
How To Start A Garden Today | Beginner Gardener Tips

What I’ve learned starting a backyard garden from scratch. You don’t need a tone of space with all the new ways to garden. You can utilize containers, raised garden beds or grow directly in ground. I have put together this catch all video on ways you can start your own garden. From the type of garden you want, the soil you can utilize, the DIY fertilizer or store bought and more. Everything can be found in this video to get started with your first garden. Happy Grow Season… It’s not too late to start now.

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Business inquiries:

7:49- Making Soil amendments
8:49- Affordability & expenses
9:50- Fertilizers/ Feeding your soil
14:17- What to Grow
#gardening #Howto #Mercadezmichelle

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God you call me by my
name the love you give me I just can’t
deny yeah no longer blinded I
can hey guys welcome to my channel I’m
Mercedes if you’re new here here welcome
to the channel and if you’re returning
as always welcome back to my channel so
I wanted to make a dedicated video in
regards to gardening all things
gardening I love gardening it has really
been life changing for me but I don’t
typically do that type of content on my
channel anymore just because it’s not
very popular on my channel unfortunately
I wish I could start a whole separate
gardening Channel I just don’t have the
to be honest but I wanted to share some
of the things that I’ve learned thus far
being a new Gardener I’ve only been
gardening for 3 years it doesn’t even
seem like it but I feel like I’ve
learned a lot and I can share those
things with you guys of what I’ve
learned the beginner steps so it doesn’t
feel so intimidating I know sometimes
learning from more experienced gardeners
it can be intimidating they have so much
information and it can scary so I wanted
to just make a catch off video on
gardening how to get started what you
need websites and things that you can
use all will be linked in the
description box so let’s go ahead and
get started so the first thing I will
say when you’re wanting to start a
garden I would suggest you look up your
growing zone and I know all gardeners
say this but it is important so that you
know what actually grows in your area
area so you’re not growing tropical
plants in the desert and then giving up
on gardening because you don’t have any
success when it comes to Growing these
tropical plants it can make you give up
if you are growing the wrong thing in
your area because you just think oh my
gosh I don’t have a green thumb I’m a
bad Gardener everything’s dying and it’s
simply just because you’re not growing
the right things for your area
everything is not going to grow in your
area some things May grow in your area
but need extra care may have to be FR
inside may have to be grown in a
greenhouse so it doesn’t necessarily
mean that you can’t grow certain things
it just means that you have to take
extra steps in order for some things to
be successful in your area so knowing
your growing zone is important you guys
I’m in growing zone 8 B and I found my
growing zone just just by Googling it
and then there is also a website that
you can go to type in your zip code and
it will tell you what you can grow when
you can grow it when you need to start
the seeds when you need to transplant it
outside when you can direct thr it
outside if you go to this website and
you type in your ZIP code it will tell
you exactly for your area cuz sometimes
growing grow zones can be subjective to
the city
or county that you live in and then one
side of the county can be in growing
zone eight one side of the county can be
in growing zone 8B so it really can get
detail so once you know your Grow Zone
then you can decide what type of garden
do you want to have do you want to have
a big Homestead where you’re growing
everything you’re feeding your whole
family you’re raising animals or is it
something that you want to start off
small maybe you liveing a apartment and
you think oh I can’t have a garden cuz I
don’t have a backyard but you can Garden
in containers even if you have a
backyard and you just don’t want to put
anything in ground whatever the case may
be you can start gardening just know
what you want me personally I decided to
have area in my backyard where I can
garden so you have container gardening
you have raised bed gardening and you
have INR gardening there are so many
different methods you can do in order to
start your garden I personally use
raised bed gardening because of the soil
that I have in my area I have hard rock
clay soil and it’s just not the best for
the plants and the veggies that I want
to grow so I decided to do raised garden
beds so I could Implement my own soil
create my own soil mixtures and I can
feed my plants the best of the best or I
mean better than what is native to my
area so I decided to do raised garden
beds you may not have an issue with your
soil your soil may be good but you also
want to make sure that there’s no like
chemicals or pesticides that are in your
soil from maybe weed killing from past
years or trying to get rid of like
insects and stuff like that where PES
siid were used on your lawn that may
also make you consider doing raised
garden beds and some people just do
raised garden beds because I guess it’s
popular but in reality if I had the
choice to grow in ground and I knew my
soil was good I would not do raised
garden beds just because it’s an extra
expense so just do what works for you if
you can do in ground and you don’t have
any issues with your soil any p
pesticides chemicals anything I would
definitely suggest doing INR gardening
it’s easier you’re not having to build
