Gardening Trends


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games it is I Mike Martins thanks for
being here liking subscribing and being
part of a CH being part of this channel
for so many years now Welcome to our
zero subscriber special yes J ladies and
gentlemen I have achieved a goal that I
don’t know how I don’t know if anyone
has has achieved this because I have no
way of knowing this but zero
subscribers in one
year on YouTube uh all other platforms
are the same um it’s not just YouTube uh
on Rumble I think I got
104 subscribers since March of last year
so that’s like 13 14 months um Twitter
I’m stuck at 700 I haven’t moved in a
year freedom of speech without freedom
of reach we coin that term here
woo what else yeah all kinds of stuff
all kinds of stuff originated from this
little channel uh over the last this
channel is 12 years and then the last
Channel was less than two years old
maybe two and a half years old but but
uh yeah so I just want to uh say hi to
everybody and thank everybody hope
everybody is doing well we’ll get a few
more people on and we’ll get into some
you know discussions and uh discussions
word salads just like we’ve been
originating here Rob what’s up buddy
good day to you my good friend good to
see you in the chat zero subscriber
special folks folks 12 months in a row
when we’ve been documenting it every
month and posting it on the community
section on our YouTube channel if you
want to see it and
um yeah and I think I think I I have a
record for medical misinformation videos
down too uh because the average person
has what 180 300 videos on their
Channel especially if they’re a postco
channel like they came after Co to save
the day um yeah I think those channels
I’ve lost more videos to Medical
misinformation than I think that I uh uh
than anyone else I think in the world
too like I I I lost one two days ago
I’ll show it to you I have it up there
all right folks zero subscriber let me
know in the comments if you guys are
doing well where you guys are at how
it’s going down in your neck of the
woods and uh if there’s anyone in the
comments because we have a a really
tough time getting over 30 people
watching our live streams anymore and
it’s it’s fine it just it is what it is
uh because of the controlled information
distribution that we’ve been talking
about now for a while how information
will just be kind of distrib
distributed um in certain ways and
allowable through specific influencers
right and that’s pretty cool and it is a
beautiful day here in America British
Columbia if you’re passing through come
by and see me and say hi uh did you guys
know I also want to let you guys know if
you go on chat
gbt and type in who is Mike Martins the
um I’m doing a live stream I’m just
doing a live
stream I’m doing a live
stream all right there’s someone at my
door two hours before I
open hey bud I’m just doing a live
stream I just started okay yeah I’ll be
here at 11: huh you be L 11: I’ll open
regular hours I’ll see you soon
bye yeah it’s uh somebody they see my
car parked outside so they want to come
in and chat you know come in and say hi
and check out check in on me and we got
jeeper G Jeepers J says sorry
32k no no no I haven’t gained a
subscriber in a year that’s people don’t
understand that you got 32 I got 120
121,000 on Facebook hasn’t moved in a
hasn’t moved it’s finished it’s gone
it’s it’s it’s you don’t exist so you go
to chat GPT hear me out you type in who
is Mike Martins uh on
YouTube nothing comes up who is Mike
Martins on YouTube that lives in Meritt
BC nothing comes up who is Mike Martins
with 5,000 videos on YouTube and uh blah
blah blah nothing comes
up so G jeeper J says here’s one it
won’t register jeeper what’s been
happening is you subscribe to me my
oldest subscriber that’s still
subscribed will fall off and they keep
and that’s how the unsubscription works
so you just you just
subscribed someone just lost a
subscription to me that’s just how the
uh algorithm works that’s how they keep
you plateaued right they keep you in a
plateau format and that’s just what it
is and you know what it is what it is in
the end and there’s no more fighting it
there’s no more uh fighting the
algorithm and pushing uh to try and get
the message has already been sent out
the message is already out it’s loud and
clear uh the whole housing situation
we’re in covered 10 15 years ago 10 to
15 already time stamp videos ready to go
they’re already up there warning people
about overleveraging and borrowing too
much inflation we warned you guys about
inflation and massive
overleveraging and um
so what else uh we warned you about uh
pull the trigger on a pandemic they took
down another video the other day I have
it here I’ll show you guys the video
that was taken down then I got a list of
videos here that were taken down for
medical misinformation I think I’ve lost
more me videos to Medical misinformation
then some people have like uh
influencers with a quarter million
subscribers have uh videos of cataloged
right so everything everything that’s
happening the open borders the
everything everything we’ve been on but
the problem is I think our problem
is they’re seeing it too far ahead of
time or they’re seeing you know our
predictions our word salads our our coin
terms everything originates somewhere
right and if it makes you guys feel any
better nothing
originates uh I’m not originating
anything uh uh I’m I’m originating what
it is I’m not originating anything from
someone someone someone else because I
don’t I just don’t watch other people so
I can stay I could honestly stay as pure
as I
can so when I’m telling you something
I’m not telling you something someone
told me or I saw in a video I’m telling
it because I want you guys to know
what’s coming for
me so jeeper J saying how terrible I’m
sorry oldest subscriber that’s just how
it is that’s exactly what it is and
that’s exactly where it’s going and um
it is a very interesting time to be
alive and uh very interesting time just
just a really interesting time to be
