Gardening Supplies

Making money any way I can! – Rent to Riches (Part 2)

Laird is doing everything she can to earn some money, but it’s not all going her way!
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Welcome back to Rent to Riches. We ended up last time with everything working perfectly. We didn’t have any issues at all. What’s that? We did. Oh, okay. It’ll be fine. You know, we’re in the middle of a tenant revolt. Everyone’s kind of hanging out here. Let’s, can I talk to the landlord again?

Wait, is he even here? Oh, I thought the landlord was chilling in the tub. No, that’s someone else. Oh, he’s right here. Hey man. You know what? I’m gonna offer a listening ear. You know, I’ve got an ear. If you’ve got some problems, please let me know.

We will not stand for the exploded stove that I had to pay for, by the way. But you know, maybe you’re going through some tough times, man. I get it. In that case, I will ask for better conditions though. He does seem to be listening this time. So that’s good.

Yeah, there we go. Okay, it worked this time. Hey, actually, speaking of which, you’re here. You know, we restart. Oh, don’t. No, no, no, no. Don’t, don’t leave. Hang on. No, oh, dang it. I was gonna see if I can get him to visit my unit, but I don’t think this is working.

In the meantime, apparently I’m spying on Sandalwood. There he is. He’s like running away. You’re not gonna catch me. Hang on, let’s see. What are we finding out here? Did I, I didn’t find out anything. Okay. I didn’t want to know anything anyway. You know what?

Does everyone want to get in the tub? You know what? Let’s get in the tub while I figure out how to complete this milestone. Oh, no, no, no. No, you can get back in. Hey, Sandalwood, do you want to join? Can I like ask to join?

I think the easiest way is probably just to form a group. So I’m gonna get, you know what? Let’s get you guys. I’m gonna say, move here together. So hopefully that should just pull you in, right? Oh, Finchwick Fair, yeah. Alrighty. Now, let me do that aspiration milestone with the aspirations.complete underscore current

Underscore milestone. You know, we have to cheat it because the game is bugged. Are we surprised with that? No. All right, fix something during an emergency or maintenance event. Replace the neighborhood potluck or pool party. Ooh, that’ll be fun. And I use an amenity in a shared space. Okay, well, that’s pretty easy.

That’s how we live. Hey, guys. Oh, okay, you’re already getting out. Come on. I mean, actually it is, to be fair, it is very hot. So probably not the best to be in here. Okay, we got to, wait, am I supposed to be working? Oh, yes. So complain about condition.

You guys were saying I should probably just try pranking the toilet because if we prank the toilet, the next time someone uses it, whether it’s me or anyone else, it will break. And then I should just be able to complain about that, right? Oh, and then the other suggestion,

This is why comments are fantastic. So apparently when you find like bicycles and stuff from dumpsters, if I put it out here, you know, okay. Okay, well, to be fair, now it is my bike, but I guess cause I saved and reloaded the game since the last time.

But when it wasn’t my bike, an easy way to fix it to make it mine is actually just go in buy mode, add it to your household inventory. And then apparently if you bring it back out again, then I’ll be yours. And actually while we’re here, you know what?

Let’s get this other plant. I think we do need it. Hey, I didn’t plant that. Wait, did my neighbors plant stuff? That’s actually kind of cool. I didn’t do that. Yeah, let’s get this out of here as well. We’ll do some more planting. You know what? I’ll just move this one over.

Oh wait, no, then we won’t be able to get to it. I’ll put it over, you know what? Maybe I’ll move the burnt barbecue, the burnt-a-cue just over a little bit. Yeah, we’ll have that there. We’ll replace that eventually. All right, so we’ll have to do some gardening.

I want to do more cooking. We do actually need to make money. Did I finish that? No, I didn’t. Yeah, we do actually need to make money. I think I’ve decided I would like to try and earn 20,000 simoleons. Cause then we can buy that initial building that we created.

And if you haven’t seen that, I’ll pop it up on screen. Okay, let’s just use this toilet so we can ruin it. And I think this is very doable if we use our market stall and make a bunch of food. Cause apparently there’s some recipes

That can actually make us a lot of money. So I think if we do that, we should be pretty good. All right, so I’ve used an amenity in a shared space. Now I should be able to click on this and say complain about condition to someone else. Let’s go complain to Sandalwood.

And hopefully with a bit of luck that’ll, oh God, I got completely sprayed in it. Ew. Yeah, so if I complain about this to Sand- Oh, hey Sandalwood. Oh, wow, okay. I didn’t think it would be this intimate. Complaining. Okay, this is too close. It was too close.

Hey, I did it, let’s go. Great. Okay, gardening level two. Let’s work on gardening whilst we’re doing this stuff. I will purchase some seeds. Do we just do, I’m not really trying to do gardening for anything in particular. I’ll just get some flowers.

And it doesn’t really matter if they’re in season or not. Although this says summer. So a couple of those. This is summer as well. Summer and fall, these are both the same. All right, let’s go. Let’s go plant these. And then we can work on our gardening skill.

