Edible Gardening

Replay: Edible Landscaping


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Today’s guest for this episode is Michael Judd, a permaculture teacher, designer, and author from Frederick, Maryland. He and I sat down at his home to talk about his background and work, including his recently released book Edible Landscaping with a Permaculture Twist. In addition to his book and design company, we talked about his introduction to permaculture that began at Earthaven Ecovillage with Chuck Marsh, Peter Bane, and many others. We also discuss Project Bonafide, an organization he started with Chris Shanks in Nicaragua. This is an inspirational conversation because of Michael’s “Go do it!” attitude. He encourages all of is, new and old to gardening and permaculture alike, to get digging, get dirty, and start learning. Find out more about Michael through his website: EcologiaDesign.com. And here is a short video from Michael discussing his roundwood timber-framed home.
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