Edible Gardening

How to grow these beautiful, edible flowers from seed!

Join me as I share with you how to grow beautiful nasturtiums from seed. Did you know they are edible? Did you know they are great to use for a “host plant” for aphids? Did you know it’s super easy to grow them. They come in upright and trailing varieties. Excpecting beautiful waves of yellow, red, orange flowers on bright green leaves, some variegated too.
Helpful links:
GrowEase Seed Starting Kits: https://www.gardeners.com/buy/growease-seed-starter-kit/8609797.html
Seedling Heat Mat: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C5GM17Z4/ref=sspa_dk_rhf_yoy_pt_sub_9/?_encoding=UTF8&ie=UTF8&psc=1&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9yaGZfeW95&pd_rd_w=W0txF&pf_rd_p=87a48bff-0d65-465c-9848-dfd8668d09df&pf_rd_r=FBDA0A4JA2WTM5HWH2Y1&pd_rd_wg=uexJz&pd_rd_r=7ff8879f-14df-4f97-89a8-1d12688c2bda&content-id=amzn1.sym.87a48bff-0d65-465c-9848-dfd8668d09df&ref_=sspa_dk_rhf_yoy_pt_sub
Garden Soil Tray: https://www.amazon.com/Tierra-Garden-GP48-Piece-Potting/dp/B001IPYM9Q/ref=asc_df_B001IPYM9Q&mcid=7f6920d0a201309dba3b1b3633ef14fa?tag=bingshoppinga-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=79920803409782&hvnetw=o&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4583520382148449&th=1
Seedling Transplant Tongs: https://www.gardeners.com/buy/seedling-transplant-tongs/8612047.html
Johnny’s Seeds: https://www.johnnyseeds.com/search/?q=nasturtium
Baker Creek Rare Seeds: https://www.rareseeds.com/search/nasturtiums

Hey everybody Welcome to Garden time with Belle if you’re new to my channel I am coming to you from mid Missouri I Garden in a Zone 6B and the purpose of my channel is really just to share some of my gardening adventures with those of you who are interested in gardening

Maybe you’re brand new to gardening and you’re trying to learn a few things uh or your experience lots of you might have more experience than I do in the garden but the purpose of my channel was really just about sharing my passion for gardening I happen to be a master

Gardener in the state of Missouri but just because I’ve done that work and I volunteer in the community and support the master gardening groups I have a lot to learn as well and so I invite you to come along and enjoy some of my adventures in my garden and also in my new

Greenhouse so today’s video is all about National stoms say that three times fast that’s a mouthful so uh I don’t know how many of you know about Nest joms but they are an amazing beautiful flower they are an edible flower I’ve grown nashers in the garden for several years but this year I

Am focusing my attention on learning to start them from seed indoors or in my greenhouse and then using them for a couple full of purposes as some of you may know nurms are amazing edible flowers they are delicious they have a little peppery kick to them and um so because I love

Cooking and entertaining just about as much as I do gardening I use these beautiful flowers uh as I host parties and dinners and uh meals for my friends and family and so that’s one of my great loves for these not only are they beautiful in the garden and they’re edible um but truth

Be told I have learned that they are excellent host plants for aphids so check that out to take a look at that um online and learn about how Nims provide a tasty treat or snack for aphid so if you find that you have an aphid problem whether it’s in your Greenhouse

Or in your garden outside plant some nurms and and those aphids will hopefully um land on these and enjoy these and not your other types of plants that you’re trying to grow so so the Johnny seeds that I use for today’s project um the nurm the regular Alaska

Mix they get to be about 10 to 12 in tall so they’re sort of a more upright with a little bit of cascading but the other variety from Johnny’s I’m growing is the trailing variey so they go up and over and down they Trail and so I was

Hoping um that that would happen and that would be kind of neat to to grow that variety as well so these are the two varieties that you’ll see in the video that I’m trying to start from seed and that you’ll also see me actually transplant them from their seed trays

Because they got to be oh I don’t know about 3 or 4 Ines and I actually transplanted them into a couple of pots in my Greenhouse as well as one of my raised beds in my Greenhouse but eventually I will be planting a couple of other varieties closer to

Spring and these are from Baker Creek there is an Alaska red series all red which will be cool to see and I thought these look beautiful so this uh this variety is Orchid flame and as you can see maybe I don’t know how well you can

See the packet but they are a gorgeous yellow with red edges to the petals as well as a few kind of looks like an orangish red throat so I thought these were beautiful so I’m going to give these a go but these are going to be uh

On hold until probably I won’t probably start sewing them until have to look at my seed calendar seed starting calendar but probably I’ll start sewing these um gosh let me see what the package says start indoors four to8 weeks before the last frost so 1 to two months before

The last frost and where I live the last frost is average is around April the 18th so I’ll need to get these started probably early March so what I’m going to need to be able to sew my nure some seeds as you can see in my little uh Garden tray my

Green tray I’ve got the grow easy self-watering tray that I’m going to use I’ve got a 12 cell this time because I’m going to grow uh six of the trailing variety and six of the Alaska mix variety and I’ve got my Nester some seeds and those little glass um bowls I