And if we get that up, we can get promoted at work. Plus I feel like our lives, we’re just living in our swimwear. Because I guess we’re jumping in the pool, we’re jumping in the hot tub and then we just go do other stuff and don’t change. Oh, okay, cool.

Apparently using this as an amenity in a shared space, which is handy. It’s already 5 p.m. Okay, I really got to get on the food making grind. We’ve got to make food. Okay, I just need fun. Oh, Red, my bro’s calling. Rhonda has asked me on a date. Ooh, yeah, go for it.

That’ll be nice. I got to host a pool party, a potluck. Oh, wait. If I host a potluck, can I not just steal all the food that people bring? I think I can. Knowing the Sims, we probably can. So why don’t we try doing that? Because then I could steal all the food

And sell it at the market. Genius. So the potluck is a new event. God, there’s so many events now. There’s a pool party is a new event with 4Ren and so is neighborhood potluck. 300, wait, I can’t afford it. $300 to host a potluck? Deck. Well, that will be my plan.

Oh yeah, a BlickBlock dance. All right, let’s water the garden. Does this need watering? Probably does. Oh no, that’s fine. Now also, I had comments in the first part being like, you know, it’s a 4Ren expansion pack and we’re playing Eco Lifestyle. And yeah, quite frankly,

There’s not really a way in this pack to go from rags to riches. Like, yeah, we can be a landlord, but to be a landlord, we’re gonna need so much money to even be able to get to that point. So we need a way to earn money at the start of the game

To be able to become a landlord, to be able to make money. Now, I’m gonna do regular cooking because I have noticed that cooking by the pressure cooker, I don’t believe is upping our cooking skill. So we’ve done quite a lot of cooking, but it hasn’t really done anything.

So I’m gonna try some regular cooking. Ah! Okay, we’ve got a toxic mold pile. I repeat, a toxic mold pile. So this particular one can kill us. We did experiment with it in our, oh gosh, there it is, in our mold video where I did do the death by mold.

Anyway, we definitely need to clean this one. Actually, you know what? Can I call the landlord to do it? Do what? Why do I have to do it? No, no, no, no. I actually can’t cancel it. So I guess, you know what? I guess we’re doing it. I tried to cancel it.

Anyway, once I’ve handled toxic mold, let’s just head into the kitchen. No issues at all. I’ll make a party size of tofu tacos. There we go. Nice and clean. That’s good. So wait a sec. Wait, what is that? Hang on. That’s a completely different shirt. Alpha Simmer? What? That is super cringe, dude.

Anyway, moving on. Like I was saying before, the reason, you know, we’re doing the cooking and the home chef hustle stuff and the eco lifestyle dumpster diving stuff and woodworking is we need to go, we need to earn money. There’s not really a way we can earn money otherwise.

So I think it makes sense. And it means we’re still living here as a tenant. Oh my God. Are you alive? Okay. No, he’s just on his back. It’s okay. I thought he was facing the other way. We’re good. We’re good. Yeah. It means we still get to have like

All these other Sims hanging out. We’re still going to be living here probably for a while. And to be honest, when we buy the building, we might as well still stay here as a tenant because we can own a building and be a tenant somewhere else.

You know, you don’t have to live in your own building. You don’t even have to live in your own house. You can still rent. So I think we’ll live here for the foreseeable future and have all the wacky adventures here, you know? Now I’m cooking level three.

Does that give me any more recipes in here? No. I don’t know if there’s any more recipes in this that come out later, but we do have this now, which I’m going to pop in the fridge. I’m going to do maybe one more dish

And then maybe we’ll just go see if we can sell some. Oh, taco casserole. 43. Do you reckon that will sell for a lot? I don’t know. We’ll find out. Unless I really need fun, but we’ll sort that out later. Now. Oh, mom’s calling. What’s up, mom? You want to chat? Okay.

I mean, I’ll answer, but it’ll be after I cook. I like how they always say your mom’s calling or someone and they’re like, yeah, you want to chat? And then I just like, just give me another hour while I finish cooking. I don’t know. And okay, so now what I’m going to do,

I’m going to grab, well, I’m going to grab my bike and I’m going to say set as preferred bike. I’m going to grab my food stall. I should just be able to put the food in there, right? Yeah, there it goes. Put those in and then put this in here.

So all the food’s already in there. Then I guess I’ll answer mom real quick. Wait, what? I left this here. What was the other thing I put in? Oh, that one. I don’t know if that’s any good. Was that good or is that crap? I don’t know, but it’s in there.

Anyway, we’ll try selling it. Okay, let’s just answer mom. Hey mom, yeah, I got a new shirt today. It’s pretty cringe, but if anyone’s wondering, you can actually get this shirt. I’ll link it down below. I didn’t plan on selling any of these shirts. The one in episode one,

I’m not going to be able to sell because it says Maxis on it, so. But this one should be fine. So if you are interested, you can get it. But honestly, I wouldn’t recommend it. I mean, are you really going to wear this shirt? But I had enough people asking

That I figured I’d put it up for you guys. Oh, ladies heard some juicy gossip about Gunnar. Let’s go. All right, so it’s 8.35. We should be able to go to the night market, get a few sales in before it’s too late.

