that is a revolution wow yeah Brandon’s an MVP most valuable planter so way to go Brandon I love I

Love that uh resolution Lisa is going to continue uh resolutions from last year to continue digging in trench edging around garden beds now of course last year we discussed the topic of edging and I’m doing more of that too that trench edging along uh grassy areas so

It sounds like some people are looking at edging as a resolution also well hopefully we inspired them but it it is a nice thing to have an edged Garden especially if it’s a low maintenance Edge exactly if there is such a thing like to live on the edge if there’s such

A thing uh here’s a Lim a rick for all these resolutions that you’ve sent us and again thank you very much you can find us on Instagram of course YouTube if you watch us on YouTube our website gardening simplified on all right here it goes I keep my

Expectations on a tether and keep my eye on changing weather no matter how it goes the consolation I suppose is that we’re all in this together and that’s very true so go ahead stick your neck out no room here for self-doubt and so to improve we resolve our garden skills

To evolve and our dreams to grow and Sprout so that’s the first limmerick for 2024 that’s delightful thank you thank you very much all right Don says Happy New Year to both of you looking forward to another year of gardening with you for 2024 I want to bring my garden plans

With me when I purchase new plants now I have seen this also uh from other folks who jumped in on the resolution thing and that is this year I’m going to have a plan and then I’m going to stick to the plan but the issue is in Spring we

Get so inspired we walk into the greenhouse or the garden center everything looks good it’s kind of like going to the buffet when you’re hungry right yeah that’s exactly what and then you overdo it all those good intentions go out the window and you say oh but

There’s this I didn’t expect to see this this year and then next thing you know you’re at home trying to sort it all out which is a great feeling I love that personally I’m I’m all for it oh we’re part of the problem too in plants on

Trial I mean we talk about fabulous plants that’s true that we’d love to have you put in your garden and then before you know it you’re walking around in the yard with a shovel in one hand a plant in the other and trying to figure

Out where you’re going to put it uh but that is of course you know and I I’m not so sure I’m not so sure that that is a resolution you can keep well you can try if that’s what you really want to do but

I think that takes out a lot of the fun of going to the Garden Center yeah you know it’s like does anyone go to Costco with a list and only get what’s on their list no never happens it should we should have the same Freedom at the

Garden Center as well you’ve got it jumbo pack of everything uh from Wendy Rick the mulchman viced more power Rick you get the reference ah yes Tim Allen right uh made me laugh I have a resolution to redo the West bed and some Hardscape projects that I’ve been

Talking about for years but what I loved hear from Wendy is she said one other thing I love Stacy’s pins she wears I think they were her grandmothers can she do a piece on them even if it’s only online since it’s not gardening the one she had on today was beautiful Happy New

Year love your show a that’s so nice thank you Wendy yeah uh maybe an Instagram post yeah maybe we’ll do an Instagram post of some of Grandma’s holiday jewelry even though the holidays are over I have a bunch of it so it’s not all holiday themed that’s great uh

Jack or maybe it’s jacqu I don’t know it’s spelled j a how would I pronounce that I I don’t want to mess it up for you jack or jacqu I think if it it sounds like it’s short for Jacqueline oh you know because if it was just like the

Man’s name Jack it would probably have who knows so we’ll go with that I resolved to remove all the weed barrier fabric installed by the previous owner in my flower beds utilize all the cardboard I’ve been saving in the garage to sheet mulch to improve the soil Stacy

I put that one in there for you oh thank you and I appreciate you doing that because you know it’s one of those things I I can rant on this all day but it sounds like a good idea it sounds like it should be helpful but any

Gardener who has ever had to deal with it whether it was a previous well-intentioned Gardener or a previous well-intentioned version of their own self uh it’s it’s a nightmare to try to get it out and it’s not even effective it doesn’t even really keep the weeds

Down yeah so so lose lose there you go so a good resolution and Janes says simply I want to buy less and divide more divide and conquer you know have you ever heard about a perennial exchange oh yeah yeah they um it’s such a great idea you get

Together with a bunch of other people in your community your town friends whatever and you just divide and swap perennials and that’s a great way to expand your plant pallet and I thought of organizing one myself it is great it is great and we uh we also got resolutions from people interesting