around because I really believe in this
controlled information distribution T
lton in the house what’s up buddy let’s
see if we can get over 10 people
live on this live
stream all right let’s head over over to
the trusty computer here and let’s go
over some discussion pieces here that we
should be covering And
discussing and uh right give me one sec
folks so I got
my email here so you guys could see uh
Mike Martins here’s how your channel did
last month zero subscriber 56,000 total
views 103,000 minutes watched and that’s
already that it makes it one year in a
row without one
subscriber and I applied to get the
channel re uh approved for YouTube
monetization and my um channel is not
unfortunately approve for monetization
they’ll still be running ads on it
though but they won’t be I won’t be
getting paid for it so there it is right
there and YouTube removed my 2018 video
Mike in the night population control
that was a 2018 video that was taken
unfortunately and um they are coming
after videos from 10 15 years ago
because of the controlled information
distribution and then here on our
community section we were showing you
guys pretty much every month and I’m
reading your comments uh insanely sad
buddy and people are just commenting on
um how it’s been like this for 12 months
and then we go back to the the community
section and I could show you the month
before Oh by the way there’s a headline
here if you’ve been exposed to this show
you may be eligible for
compensation and um so let’s go
back let’s go
back oh our our our solar eclipse and
what you need to know yeah I told you
guys nothing was going to happen I told
you guys it’s was a waste of time it’s
the biggest distraction on Earth and
they were
basically wasting an incredible amount
of people’s time oh my
goodness oh my God there’s eclipse
coming oh my God something strange is
happening oh my goodness let’s issue a
warning let’s issue it’s raining let’s
issue a warning everyone go home
early yeah nothing’s going to happen
everyone is this eclipse this Eclipse
that look at the path look where it’s
going look what it’s Crossing look where
it’s just look at the edges look at this
look at where the X ends look at this
city mic I’ve been bombarded with
messages all
week and a half two weeks about this
Eclipse nothing is going to happen if
something happens it’s not because of an
eclipse if something tragic happens it’s
because it happened but it’s not going
to be the fault of the eclipse okay so
there it is right there folks that’s our
little Eclipse thing and I lost I
actually lost a good friend to this I
actually lost a good friend to this and
uh was really boasting about the eclipse
and all this stuff and and basically um
just basically um cut me
off and population control video was
taken down our 2018 video episode of
Mike in the night and it’s a link to
Mike in the night if you guys want to
tune in let’s see if I could find that
uh episode this is uh this is one uh
remembering a classic video home prices
in America going crazy 80% of us uh 80%
of US Cities two times faster than wages
Seattle CPP takeover and there it is
right there from 5 years ago we were we
were warning you guys about this stuff
man and let’s go to let’s see if I can
get the last if I could catch the last
uh zero subscribers so you guys could
see with your own eyes it’s been going
on for so long now that uh it is
interesting it is very interesting mik
the night there it is so we have hit a
one in a zil mindstone we have obtained
zero subscribers in 11 months and with
5100 videos and uh there it is every
month we post this and yeah it’s a zeros
subscriber special and guys if you want
to go to real mikem that
takes you to our Rumble Channel because
it’s almost impossible to find us on
Rumble so just type in real mikem because we’re shadowban on here
too and if you go to playlists I put up
the playlists of all most some of the
mik and the nights I’m going to try and
move over uh maybe an episode a week uh
back episode a week till we get to our
pilot episode of Mike and the night and
uh you guys could check that out and uh
yeah so what’s happening today what’s
what’s going on what’s going on well
inflation is still the top of uh the top
of the uh so we’re going to our channel
Time Machine Canadian real estate depth
past 76% of GDP Mass inflation to hit by
2022 tax hikes ahead six years ago
trends the housing market rate hikes all
over to combat inflation Ireland is
dying taxes fuel prices housing should
correct by 40% easy wages not keeping up
with inflation six years ago so we’ve
been warning you guys that’s just typing
in inflation that’s looking up
inflation and and and inflation will be
the death of us money will be worthless
major food hikes a morning coffee with
Mike two years
ago right
yeah so that’s that folks it’s it’s
there it’s there for you for everyone to
perceive to see and and then what’s
happened is when somebody wants to make
a video that we made our video gets
taken down for medical misinformation to
allow somebody to make that video freely
without having to backtrack and looking
and searching for more options right so
that is another problem hopefully ah
did you see my community post about
Chinese people cross illegal migrants
yeah I I I covered that you found it on
YouTube great we covered that years ago
we covered the Chinese shock troops
coming in from the uh Southern uh uh
Southern US border uh we we we in-depth
covered that we even told you what
Province in China they were coming from
and the fenel they were bringing over we
covered this like three four years ago
we covered three four years ago Chinese
shock troops uh hidden hidden us
Mainland old news man old news and then
someone made a YouTube video about it
now after the damage is done and that’s
problem uh sh Shin uh shiz Zan is saying
this can’t be I recently sub subbed now
I’m going to explain to you why so
there’s a conveyor belt okay what
happens is when you subscribe to me no
no no YouTube is not lying you did
subscribe to me I believe you I’ll