anything you’re not having to buy extra
wood or metal beds and all of that extra
stuff you can just get to your soil so
that leads me into what you’re going to
be growing your veggies in what type of
soil you need I personally like to mix
my soil now that I’m a little more
advanced when it comes to gardening and
I know
what I want in my garden beds but when I
first started out I was buying like
raised garden bed soil mix and then I
would do some compost because that’s
what I was learning as I went but now I
don’t buy garden raised bed potty mix I
create my own potty mix using compost
and this one’s going to be a little
controversal PE Moss but you can also
substitute that for Cocoa core I am
learning learning that there is an issue
with Pete Moss and the mass production
of it being sold it’s just not good for
us to use Pete Moss at that rate so Pete
Moss use it at your own risk I use um
Pete Moss you can use cocoa core and
then I use pearlite you can use
vermiculite and then you can throw in
compost so I’ve created my own soil a
couple of times now that I’ve um gotten
a little more advanced and knowledgeable
in gardening and I can show you guys
that now so you can see how I make it
how I mix it what I use and it can be
helpful for you as well if you’re
starting off your said this is Flesh of
My Flesh and bone of my bone she shall
be called woman it was all woman when
you saw me real
people in this room soften up the mess
drop it in the water let the daughter
find a image with the rest she’ll be
learning how to breathe spinning through
identity revealing another pretty little
scheme save her
mind hold
aead and don’t believe a lie you
me walk her down the valley Pack A Piece
of Heaven for the bottoms of a feet
teach it how to jump and how to stretch
and like the Angels do and you going
make it
through tell about the Healer greater is
the one within and call him as the
leader teach her how to hold the pretty
end up to the sky and I’m a wait up on
the so I’m not one that uses like a lot
of expensive products I do try to be
cost effective when it comes to
because when I first started my garden
it was super expensive I spent a lot of
money and I have
not I have not recovered that money but
I would say as far as like my mental
health all of that gardening has been
great for me so I don’t regret anything
don’t get me wrong but yeah it does get
expensive so if you’re looking to Garden
just to save money I can tell
you them first few years you’re not
going to be saving money you’re going to
be spending a lot of money espec
especially because it can somewhat
become an addiction okay okay you want
to buy this plan you want to buy these
seeds you want to buy these seeds you
want to buy this plan you want to buy
fruit tree you want to buy this it just
it can get expensive really really quick
so once you’ve decided on how you’re
going to grow your garden you’re going
to use containers you’re going to use
braid garden beds or you’re going to
grow in ground you know what type of
soil you’re going to create or just buy
if you don’t want to go through the
process of having to mix your own soil I
get it when I first started gardening I
didn’t want to do that I had already
built a whole garden fence and raised
garden beds the last thing I wanted to
do was mix up some and do all that
because gardening is back breaking okay
so if you want to do theal Nursery you
want to go to Lowe’s Home Depot
department stores and purch
soil mix that’s already mixed I
totally understand but even with the
soil you’re still going to have to feed
your soil make sure it is getting the
nutritions that it needs people go out
and do soil test forers true gardeners
I’m not there yet I’m not paying for no
soil test I’m just going to pray that
God gives my soil all the nutritions it
needs with me going out and buying some
okay so the first few years of gardening
I was slacking on a fertilizer and it
showed because my plants were small they
weren’t producing at the rate that they
could possibly produce so I definitely
suggest getting good fertilizer and
being consistent with fertilizing that
was my issue I bought the fertilizer I
just wasn’t
consistently fertilizing my plants so I
used the fish emosion now you can
definitely create your own fertilizers I
when I first started gardening I was
trying everything from eggshells to
Banana water you can create your own
fertilizers but if you’re not there yet
you’re a beginner you’re a beginner
Gardener you’re just trying to learn the
basics and what you can easily access at
your local department store your local
Nursery you have fish ulion that you can
get from Walmart Lowe’s Home Depot you
have a allpurpose fertilizer where you
can fertilize your plants your flowers
your veggies your fruit trees it’s an
allpurpose fertilizer and then you have
your bone meal which is high in um
nitrogen you have your blood meal and
then you have like earthworm castings
you have so many different fertilizers
and things that you can feed your soil
to ensure the health and growth of your
plants so you just want to get
knowledgeable on things like that so you
have you have three numbers on most of
your fertilizer bags if you go to any
store you’ll see these three numbers and
it’s your mpk so your nitrogen your
potassium and your phosphorus nitrogen
potassium phosphorus or is it nitrogen
phosphorus pottassium
mpk yeah sorry um so that just means
that if you have 444 that just means
they’re all equal in the nutrients that
the fertilizer has if you have a
high nitrogen number which is going to
be your first number let’s say it’s at
A7 all your other numbers are two then
that just means you have a higher
nitrogen fertilizer and it is going to
provide more nitrogen than anything else