Interested in a topic that I touched on in a previous show and that is layering there’s different types of layering that you can do for propagation but also layering as it relates to establishing and planting your garden and combining plants together and I I appreciate and

Uh Love That Let’s see it was Megan in RH Island so thank you Megan and yes it’s on the agenda an upcoming show this year on the gardening simplified show to talk about layering we’re going to handle more resolutions a little later in the show but next up plants on trial

Let’s see what Stacy’s going to roll out first for 2024 that’s next here on the gardening simplified show greetings gardening friends and welcome back to the gardening simplified show the first one of 20124 and since it’s a new year I thought it would be the perfect time to talk about a new

Plant I like that you know every year proven winterers color Choice shrubs we have anywhere from 25 to 35 new varieties coming onto the market every year now that does sound overwhelming but we like to say they’re not just new they’re better because even though they are really pretty and you couldn’t be

Blamed for thinking that we introduced something simply because it was beautiful there actually is another reason behind everything that we introduce whether it’s that it’s you know doesn’t produce seed and get invasive it’s an a native alternative to an invasive plant it has a better hat

Habit a new color we look for all of these different features and ideally more than one and that’s how we determine whether a plant is worth introduction if it meets all of those qualities after our trial and testing process so I know a lot of people think

Oh my gosh more new plants what am I going to do there’s so many um but it’s like an upgrade or an update on your cell phone that’s kind of what it’s like you know constantly up it is it is and you know when people when people often

Say like oh more new plants well why it’s like well do you say that about your phone you want your phone to just like stay stuck in 2005 and not do all the cool stuff it can do and have a great camera and all the helpful things

No you like welcome that in other aspects but with plants some people just want the same old same old and if so well then the show probably isn’t for them so uh but there’s always new plants and the one that I am covering today is Juiced orange

Jessemine wow and you’re going to have to explain to me Stacy why is it jasine and not Jasmine right I’m glad you asked that because I’m sure a lot of people are thinking like wait did I hear that right did she say Jasmine because it didn’t sound like it but it kind of

Sounded like it so this plant is a cestrum that is the scientific name c s Ru M and uh the common name is indeed jessemine J SS a m i n e so not jasman jessemine and no I don’t actually know where that name comes from do you uh I

Did a little research and said jessemine and Jasmine are used interchangeably they had here you go joint resolution number 534 that established South Carolina state flower in 1924 and described it as Carolina jasine so I guess it is uh interchangeable oh interesting because the plants certainly are not exactly exactly if you grow

Juiced orange jasine expecting a Jasmine uh you’re gonna have a really cool plant but you’re probably going to be disappointed number one because it’s not fragrant right and so that’s one of the biggest issues is that this is not a fragrant plant it looks like it should

Be but it actually is not um but let me give you sort of a a a taste of what it looks like so um it is a compact shrub reaches four and a half four to 5 feet tall and 3 to 4 feet wide so much smaller than the average one which is

One of the reasons we selected it for introduction it’s more Compact and easier to use in the landscape but the main thing that this plant does is it is just covered in yellow trumpet-shaped flowers all summer long and these the the trumpets are small so don’t think of

Like a trumpet vine which has really large trumpet shaped flowers these are many small trumpet shaped flowers that are arranged together in these clusters that kind of remind me of a honeycomb they have like a unique sort of geometric look to them um and they bloom like that all summer long and they

Attract tons of hummingbirds so they have a lot of nectar but what they don’t have is fragrance so that’s why I would not argue for using those terms interchangeable I would agree Stacy not using them interchangeably it’s just something I read in uh in my research but very different from the tropical

Jasmine plants that we would bring up from Florida and they’re super fragrance right and so it’s the flowers are yellow not white although some jasms can have sort of kind of yellowish flowers uh but so if you want to be perfectly correct you can call it cestrum they those two

Are actually interchangeable all right uh and so this is a plant now I have to say first of all most people might be hearing about it for the very first time um but I do want people to understand that it is not a super Hardy plant it’s only Hardy to about USDA zone