explain to you why when you subscribe to
me my oldest subscriber falls off the
oldest in the list so they keep it
trimming it off the end so you subscribe
let’s say you find 10 people to
subscribe to me so then I do my next
video to show 10 subscribers this month
thanks guys It Go Be Still Still it’ll
still stick at zero because of that
right I don’t know how Rumble does it
but Rumble has it more censored in a way
where I think I’ve gotten 124 or 126
subscribers since March of 2023 that’s
that’s all I’ve gotten on Rumble
but but I get 300 people watching Mike
in the night right we’re capped at uh
capped gotcha says uh that’s how the
algorithm works
right uh what is up says
forer how do you pronounce that for
Frontier forer for forer
oh I pissed people off years ago it was
the whole Chinese moneya laundering
thing back in the early 2000s videos I
was making my first channel got
terminated with no warning in 2011 early
late 2011 my my first channel got
terminated with 32,000
subscribers now I have 32,000 and they
want me
yeah okay so
I still have the the list I’ve been
tracking I I tracked down 240 videos
that were taken down for medical in in
misinformation uh one I haven’t
mentioned on here is carbon tax to
destroy middle
class um reading my gas bill from 2017
video was taken down from 2017 shrink
flation in full effect uh let’s look at
my groceries April
2014 uh top liberal government lies
Trudeau and Syria’s hot water August
2018 these were all taken down for
misinformation uh 1984 the future as Ai
and transhumanism Innovation are in full
force June
2014 World War meet agenda 2025 climate
change salvation March
2015 Biden destruction migrant Invasion
migrant train ready to invade the north
November 11th
2021 Haitian migrant train to destroy
America uh Texas border takeover
September 23 2021 this was all taken
down for medical
misinformation us manufacturing will
cease to exist by
2025 2015
video uh don’t trust the science is a TR
the truth about the Spanish influenza
2020 Canada’s GDP is on life support
because of the phony housing markets
2013 so there incredible amount of
videos were taken down for medical
misinformation and people are making the
videos now it’s not that there’s nothing
wrong with the videos I made it’s the
videos are being made now after the
destruction has already taken place but
warning people back then and trying to
get people to wake up it didn’t matter
right it matters after the the
destruction has been made that’s when it
matters nobody cares about the upcoming
destruction and uh they they actually
matter when it happens right so warning
people doesn’t make
anything uh you need to make more
grocery price updates videos I made I
got like 50 of them on my channel
warning you people groceries are going
up in 2017 and 2018 I have a video from
2012 on my channel I don’t know if it’s
still up saying price of food is
surpassed my rent in Vancouver price of
food’s more expensive than my damn
anyways uh I think you’re doing a great
man says Nick thanks thanks
Nick but uh yeah
yeah zero subscriber special yeah we
could do one of these every month guys
just a zero every time I get that
notification we could do the whole zero
subscriber special thing for you guys
just to make sure you know we understand
what’s going on and how you know we’re
we are being taken down controlled
information distribution I get people
sending me YouTube links all day long
and it’s like oh okay we said that six
years ago that’s good that he’s got
three million views on his video I got
30 on mine right
I guess they don’t go to the grocery
store LOL yeah says T
lton but that’s the problem we are
facing because I was living in the
epicenter of inflation and overpriced
housing in 2010 I was in the epicenter
of it Vancouver Vancouver introduced the
Vancouver model for wealthy Chinese
immigrants to bring in their money no
questions asked no details required just
come buy real estate and you could buy
property in in the province of British
Columbia with no questions asked uh cash
money so people were bringing in duffel
bags and just suitcases full of money to
buy property and just leave it empty and
I was reporting on that in 2010 during
the 2010 Olympics and then my video got
my channel got taken down in
2012 that was very
hurtful because I was at 32 32k Subs
back then
my wife does weekly grocery update
effing crazy says Bob yeah you see KFC
coupon video KFC got expensive that $599
combo coupon it used to be a $1.99 five
years ago yeah yeah I think I saw your
video I I watch Low Roller scratcher
sometimes because he’s real right I
watch a lot of these people the people
that I watch are you guys like I watch
low roll scratcher the people that
comment on here I I check up on you guys
and see you know what you guys are up
right but um
yeah so we got big kiss from sages C
Candice and
Joe yeah I’m going to I’m going to my
kids speak sufficient Portuguese now I’m
goingon to I’m probably going to go to
Portugal this summer for a couple of
weeks get everything straightened out
here and then uh close the shop for a
couple of weeks and just
just go
away you’ll be here when I get back I
don’t have to worry I’m not worried
it there someone saying do
it I will that’s time I go back to the
Homeland probably entice my family says
he you know what let’s just let’s just
move here let’s sell everything we got
let’s move let’s enjoy the rest of our
lives you
know cuz can Canada is going downhill
quick is your Dollarama closing I heard
99 Cents doors are closing I don’t know
I got two of them in my town I got one
down here and one up on the hill I got
two dollar ramas
here so not sure what’s going on with
that I don’t I rarely I think I I I go
there to buy moisture traps you know the
those little buckets you buy small ones
and then they they trap moisture I just
go and buy that at the dollar store cuz
it’s like $6 at Walmart it’s a dollar at
the dollar store so I just buy that what
do I buy there oh I buy I buy uh a paper
for my son to draw because he likes to
draw a lot which which my my son has a
