Garden Plans

RV Travel Plan MISTAKES – MAJOR Changes

In this video we discuss our RV travel plan to Alaska and are we making too many mistakes. And the major changes to our plans. Are we doing the right thing?

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We are Chris & Katrina embarking on our new full time journey. A journey that will take us from one coast to the other. Stopping at various places along the way. Exploring new sites and meeting new friends. Our channel is unscripted, mostly unplanned, and we look forward to bringing you along for the ride.

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All right okay so it’s a little it’s a little cold out here at home base it’s a little chilly just a little chilly we got a fire it’s all good it’s all good we’re at home base we’ve been here for about a week or so and we are getting

Close to getting back on the road we are let’s let’s real quick give a little rundown on what home base means to us what does home base mean to us home base means to us that we come to a family property and we park the RV out back we

Have partial hookups and uh we live in our RV while we visit friends and family yeah home base is not a house where there’s no home here like a house or nothing here so we’re still in the RV right we sold our house years ago and uh

We’re very fortunate that my family has a garden center property with Garden Center that used to we used to run as a garden center and uh we shut it down years ago and now the family gets to enjoy the property and you know hang out so the question is are we making a

Mistake is this a mistake seriously we’re getting ready to embark on the trip of a lifetime I think epic journey and are we making a mistake because we’re going to be gone for a long time and there’s quite a few reasons why I could say it’s a mistake right and the

Biggest reason is our our grandchildren so um we have four adult children our oldest has three grandbabies three little granddaughters that we love dearly and one was just born about a week week ago yeah so for those of you who’ve been following along the channel you know our daughter just gave birth to

Our third grandchild and we’ve been spending a lot of time with our other two grandchildren to help out to make the transition to for her recovery easier and not to say we don’t love spending time with our grandbabies we do and it’s a blessing and that’s one of

The game changers the question is should we have altered our plans because when we made the plans we did not realize well she wasn’t pregnant when we made the plans so did not know so this is all new for us so should we alter our plans

And change them and not go now and wait for another year or two or should we just go because this is a lot of work and a lot of prep and for those of you who full-time RV and you’ve done it for years now you may have been faced with

The situation like this how did you deal with it did you um alter their plans did you if you were committed once again we were committed to this Alaska trip when this trip originally started it was just two two couples it was our friends Jacob and D which are actually the original

People that put the trip together we were invited and then we also invited two more couples and now unfortunately um those two couples were devb and Joel from chasing our sunshine and Ken and Pam from the road Smith unfortunately things didn’t work out they’ve had to

Bow out they had alter their plans and and everything’s good everything’s fine it’s just that’s life that’s how things go things happen so we’re down to the four of us the original four which is fine did we make a mistake buying the class seed for this trip well you know

We’ve heard now over the last 6 months from a lot of you guys were saying you know what you guys you know you could have done the trip in the class A you know what are you thinking just go slow and we we get that but our idea was you

Know what we’re not going play paying all the fuel for the diesel and it’s something different we wanted to be able to be nimble we wanted to do a lot of boondocking we want to get into all those little tight spaces and we understand there’s a lot of campgrounds

On the west coast especially California area that are and you can only fit a certain size rig in there we want to do some BO like I said boondocking so I don’t think we made a mistake in that situation did we make a mistake in planning a trip for

This long we are going to be away for a good six seven months seven plus months yes and once again I know there are those of you who full-time RV and you’ve probably even done longer than that but when you have the grandchildren so close by you know here it does change things

It makes it difficult and we hanging out with them and we enjoy being a part of that family unit and well and and they and they make it very difficult because you know they’re very close with us we FaceTime them every day every day PP is

Very close pop and G GG are very very close and and we want to spend as much time with them as they do with us so this is going to be very difficult and this is one of the things that have come up as a full-time rver that we it was

Unexpected we did not realize that was going this was going to happen and it does make the uh full-time living process that much more difficult it does make it hard we’re going and I know there are those of you are saying oh well you could just get on a plane and

Come home and I hear you you’re right once we get up to Alaska God forbid something should happen we could fly home and and that’s true well not just that we just may get homesick for the grandbabies and we may take a couple days off fly home and then go right back

Out you never know this is I kid you guys not this is an Epic Journey our trip just to go up into Alaska and come back down and to Washington State right now is over 9,800 miles and that’s only that’s half the trip we still have

Another half to do where we’re going to come and do a full circle we’re going to we we leave in Maryland we go kind of up and around we go through um Idaho to visit another daughter of ours Casey um and then we go to Montana we go up

Around Kon Alaska come back down through the Continental Washington Oregon California down through Nevada Arizona come back to Maryland and then what are we going to do Chris we’re going to go back to Maryland and come all the way back out to the Southwest so we’re going