7B and even there in if you have a harsh winter it might actually die back like a but like a butterfly bush would you know in our climates but it will still come back from the roots and it will still go on to flower just fine through the

Summer it flowers on new wood but it’s also very Heat toall it grows all the way up to USDA zone 10 it’s native to South America so loves the the heat humidity warm climates but for those of us in colder climates you are not going

To miss out on this plant because it is an awesome patio plant so I love this plant because it ticks all of my musthave boxes for my annuals or or patio plantings it’s yellow which I love Hot colors and it attracts hummingbirds and that’s kind of where it ends for me

Those are my most important factors when I’m choosing them but so I did grow this from a small one qut plant like you could find mail order and it grew really fast and it literally did bloom all summer all the way up till Frost and so

It’s such a great way to just keep having those flowers it performs like an annual even though it’s actually a shrub so if it performs like an annual is this something Stacy that you put in the compost pile if you’re a northerner like me or could you potentially overwinter

It and keep it alive well so that depends on you you can absolutely try to over wind for this the generally speaking the more heat tolerant something is and this one goes all the way up to USDA zone 10 the the more likely you will be able to overwinter it

Okay uh usually it’s plants that need more cold that are harder to overwinter that said um if you are going to try to grow it indoors a very cool spot much cooler than what you would want to live in your house in Winter and bright and good air circulation so exctly it’s

Possible and you should certainly try you might just wish it had died if it starts looking really had you know getting powdery mildew and pest out breaks just cuz it’s it’s kind of struggling it’s not your its preferred environment my whole goal is just to keep it alive until next year yeah and

Then you can reuse it yeah so it’s absolutely worth a try but on the other hand if you do find yourself going online and purchasing a $225 plant that you can grow and enjoy I mean compare that to most other annuals most annuals are usually costing nowadays $67 for a

Court themselves people are buying hibiscus Jasmine mandavilla and those are ing upward of $30 oh yeah and this is one that not everyone else is going to have so it’s really going to bring a lot of unique color Dimension and like I said my favorite hummingbirds yeah well

Worth it and if you can attract hummingbirds butterflies to your landscape uh that’s ideal now I will say that my success with this plant I was fertilizing it regularly so as I fertilize my other annuals probably every other week or so that’s going to definitely in a container give you the

Best flowering fertilizer and uh and sunshine hey I got to mention this has nothing to do with the what do you call it Jasmine jasine jasine jessemine but I’ve got this cool new Lambs cardigan sweater that Stacy and Adriana gave me at Christmas time this thing’s just

Fantastic uh and I’m able to dump my other Mr Rogers cardigan because of it um and it’s got these great little pockets so there’s a mint for you mer Christmas happy New Year well you know we just won’t stand for anyone teasing you about your Mr Roger card

Again so we wanted to to make our love clear I appreciate it so a couple more things to know about Juiced orange cestrum it is deer resistant yes I know we love that yay and I grew it on my patio again with all my other deer resistant annuals and they never touched

It so that I took as a great sign it’s going to want full sun another thing that’s definitely great for me so you want at least 6 hours of bright uninterrupted light to be successful with this now in the landscape if you live in a hot climate you can probably

Get away with some shade but if you’re growing it certainly as an annual in in seasonal color you’re definitely going to want that full sun and right along with that of course good drainage so this is not going to be one that you’re going to plant in a container that

Doesn’t have any holes or in a spot where it gets water full sun good drainage is going to be best and uh semi- Evergreen so if you live in an area where it loses its leaves it keeps the ones at the end uh just the tips of

Its branches um so all in all a really great plant that I think is a lot different than what most people are used to seeing and Stacy if if you live down south you’re in Florida or whatever it is Texas um and you’re warmer than let’s

Say Zone 7B is pruning a concern any concerns as far as pruning is concerned oldwood new wood that kind of thing or are you just good to go that’s a good question so it does flower on new wood which is why it’s able to flower so much

During the summer um and because we did select this to have a more compact habit it’s not going to need as much pruning as one a more conventional variety wood EXC but you are going to want to make sure that you are giving it some pruning