YouTube channel now he’s just talking
about stuff and he’s getting out of his
shyness uh which is real good and uh I’m
happy with
that your gold finally going up yeah
gold is going up folks and
silver someone says I I used to say if
Canada if the USA has a draft I’d run to
Canada now
where bu Dogecoin it will go up crazy
next year says Low Roller
scratcher I might just do that Low
Roller scratcher I honestly might just
do that
buddy Low Roller scratcher every time I
go to McDonald’s it costs $15 to $20 I
don’t like eating that
trash uh trash but out of NE
yeah there’s got to be there’s got to
there has to be some sort of we just
have to get back to cooking we have to
get back to spending more time in the
kitchen spending actually cooking as a
family I think we need to go back and
start cooking as a family again
everybody needs to stand around the
kitchen talk tell
jokes have dinner together I think that
needs to to come back you
know and it’s this domino effect going
from governments taxation inflation
printing money zero 0% interest rates
for the longest time these Frankenstein
rates we’ve been talking about it starts
at that level and then it brings it down
to the people on the ground and they
right rice
beans says uh Nimrod
uh buy bricks I hear it’s going up in
valued just kidding I love the cooking
cheaper food at home
yep people would have to people would
have children then Mike yeah then people
will have children people weren’t having
children for the longest time you know a
lot of women shut down a lot of men over
the years uh with this whole this
feminist drunkenness that they’ve been
on for the last three four decades that
men just don’t want to take the risk
anymore right um the courts have
weaponized uh basically gave a the the
courts have basically given a loaded gun
to the women and they could basically
use it at their disposal when uh dis you
know decimating a relationship or
removing people from their lives the
courts have basically gave and
everything to the women and that’s why
men are starting to feel that they don’t
uh you know that they um don’t want to
take the risk anymore
right so there’s Low Roller scratcher my
nine Bitcoin how do you remember that
that was like five six years
ago yeah I used to I used to mine
Bitcoin back in the I used to have a
little internet Cafe in Vancouver and at
night when we shut down I get all the
computers mining Bitcoin I managed to
rack up nine Bitcoin but it doesn’t
doesn’t matter you go through money like
water regardless you get it you you get
it and it’s gone it I mean yeah you Sav
some of it but it’s gone the Heyday is
over people the hey day is gone for a
lot of people
yeah ju juice ain’t worth the squeeze
divorce is over 70% rate nope I’m
keeping my
little my little money I got left yeah I
don’t I don’t blame I don’t blame men
that yeah this whole toxic feminist
toxic agenda that just basically ripped
apart ripped apart uh the Family Life
the housing unit the you know the the
unit right right
so then you got organizations like
Planned Parenthood where their job was
basically create as many abortions as
humanly possible
right yeah that’s where we’re at
folks that’s where we’re at I hope
you’re doing okay Mike brother you seem
kind of down no I’m fine dude I uh
psychop Pete I’m doing fine Bud I’m
uh I’ve I’ve I’ve come to the
um I’ve come to the understanding of
things and more and more start to unveil
over time and more and more things start
to make sense and and uh it is what it
is folks and again I’m not I’m not too
over I’m not stressed of anything and I
do have something I do I want to make an
announcement on something which is
really cool I haven’t lost my temper
like in 8 months six 6 to 8 months I
have not lost my
temper usually I would lose my temper
once a week and like oh what’s this why
is or that or blah blah blah trying to
figure something out and then getting
pissed off cuz something’s not working I
just don’t even care anymore it’s not
that I I’ve given up or the will or
whatever it’s
just 97% of the stuff you worry about
isn’t going to happen and the 3% of the
stuff that’s going to happen you can’t
control right that was told to me many
I’ve told you guys this multiple times
on this
channel and uh something my my uncle
told me like I don’t know like 20 years
ago 97% of the stuff you’re thinking is
not going to happen and the 3% that’s
going to happen is out of your
control someone’s asking how my shop my
shop is doing really well uh I’ve
updated my Pokemon stuff
here I found a new Distribution Company
for Pokémon so they’re actually sending
me Pokémon now and I don’t have to fight
with uh they sent me that light there
you see that light that’s really cool
light so there’s my little Pokémon
section there got some uh Warhammer
stuff uh Joy toys up there models Magic
the Gathering Magic the Gathering Magic
the Gathering and then my display cases
are all
full right there’s my Yu-Gi-Oh I got a
section for people that like Yu-Gi-Oh
yeah I got a bit of everything about
models cars stuff like that so if you’re
passing through come by and see me
there’s my video game section I’ve been
unloading I’ve been bringing all my
video games out of stock and listing
them on the website at mg. toys mg. toys
I don’t ship though because shipping is
just damn too overpriced
man and I’m getting my little video game
section done
here yeah board games are still they
sell board games every day
and yeah the store is doing fine guys my
role playing books are
right so that’s that folks and yeah
telling it since 2012 I had my leg
amputated at
27 four pins in in oh wow four pins in
back then broke my ankle on a on the
good L last year
fell broke my stump oh no last just got
told I have lung disease it is what it
is Mike it could be worse hey well
crosshatch just uh stay strong buddy
focused check the website please I’ll
check it buddy I got I can’t do it now
you’re ahead of most people you’re
accepting the sad
reality uh most people are just seeing
it how badly they have been sold out by