To go we’re going to come to and and it’s just so so the question gets into are we in over our heads I don’t think so and I think that’s part of the challenge that’s part of the Intrigue of being a full-time RV and living this lifestyle uh you know if you’re a

Part-timer you may not be able to relate you maybe you can and that you’re plan a month 2 to 4 weeks to go out west and you’re like hey man I’m planning this a year you’re ahead of time and you want everything to work out it is a it’s a

Serious issue to deal with serious issue and look there are more there are more important things more serious things and and Katrina and I you guys know our back story we’ve been through much worse right for for us though that’s our major issue is the F family family is most

Important to us and then you know friends and and faith and all that kind of stuff but family is very important to us leaving that topic for just a second another issue we have is that we decided to purchase a Class C which we absolutely have no regrets about but

Then we think well wait a minute do we have regrets do we make the right decision because we can’t tow with the class C that we purchase yeah we can’t tow uh I don’t even think we can we would be hardpressed to carry ebikes it’s not impossible so we’re just

Struggling to put a spare tire on the rig right and that’s what we’re going to go with because we want to have that Safety and Security this is a serious serious issue in terms of how are we going to manage I will manage we’ll find

A way to make it work but these are all the things that you go through the thought processes and the emotions oh my God you start second it’s like the it’s like the groom who’s about ready to walk down the aisle and he kind of second

Gets him guesses himself am I doing the right thing is that what you did I never did I piece of cake no problem check this out absolutely best thing I didn’t have that issue in that problem but you guys have seen the movies and everything like that but that that’s the question

You start you wait a minute did I do the right thing and then on top of that when the people you’re supposed to go with every people start bowing out things didn’t work out now you’re like you know de and Jacob were like are you guys

Still sure you want to go and we’re like we’re going guys we’re going should we go Candace our daughter needs our help should we go and we’re going to miss those years not those years I’m sorry okay those months those mons okay you’re going to get me upset let’s not just

Like we got the months of Isabella growing it’s possible by the time we get back she could start walking or crawling no she’ll be like seven seven months she’ll be fine still we’ll FaceTime her every day just like we do the other ones but I do again have a concern like since

We’re not Towing and we don’t have the ebikes and now we have just this class C we literally are going to have to unhook if we are somewhere that we’re hooked up and use this RV which is what we did which we did that in our New England

Travel and we kind of anticipated that sorry fire and we I think we handled that well yes and and we’re now we’re going to with Tucker yeah but the question to you guys are we making a mistake not taking the class A buying the class C maybe holding off because

Our daughter could use our help is it a mistake and we’re going to find out after this journey and we take this we’re going to look back and go we’re going to say whether it was it was the right thing or not I think it will be

You you know another thing is this has been a really cold winter yeah I’m a little bit nervous that it’s just going to continue right through the spring into the summer and uh if you guys have paid attention or watched the channel before I don’t like the cold this just

Not a good thing well tell us what you guys think leave a comment down below for those of you who have made this journey and even if you didn’t make this journey let’s say you live out on the west coast and you did the whole east

Coast and you went around and came up to the New England area and came back around you know the miles the miles was still the same the journey was still the same the issues and problems were still the same tell us what you think leave a comment down below are we making a

Mistake should we just hold back we’re not we’re going to go but if we had to we would and if there’s anything you guys can share with us to help us out along this journey to get through this to deal with being away from the family and the children things that you could

Do to make this journey better is greatly appreciated please getaway Nation those of you who are part of getaway Nation those of you who subscribed you guys are getaway Nation tell us what you think leave a comment down below yes we’re we’re excited for this but at the same time we have our

You know we’re we’re a apprehensive yes about certain things and I think that’s a normal process to go through that’s the beauty of being a full-time RV you go through these emotions but yet you come out on the other side a better person and if anyone knows that better

Than if you guys know our backstory I’m telling you when you go through these adversities life throws a lot these trials in life if you stick together as a unit if you stick together as a couple if you stick together as a family you will come out on the other side a better

Person I totally agree all right we hope you guys enjoyed this video if you like it give us a thumbs up that’s great guys love it so what what do we say about this guys remember any day you can get away it’s a great day guys you guys take

Care and thanks for joining us take care see you Guys Oh


  1. We don’t full time, but we do go on about two long trips each year, about 6-7 weeks. Then a lot of short trips. I dream of an Alaskan trip but it’s so far! One day maybe…until then I love watching other people go and I can’t wait for your trip! We have a 2021 Winnebago View, very similar to the one you bought. We tow my 2 door Jeep on long trips. But we have taken short trips with no towing and it is so nice. Definitely different. Is Tucker going?? Good luck in all the planning and prepping, glad your going with friends!💜

  2. As for me, I could never leave my 5 Grandchildren for that period of time. We are very close. My heart aches when we don’t see them for one week. They range from 2-13 years old. We are going to Alaska in June but it is a land sea adventure. We will be gone for two weeks and I’m fretting about that. Follow your heart and enjoy the adventure.

