
Looking for ideas / tips

This is a jug (still counts as a jar right?) that I estimate to be around 5 gallons.
I’m trying to decide what I’m going to do with it – aquarium style, terrarium, or maybe even a paludarium (a bit of both).
Here’s some ideas I have but am uncertain of – I would love to have pretty nerite snails in here and maybe even lean towards brackish for them?
I have an Amazon sword that will outgrow my current tank for it that I could move into here.

Because of the opening size it should be as hands off as possible – so I’m definitely thinking full walstad if aquatic. Maybe lean more ecosphere style (no feeding). But I want it to look nice not just muddy. Because of its size it may need to be outside (in shade) or in my garage in poor weather. I understand that 5 gallons is quite heavy to move though so I might think of a more permanent location for it that won’t kill everything. (Our outdoor temperatures rarely get to freezing, maybe frost a few weeks out of the year. They can go above 100 F for two months in the summer).

I like the idea of a paludarium or maybe floating island but I am not that confident in my abilities to do anything too complicated with tweezers in here. I’m leaning towards aquatic because if it’s size I could actually get some life in here – maybe even shrimps? Definitely want some kind of cute critters.

Would be super open to any images or videos for inspiration.

by Novaria_Orion


  1. That is called a carboy. It’s used in brewing beer, wine, mead and the like. I don’t really have any tips for you, unfortunately. Just wanted to share the specific name of the thing.

  2. CryptographerPublic1

    Because carboys are semi-standard, they do make frames to hold them horizontally. With their weight they can normally stay horizontal with minimal help, but I imagine you’d like a little more insurance. Anyway, that longer space would help with a paludarium. If you’re feeling very crafty you can build up the far end with expanding insulation foam from a can, which will keep it light and give you a rocky looking incline.

  3. intrikate_

    The sword plant sounds nice. Someone postet a bottle like this with a sword plant and it looked so nice and war thriving for some time 🙂

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