ones who are supposed to protect and
look out for us that’s
true yep CU if I’ve committed a lot of
the crimes that that were atrocities and
crimes that were committed by foreigners
coming here and I’m talking about the
moneya laundering I’d be I’d be spending
the rest of my life in jail I wouldn’t
even be I wouldn’t even be alow man [ __ ]
I bring a suitcase of money into the
country and if I’m not Chinese I’m in
trouble like that’s that’s too that’s
just too much it’s just it’s too blatant
and that’s what I’ve been trying to tell
people I am bro just stay cool bro I am
I’m staying as cool as I can folks don’t
even get angry anymore don’t even
care it is what it is and there’s
nothing there’s nothing you can you know
and you got to I grind my teeth a lot
too right I I I used to grind my teeth a
lot when somebody would send me a video
say hey Mike look what this guy’s
talking they’re going to federalize all
our grocery stores oh it’s a it’s it’s a
a week old video oh my God half a
million views wait we talked about
federalizing grocery stores I check I
find six videos over the last 10 years
talking about the federalization of
grocery stores it’s like holy crap like
holy [ __ ] no one saw my videos
two days ago bulgarians just wiped 54
million from
SS and Sand’s in the house hey Sandy
wellow that’s
rough you must be super tough to survive
all that yeah only five of them
uh wait wait only five of them took you
UK for 54 million oh you’re talking
about uh
currency don’t leave social media why
give up now just take a few months off
no no no I’m not giving up guys I’m
going to go down to the we’re counting
down the days of the year I put it in my
predictions for everything and um and
we’ll see how things unfold and then at
the end of this year I I might you know
just move on maybe pass it on to my son
he’s uh doing he’s he’s trying he’s
doing YouTube he’s learning how to
upload he’s he does all stuff on his own
and uh I’m going to help him with more
content and stuff and help him out and
let maybe let my son eventually take
over Mike in the night one day um but
what’s the point because by five six
years from now there will be a show
called Mike in the night there will be
and it won’t be me it’ll be just someone
taking our whole our entire format and
just going forward and they’ll get
famous they’ll make a lot of money they
will actually do really well if they
follow my the concept I have for the
show all they have to do is follow that
and they could do really well and call
it Mike in the night and do everything
like I’m doing but other people will get
it they they will achieve right it’s not
The Originators of things that get
anymore the result of WF a-hole leader
Trudeau most
uh most of us know the truth now
sand you know just another option just
uh got to get in with it got to get in
with it life just be grateful for what
you have and not for what you want
that’s right we need to focus on what we
have around us right and focus on being
grateful for that and that’s something
I’ve been very grateful I wake up every
morning being
grateful and being uh
happy and um
yeah Canada UK New Zealand Australia is
getting rough
yep maybe you should change the show to
Mike in the
afternoon says Ellen hock no it’s not
that it’s not even that it’s just uh no
uh you go on chat gbt I don’t even
exist social media influencer Mike
Martins nothing comes up there’s other
mics on YouTube that come up with less
videos and less exposure than less less
they come up on chat GPT I am completely
non-existent and I don’t know why all
these years I’m non I don’t exist and I
don’t know why um I go to chat GPT Mike
Martins that lives in Merit what do you
know about him there is no blah blah
blah and or sometimes it says he is a
private citizen we’re not allowed to uh
uh disclose anything there’s no
discussion of me on social media
existence on chat GPD there is no
existence of me at all there’s other
mics that come up on YouTube on so and
then then I go check that channel cuz I
never heard of it I go check it they
have like 6,000 subscribers and like 14
videos and I’m like oh okay but this guy
comes up on chat but I don’t exist it’s
almost like all if everything I’ve said
is like
non-existent which is really eerie and
weird that’s weird man they could say oh
Mike martins’s made a record of 5,000
videos on YouTube and and 1,700 live
streams like that should come up right
doesn’t even come up
non-existent because you tell the truth
Sandy Canada’s rough uh on you guys
blowing blowing the truth out it’s more
than likely that Mike you’ve been
blacklisted yeah they block my song
videos too it’s a it’s a big club and
we’re not in uh invited says uh that was
a quote from Carlin there
Carin I haven’t seen I got to I got to
watch some of his old
standups I got to watch his old standups
he got some good stuff
there what
else yeah guys I’m
um yeah it’s a zero subscriber special
for mered British Columbia 12 months
straight without a single
subscriber and um I I just find that
pretty cool I found it pretty cool on
how they’ve mastered the whole
censorship act right and I
um yeah they block my song videos use AI
instead of chat
GPT well I could try looking myself up
on there or nothing I could try but when
I look up myself in uh chat GPT I don’t
exist I’m non-existent
and um it just makes you feel that
you’ve achieved nothing right you’ve
you’ve warned you’ve tried to help
you’ve been out there very vocally and
uh really trying to make sense of things
right but it is what it is my good
friends and um you can’t always get what
you want
right all right who else is uh
holy crap look at
this look at this video we did three
years ago three years nine months ago
Mike in the night inflation to the Moon
we need a war to high double digit
wow New Zealand food
inflation energy rates uh cut in
can emergency rate Cuts in Canada say
hello to inflation say goodbye to
savings 4 years ago interest rates are
headed 9% by 2022 must watch or
inflation will creep up 5 years ago
electricity bills ready to Skyrocket as