and you will learn like what nitrogen
does for the plants you’ll learn what
phosphorus does pottassium you’ll learn
these things as you start to Garden um
and just know that your plan need these
things so yeah that’s pretty much um
what it is when it comes to the
fertilization process like I said you
can make your own you can go out you can
purchase them from the BX boox stores I
do both like I don’t um prefer one over
the other if I can make some banana
water I’m going to make banana water if
I can make some eggshells I’m going to
sprinkle them in my soil so it’s just
all in what benefits the plants that’s
what I’m for so once you have the basics
down it’s up to you to decide what you
want to grow in your garden this is
going to be based off of your growing
zone that we talked about in the
beginning of this video as well as what
you like to eat what does your family
like to eat don’t just grow things just
to grow it because it’s not going to
motivate you to keep doing it if you’re
growing things that you like to eat that
you um enjoy is going to make you
excited and it’s going to make you want
to grow more of these things so for me I
started off with the basics I started
off with peppers uh strawberries I grew
collards and lettuce leafy greens stuff
that I eat and and I attempted Tomatoes
even though those are not my favorite
I when I say Tomatoes like tomatoes by
themselves but I like spaghetti sauce I
like salsa which all have tomatoes so I
started off with stuff like that carrots
oh my gosh corn corn did so amazing for
me I wanted to grow corn forever because
it was so good it tasted 10 times better
than any corn that I ever tasted so just
growing things that are going to get you
excited but you’re also going to eat and
enjoy watermelon oh my gosh growing my
own watermelon just felt so fulfilling
like yeah I did that so get a list of
the things that you want to grow and
once you have that list you’re going to
decide how many plants of each thing
you’re going to grow so you don’t have
to grow 10 different different things
you can grow five of the same thing
because you’re going to need multiple
plants even though they produce
multiples you’re still going to need a
good amount of plants to feed you your
family or whoever you’re trying to feed
if it’s just you I would say you know
two to three plants to feed you off of
whatever you choose to grow if you want
to grow cayenne peppers grow three
pepper plants if you want to grow
tomatoes grow two tomato plants for
yourself and that will um help you focus
on that one plant and perfect it and
make sure that you know what it needs
when it comes to fertilization how much
sunlight it needs how many hours of
shade it needs um how does it produce in
your area maybe this variety of tomato
doesn’t do so well in your area so maybe
you need to try a different variety of
tomato because what you’ll learn with
gardening there’s so many different
varieties of things that you eat you
have indeterminate tomatoes you have
determinate tomatoes so it’s a list of
different things okay once you decide
what you’re going to grow then you need
to decide what grows well together yes
certain plants grow good together but
some plants do not like to grow together
that just means they don’t do well
together unfortunately that’s just how
nature nature crumbles the cookie
crumples Sometimes some things just
don’t work well together
so know what you want to grow know what
you’re going to pair it with so let’s
say Tomatoes tomatoes grow well with
basil because
basil all those icky insects that want
to eat your Tomatoes The basil will
attract them or keep them away from your
tomato plants giving your tomato plants
a chance at life even though your basil
plant is probably going to take the hits
but you’ll learn in guarding you’re
going to take some losses you going to
have some wins but you going to take
some losses so companion planting it’s
so important to plant flowers sometimes
we want to start the garden we want all
the veggies in the world because we want
to feed our families make sure that we
know what’s going into our bodies but we
forget about the flowers the pollinators
need the flowers in order to pollinate
those veggies that you want to grow for
your family you got to be able to
attract the pollinators and you got to
create this ecosystem that is going to
work and produce healthy strong plants
in your garden so it’s a lot of work it
takes dedication it takes patience to
watch your garden go from nothing to
something but you got to be patient
that’s what anything in life I know we
learn at an early age be patient so I
hope you guys enjoyed this video video
thus far I don’t want to overload you
with information but I did want to make
this a One-Stop shop when it comes to
beginner gardening we can go in depth we
can get even more detailed when it comes
to gardening but I wanted to give you
guys a basic video on getting started so
I hope this video was helpful if it was
I hope you give it a thumbs up subscribe
to my channel if you guys want to just
see some content in regards to me my
life I do share my garden sometimes in
my daily Vlogs but I hope you guys
enjoyed the video and I will see you
guys in another video If you decide to
stick around bye guys


  1. I never thought to mix up my soil amendments on a tarp, that is genius! We're planting our watermelon seedlings during spring break next week, fingers crossed for all of our gardens 🙏🏾🤞🏾

  2. If you had a gardening channel I would subscribe. I love seeing POC growing their own food 😍 I am a house plant mom and have been wanting to get into gardening for some time now. I’m in growing zone 10

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