And this time I think I’ll maybe set up in the light. I mean, as funny as being in the middle of the street is, it was a little dark. Oh, great, it’s raining. Well, I guess that’s pretty common, isn’t it? Over here seems very nice. I think this is a good spot here.

Like it’s very light. Let’s say bike here. Everything is pretty good except for my fun. I mean, I’m a little, oh gosh, is that? Why does my mom keep coming here and cosplay? You don’t need it, oh God. And then Ash, Ash and my mom just keep showing up

In cosplay, in Star Wars cosplay, which, look, I love Batuu. I know the Sims community loves Batuu. I love it too, okay? But you know, this is too much guys. Give me some space. Okay, well that sorted out my fun. I always forget that bicycles like give you like so much fun.

And then once we’re right here, can I shower in the rain here? Or am I gonna, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Where are you going? No, no, get off. Okay, thank you. Okay, it’s already 9 p.m. Oh yeah, okay, I have to, okay. You could have left some clothes on.

Wait, my bladder went up? What are you doing? First of all, that’s barely showering in the rain, you’re standing still. And I think she did the wrong kind of shower in the rain, if you know what I mean. The bladder should not have sorted itself out.

Anyway, let’s place our stall in the world and see if we can start a sale. Oh, blick block dance, let’s go. Okay, are we done now? Can I, can I, yeah, there we go. All right, set up the stall. It’s kind of facing the wrong way, but you know, that’s fine.

All right, let’s start the food sale. 10 the table, there we go. So let’s just double check all the prices. So $8, okay, not great. 11 and eight, none of them are great, but you know, if we can move some of these, it’ll be good. Come on down to the Big Willow’s Best,

Set up right here in front of all the other markets. No, no, you don’t want that. Do you need a wash down? Oh gosh, wash down that drink with some low quality food. Sales pitch, sales pitch. No, no, you guys are going to the wrong stall, come to my stall.

Okay, here we go, sales pitch. Yeah, you know you want to buy some of my food. Wait, is that a yes? Yes, here we go. Hello, someone’s actually at my stall now. All right, what would you like? We’ve got tofu tacos, we’ve got Burmese samosa soup, and we’ve got taco casserole.

You know, we’ve got all the fan favorites. Oh, okay, they didn’t want anything. What about you? Glames, Glames McGlobin, I know you want to buy something here. Is that a no? I think he just said no. Oh, you’re back. Yes, oh, rent, rent. Yes, please, save me. Okay, so that gave me $9.

I don’t think we’re going to be making a lot of money from these dishes. Wait. You don’t worry about them, everyone, they’re fine. The rest of the food is good. Oh, there we go. Okay, now we’re cooking. Jazz McFierce, okay, okay. Okay, another $9, you know.

This is good, but I think we definitely need to make something that’s worth more money than these dishes. Or just mark up the prices more. They’re at 25%. We could go to 300, but I think that’ll be a bit tight. Let’s try 50% maybe. Sandalwood, my furry brother,

Because it says disable the furry effect. I know it’s Fury, but last episode I made the mistake, so we’re going with furry now. He is a werewolf, it makes sense. Oh, $14, okay, that’s pretty good. I mean, I do need 20,000 simoleons. We might have to pick up the pace here somehow.

Hey guys. Oh, wait, am I, did I leave the table? Hang on, I need both of you to buy stuff for me. Oh, look at this crowd, hello. Wait, am I tending the table anymore? I’m confused. Oh yeah, no, I still am. I just turned around. No, no, don’t ever leave.

Oh, $10, okay. So the tacos are $10 now. So the taco casserole, that one gave me what, 14? Or it says 13 there. Oh, you’re back again. Ren, coming back for more. You know, we love a supportive brother, don’t we? Oh, I leveled up my charisma just by doing it.

This is actually pretty good, because it means like our social and all that goes up quite a lot. So we don’t need to worry about that. And I’m actually kind of making friends by selling to them, so that is handy too. All right, let’s see if we can get one more sale

And we’ve got 10 minutes left. Ah, dang it, all right. All right, we made, wait, we made $92, that’s it? All right, well, clear the table. We’re gonna need to make some serious cash and a little faster than what we’re doing right now. I’m an alpha simmer, okay? I can do this.

All right, let’s hit the hay. I gotta go to bed, because I do have work in three hours. Oh wait, no, Sunday’s my day off. Actually, that’s kind of handy. That’s good, actually. Oh, it’s fall. All right, I’m gonna sleep in a little bit here. Oh, maybe I can do my laundry today.

That’s kind of been stinking for, oh, I should do a search pockets. We might get some extra cash. 49 simoleons. Okay, no, no, no. Hang on, I’ll do the laundry. Add the washing machine. All right, so let’s go, hang on, let me get, I’ve got a bunch of food in here, right?

So why don’t I just open this and put it back in the fridge? Oh wait, it’s just in my inventory. Okay, that’s fine. All right, just get some leftovers. No point cooking more food right now. Hey, Glannifer. The flea market. Hang on a second.