Just managing it to to do what you want in your landscape so that’s it for the first plant on trial of 2024 Juiced orange jessemine you should be able to find it at a local Garden Center especially if you live in an area where it is hearty if not look online at the

Number of places that sell prooven Winter’s color Choice shrubs and uh find out what the fuss is about I think this is a great plant that definitely deserves to be better known and that is why I making it today’s plants on trial love it I’m Juiced about this one and

I’m going to give it a try are you jazzed about it I’m jazzed and Juiced Jazz Juiced and jine we’re going to take a little break when we come back we’re opening up that Garden mail bag and we’re going to have more of your resolutions so please stay Tuned greetings gardening France and welcome back to the gardening Sy simplified show everyone knows it’s my favorite part of the show where we answer your garden questions and we are going to be taking some time to also share your resolutions it was so great to hear from everyone it was fantastic

And uh you know Winter’s a great time to plan to think about it there were folks who sent us messages saying well they love to buy seeds at this time of the year so do I it’s fun to look through a seed Rack or a Seed Catalog at this time

Of the year so uh again we Garden 365 days out of the year yeah if if dreaming counts and I think it definitely does absolutely you got it Karen sent us a New Year’s resolution I love this she says this year I vow to spend more time

Enjoying my garden amen and we had a show on that also go back and look at it the uh art of enjoying your garden we’ll talk more about that in the coming year way to go Karen she says usually I sit down with a cup of coffee try to

Actually enjoy my garden but then I see a weed that needs pulling or a flower that needs deadheading and next you know I’m up and attending to the many tasks the garden require you know I do that too it can be early in the morning and

I’ve poured a cup of coffee and then I spot something in the garden and next thing I know I’m out there in my bathrobe with a cup of coffee I’m weeding and doing stuff out in the yard so uh we got to sit back and enjoy our

Gardens the coffee is’s cold it’s full of dirt you know my recommendation in this situation floaties in the coffee yes I’m 100% in support of anybody enjoying their Garden because really most gardening test can wait and a more important thing is to enjoy it while you

Can but I have a I personally have a little bit of a cure for the weed situation when you pick a weed go sit back down and look at the weed it’s always so interesting oh good idea good idea that’s what I would do all right sounds good and Stacy this from uh

Trixie who lives in South Central Texas newly named Zone 9A yes wow uh by late June my garden looks wrecked I need to stay focused on consistent water routine maintenance and weekly or bi-weekly feedings if for no other reason than to uh have a nice Garden even if that’s

Possible in the Texas heat boy I feel your pain uh Trixie and a great job on working on your garden in that kind of heat again it goes back uh Stacy to the fact that a lot of people are looking at watering issues and that sort of thing

Moving forward absolutely yeah so Stacy a resolution from Drew says I’m starting a new garden with with a blank slate at 65 it’s not as easy I understand that Drew I’m right there with you uh when I put my last Garden in but I’m motivated to give it a shot unfortunately it’s

Solid clay soil oh I’ll be buying lots of sand and top soil I would recommend Drew no sand no sand you mix sand with Clay you get concrete so uh don’t mix that save yourself the time and don’t mix the sand with the clay Mariel says I’m always thinking about about

Gardening I just ordered seeds and some of the plants for next year’s Garden uh marielle’s uh resolution is to be less of a procrastinator in her garden in the coming year Peggy uh also included a shot uh a part of her garden New Year’s resolution because of our age our backs

The size of our garden we want to start replacing some of our higher maintenance perennials spreaders and large grasses less summer deadheading splitting fall CLE clean up fewer annuals this is tough because I love them all with medium to small Evergreen and colorful shrubs so yes looking for medium to small

Evergreen shrubs and Evergreens very doable Peggy again uh over the course of last year we talked often about how plant breeders the Golden Age of plant breeding Stacy we’re finding a lot of plants that can fill the bill for Peggy right and you know Peggy included a

Picture of her garden and it was one of those ones where I said okay I’ll look at the picture and I was my eyes popped out of my head when I looked at it and we will have that on the YouTube video as well as on the show notes at