  3. Gigi to Gigi…I feel your pain! That's hard, but a quick flight home, mid way through the trip, is totally doable. In my (Laurel) humble opinion, you need a tow vehicle or E-bikes to explore areas you're traveling to. I can't imagine being in Moab Utah, and being stuck at the RV resort or having to rent a jeep/car every time I wanted to explore. Being nimble is great and has its perks, but being mobile during this epic trip of a lifetime will enhance your trip 3 fold…in my opinion! Here's what I'd suggest: trade the Trend for a Class C, tow your Jeep, hook the E-bikes on the back of the jeep, and now you have everything for this amazing journey!! You asked the question😅I'm just sharing what I would do😊I simply couldn't invest that much money and time into an epic trip that I couldn't get out and explore everything I wanted to…but that's me😅 you are gonna have a great time with your friends!! Many memories are about to be created!!

  4. It's not a mistake…Every trip, short or long, has risk and reward and a lot of what if's. We've extended some and cut others short. Leaving open the option to fly home for a visit is excellent. There are always reasons to wait but the the time train is chugging forward and unforseen occurances will always cause us to question our choices. Enjoy the trip with no regrets.

  5. My wife and I have come to the conclusion, that we have probably 20-25 good years left to enjoy our time. We love spending time with our children and grandchildren, they live about 5 miles away. However, we don't plan to change any of our trips. When you actually realize time is short, take the time to do the things you want to enjoy. I'm sure that you worked hard to get to where you are in life. Enjoy it while you can with no regrets. Your children will understand, and I would guess they are happy for you to be able to do this. You have the means to comeback and spend time with your family and the new grandchild, so have a thrill of a lifetime on your adventure.

  6. Everyone has an opinion, but no one has a crystal ball. Only you two can weigh your options. I will share that we did a 7 month journey in our 32' class C, and those months flew by. You have to ask yourselves why you chose the RV life and only you can answer that. Safe travels and God's blessings.

  7. Life is short! you have to go, it's your time to enjoy your trip of a lifetime and you can share that with photo's, video's, postcards, etc. Like many have commented already, it's your time to enjoy, don't feel guilty and if you have the means to fly back if / when needed, that's a piece of mind. Travel safe and we can't wait to follow you on this trip

  8. same with us and grandkidslllll. wish all our kids would live in the same place~~ haha~~ we are taking a BIG trip… our longest too. BUT plan to fly back to kids or bring the grands to us 😛

  9. We are full timers also(1.5 years) and have 3 granddaughters and that’s the hardest part. We had talked about waiting a few years till they were older to start our journey, but we are both in our 60’s and in good health. We decided to do it while we can, no one knows the what the future holds especially with health! Face time and postcards help. Can’t wait to follow your journey to Alaska, safe travels

  10. Take breath and do whatever you want. We left Vancouver Island last June, headed south to Arizona, across to Florida and are now in Tennessee, headingtotheMaritimes. Our kids are adults and get to choose how to live their lives and are happy for us. They seem to raise their children fine without us being there. Have fun. We definitely don't travel with other people in case we want to do something different. Maybe we are too independent.

  11. Chris and Katrina, Well it seems most of everyone are saying to go for it. I agree. The baby will still be a baby when you come back. If ever there was a good time to go, I think going while the baby is an infant would be better. Three of our grandsons live 5 hours away. We facetime a lot. Go have fun. 😊

  12. We live in our motorhome. A year ago we bought 10 acres in Arizona, moved Away from our 5 sons and wifes with grandkids. Live your life, we aren't getting younger. The kids travel to us, and we bought a small camper to go see them. Do miss grand kids, but they didn't forget about the old folks. Hard to leave, but the adventure can be shared with them when you return. Another thought, the baby will be older when you return, and they are alot more fun at a year old. Take care, go enjoy your lives. Thanks for sharing.

  13. If you alter your plans this time but in the next two years another grandchild maybe born will you change your plans then? When will you ever go if you just rip off the bandaid and go. I am not a full timer and my kids are not having grand kids yet. Just wanted to put that disclaimer on it. It’s only a plane ride away ♥️

  14. Safe travels! Sounds like there are plenty of us with the same dilemma! Enjoy that class c without any regrets! Looking forward to watching more of your travels! Seize the day!