Can we not, we can sell our stuff there, right? Or does it have to be stuff from my inventory? Actually, I don’t remember, but we should go. All right, that’s enough food. I’m going to the flea market. Okay, so we’ve got stuff I can buy. There are selling tables here,

But I think I can put stuff on this wall, or I can buy one myself, and I guess I can, but I think, don’t these just get popular by other sims? Can I even sell my own stuff here? Am I imagining that? Well, is there anything I want to buy?

I’ve got 300 simoleons. I probably shouldn’t be buying stuff, especially if I can make half this stuff. Well, oh, you know what? What if I buy food and sell it for a profit? I don’t know if this is going to work. Let’s find out. I’m going to go, hang on, let me haggle.

Let me try haggling. Oh, Koji’s here dancing. Okay, I’m going to go over and haggle real quick. Eventually, just going to get on the bike. There we go. All right, you’re selling like rocks. That’s cool, that’s cool. Did you say no? Oh, okay, what about, oh, I can’t haggle more than once.

All right, well, fine, fine, I don’t care. I’m going to order some pho, and I’m not going to eat it. Not now, mom. Okay, don’t eat it. No! I said don’t eat it. No! Wait, where did it go? Oh, gosh. Where did it go? You put it down and it’s just gone now.

It’s not even in my inventory. Awesome, all right, that worked well. Glad to see that turned out great. Ooh, lamps. Oh, look at this hunk over here playing. Geronimo Gruber. You know, with the last name Gruber, he’s got to be a good guy, right? Let me just see what he’s up to.

Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh. Subtle. I don’t think I found out anything. All right, well, to be honest, wait, what about this? Can I sell this dye? Hang on, there we go. Can I put these in here and then go? Oh, here we go, yeah.

I can just put my junk in here. Yeah, let me go sell some junk. Hey, guys. Mark up prices. Okay, 50%. Hey, guys, come buy my flower. Oh, actually, $23? Now, I’m not gonna get in the habit of selling flowers, okay? I mean, I just figure I’m already here. Might as well try.

Anyone? Sir? What does dad want? You wanna make a new friend? Okay, fine. Yeah, this street sale is not going well. I think I’m wasting my time here. I don’t even want these flowers. You can keep them. I’m going home. I’m gonna go ahead and cook. Well, can I cook anything?

Someone was saying the challah was actually selling for a lot of money, which I’m curious if it does, because it doesn’t cost a lot to make. It costs eight simoleons. Hey, Ren. You went on a nice date. Oh, that’s good. Oh, so I really gotta go to the toilet. Hey, Sandalwood, what’s up?

Okay, why are you crossing your arms? Keep cooking. What are you doing? Is that how neighbors chat? Yeah, I always chat to my neighbors like this. Mm, yummy. All right, so let’s see. Oh, my gosh. Let’s see if… Well, first of all, I’m gonna go to the toilet.

I want to see if that sells for more money. I’m gonna just put this out here. I’m gonna set up a little street stall. I’m gonna put the challah in here. I’m gonna say, like a start sale, 10 table, and let’s see. All right, there it is up there. So that is worth…

Oh! You see? It’s like way at the top. Hang on, I could’ve just… It’s got such a big description. 72 simoleons. Holy moly. And I think that’s the base price. Or is that the marked up? That might already be marked up, actually. But holy moly. I mean, if you got… Oh, yes! 72.

Oh, my gosh. It’s flying off the shelf, too. I’m like, what quality is this? Okay, the thing is, I can’t… This is quality normal, so I feel like if it was better quality, it might be even more money. Oh, my gosh. Okay, we are cooking now. Well, actually, no. Now we’re not cooking.

I like deception. Sure, why not? I mean, at some point, I feel like we gotta go into kleptomania, right? Oh, my gosh. Okay, we… Yeah, challah is the way to go. We got one left. All right, thanks, everybody. Holy moly, that flew off the shelf. Eight challah for 576. Oh, yeah! Sweet.

Let’s clear that. That is good. Don’t get me wrong. But what about cheese eyeballs? You know what I mean? Also, yeah, where we could put our little pressure cooker like on our actual selling table, which is pretty cool. So I should probably do that. Is there a way we can…

Wait, a mini fridge is draggable because then you can take your mini fridge with you and you can do the full cooking here, right? Oh, wait, but we still need a counter, though, don’t we? You know, I wanna see. Oh, wait, how much is a mini fridge? Probably a lot of money, right?

4.95, 4.75. Not too bad. Like 200 bucks, but… Hey, level four. All right, so these are really gross. But you know what? They might be worth a lot of money. I don’t know. No, don’t grab a serving. Thank you. This is going straight on the selling table. I just wanna see.

We gotta do some experimentation here. All right, these are… Oh, $7. Okay, so these are definitely… Yeah, that’s interesting. That is interesting. Okay. What if we did reselling? Like, what if I order a delivery from Zoomers? Like, this says 23 simoleons. Would that sell for more than that? Okay, you know what?

I don’t even wanna do a street sale on this because I’m not gonna make any money. Let’s make some loaves, baby! Well, let me just double check this. Oh, hang on. We got a new level. What about matzo ball soup? Oh, you weren’t supposed to take one.