inflation kicks in and cities go broke
three years ago
wow double digit inflation on the way
rates stay the same brace yourselves buy
and stock food six years
ago holy crap how artificial uh uh how
artificial inflation destroyed Toronto
and Seattle housing markets got
overnight uh Trends in the housing
market rate hike to finally bring
inflation under control 5 years ago
that’s when they were raising rates 5
years ago and then they pivoted and then
lowered them again to
zero I put this up an hour ago gold and
silver buy UPS in Australia people had
that’s at the Perth
Mint aie chames Azie Chimes uh was um
reporting for us for Mike in the night
this is Aussie teams reporting for
marking the night today is the 12th of
20 24 we are here at the Perth Mint 30
minutes before closing there so more and
more people are buying gold and silver
in Australia so we C we just cover that
for you
guys and uh what else people leaving the
city let’s type in New York see what we
got New
York New York
Escape New York now uh you will regret
it by 2024 massive Exodus of young
families uh families leaving I guess or
leave three years
um CS Sydney California London New York
Dublin Toronto
Vancouver Automotive delinquencies
Rising get out of New York now massive
again CCP investing and speculators and
flippers 6 years
ago so we we covered almost every
city uh youth abandoning big cities 7
ago Happy Thanksgiving from
Canada yeah this this impeachment of
trump was was was an incredible
incredible video I made very
informative have been stronger than the
prior administrations in providing
defensive capability legal defensive
capability to the
ukrainians and I think that that’s
significant the specific part of the
question Senators whether it was
contrary to the advice of the
president’s uh defense secretary and
others um I believe that that is
such a good
video such an informative video
here look at that the fine sign and the
other Senators is to the house managers
the president has taken the position
that there should be no Witnesses and no
documents provided by the executive
branch in response to these impeachment
proceedings is there any precedent for
this blanket refusal to cooperate and
what are the consequences that it
accepts this position
here you guys see my coverage on
that I covered that real good was really
good coverage there it it’s all [ __ ]
it’s all
[ __ ] all of it is
[ __ ] to basically distract you and
and take you away from your from your
path you look so young there
Mike yeah
so yeah I know I look a bit older uh I
found a
um 2018 video that was taken down I
found it on a hard drive I don’t know if
I look younger in that one but it’s
um YouTubers Mike Martin here with the
Mike Martins Channel thanks for joining
liking and subscribing and older we are
live at the moment thank you everybody
for being here on this beautiful Monday
April 9th 2018 guys don’t forget to
check out the real estate devis logic
video that we did on the 7th of April
and Toronto in trouble this is a this is
a really good one guys that
was 100% that’s one but um they want to
do these
things but if they don’t have our tax
dollars to do it they just can’t they
can’t execute any of this stuff right
so hey Mike do you think housing is
going to see a correction soon been
waiting for a long time you know what
housing will see a they have to see a
correction they’re going to have to
raise rates there’s only so much money
laundering that Canada could take before
we have these before empty before we
have empty units before the whole
country becomes empty and the the cities
are becoming more and more empty now
that’s why I left
Vancouver okay we got somebody else here
Mike do you think Donald Trump will be
re uh reelected in 2020 uh Donald Trump
should be reelected in 2020 but if he
doesn’t get uh elected it’s fixed um
Donald Trump definitely is trying to
improve America putting America First
and uh yes I believe that uh uh Donald
Trump should be uh reelected for a
second term but if he doesn’t it’s 100%
100% there’s no way that anyone in the
Democratic party has anyone they could
front run against Donald Trump and the
Democratic party knows that and the only
way they could win is if they
just if they just fix it if they fixed
and Rigg the election if they fix and
rig the election Donald Trump will lose
Donald Trump will only lose to a fixed
and rigged election so I got I’ve been
taken down and finding videos and older
videos and uh finding stuff on hard
drives and yeah I I kind of float
through like if you look at my last
video here from the uh you could see a
big difference here this one here I look
younger because I got my wig on
right right but you can still tell I’m
I’m but if you go back um what was that
I was watching a video the eclipse yeah
the solar eclipse video look look at me
today and this is a good way to issue
warnings so it’s a little bit different
my visual appearance doesn’t change much
over time I kind of I fast every day I
uh you know I try to keep myself in in
check so my my appearance doesn’t change
too too much over the ears which is a
um and
um it’s just the lighting too lighting
makes a huge difference on um you know
if you come to face to face in person
it’s a bit different see it on camera
it’s a bit different is anyone out
there anyone else out there everyone’s
off yeah guys that’s our zero subscriber
folks I
um I got lots of white hair now okay see
if you the way the camera’s angled if
you zoom it in you can start to see lots
of imperfections right well not
imperfections oldness kicking in right
I’m 46 now for Christ’s sake I’m 46
years old now and you could
tell Allan still
here yeah man it’s the weekend it’s
Friday I’m going to be at the shop till
5: if anybody wants to come by and see
me and
um yeah
yeah I’ll be
here Carlos is asking hey Mike how’s
everyone doing everyone’s doing great
luckily everyone’s doing
great getting old is part of life of
course it is it’s what you do in this
life that matters it’s what you how you
and what you accomplish or feel like
