Japanese Garden

A Tiny Japanese Courtyard Garden Pruned

Who says you need a lot of space for a Japanese garden? Japanese gardens come in all sizes from many acres to just a few square feet in area as well as many shapes and styles. In this video, we look at one of the smallest Japanese gardens that I have worked in. Our goal is to bring a little peace, joy and beauty to this troubled world wherever we go—even in the smallest garden spaces. Take a look.

As you can see from this this little tiny garden you don’t need a large area to have a Japanese style Garden so this customer called me in I’ve never pruned these shrubs before and she asked me to prune it in a Japanese style and so I

Spent about 3 hours this is the before and I spent about three hours kind of cleaning this yard up making it look beautiful and now let’s take a look at the finished product so here’s a hinoi Cyprus again I’ve never pruned this before so I opened it up kind of stylized it and

Here is a I don’t know if this is a chamelea or a type of Laurel but I pruned it out thinned it out here’s a uh Japanese upup Plum which I thinned out left to shape the way it is here’s a little lace leaf maple again that was

Had a lot of crisscrossing branches and had been pruned rather badly and so redeemed that and here’s a little white pine that again I just kind of opened it up a little bit so you can see the interior branching structure here’s another hinoi that I opened up it was

Just kind of a a big ball and I opened it up so it looks more like a little tree kind of in a bonesy style and here’s a wonderful little um some type of specimen Japanese Maple in a pot again I bonesy pruned it layered it

Opened it up gave it more of a bony look which is what it originally had according to the owner and it had been let go so kind of stylized and shaped and layered that and uh then here’s a um Sara coka again I thinned that out and

Opened that up so it looks more like a you know just it’s kind of a sukashi style there’s a roded ender that was pretty thick open that up again so you can see the structure thin it out a little bit and here’s another um I don’t

Know if it’s a chamelea or a uh or a laurel of some type and then finally here’s a wonderful little looks like a little type of coral bark maple in the back corner and again pruned that out opened it up and stylized it in the Japanese sukashi Style

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