Okay, so if I put it straight on… Oh, I have to… I guess I have to start the sale first to be able to see it, how much it’s worth. 16. Hmm, okay. That’s pretty good, but it is no 72. You know what I mean?

All right, well, we are getting some sales, guys. Hey, yeah, come. Everyone, come get your dinner. Actually, I kinda like this as well because if I prepare food in this kitchen and just put it out, none of them will actually take my food, which is good because that, I guess, could be annoying.

But in this case, all my neighbors come down and they just buy my food. You know, I’m happy with that. The other thing I could, I kinda wanna try, what if I just serve food for $200 and then just put all that food in here? That’s also a potential.

Oh, wait, what am I doing? Get back there. You know, we gotta figure this system out. Thank you. Is that the last one? Oh, one more, one more. Yeah, all righty. That was pretty good. 112, definitely less money. So now, what if I say serve assortment? Okay, I just wanna try this.

And then I just go, boop, just drag them over here. Means I just buy the food. Again, just reselling. Will this sell for more than what I paid for, though, is the question. I am incredibly tired, but let’s see. $19 each, okay. 12, 15, 19, and 12.

Okay, you know, some of them are a little cheaper, but we’ve got variety now. Come to Big Will at Best, reselling items. Not even homemade anymore, let’s go. Okay, I’ve got a lot of stuff to sell here, so if you guys could buy it real quick, that’d be great.

Oh, I acquired the juice fizzing skill, apparently. I don’t know how that happened, but it’s time to fizz, baby. Oh, I’ve given up. Okay, I’ll just end this. I don’t know if reselling is really the best way to go. I haven’t made my money back yet. Now, these sitting here, yeah,

They’re good for three days, that’s all right. I’m just gonna leave it like that. All right, let’s go to bed. This place is disgusting, by the way. I know, I built it to be disgusting, but I mean, there’s also just trash everywhere. The kitchen is dirty. Oh, my washing, I forgot about that.

Oh yeah, that toilet’s been broke for a while, and it is producing mold, which I should probably fix as well. Dry laundry, okay, let me just clean. Hey, you know what, can I call the landlord? I don’t wanna do this. It’s called property owned on a visit. Get over here, dude.

Been a broken toilet for like a day. All right, he’s here, hey, man. Yeah, I’m gonna need you to fix this toilet. Oh, wait, he’s fixing it, okay, good. I will, you know what, I’m gonna go to work. I’m gonna go to work today.

I don’t need to complain to that guy, that’s fine. Can I get him to clean the mold? Oh, gosh, this one’s gross too. Wait, are you fixing it? I thought you were, I guess not. Hang on, I think I need to say invite in so I can talk to this guy,

And then I need to say ask to inspect. Well, how do I know which toilet it is? Hmm, that one? I don’t know, I’m gonna go take a shower. Oh, there you go, okay, good. I don’t know if he’s gonna fix the mold or the trash everywhere.

I mean, the trash, to be fair, is our fault. Oh, he’s just dancing, okay. Oh, I gotta go to work. I gotta go to work, go to work. I’ll actually get promoted today. Oh, wait, no, I won’t. I need a level two gardening. That’s all right.

Oh, I’m a little, oh, he didn’t clean the mold. Okay, so the mold is my job, classic. All right, I got $80 from work. I’m gonna go clean this mold now. Cool, let’s go to bed. Property owner is here for a visit, okay. Not now, dad, I’m sleeping.

Is he, you’re gonna, oh, toxic mold. Did the property owner just walk in and leave toxic mold, then get out of here? Where is it, is it upstairs? Wait, where is the toxic mold? Oh, actually, I think I can click on it. If I go up here and click this.

Yeah, here we go. Wait, is it under the shower? You can’t do that, that’s cheating. I’m gonna die. I think it’s under the shower. You can’t put it there. Let me just move it. That’s cheating, dude. I can’t even put the shower there. Move objects.

Okay, well, I’m gonna have to get up and clean that because otherwise that will kill us. And then go back to bed. Why are you cleaning the toilet for? Just go to bed. Clean it later. I need to sleep. I need to get, we need to go to the community center

And do more woodworking too. Because I did vote for that to change, didn’t I? So, just for funsies. Hello? Oh no, Dosh Nair has passed away. Who’s that? Am I supposed to know them? Oh, I think he was the nanny that took care of,

I don’t even know if he did take care of me. He took care of Ren, though, I’m pretty sure, in the last Let’s Play. Voting is closed. Clean energy production received the most votes from the community to take effect immediately. Oh wait, what does that mean?

How do I, click on the mailbox, I know. So, wait, no action. I said clean energy. Okay, nevermind. I don’t know. Oh dang it, I put this outside and it was raining. Of course, that was silly. Let me go fix that. Pool algae, wait, what?

I don’t even know, okay, this is new to me. What is that disgusting thing floating on top of the pool? Call the property owner to sort out the problem or attempt to clean the gooey invaders yourself. Ew, that’s actually really cool. That’s so cool. I didn’t know that was a thing.

All right, well, I gotta hang on. I got a few jobs to do. Do I have to fix it? Can I just leave it? Because I feel like there’s kind of, swim to clean algae or use chemical algae destroyer. Swim to clean or, I’m not paying 250 bucks. That’s so cool.