Gardening simplified on you have to see Peggy’s Garden it is spectacular way to go Peggy and says my New Year’s resolution is to learn more about plant diseases and be more responsible about organic management my New Year’s resolution for Cindy is to enjoy the garden more as it is last year I

Scurried around so much buying new plants and changing things I know why I did that but I think it took away some of the Joy from the garden defin Solitude and relaxation so busy Miss some of the beautiful and simple enjoyment a garden can bring and Eastern

North Carolina is such a beautiful place to live I intend to appreciate that and revel in that I like that a lot Cindy that’s uh that’s well done and you know that’s an other reoccurring theme that we’re finding from people is again to embrace the joy of gardening to enjoy

Their Garden more not be too hung up on the fact that we got a little problem here or we got a plant that basically kicked the bucket over here but we keep trying and as I said in my limmerick we’re all in this together right and I think that Ann’s comment about learning

More about diseases and pests so that you can be a better manager of your garden is such a a great one for all of that because if you do take the time to learn a little bit you know what’s crucial you know what’s not crucial you know what you can procrastinate on

Exactly and uh timing is everything Laura says not really a resolution but we’re moving from Central Ohio to Northwest Indiana and I can’t wait to visit Zealand Michigan now of course here at Proven Winners color Choice shrub Studio way we are broadcasting from let’s Call it Spring Lake or Grand Haven Michigan

Uh very near Zealand Michigan and Laura’s been following these proven winner uh proven winter sponsored YouTubes and wants to know the best place to see tulips uh so I sent a note to Laura about the tulip fields in Holland Michigan and usually most years you know if we get a really warm early

Spring you can have a stemfest out there but they try to hit it the best they can can’t control nature usually the first week of May is when those tulips will be in full bloom well and if you miss the Tulip Festival there’s always the dandelion Festival in borculo so there

You go that’s a fun one too Bambi house says I want to collect more rainwater so we talked about the hoses we talked about drip irrigation but yes what about rainwater there’s another great responsible way uh to garden and Jackie wants to enjoy more colorful dwarf conifers now what I’m

Seeing here Stacy is a trend that uh there’s a number of people who have a renewed interest in four seasons of gardening and Evergreens yeah you can’t go wrong with shrubs I mean I eat and breathe them here so uh I am I am on

Board and I’m glad to hear that so many other gardeners out there are as well and then uh finally here on this segment uh make go grow is the uh handle here for this person who says I’m joining Rick on the shed organization wagon and any suggestions for organization systems there were some

Folks who sent us messages saying uh putting shelving in their garden shed was a game Cher for them and helped them uh organize so maybe there are some shelves in my future oh not a bad idea I’m going to get that shed organized branching news coming up next here on

The gardening simplified show stay Tuned welcome back to the gardening simplified show okay I tell you what uh resolutions fun looking forward to 2024 and uh we want to thank everybody for your support it’s been overwhelming podcast Radio YouTube thank you very much this is going to be a great year

And we’re glad you’re joining us in this year uh like the resolution from Kristen uh Stacy Kristen says here hi guys uh faithful show Watcher and I’d like to say why would I buy a word of the day calendar when we can listen to Stacy I like that that’s so nice thank you

Kristen yeah I’ll tell you what Kristen Stacy taught me more words last year uh than I had learned in some time and I think 2024 will be the same so I agree with you um and also Kristen has a resolution to add new Garden paths uh

Just like I did this past year so that’s fantastic plant more Proven Winners Vista in uh Kristen’s landscape of course the Vista super Tunas I’m a big fan of Vista super Tunas and I would agree with that also want to mention uh fra uh also sent us a resolution

Planning to pre-order annuals uh instead of making do for the ones she can find at the greenhouse when uh she comes back in early May uh home from warmer zones so wintering in warmer zones you know I feel that and it’s uh it’s a problem

Because I get an idea in my head about oh I want these annuals they had them last year I’m going to do this or I hope they have it and then I go and no one has it ex the supply chain is you know it’s it’s not reliable unfortunately

Except for things like Vista bubble gum super tunia there’s a couple things that you know you’ll always find unless they sell out but um yeah you know pre-planning and pre-ordering if you are very set on what you want you know your color scheme you’re not one of those

