Container Gardening

Planting Up My Curbside Containers With 4 Types of Supertunias!! #provenwinners #containergardening

Looking for container garden inspiration? Check out this beautiful combination of 4 types of Supertunias by Proven Winners, and Mystic Spires Blue Salvia as the centerpiece! I used Supertunia Vista Bubblegum, Supertunia Priscilla, Supertunia Royal Magenta, and Supertunia Lovie Dovie! I think they look amazing together and can’t wait to see how they grow together in this show-stopping container!

hi everyone welcome back to Grove Roots
this is
Shannon and today I am going to be
planting up these beautiful containers I
have one right here it’s at the very
like front of my home like the edge
where the street is I have one here and
I have another one right here these are
full sun containers and I am so excited
about what I have chosen let me go ahead
I’ve already placed them there I just
haven’t planted them there yet but oh
goodness gracious I think it’s
absolutely beautiful already okay so the
first one that we have here on this side
is proven
Winters super tunia Royal
magenta it is striking I think it even
comes off on film as striking it’s very
much almost a fluorescent magenta color
kind of like super tunia jazzberry but
can tell that it’s more trailing it
seems to be a very trailing plant if you
can see that it’s not as mounding as
super tuno jazzberry is and it appears
to me to be like even more strikingly
fluorescent like you would see this
plant from quite a distance away and so
that’s super tunia Royal magenta another
one I have going on over here is super
tunia Priscilla it’s absolutely
beautiful just um I’m a little bit
worried it’s not going to keep up with
the Vigor of the rest of these so uh
this side of the container possibly
might be a little bit lob sided we’ll
see maybe it will surprise me but I
absolutely love the
double the double uh Petals of this and
it’s just a beautiful beautiful like
deep purple inside and light purple
outside just super super beautiful this
centerpiece plant here is Mystic spire’s
blue Salvia and it’s budding up I got
this for I think
$99.50 at callaways see there’s a Bud
there and you can see these are bright
purple I love the color of the leaves
and the shapes of the leaves I think
it’s really really beautiful I think
it’s going to be a striking centerpiece
plant there um really really pretty so
coming off to the front so this is what
you all what will be seing from the
street I finally found super tun Vista
bubble gum yay I have been looking for
it callaways did not have it uh um I
looked at a couple different callaways
where else did I oh Green Acres did not
have it either and Walmart has not
gotten any Proven Winners in this year
like our local Walmart last year had
super tunia bubblegum almost all season
long until mid
July but it was very commonly found last
year and this year I feel like it’s uh
it’s not found but I finally found it at
Home Depot and it was $6.98 for this and
it’s not quite blooming yet but it’s
it’s this one’s actually a really strong
plant it’s quite vigorous already as it
lives up to its super tuna Vista name
that means it’s more vigorous than the
other super tunia varieties and bubble
gum is just known for being an easy
petunia uh if you haven’t grown any
anything before and couldn’t keep
anything alive try super tun Vista
bubble gum because um it is a plant that
will just do well almost under any
circumstances so definitely uh pick one
up if you can it’s a beautiful pink
color and then coming over here is
another Super tunia that I really really
love and fell in love with last year
it’s super tunia lovey doy I do not
believe it is a Vista either let me see
but super tuna lovey doy does have a I
mean it’s already growing really really
well I found this at callaways and yeah
callaways here is um
$7.99 for their Proven Winners but it’s
like they actually have the tags whereas
Home Depot I guess you could say there’s
the tag it’s just different and the
shapes of the cans are different I feel
like um the root systems so far that
I’ve seen from Home Depot proven winners
are not as great as the root systems
that I have seen from the callaways
plants it’s just an observation so far
that’s all I think it’s helpful for us
all to share these observations so that
we know how to get the best bang for our
buck right and then if you wanted to see
like the Mystic blue spires that’s said
the tag for that yeah the Mystic blue
Spire Salvia so that’s pretty much what
I’m planting it’s going to be the same
exact arrangement in this container over
here but I did want to show you this
Mystic blue spers definitely has a
bigger um almost ready flower or Bud
than the other one so that is just going
to be so beautiful okay so I’ll only
film one of these because I know you all
get the picture but okay I did want to
start off saying that these uh are pots
that I brought I bought brand new and
filled with new potting soil just in May
of last last year so not even quite a
year ago like 10 months ago and so I did
need to top these off with a little bit
of potting soil and a little bit of
compost and I mixed that all together so
it’s it’s got some new potting soil and
compost but it’s mostly still from last
year which I think is totally fine I may
end up you know dumping and refilling it
next year or maybe the year after but I
feel like if you’re contining adding
compost and pading soil every single
year you’re mixing that in with the
existing soil I think you’re probably
still good to go as long as you’re using
some type of fertilizer too so here we
go my first task is to plant the
centerpiece so got to take all these
guys out and then Mystic spires Blue
Salvia let’s make sure you’re in the
middle and I’m just going to kind of
Squish it make a big deep impression and
if I can’t get it all the way in I’ll
use my little hand TR yeah that’s as far
as that’s going to go so let me get that
out that tells me how big the pot
is and then I just got to go
okay let’s see how that
works I’m going to fit the pot in first
and see if it goes all the way
down it pretty much does that’s a nice
fit I’m going to pull it
out I’m going to use some biotone a
bomma biotone I use it every time I
plant any plant whatsoever if I don’t
have biotone I’ll use espoma plant tone
and now I even have Rose tone tone