All right, first of all, let’s get up. Okay, I’ve had enough sleep, which is great. I’m gonna go use this toilet, which hasn’t been flushed apparently. That one’s disgusting. Then I’m gonna take a shower. Then, what? All these sims start making white cakes and then just don’t finish. There’s so much trash everywhere.

Well, I think I can just get leftovers, right? Yeah, good. All right, so we’ll have some food. Oh, nice shirt. Oh, dang it, toxic mold again. Okay, well, at least it’s in this spot. I can actually access that. Well, I gotta take care of that first because that, again, will kill me.

I don’t really wanna die. Not yet anyway. There we go. Oh my gosh, this is spreading. All right. Nope. Actually, yeah, what if I just say swim here without? Wee! Through the algae! Okay, let’s swim to clean. Here we go. Don’t worry, I got it. How am I gonna clean it?

What, do I literally just swim through it? Is it just going on my body? Like, here we go. Yeah! Just put it on me. There we are. I would be curious to see what they do for the pouring and the chemical algae destroyer. I’m gonna swim through those. And just through this bit.

Yeah, yeah, there we are. Okay, let me just, any second now? Any time you wanna destroy these ones? There, there we go. Hey, I made money! Wait, why did I get money? Was that for work? No, what was that for? I don’t know why I got 75 bucks. Oh, the property owner.

Oh, cool. Wait, so I can make money by fixing stuff that the property owner is supposed to fix. That’s pretty good. But I guess it only counts for like those events, not if I just break a toilet. Oh, it does it. Cool. All right, let’s go to,

I’m gonna go to the maker space. Cause again, dumpsters are there. Well, I guess it might not be a maker space anymore. It might’ve changed. Oh, it’s a marketplace. That’s what I changed it to. Okay. That’s fine. Well, before we go there then, why don’t I, should we just make some more challah?

Cause I mean, that seemed to be the way to go. I’m just gonna get rid of those. I wanna move this back inside so it doesn’t just break. Okay, oh yeah. Am I clothed some, by the way? Yeah, that’s fine. Just leave it there. Unload and put laundry away.

And let’s probably just change into our best outfit ever. The best T-shirt I’ve ever seen. Yeah. Okay, let’s make, well, we should try, well, this is $45. That’s gonna be good. Let’s try this. I don’t want, I don’t want to just exploit one thing.

You know, I feel like we need to do a variety to test it out. Cause there’s gonna be some other good stuff in that too. Especially when we get higher cooking skill. Squeamish. No, I don’t want to be squeamish. That’d be super annoying. That’d be super annoying cause this place is disgusting. Okay.

Ew, that pie is gross. Well, the highest price is the pie. I guess I’ll do another pie. Maybe that’ll help again. I just gotta get better at it. Okay, apparently I’m busy cleaning up the entire apartment building for some reason. There we go. Well, I should have work in a second.

Yeah, I gotta go to work. Oh, this one looks better. Here we go. Yeah, normal quality. Okay, let’s put it in there. We’ll go there later. We’re off to work now. All right. Just as Laird is about to take a daily break, a call comes from a neighboring unit with a leaky toilet.

Apparently Laird didn’t do a good job on tightening those pesky loose bolts. Laird makes her way over to chat with the angry neighbor and takes a look at the damage. Confused, Laird pets down her front pocket and feels an immediate wave of embarrassment. Laird forgot to replace the bolts completely.

I mean, just come clean. You know, just be like, oh, my bad. Performance gain. There you go. Problem solved. Always better to be honest. Oh my gosh. First of all, the lightning stopped. Second of all, we’re now in tenant grace period. The lease length cycle for where we live has reset

And a temporary grace period is in effect until 9 a.m. Wednesday. So tomorrow. Each time a lease length cycle completes, a grace period will start at 9 a.m. the following day and last for 24 hours. During this time, tenants are able to move out without any penalties. So basically I can move.

I don’t have to pay because otherwise other times it’ll say like break lease agreement or something. Although wait, why does this cost me $140 here? Am I in the grace period right now? Grace period active. So why would it cost me? Anyway, whatever. Yeah, so we can move.

I think they can change the rent too. I don’t know if the game autonomously will change the rent. When we’re a landlord, we’ll be able to change rent without penalties and change rules. I don’t know if that will happen. Oh my, no! My selling table, it’s burnt! No, no!

Oh, you gotta be kidding. You gotta be kidding. The lightning struck my selling table. I didn’t even notice until just now. Oh, dang it. That’s so much. That’s like half my money gone. Can I get the landlord to fix this? Let me, let me see.

He didn’t seem to want to fix a stove when it exploded, but maybe he’ll, maybe I can get him to fix this. That is so unfair. Game, come on, man. I’m invited in. Hey, hey, man. Hey, Panya. I got a problem. Here we go. Also inspect shared space.

Is the market stall in here? It is not. Dang it. Oh, that sucks. That sucks so bad. All right, you know what? I think we gotta make some challah. I gotta put this in my inventory too. I can’t leave it out there. It’s too dangerous. Quick, clear the table.