Composing on the spot kind of gardeners then it’s a great idea strike while the Iron’s hot now here’s uh some ideas for branching news possibly you could do in the coming year uh how about this shorebird enthusiasts share their best imitations of Seagulls sandhill cranes and other birds at Alaska uh at an

Alaska Festival bird calling contest so there you go yeah Adriana I think wants to do this the Homer Brewing Company bird calling competition in ketac Bay Alaska uh May 8th through 12th so if you think you’ve got some really good bird calls that would be a good place to go

Or how about July 6th of this coming year the world championship snail racing event in Kum England the event was founded in the 1960s and the Guinness Book of World Records has now named the annual event the longest run Humane snail racing World Championship oh the the addition of

Humane in there is very concerning not because of this particular race but that there were inhumane snail races happening before apparently it must be they were happening so now Guinness recognizes it the snails attempt to cover a distance of 13 in a world record of 22 seconds was set by a snail named

Archie in 1995 and if you go go to it you’ll get a tankered of lettuce that’s your prize for the winning snail oh I bet they really appreciate that it is that’s shearious is what it is last year’s runnerup Was Heard saying I’ll get you next

Slime okay uh let’s see here oh I wanted to mention this top 10 tasks that relieve stress as we head into the new year tasks so not top 10 things that relieve stress but we’re going to post this survey on our website gardening simplified on so here you go Stacy

Top 10 tasks that relieve stress number one what do you think the number one task is a task that you have to do that you’re like I’m going to do this because it’s going to relieve stress for me and it can’t be gardening right right I mean

I would say cooking for me you got it cooking by far was number one on the list nice cooking top of the list cleaning number two gardening number three doing the laundry number four folding the laundry number five mowing the lawn number six I can see that doing dishes organizing sweeping vacuuming

Mopping and then last on the list weeding I think we both enjoy weeding I do enjoy weeding I’m surprised they didn’t just get lumped in with gardening but I’ll take it yeah and a big thank you very mulch to all the folks who watch and listen to our program the

Podcast Radio Show uh we just appreciate you so much and last year here’s a followup to a story that we did uh let me see what the name of this chicken was peanut you remember peanut last year Peanut the chicken the oldest chicken in the world died oh on Christmas day oh

Yeah sad story 21 years old gut died at her home in Michigan on Christmas morning so was born in 2002 and is in the uh Guinness book of World Records that’s extraordinary is what it is and I’ve been following this as far as peanut is concerned and so yeah 21 years

As a chicken that’s not that’s not bad nothing to sniff at as they say the plot chickens so there we go uh a g a story we’ll post it on the website of a gal who went into a Goodwill store and uh bought a vase for

$3.99 now I like this because I like to go out there Goodwill Hunting also uh to these stores it’s just fun uh found out that it was a rare vase and it sold at an auction for $107,000 nice return on investment whoa It’s a pretty cool vase bought it

$3.99 let’s see it’s a Goodwills store just outside of Richmond Virginia I believe and it was December 19 where the vase sold through the right auction house for 17,100 $100 a the buyer a top collector uh from Europe also in the news we’ll uh we’ll put it on the

Website they found a mole that uh they thought was extinct uh they call him D wion’s golden moles they hadn’t been seen since 1936 uh they used us let’s see they used a dog by the name of Jesse to pick up the scent of the mole and tunnels and

Were able to find this in South Africa in South half Africa um and this mall generally operates in uh in sand so there you go the mold the marrier they found this mole that they thought was extinct and it’s a beautiful mole too when you see the pictures of it it it

Really is golden and kind of shimmers in the sun you probably don’t want to get me started on moles uh I know that they can destructive I know they can be destructive but they are just fascinating amazing creatures they are amazing and hard workers uh we’ll put a link to some

Trends uh that uh are from The Royal Horticultural Society uh for 2024 and they’re saying fruits that thrive in hot weather and weeds such as cow parsley to decorate borders are some of the 2024 trends for them I thought that that was interesting and then finally in a future