accomplishing or what your mission is to
set out what mission do you have to set
out what are you planning on
accomplishing or or or getting done or
what brings you into enjoyment you know
but yeah a lot of people have a lot of
Life regrets at the end right a lot of I
they kind of wish they did other or just
I don’t think people ever regret at the
end like at the end ever having kids
ever at the end when they’re on their
deathbed and they’re like damn I hated
my kids all my life and or they disown
me or I disown them but later towards
the end they start to realize the
importance of family and children and I
think no one ever really regrets having
kids later on on some people do some
people it’s a mistake or some people
like this and that but you know
what um but a lot of people enjoy having
their I think having children is the
biggest part of I think it’s one of the
biggest most important parts of life if
you could have some children enjoy
watching them grow
up Carlos is saying I wish I could pass
by one day but it’s a 42 day 42 days to
so I guess you have to be in in like in
Brazil or something or or Argentina to
drive here for the 24 day
drive 24 day drive holy
crap yeah you should do if you decide to
do that do me a favor document a video
every day to say hey guys day one we’re
on our way to see go to go see Mike
Martins over at blah blah blah and we we
are here in this city and we’re starting
out and then day two guys we reached
this city and with this and that and uh
we’re on our way to go see this guy um
just document it and then we could put
it up on the channel and then people
that would be pretty cool man that’ be
cool but it is what it is man it is what
it is
yeah it is what it is
uh sand saying where where are you Carl
Earth signs in the house what’s
up how are sales uh sales are sales I’m
selling things things are moving I’m
getting a bit busier as the weather gets
better and it’s nice and sunny out and
beautiful day today the weather’s been
really good no complaints on my
end all right what time is it 10:20 I’m
going to start getting ready for the day
guys it’s a Friday it’s a gorgeous sunny
day oh Montreal says Carlos Montreal is
uh is oh maybe if you’re coming by bike
42 days drive maybe maybe by bike
bicycle no it’s probably 3-day drive for
Montreal oh wow Rob is uh saying my wife
and I are raising our six and three
yearold grandchildren their mother is
out doing fenel and can’t even take care
of herself oh [ __ ] man
oh that breaks my heart Rob that’s such
a heartbreaker
man oh that’s such a heartbreaker
man that hurts The Soul
Man yeah a lot of people a lot of the
youth have have given up a lot of the
youth have realized that they got
nothing to to live for like when it
to structure like buying a home settling
down having their own place Freedom
Travel they’re starting to realize it’s
not it’s not going to
happen yeah lots of kids are living with
unfit parents and then the and then the
fit parents that discipline their
children are under the acts of the uh
government under the acts of social
workers under the act well you’re
disciplining your children too hard you
can’t be do that you can’t tell your
children this yeah so the ones that want
to discipline their children and keep
them on the straight and narrow are the
right oh 45h hour drive
yeah but um
anyways my daughter’s 27 and raised with
my daughter’s 27 and was raised with
everything and she was given a good life
too eh people who do drugs come from bad
parents themselves taking care of
grandkids is punishment for being a [ __ ]
parent 9 95% of the time that’s not true
Papa past there’s different situations
man we don’t know that we don’t know any
of that heck
there’s so much going on out there it’s
just there’s a lot of these younger
generation people not the parents the
Generations have uh basically been
brought up by fake News lies
deception and when some people wake up
to that reality that they’ve been Li to
their whole lives
right my brain is still healing from
Early Childhood rect rectile assault
I’m sorry to hear
that everyone’s got a story man that’s
why you got to be nice to everyone man
that’s why you got to be really nice it
doesn’t matter who just respect each
other just just be nice to each other
man you don’t know what other people are
going through in their lives you don’t
know what they’re
um what they’re feeling or what
they’re right you don’t
know Carlos is saying my parents are
Portuguese and trust me they were spoton
yeah so Earth sign saying I should be a
addict NOP you chose the right path you
understood you understood how
destruction you understood how how
destructive other people can be right
and you chose not to be destructive
right much love and healing Earth sign
that’s brutal much love and healing says
Sandy here’s to a one new sub I had to
unsub and redo to make it happen keep
your head up man F the system says newy
I.E newy
choices had to jump the window uh window
W window at wait I had to jump the the
window summer as a teen and my dad would
sleep behind the door to find out what
time I would get in yeah that that’s
your parent being uh listening over
listening for you cuz he’s
worried overbearing parents can drive
kids away it’s moderation between strict
and loose yeah that’s what it is works
the best kids will will
party and they must
know oops sorry kids will party but they
must know what going to far can okay
what going too far can do okay I see
that it depends how you see it how you
see the
world uh
aulu Shaman told me I was not connected
to my own heart because of
this between saying F the system since I
was 15 says
Carlos that’s what it is
folks you are doing a good job Mike says
Carlos yeah man hey guys don’t forget to
join us on Mike in the night go to real
mikem go over to real mik
and if you can go ahead and subscribe to
me on Rumble I don’t have many
subscribers on there but we do have a
lot of people watching Mike of the night
livestream so if you guys want to go
there and watch Mike of the night I’ll
be live tomorrow night again 600 p.m.
