
How I grow my mesembs

My collection is more on the small side compared to some of your collections. I only really started mesembs 2 or so years ago and I’m loving it! Especially the conophytum. Conos are my absolute favorites!

by Carniverouspitchers


  1. Carniverouspitchers

    My care regimen for lithops is I use my mix of 85% pumice 5% lava rock and 10% organic. I water probably every 1-2 weeks during active growth and give no water to adults until they eat their outer leaf pair. Conophytum get no water during dormancy except for the bilobe types that get a tiny sip every month or two. When in active growth they get water every week but if it’s very shady I’ll wait 2 weeks so they don’t get rot. All of them are under a stone table on my balcony with 40% shade cloth covering them during the spring/summer and none during fall/winter. Going really good for me so far!

  2. KiwiFella07

    Would you be able to share another establishing picture? I’d quite like to see how they fit into the rest of the balcony under this table. I’m, afraid I’m rapidly outgrowing my space indoors but have been struggling to think how I could keep my plants outside. Your post is giving me ideas though!

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