Gardening Supplies

Mountain Life: Firewood Sword, Gardening, Fish Harvesting, Cleaning House for Lunar New Year |EP. 27

Mountain Life: Firewood Sword, Gardening, Fish Harvesting, Cleaning House for Lunar New Year |EP. 27
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-Harvesting Wild Vegetables, Building a Farm Garden

-Complete Kitchen Construction & Domestic Water Supply

-Animal Care, Vegetable Growing, Cassava Harvesting, Gardening

-Building Fences For Gardens, Planting Flowers

-Renovating Ponds, Growing Bananas and Vegetables

-FULL VIDEO/150 Days: Farm Renovation & Building Process (Free) |Growing – Harvesting

-FULL VIDEO: Process of Building Fences and Barns, Farm Pond Renovation, Animal Care – Harvesting

-FULL VIDEO/100 days: Gardening, Animal care, Harvesting, Cooking | Daily farm life, Off-Grid Cabin

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#farming #familyfarm #gardening #vegetable #animalcare #harvest


  1. 👨‍👩‍👦que maravilha papai voltou 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍👼bebê esta feliz e mamãe também ❤❤estou feliz com sua volta 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👨‍👩‍👦👍🇧🇷🇧🇷❤️

  2. Добрый вечер всем! Очень рада, что семья воссоединилась! Какие вы счастливые и радостные, дружные ! И малюсенькая деточка смотрит радостно на папу! Так трогательно..я даже прослезилась! Мира вам и крепкого здоровья, будьте счастливы и любите друг друга!😊❤

  3. Pero quien come ese pescado sacado del barro con las bacterias que tendran esta jente no se muere comen de todo gusanos perros ranas gatos

  4. я очень рада,что они вместе как пара,счастья им и процветания,всего найлучшего,парню иего семье .♥️♥️👍👏🌞🌈👑👑💐💐

  5. This couple are not sweet or not showy but they are serious. I really like this couple and their cute daughtet. This is my favorite video and the best video l've ever watched.

  6. Hola…saludos desde mi país. Miro sus tierras y su vegetación y me encantan porque parece mucho al nuestro bosque nacional.

  7. Família unida do inicio desse trabalho árduo que foi a construção da casa as plantações, criação das galinhas, peixes tufo maravilhoso parabéns ao casal.❤

  8. Зачем держиш животное если ты не даёшь им кушать постоянно голодные и кричат это нехорошо

  9. 你們的房子該拆掉換新了、一樓廚房大廳隔壁蓋房間要有樓梯上去、這樣睡覺也安心、因為那裏是農場

  10. Hooray, the Family is together again, I can see in all your smiles that you are all glad to be with each other. Extra hand is always is a good thing, renovating your bedroom is area is good and both you and husband are such hard workers. I was wondering if you will expand your live stock to other farm animals other than just chickens, as additional livestock may increase your income. Keep up the good job and wonderful videos of your daily lives,

  11. Your house is very dirty you have to clean daily or renovation of your house is very needed immediately….if you don't want snake will visit your house to stay…

  12. Looking forward to your new video, I already watch all your videos already, some I watch it repeatedly as well. Regards to your family and stay safe😊❤❤

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