
10 Proven Techniques for Perfect Plant Cloning in Water | Hacks for Rooting Cuttings in Water

Firstly, it begins with selecting healthy cuttings and making precise cuts at a 45-degree angle to maximize surface area for root growth. Paying attention to the length of the cuttings is crucial, as is draining out excess nitrogen from the branch to encourage rooting. Avoiding fertilization of the parent plant is another key tip, ensuring the focus remains on rooting the cuttings. To enhance rooting, a rooting solution infused with specific nutrients is prepared, while clean containers and regular water changes maintain a conducive environment for growth.
Furthermore, oxygenating the tissues of the cuttings and submerging them in water or a rooting solution are pivotal steps in the process. Once roots have developed sufficiently, transplanting the cuttings into soil completes the cloning journey. Understanding these concepts, including the nitrogen draining concept and oxygenation, unlocks the potential for nearly 100 percent success rate in cloning. Lastly, the question of what to feed the stem cuttings is addressed, emphasizing the importance of providing appropriate nutrients to support their growth and development.
With these simple tips and scientific concepts, you can achieve a success rate of nearly 100 percent for rooting plant cuttings successfully in water.
1. Taking Healthy Cuttings.

2. Making a Sharp Cut at 45 degree angle.

3. Length of Cuttings.

4. Drain Out Nitrogen for the Branch.

5. Do Not Fertilize your Parent Plant.

6. Prepare Rooting Solution with some ingredients that boost rooting.

7. Use Clean Containers and Change Water.
8. Oxygenate the tissues. What fertilizer to feed them?

9. Submerge the cutting into water or your rooting solution.
10. Transplant into Soil.

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In this episode, you will learn, the 10 golden
rules, tips and hacks, for successful cloning
of plant cuttings in Water.
You will also learn about the Nitrogen Draining
Concept and the Oxygenation Concept for successful
Coming up.
Here are the 10 golden tips to achieve a 100%
success rate for rooting your cuttings in
At Number 1.
Take Healthy Cuttings.
This is the first and foremost job which is
very important to achieve a good success rate.
Take a cutting from a healthy mother plant,
which is free of pest and disease, and has
good & active growing branches.
Always Choose Semi-woody cuttings, not hard
woody ones or too soft ones which may easily
At Number 2.
Making a Sharp Cut, at 45 degree angle.
A sharp cut with a sharp cutting tool or blade
is also an important factor for success.
Preferably sterilize the cutter with some
disinfectant like hydrogen peroxide or any
household antiseptic.
Make a Cut about half an inch below a node.
A node is the area where rooting starts, and
this node area has to be inserted into water,
for rooting to begin.
At Number 3.
Length of Cuttings.
This is generally 6 to 10 inches or at least
2 or 3 nodes above the rooting node.
The length depends on the inter-node distance
of a branch.
Remember one rule of thumb.
The success rate of cloning is inversely proportional
to the internode distance.
That means the lesser the internode distance,
the greater the chances of success.
At Number 4.
Drain Out Nitrogen from the Branch: As you
all know, nitrogen slows down rooting process.
Pouring lot of water on the plant or the branch
which is to be cut, is believed to drain out
the nitrogen.
Do this and then take your cuttings from the
The science behind this concept is unclear.
Let us know, if you know about it, in the
comment section below!
At Number 5.
Do Not Fertilize your Parent Plant.
Applying the same concept of nitrogen drain
out, it’s better not to feed the plant at
least 15 days prior to taking cuttings.
At Number 6.
Prepare Rooting Solution.
You can use just, clean soft water, but better
avoid salty water or chlorinated water, to
increase the chances of success.
The second option is to add some ingredients
into this water, which serves two functions.
First, prevents contamination and rot, and
secondly, it helps accelerate the actual rooting
You have many options for this.
First option is, using Rooting Hormone Powder
with indole butyric acid or Naphthalene Acetic
Add half a teaspoon of this to your glass
or the container holding the cutting and mix
it well.
Add it every time you change the water, till
the rooting starts.
Second option is to use Aspirin or willow
water: Aspirin which is chemically Acetyl
Salicylic Acid serves both functions, including
You can watch a detailed video on Aspirin
and its uses in gardening from a link in description
Third Option is to use, Fresh aloe-vera gel
extracted from aloe leaf.
This contains salicylic acid and other ingredients
which help in preventing rot and accelerate
At Number 7.
Use Clean Containers, and Change Water or
your Rooting Solution, every 3 to 4 days.
Take clean containers preferably transparent
ones, so that you can actually see-through
for the root development.
At Number 8.
Oxygenate the tissues.
Yes this is another important tip for successful
Lift the cutting out of the water once daily
and stir the water at least once to oxygenate
Scientists have proved that plants need dissolved
oxygen to survive and that the cutting will
consume all the dissolved oxygen in the immediate
vicinity of its rooting zone, so water needs
to be stirred in order to maintain healthy
root formation.
This is in fact the basic principle of Aeroponics
and Hydroponics.
At Number 9.
Submerge the cutting into water or your rooting
solution, at least 2 inches above the lowermost
node, that is, the rooting area.
Keep it Undisturbed, preferably on a window
sill to receive indirect light and also, optionally
Suspend the Cutting into the Container through
a plug, like a piece of foam or a cloth.
Also, it’s a good idea to cover it with
a polythene bag intermittently, specially
in night time if it’s very cold.
This is to provide the optimum temperature
and humidity levels for rooting.
Now the Question is: what do I feed them.
giving nutrients would be pointless until
roots develop as the cuttings cannot absorb
any mineral content.
Once the rooting starts, you can feed with
very dilute solutions of water soluble NPK
or even very dilute compost tea.
But there is one hack, to counter the stress
or the shock to these little cuttings.
Vitamin B1, that’s Thiamine in the rooting
solution is thought to help alleviate any
This effect of vitamin B1, is actually derived
from researches based on tissue culture media.
The mechanism of action and the molecular
concepts behind this are not clear.
At Number 10.
Transplant into Soil.
Once you see multiple roots, at least 4 to
5 roots, about an inch in length, then you
can carefully transplant into your potting
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