Actually soaked those for about 6 hours and I’ll explain why in just a minute but they are the kinds of seeds that have a really tough outer coating and I have good luck soak my seeds it helps with germination the other thing I did is I took each seed before I soaked it

And I nicked it with a sharp pairing knife again it helps open up that hard outer coating on these specific kinds of seeds and it helps them to more quickly germinate at least that’s my experience so I was just going to share with you how I prepared the seeds you can also

See that I’ve got my garden markers for each variety so I can tell them apart and I’ll be putting those into the seed trays once I plant uh the seeds in the seed starting mix so as I mentioned those seeds are really uh tough they have a big thick

Outer coating and I want to just show you a little closeup in my hand so these are Nast jurome seeds right here that have not been soaked you see they’re kind of oh I don’t know hard and really thick and let me show you what looks like

After I’ll come around the other way ha after I’ve soaked them so they plump up a little bit and uh hopefully this trailing variety will germinate quicker because I’ve taken the step to soak them for about 6 hours before planting so of course it’s always important to start with good quality seed starting

Mix and I use asoma seed starting mix so I’m going to put that in my green tray seed starting mix is sterile it doesn’t have any bad things that can get into your um into your growing seedling so it’s really high quality and it’s very very loose and lofty and you want

That because you want your the roots from your brand new seeds to be able to go right through that soil instead of a big thick heavy soil so that’s step one step two that I learned from Laura on Garden answer and I had great success pre moistening my

Soil before before I bother putting that soil in the trays I’m going to mix some water in and wet it because of course it comes dry get your hands in there that’s what soap and water’s for and so what I learned from Laura is how are you going

To know when it’s wet enough but not too wet she said mix it really well and then you want to pick up a handful and if it stays together but doesn’t drip water then you know it’s moist enough and so it holds together and yet there’s not water dripping so that looks pretty

Good move that over to the side okay and so the next step is to fill my seed trays and as I mentioned earlier I’ve got the growes self-watering uh system that I like to use these trays are super heavy duty they work amazingly well and I’m just going to fill my

Trays and so I want to make sure there’s no air pockets whenever possible so I’m going to gently pat down but not too hard I don’t want to push too hard I just want to gently pat down with my fingers to make sure there’s no air

Pockets and now I’m going to sprinkle a little bit more on the top level it off so now it’s time to put the seeds in the seed trays and I’m going to uh go ahead and put two seeds in each cell so that if one doesn’t germinate I’m good to go

If they both germinate I can pull out the weakest one or use it and repot it in some fashion and the seed packet from Johnny says that these uh seeds need to be buried a half to one inch deep and the way that I’m going to do that is I’m

Going to use my trusty Chopstick comes in really handy for a lot of things in gardening uh in my Greenhouse but what I’m going to do is I’m going to take this bigger end and I’m going to go ahead and push down about an inch in each

Corner and that’s where I’m going to place my my seeds Now the trailing variety I’m going to plant in that one so here we go so as I mentioned I’ve already soaked the seeds so I’ll put one in each hole that I’ve created on top and then last but not least I am going to top dress this whole tray with

Vermiculite and so I’m just going to sprinkle this over the top and I do this on all of my seeds that I start in the greenhouse this way couple of reasons number one the next step is I’m going to mist the top of this and that vermiculite will hold on to

Some of the moisture for my seeds but also it actually helps prevent fungus uh from growing on the top of the soil in your seed trays so you know I’m a little OCD so here we go I’m going to see the divisions by doing that you don’t have to do that

That’s just me so there you go now they’re in the seat tray they were moist to begin with i plac them in there I put vermiculite over the top I misted them in and now we’ll be ready for the next step okay a couple more things we need

To accomplish to get these ready to germinate so I’ve got my bottom to my seed starting kit later I’ll fill this with water after they germinate and get a few sets of leaves but for now since this is already moist soil I’m just going to set it inside and then very

Important putting your Dome on you need to put the Dome on top let me make sure I have plenty of room these these uh Garden um tags are A Little Too Tall I might have to cut those but you want to put the Dome over to keep the humidity

Inside that will help things stay moist you don’t want your seedlings to dry out but you also don’t want them to drown so here we go the last thing I need to do for my nure some seeds is I need to put them on the Grow

Mat and my grow matat is a heated mat it gets to about 60° and that will help them germinate a little quicker I’ve got my grow light here I wouldn’t have to have that on necessarily but it’s been so uh cloudy outside so I’m going to stick them on my

Grow Mat heated and then once the majority of the siege germinate and I see some leaves come up a couple of sets of leaves I will remove the Dome and then I’ll show you in another video how I’ll Water them in and they will continue to keep moist you can

See so here I am in my greenhouse and I am ready to transplant these nure Sims into either a bigger pot or directly into my raised bed where I grow my herbs and I just wanted to show you my success rate with sewing these seeds I uh showed