Um uh future gardening simplified show I’d love to hear from folks what their favorite gardening movies are or a movie that has a gardening Trend or whatever my favorite lines as it relates to gardening from movies have got to come from Bill Murray in stripes when his girlfriend is leaving him and heading

Out the door he says you can’t go all the plants are going to die you remember groundskeeper Carl speckler in catty Shack and then I love Walter mathau uh from grumpy old men he says I got a cactus in my bathroom but we got nothing to say to each

Other talk to your plants it’ll help get you through this winter and then Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy in Batman you must be new in town in Gotham City Batman and Robin protect us even from plants and flowers so down the road love to hear from you if you’ve got a favorite

Gardening movie or a line that relates to gardening from a movie we’d love to hear about it here on the gardening simplified show as always you can send us your emails just go to gardening simplified on look for the gardening simplified show on Instagram

And of course as far as tuning is in is concerned Radio podcast or look for us on YouTube Stacy Happy New Year to you happy New Year Rick happy New Year Adana and happy New Year to all of You


  1. Walter Matthau in “Dennis the Menace” cantankerous Mr Wilson has been waiting forty years for a plant to bloom but misses it because of Dennis

  2. Stress relieving activity??? It’s weeding for me. Staying indoors and cleaning just causes me MORE stress. LOL. When I lost my beloved kitty cat just before her 21st birthday a few years back, I went out and took after my somewhat neglected flower bed. I weeded the ENTIRE bed (about 3’ deep by approx 50-60’ long). I weeded the entire bed in one day and it looked amazing. It was good for my mental health because it kept my mind busy and helped my heart heal.

  3. The Gardener Frank Cabot's Les Quatre Vents. I am so glad you asked this question. I now want to rewatch this because I have learned a lot about gardening since the first time I watched it. But what a great movie to get you through the winter.

  4. At first glance, looks like lantana and sooo wished it is cold hardy for my zone 5b. Wonder why its juiced orange , kind of looks yellow in my eyes 😅

  5. Last year I learned to whistle somewhat similar to chickadees, cardinals and blue jays and they actually come to get food from me, then again… I know they have different sounds for mating season alarms and calling each other so I’m not sure what I’m doing but at least it’s fun for me. And even the squirrels and a chipmunk also respond when they hear I’m out in the garden 🪴 ❤😊

  6. Great show. Thanks for the advice on “no sand”for clay soil. I had no idea it would turn to perhaps a bog garden? I’ve never seen clay like this and the back yard is a spongy wet mess with no drainage at all.

  7. I’ve been looking everywhere and I can’t figure out if I need to prune my double play doozy spirea. It’s only been in the garden for about two years and it does amazing. I haven’t pruned it yet and so I was just wondering if it needs it

  8. A shed organizing winner for me was adding 2 vinyl shoe organizer/hanger to my shed door and end wall. 24 pockets each for things like my gloves, small hand pruners, twine, plant ties, plant ties, hose nozzles/sprayers, etc. Works great.

  9. There’s a street in the next town over called Jessamine, and I always wondered where that name came from. This is a lovely plant, especially since the leaves seem to have a blueish hue that contrasts with the blooms. Gotta try this! We overwinter things in a home-built “greenhouse” that we keep in the 40s F.

    PS We have relatives moving to Homer, Alaska (husband is from the town)…I’ll have to tell them to brush up on their bird calls! 😅

  10. My resolutions have to do with my backyard as a whole. I want to establish privacy screens in two sections of my backyard. I can't decide what evergreen, part shade trees or shrubs to use. I also want to plant for beauty, meaning organize my inground edible plantings better and although I already grow flowers I would like to have an actual cut-flower garden. If I can get these done before it gets too hot I will feel accomplished. Oh, and keep my young hydrangeas alive through the rest of the winter. Of course this is not a complete resolutions list 😅😅

  11. I want to hear Stacey’s unpopular opinions on moles! I used to hate them, but now I view them as free aeration and Japanese beetle control 🤷‍♀️

    Rick—a 90s version of The Secret Garden was one of my favorite movies when I was a kid. Also, Enchanted April.

  12. My favorite gardening movie is "Dare to be wild", based on a true story of an Irish gardener who inspired "natural" and "wild" style in gardening.

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