Pacific time and I’ll be Mike of the
5:55 Mike in the night
555 so episode 555 the show’s been
running since
2016 and it’s there trying to get all
the ep’s put
back and uh I’m pretty excited you know
right yes I got kids I got three
kids yeah got kids I was watching one of
my older videos I had two kids in my my
video it was that 2018 video I was
showing you guys I had two kids at the
time now I got uh um yeah because my
youngest was born in
2019 March
yep yeah my son again my son is doing a
YouTube once I get his channel cleaned
up and get uh a proper thimble up and
organize it a bit I’ll let you guys know
if you guys want to follow my son he’s
getting out of his shyness stage he was
a very shy kid growing up but but now
he’s coming out now he’s making YouTube
videos and I really um you know support
him to do what he wants to do like that
kind of stuff get social media um
talking about things this is how you
vent like I I’ve used YouTube
as kind of like a more of a
psychological therapy for me
too keep
trucking yeah
yeah yeah it’s going to be a good one
folks it’s going to be a nice
ride 2020
2024 we got a little bit of falling
apart a little things happening on the
world’s Grand stage they’re pushing for
war the hot War we’ve been talking about
for years now for years we’ve been
talking about this
War uh in the Ukraine and uh the buildup
we’ve been covering this since the OB
Administration I got videos here I got
videos on my desktop from when I was in
Vancouver talking about
it talking about this huge buildup and
they’re going to they’re going to force
us into this and nobody wants none of
this and that’s why now they’re
recruiting British youth to go fight in
the uh in the armed forces there uh and
they’re going to probably uh impose a
draft like I said a draft’s coming to
the to England or the UK to basically
get the English proper sent to the meat
grinder and that’s what it’s about and
that’s what they’re going to
yeah all right we got 28 people
watching thanks guys for um Truth uh
before trust says I’m Shadow banned
everyone’s Shadow banned buddy you have
to be controlled information
distribution to get your message out
that’s just how it works and then if you
if you make a video uh about something
and then somebody else wants to make
that video a few years down the road
they’ll take your video down so their
video will will be the only one with
that kind of title I I did a video um I
got a video taken down and then not
even like within minutes I search across
the internet the title of my video taker
Carlson was saying a speech about it and
then within minutes my video was taken
down from like four or five years ago I
even put a post on the community section
for you guys on my channel to show you
guys tuer Carlson said this and my video
got taken down for medical
misinformation like minutes after the
the headline was posted minutes so
that’s how they have ai going
intertwining and finding who the hell is
this guy doesn’t exist get rid of him
chop him chop him chop him chop him get
rid of him he doesn’t have a voice he’s
not allowed to have a voice he doesn’t
exist and that’s the um problem that we
uh that we’re facing here on this Rock
anyways okay thank God for cannabis us
so much healing and
relaxation the psyche meds uh never
worked Earth sign you know what you know
what a good another good
therapeutical um good therapeutical
thing to do is uh is to uh a tropical
beach just go to a tropical beach for
two weeks just lay in the sand for two
weeks listen to the ocean listen to the
birds the you know the nature around you
just go lie on the beach for two week
weeks oh my God the healing on that yeah
that’s something I’m going to do with my
kids uh very soon too it’s time to um
it’s time to uh start graduating things
a bit more and now the kids are getting
older where it’s time to travel more
and yeah so yeah lay on a beach just
maybe even go to a nice tropical
secluded place in in the in a forest and
then lay next lay on some rocks like
some nice you know leveled rocks so
you’re not hurting yourself and listen
to a waterfall uh behind you or around
you and feel the Mist just feel that
mist of the
waterfall yeah so people are getting
their comments I have made since I
called in over a year ago it gets
deleted after I reload the comments this
is uh
Colonel uh Jessup uh uh truth before
trust he’s been on mic of the night he
should come back and make an appearance
man people should be coming back once in
a while I mean if you if you have time
to come on once a month once every 3
months once a year just try to make time
make 11 minutes for your guy Mike and uh
come on and help me with uh what’s going
on right so we could figure this out as
we go but it’s time time to upgrade
stuff it’s time to
anyways all right folks I’m going to
head out I’m going to not head outs I’m
going to open up shop I’m going to sweep
up a bit and uh I’ll be listing things
on the website and um just trying to get
some traffic uh here at the store and I
appreciate you guys being here with me
for my zero subscriber special zero
subscribers in 12 months and uh that is
an impossible feat to achieve with the
amount of content and live streams and
information that was put out there just
it’s it’s it’s crazy how they have us
so shut
anyways not your fault stay positive
yeah man have a great day at the shop
Mike I will Allan uh I’m flower C here
says Earth sign uh have a blessed day
everyone have a great day thanks Mike
yeah thanks Sandy thanks Carlos thanks
everyone for being here Mike Martin’s
here I
have spoken


  1. I subscribed to your channel either in April or May 2023, something like that (I don't remember exactly).

    Congratulations on your no new subscriber special! 💃🎉🎈

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