Put it in my inventory, quick. That is so unfair. I’m down to $300. We made no, we’ve made zero progress. All right, I’m just gonna, I’m gonna make challah. I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna make a few of them and then we’re gonna go sell them. Oh, he’s fixing my pressure cooker.

Thanks, man. Okay, so he does, you know, he does help a little bit. Not a lot. All right, level five. I will also, as we skill up, try making some other dishes. So far, this is the one we found that makes the most.

So for now, I will just put these in the fridge and then I’ll put it in the selling table later. Actually, all this stuff in my inventory should probably go in the fridge. Okay, so we’ve skilled up. There’s gonna be something better we can make now, right? Let’s see.

Chocolate scones, French toast, chocolate pie. 45, let’s try that. I mean, spending $45 to make a recipe doesn’t necessarily mean it’s gonna sell for more. Oh, I’ve got bills. Wait, how much do I owe? You have 24 hours to pay your rent before it’s officially considered overdue.

Pay it as soon as possible to avoid any repercussions. Oh, 284. I can’t even pay my rent. Oh gosh. All righty. Power 111, water 33, total 284. I feel like the game is charging me the shared space electricity, surely, because I don’t know. Anyway, we gotta go make money.

Oh my gosh, the lightning must, oh, it struck here. I think it struck this chair. At least the plants are being watered. That’s good. No, no, I need the pie, okay. Okay, so let’s go open. Take the chiller. I’m gonna take my pies. I’m gonna leave, actually,

I think the casserole was pretty good, wasn’t it? I don’t remember. I think the other stuff wasn’t really worth anything. All right, I’m gonna go to the marketplace that we created. Oh, I did have a few people asking about this community space, if I could share it. The weird thing with community spaces

Is because it’s technically four different lots, you can’t really share it. Also, I didn’t actually do that much. It’s basically the default bar. I didn’t really change this. I just added a few items around the place for each sort of thing that we’re doing. Okay, I’m definitely gonna wanna sell undercover

Because of the lightning. Can I, oh, I can just drag it out, actually. That’s handy. I do have move objects on, which is good. So I’m just gonna do this. All right, so I’m gonna get a chiller, pie, my other two pies, and this. All right, start a food sale.

Oh, actually, hang on, but don’t do that. Go to the toilet, you’re busting. Oh, I started the food sale, oops. Hey, are you on my stall? Hey, that’s, get off! What the heck? Dude, he stole my, get off the, hey, I can’t even move my stall.

Go use your own stall out here, dude. Get off, get off it. Hang on, I gotta go to talk to this guy. What the heck? Get off my stall. No, can you? Okay, I need this guy. Hang on, can I add him to my group or something? Add to group, here we go.

I’m gonna say sit together, because that should put, sure, I like pet enthusiasts. No, sir, get off my stall. Sir, I came here to sell my food. Get off, get off my stall, dude. No! Okay. Oh, God, God dang it. All right, I’m gonna cancel that, because I can’t even.

Right, this is going so well. Let me go dive for deals, at least. I can’t believe this guy stole my stall. Maybe I can find something good in the dumpster. Dye, I found dye. That’s not good. Oh, I found a table. We can actually use that. That’s great. That is actually really good.

Oh, he’s gone, he’s gone, he’s gone, he’s gone. Hang on, I gotta go. Okay, so get out. Go, go, go, go. I need to make money. Okay, good, tanned. All right, all right, here we go. Oh, yuck. No, wait, where did I go? No, don’t see what’s happening. Tan the table.

I don’t care what’s happening. Okay, maybe we shouldn’t sell this one. Although it is still $19. Oh, the pie is 46. You know, pie is actually pretty good. Oh my gosh, this chowder is 108 because the quality is better. All right, I hope, sir? Sir, can you please put some clothes on?

I’m hoping people actually buy from me. Yeah, 46 simoleons. Okay, okay, 46. Yes, okay, they’re buying, they’re buying. Things are flying off the table. I am current, oh, 108. I am stinking. My food is stinking, but we’re making money, baby. Everyone is really scared out here and running around for their lives,

But they’re all coming to the Big Wallet Best stall that’s set up undercover because I’m smart and I don’t want to be out here. How are you guys doing out here? It is fun to see all this come alive, though. It’d be nice if it wasn’t raining so much, but not my problem.

Look at this queue we’ve, oh my gosh. Look at this queue we’ve got, guys. There’s so many people here. I think I’m about to, oh my gosh, my needs. I just really, okay, we’re kind of back up to where I was like 20 minutes ago.

Oh, we sold out of the gross pie, okay. Yeah, I think I’m going to have to leave in a second just because I’m so tired, but look at this money. Okay, well, I’ve given up because I’m too tired, so let’s just do that. All right, clear table. So we made 924.

That’s pretty good. We do need to figure out a way to make more money, though, because that’s all well and good, but like I said, we need like 20,000 to buy this building here. That building costs 20,000 Simoleons. Alternatively, we could buy an empty plot of land and build,

But I think it might be better to start with a building and then we can craft furniture to furnish the apartments there, and I think that’ll be really fun. So if you have any fun suggestions or ideas of how we can earn some more money,

I don’t think I want to be using our food stall every single episode for like an hour. Maybe next episode we can do more crafting stuff. Okay, I’m going to need to go to bed. She’s so tired. We’ll put this food in the fridge. Oh, I have to pay my rent.