  15. You’re not promised tomorrow, I saw go now. Wish we were retired, we’d be going with you. I think the Class C was a great deal and it will certainly save you money on fuel. You’re going to have so much fun. Technology these days makes you closer than the miles that separate you.

  16. As far as right decision with Class C, I would look at the cost of it and how much it would cost to use it and weigh that with how much it will cost you in the Class A. I think you would be more comfortable in the Class A especially with Tucker. As far as the decision to go, I say GO. You only live once and you don’t know what tomorrow brings for us so go while you have the means.

  17. You have helped them when they needed you. That is fine. We live near a daughter with a baby, We have been over used. My wife is ok with it but I think its getting old. Its not that they are poor, its that our daughter wants to go do things. I am tired of it. so folks, you have NOT made a mistake. I hope you take this as good true advice. I like you both.

  18. Beings you’re asking I’ll tell you. Forget the trip for now, enjoy rv’ing in your big or little coaches and your kids and grandkids . Go to Alaska another time and for what it’s worth you don’t need that little coach to go to Alaska. Seriously, waste of money! So many go up there with fifth wheels, travel trailers, and motorhomes. I heard your reasoning for that little coach and it didn’t validate at all. Sorry.

  19. Some great recommendations for you already below. What ever you decide thanks for sharing your travels and tribulations. ❤️
    P. S. Months=Years when talking newborn (not taking sides) 😂

  20. Go and enjoy….. just not sure why you can't take the ebikes thou. You made no wrong decsions, you just may need to make a new decsion.

  21. One thing you always hear. There is no day better than to day. If you don't go now…when will you go? The one thing, for me, I would want my toad. I wouldn't like unhooking to just run down the road for something or getting into tight quarters in the class C when site seeing. But as is always the truth, it is all about what makes each individual happy.

  22. You’re not making a mistake at all. Last year we took a 45 day trip from Texas to Maine and back. We were at the Cape Cod Canal and my wife said she was ready to go home. We went home as fast as we could to get back to our grandkids. We don’t want to waste the memories we make with them so we just take short trips now.

  23. I totall understand your thinking. However, I've learned, the hard way, that do what you can when you can. There is no guarantee what tomorrow brings. There will always be reasons to say "no" or letst just wait a year. Before you know it, its too late. I wish I had done more before now. At 60, and hitting the road at 62, we are concerned about our health as well as missing our small family. Will you miss things? Of course. Will there be more things to come that you will be there for in the future? Of course. As long as your health is good. Especially with technology today, you can see and talk to them all of the time. My vote, you're not making a mistake. DO IT! The Class C is probably better than the A, but personally, I would take my Class A. But, that's just me. lol

  24. Just go! And remember whether it’s good times or bad times, it’s all content! Seriously, though, I have a 27 foot class C RV and no tow vehicle, not even an e-bike at this moment. I will typically do my sightseeing, either at the beginning, or the end of getting to whatever my camping destination is going to be. That said, I am rarely any place where I have anything to disconnect. All I have to do is pull in the slide check the tire pressure and go. Pretty simple from my perspective.

    Enjoy the trip, looking forward to the videos! You’ve got this.

  25. We think you should go, especially before the new grand gets any older. Once they get older it will be harder. Cannot wait to follow along!!

  26. You definitely did the right thing by getting the smaller rig for the trip. I have no desire to take our 5th wheel to Alaska. I dont think we would leave the west to go home for the holidays and then back to the west – thst would be too much for us. Dont sress about it all – it's all going to work out fabulously! 😊

  27. It is hard but it’s only 7 months. Not that long in the grand scheme of things. You have to live your life. You’ve given a lot of your time to your kids and grands. Enjoy!

  28. STOP over thinking! It's leading to a crisis that doesn't exist!

    We have been to Alaska by cruise ship. Looking forward to it in our RV. You're so fortunate to have another couple traveling and planning with you!

    I understand your grandchild situation, we are facing something similar. Have travel plans and now a grandchild due in a few weeks. We are going to help them during their transition back to work and then continue our travels. We will fly in for periodic visits. But we won't change our plans! You're healthy now, use that time while you can travel and find creative ways to connect with the grandkids during your travel. 💪

  29. You guys seem to be good grandparents and family oriented. Love your videos and when the grandchildren get old enough introduce them to the camping world. My grandparents did that for me. I'm so thankful that they did because I have so many cherished memories and it also got me into Rving 20+ years ago. My grandfather had actually picked out my first rv travel trailer when I was on deployment in 2003, now with my family we upgraded to a class A and love our adventures good and not so good. Rving is such a great life. Love your channel and videos, safe travels. ❤️

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