You in a former video how I how I actually planted them by soaking the seeds for a few hours uh that helps break down their hard outer coating and um makes them easier to germinate so I have a 12 uh cell seed tray here and I

Sewed two seeds if I can get in here really close you can see on this one in each cell some sales I got nothing but a lot of sales they both came up so out of this 12 uh cell trait I got 16 viable plants so my next step will be transferring

These into either pots or into my raised bed little herb box out here in the greenhouse and so I have chosen to sew several of them in this antique pot that I found actually on a recent Journey just a few days ago so I thought oh this

Is a nice big pot so I think I’ll put several of the plants in there and if we come over here here’s my little herb box it’s a two foot by 4T long elevated you’ve seen this before in my greenhouse and I’m going to put some of these

Transplants and put them probably in this section because I grew two kinds of nure Sims the Alaska series and an Alaska trailing variety and so I’m hoping if I put them in the front end of my herb box they will grow up and Trail over the

Sides and I think that might be really pretty so that’s my plan so it’s time to get to it selected my antique Clay Pot to hold some of these beautiful neurs and I’ve already gone ahead and popped in two of the regular nures sort of here in the

Center and then I’m going to choose Cho from this row of seedlings and I’m going to choose these because these are the ones that trail so they come up and then they Trail over so I’m going to put four of those sort of towards the edges and hoping they’ll be beautiful when they

Grow and Trail uh down the sides of the pot so again I’m going to use my seed starting tongs these um I purchased at Gardener Supply online they actually fit the grow seed starting trays perfectly and so here’s how I use them you simply put the tongs on the edges of each of

The cells you press all the way down gently a gentle squeeze carefully and pull up and oh my goodness look what you have you have these two seedlings and look at those beautiful healthy Roots so it’s definitely time to transplant these to a bigger or area a bigger pot or

Their permanent home which I’m hoping is going to be in this clay pot so I’m going to gently tease these apart just like so and I’m going to go ahead and get these potted up I’ll find it a it a home here in the greenhouse and I am excited

About this bursting forth with beautiful Noms that I can use uh just to enjoy the beauty but I actually harvest the flowers that they produce um and they’re edible so I love to use the flowers in a lot of dishes I love to cook as well as

Garden and so uh we have friends over a lot and they’re always delighted when I bring them a plate of food and it’s got some beautiful little Nast jurome flowers the other thing I’ll say about nesters is they don’t like a lot of fertilizer actually they’re a lot like

Herbs they uh the yucky or the soil sort of the better in terms of they don’t like a lot of nitrogen a lot of fertilizer because if you do that what ends up happening is they produce a bunch of green leaves and foliage but not many flowers so any anyhow so

They’re pretty much no fuss so here we are with our first pot of ners starts I’m Excited so here’s what I accomplished today in the greenhouse you followed me along as I transplanted my nashum seedlings I chose to put the trailing variety and stand s uh the Alaska Series in this big pot this big antique terracotta pot I recently picked up so there we go and

Then let me turn around here and show you something I didn’t show on camera earlier but I had about four of these seedlings left over so I thought get out my trusty little clay pots and go ahead and pop them in one of those so they can

Sit there and hopefully Bloom and three or four weeks and look beautiful with the little dragon wing Bonas behind them and of course one of my little gnomes I’m sure you’ve noticed I’m a big gnome fan you know you get to that age I guess right and you start loving that stuff at

Least that’s me last but not least you saw me pop in the trailing variety that I grew from seed into my rais bed that I keep keep all of my herbs in in the greenhouse year round the hope is that they will grow up and spill over

The edges of that beautiful raised bed and add not only Beauty but it will add an opportunity for me to use them as I like to when I cook in the house and serve my friends some dishes that get really pretty when I add those beautiful edible flowers

So just to wrap some things up from today’s video about Nash jerums you got to see how I like to plant nests how I like to sew them you learned how I like to soak that seed because it’s a really gnarly hard outer coating on the seed um

And what I didn’t mention before is that they only took 5 days to germinate so soaking that seed nicking that seed like I like to do really can speed up germination so about 5 days from when I sew them to when those leaves popped out and they germinated and then it was

About 3 weeks after that they got to be at least 4 in tall all the little plants and that’s at the point you saw in the video where I just transplanted them from the seed starting trays into some pots in the greenhouse and into my raised bed box in the greenhouse so I’m

Pretty pleased with how they’ve come along according to what I’ve read on the seed packets that I shared earlier and online at this point they ought to take probably another 3 weeks or so before they start flowering so I will bring you back into the greenhouse and upload

Another video Once those Das jurome plants start to flower and bring some beauty into uh my pots and into that little little raised bed box that I have set up in my Greenhouse so as always I want to thank you all so much for coming along

With me as I explored Noms and growing them from seed I really appreciate your support if you enjoyed the video you found it helpful or inspiring I’d appreciate it if you’d click the like button as well as you know that subscribe button that really helps my

Channel get out there and so that more people can see it but also so it helps you know uh when I’m going to be posting new videos so again thank you all so much for hanging out I hope you enjoyed today’s video on n derss and as always happy gardening

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