I’ll do that in a sec. Let me cancel that right now. Let me pay my rent. I don’t want to deal with any problems. Pay bills and rent. Okay, so rent and bills are separate, which makes sense, obviously. Just going to pay both at the same time. Okay, just, yep, that’ll do.

No, no, don’t go. What are you cooking for? Go to bed. Like, I get you’re hungry, but also we have food in the fridge you can eat. Oh, man. Okay, the problem is now she’s woken up in the middle of the night because she’s too stinky. That’s what I’m talking about.

The Sims wake up because they’re too stinky. They can’t sleep. I’m also literally crying in the shower to myself. This is very sad. It’s very sad. 1 a.m., I stink, I’m starving, I have no fun. I’m sad about a friend that died and we’re basically back where we started with 900 simoleons.

Okay, so we’ve had a little bite to eat. Let’s go back to bed. Oh, and of course we’ve got a more toxic mold. Does it really keep spawning underneath the showers? Because that’s so annoying. I can’t get to it. I don’t want to have to keep moving the showers. What?

Everywhere it can spawn. You know what I mean? All right, I’ll deal with it in a second. Let me just get some sleep. I’m going to work from home today. Yeah, let me just, I’m going to have to move the shower again. No good, we’ll just pull the shower out.

Oh, and there we go. Great. Put this back, go to the toilet. And yep, things are looking good. You know, I’ll just quickly do my work task. Oh yeah, it’s hire a service, right? That’s what I have to do. It said I have to call in for backup, repair.

I should, do we need anything repaired? I don’t know if anything needs repairing, does it? I don’t know, but I have to do it anyway. So there you go, got 10 bucks. Great. Well, I think things are going pretty good, maybe. We do need to make some more money.

And again, if you are interested in picking up this silly shirt, and believe me, I understand if you don’t want to. It will be linked down below. I made them as cheap as possible. I literally don’t think the website actually let me make it any cheaper. So hopefully it’s okay.

They also, from what I could see, actually shipped from like four different places. I think the US, Canada, Australia, and in Europe. So the time it takes to get them should be relatively quick. And I think for a silly shirt, I mean, you know, it is what it is.

It won’t be around forever, I’ll say that much. But thank you so much to my top level members for supporting the channel. I do really appreciate it. Next episode, I think we’ll maybe do some more woodworking and maybe just sell some of those items because that’ll obviously build up money a lot quicker.

And then as we do more woodworking, we’re going to level up handiness. We’ll earn, we’ll be able to make more items as well as start building up a collection of furniture that we can furnish an apartment with. That should be really good because we’ll definitely need that

If we’re going to buy that building and then furnish it. Because that’s going to be very expensive too. But suggestions, comments, and feedback down below. Thank you so much for watching. I’ll see you next time and have an awesome day.


  1. Hey guys, I think I pronounced challah wrong based on the comments
    Apologies, we don’t really have that here and I’ve never heard it said before! I’ve learnt something new, thanks!

  2. Once you max out your cooking skill, if you make ambrosia you’ll make a ton of simoleons. I completed one of the aspirations that came with the newest stuff pack and I was able to mark up 500%.

  3. When you start your food sale, the customers spawn at your lot and has to walk all the Way to your stand. That is why it takes a White to sell your food at 11:13

  4. Everybody wanna joke abt the werewolves but are all silent at the fact that mermaids get dolphin soulmates HAHAHAHHA

  5. 7:16 Is it bad that i miss when people can die from being stuck in the pool? 😅 Maybe we could build half walls around the pool and they can't come up? 😂😂😂

  6. Fulfilling the grilled cheese aspiration and summoning grilled cheese to sell would be really entertaining, maybe not profitable but funny.

  7. To help cover the cost of the lightning struck selling table and trying challah french toast for the first time ^_~. Thanks for the fabulous videos! You are the best all around simmer! 😀

  8. Yes challah bread is a Jewish bread. It's like brioche. It's great to make sandwiches with or french toast or anything it's super delicious and shiny It's soft on the inside like brioche and it's hard and crusty and shiny on the outside like a pretzel and it pronounced "holla" lol

  9. So I used the selling tables from Eco Lifestyle and made a lot of money pretty quickly selling food and drinks, I'm not understanding why you aren't while using the Home Chef Hustle table. I didn't try to push sales, I just manned the table, and made enough to build a house, furnish it, and had money in the back in just a few days.

  10. "We need a way to make money at the start of the game, to become a landlord to make money. There's no real way to rent to riches in this pack."
    My man just described the widening class wealth gap on accident.

  11. Can anyone tell me how the heck I get the selling table? I only have base game not modded but I have every single pack. I know I'm being dumb but I can't find it or how to get it anywhere in game?

  12. I don't know if I have a bug or not but I can't eat food other sims make it simply says"you don't own this item"
    Same with trying to sell paintings from clubs.

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