Gardening Trends

The Ultimate Guide to Finding and Enjoying Seasonal Plants

Unlock Gardening Secrets! Listen to the Latest Top 10 Gardener Episode

Dive into the world of gardening with the latest episode of the Top 10 Gardener podcast!
Hosted by gardening expert Ken Lain, this episode is packed with valuable tips and insights to help you cultivate a thriving garden.

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Now we got some really cool plantss uh that just came in that it’s a great time to find them because if you wait too much longer into the season you know June July You’re Gonna Miss they’re not going to be around plus you want to get

Them in now and enjoy uh the plants and a lot of the blooms that they have on them a lot of folks don’t realize that garden centers there’s a rot there’s a crop rotation we have a 52- we calendar called a grow calendar and we’ll look at

Week 23 we want to have this blooming and then we count back on when to start the cuting the soil when to start the seed and so it’s it’s pretty accurate and so the goal is to run out of that crop before it’s done blooming and then

Have the next week’s crop rotation come in and so there’s a finite season so if you’re searching plants you’re going oh I really like that flouring Heath you’ve got you’re G to tell us about I really like that it’s an evergreen thing oh my gosh I want one and you wait six weeks

You’re no longer here gone so it’s been gone for three weeks already

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