really any kind is better than none but
biotone will work specifically to start
the plants into get the roots growing
nice and
strong so then we’re going to squish the
pot it’s actually I can feel those roots
oh my goodness this is a really well
rooted plant I
think okay yeah it’s pretty good not as
as much as I thought it was going to be
but these are some nice robust Roots
especially here at the bottom I’m going
to kind of break it up just a little
tiny bit I don’t want to disturb it too
much I just want to get that hard root
base out okay that should be
good those are robust Roots
okay there we
go kind of jush that all in help it
settle okay now the centerpiece is
planted we can move on I have four
plants basically so one 2 three four
I’ll go ahead and do this first
one the Super tunia Bubble Gum is going
to go in
here don’t worry you guys will get a
view in just a
minute me put that pot in
there make sure that fits pretty
well okay that’s pretty good all
right my
let’s see what the bubble gum looks like
the super Bells yellow that I got from
Home Depot in these same cans the root
systems were just not as good as you
would want when you’re buying a plant
but let’s see what these bubble gum look
like okay much better yay okay let me
show you these look much better so this
gives me a little bit more faith in bu
improval winners at Home Depot and this
is a testament to Super tuno Bubble Gum
I mean look those are so
nice it’s fabulous okay super happy
that see how I want it to go think I
want it to go like this I put super
bubblegum in the front because I really
want it to be full and add to the curve
appeal and let’s go ahead
and just do lovey doy right
here put this back
on okay see how that fit in
there that’s pretty much perfect pull
that out put in some
okay let’s see how the lovey doy looks
now these are from Callaway as they’re
in the bigger a slightly bigger cans oh
yeah I mean root systems are pretty
good not like the bubble gum that bubble
gum man it’s
vigorous and it has roots to support it
for sure actually okay I’m going to pull
this back out if I can it didn’t put it
in the way that I wanted it to go
yeah I wanted it to go this way okay
it’ll be
there basically it kind of was spreading
to one side and I wanted that spread to
happen on the outside of the pot so
that’s why I changed it around okay
that’s looking
good now we’re going to go on this side
and plant super tuna
Priscilla which bubblegum might swallow
up to super tunia Priscilla if you guys
are planning them together I already
kind of know that that’s going to happen
but it’s okay by me I really wanted to
grow super tunior Priscilla and I wanted
to see how it would do I finally found
it I’m going to buy it so and I bought
it so um we’ll just
see how it
does see if that fits
good all right
okay should be
good put some bile tone in
let’s see how these roots
look yeah they’re very
thin I
mean it’s that’s actually a really good
root system that’s pretty
good all right Perfect
Fit okay just one more to
go and it
is the Royal magenta super tunia I I
just love this color so
much I know I’ve got four
different super Tunas with Mystic Spire
Blue Salvia but I feel like they all go
together and I feel like it’s also a
little um experiment to see like they’ve
all got the same conditions right pretty
much maybe slightly different sun
because I’ve got the afternoon sun is
right over there the morning sun is over
here so I feel like maybe it will have
slightly different Sun conditions but
other than that same conditions let’s
see how these superos grow in comparison
to each other
right I can tell that
notep okay let’s see how that
like that’s not quite centered actually
let’s move that hole just a little bit
over there we go that’s
better there okay put some bi tone in
oh wow these are really well rooted too
almost like the supero bubble gum really
really strong all
right how do I want it I want it just
that yay
and there’s a snail in that
one with a grub ew
okay the snails are really bad this year
already okay oh my goodness yay I’m
going to pot the other one up you guys
don’t necessarily need to see that but
I’ll show you what they look like close
up when I’m done
okay so they are done being planted they
turned out so beautiful exactly what I
wanted to be quite honest um so here is
again that super tunia Royal
magenta over here is the super tunia
lovey doy I just I just love this plant
so much I love that
pink look at that oh my goodness okay
and then there’s that super tunia Vista
bubble gum not quite blooming yet but
it’s going to be absolutely beautiful
once the Salvia starts blooming it’ll be
purple and then that pink in the front
it’ll probably start trailing over this
container before long and then we’ve got
super tuna
Priscilla on the side here to add a nice
little pop of purple and then of course
Mystic spire’s blue Sal
you can see those buds are just they’re
getting ready and then let me show you
the other one that I have it’s planted
up exactly the same but some of these
have a little bit more buds as well like
this Super tuno Bubble Gum a little bit
more flowers on it this one is about
ready to
open wow it’s so pretty but it has quite
a few buds going on it as well again
super chuno
Priscilla right there super tunia Royal
magenta and super tunia lovey doy I feel
like the super tunia lovey devies
are the most vigorous that I have right
now they’re so pretty I just love the
way that looks I think it’s going to be
a beautiful combination and then just
kind of so you could see the whole
yard H with the containers and then I
have planted up my front border please
go ahead and watch that um front front
border so you can see what is in there
it’s absolutely stunning but um anyway I
thank you all so much for watching I
can’t wait to see these all fill in
we’ve got bear that just joined us hello
bear hi bud
hi a hi sweet boy say hi to everybody
okay well thank you all so much for
watching I hope you have a beautiful
spring day and uh we’ll see you next
time bye-bye everybody


  1. Hi PV neighbor 👋🏾 LOVE this! I think I may do the same 🤗 I struggle with knowing what to put in my flower bed. Right now, I just have a rose bush and two crepe Myrtle trees on both ends. And this will be my 3rd year in my house 🤦🏾‍♀️

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