Garden Design

Irish Cottage Garden | Slow Living Ireland | Life on a Farm | Relaxing Nature Sounds

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~ Hello May ~

“We welcome a brand new month, and we’re edging ever closer to the embrace of summer. The days are long and filled with speckled sunshine and opportunities galore in the garden. Come join me in the cottage garden for direct seed sowing in my repurposed plant pots, and the making of an emergency plant defence system! We’ll also be taking advantage of the sunshine with gentle walks around the farm, jump for joy with the mini moos as they take their first leaps onto the meadows – there will be plenty of crazy moo zoomies!

Watch until the end for an important announcement about my YouTube channel’s new direction.

Hope you enjoy this video, and please remember to hit the like and subscribe button for free, as this really helps the growth of my channel and allows me to continue to make content for everyone to enjoy.” – Gillian x

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Lost Forest- an ode to folklore and flowers. A Day in my Life. Please turn on closed captions (CC) to follow today’s story. 1ST | MAY | 7:00 AM Today marks the ancient festival of Bealtaine in Ireland. A Celtic celebration of longer summer days, and the welcome return of the light. The bluebells dance upon the blades of lush grass, while a a confetti of blossoms fall from the skies above, sprinkling the earth with splashes of colour and life. The gardens subtle beauty transforms with each passing day, maturing with pinches of rouge and blushed in shades of crimson. There is a gentle, peaceful air that drifts through the treetops, and curls its way down to the ground below, bringing with it, the sweet intoxicating essence of the emerging hawthorn and apple blossom. The cusp of summer is finally at my grasp. The arrival of these precious sunny days, means all hands on deck with the farm jobs. Fertiliser is being spread to encourage the grassy pastures to spring into life. Fences need to be fixed and planned daily for split grazing, And meadows managed for the ladies, so they have plenty of nourishing grass to munch on. Let’s enjoy this fresh morning with a stroll together. ‘Petricor’: the earthy scent produced when rain falls on dry soil. The inimitable fragrance of the forest is a treat for the senses. The symphony of birdsong and bee buzzes, hush my busy mind. I take a moment to just observe, and marvel at this tiny but mighty creature….. working hard, humble as a bumble, while the majority of the world passes by without a notice. It often feels like that as an artist, working away, creating, and delving into my soul and imagination, hoping to connect with a passer-by who shows an interest and intrigue in what I do. A poor butterfly with a broken wing I wish I could mend it for you. She carries on despite the adversity. For her beauty and presence offers us all a gift in itself. I collect tufts of moss caught between the hedgerows, to use in my next Looking Glass collection. A little portion of this beautiful place to keep forever. The cool morning air in the garden makes it ideal to begin some gardening jobs. But first, a refreshing blueberry and spinach smoothie to spark my energy. The moo ladies say hello, as they head out to the meadows. The mini moos are overjoyed to be finally out on the grass. The pure excitement is contagious as they bounce and bolt across the field. I’m so happy for them to be outside and enjoying their life here with their friends on the farm. Puppy is also rolling around in the sunshine! And showing me how to do the ‘Puppy Slug’….. I think I’ll pass on that one Pup, seeing as how you’re the expert! Time for breakfast: toasted sourdough with homemade hazelnut chocolate spread, fresh raspberries and coconut. Hey! Charlie is trying to steal my breakfast! Pickle is not impressed by Charlie, so he said he’ll help me with the gardening. I have lots of Thalictrum that has self- seeded in the garden beds. I plan an experiment; to plant them out in this beautiful shaded glade. Fingers crossed they will like it here. I also found this beautiful Forget-me-not growing around the farm sheds. I dug up a few and will replant them in the garden to add swashes of bonny blue to the beds. The traffic in the blue skies seems busier than normal. I always wonder if anyone is looking out their window, and reflecting about the land and people below them, as I gaze skywards and ponder on the places they will visit or return home to. It’s back to work now, with my new drill from my wonderful dad. My trusty old drill decided to go into early retirement after 15 years on the job! I’m giving my old water features a new lease of life….. well, I’m really retuning them back to their old selves as plant pots! I gave them a scrub, and now have to drill drainage holes. Charlie has to lick the drill afterwards for some unknown reason…. The kitty boys chill in the canopy of flowers, while I spray the pots in my signature Willow green. I then fill with a mix of compost and grit, and sprinkle on some of my favourite summer flowers. Oh look who has arrived….. Mr Pups girlfriend from across the road! Say hello to Tess. She only has one eye, and she has that eye on one particular fella! Pumpky has alerted me to a problem… Someone has been displaying destructive behaviour in my garden…. and we have caught the culprit- Monty! He has been getting too acquainted with my cat mint plant…. as it releases an essential oil that gives cats a feeling of euphoria. Even though he feels fantastic, my poor cat mint is not feeling the same way as him…. I think it’s time to create a protective border around it until it grows big and strong. …and it appears we have yet another gentleman who has an obsession for the cat mint! Charlie is on security duties and requests that he leaves immediately. "My precious!" He argues his case, but ultimately the cat mint wins…. "But I’m so cute! You must allow me to do as I please". Pumpky is already helping me build a bamboo wigwam over the cat mint. "Hmmm, I can sneak through that…." Pickle lets me know of Monty’s diabolical plan…. so I add some ribbon to block the gaps. Pickle lays low, and is ready to ambush any kitties who’ll try to enter the wigwam. I recharge with a refreshing homemade drink made from ginger, rosehip and pineapple juice… blitzed all together in a blender with ice cubes. I head to the studio to press some of the blossoms from the garden. Violas, Forget-me-not, cherry blossom petals, daisies and bluebells. Make sure to use heavy blotting paper for perfectly pressed petals. I then place some cardboard over the page, and the wooden press cover, and a heavy weight. Life is too short to use wing-nuts! I’ll leave the flowers to dry for around 2 weeks before opening the press. Chubbers is being spoiled today! My butterfly from earlier sent a friend to thank me for helping her. Let’s enjoy dinner together in the garden. Roast potatoes, spring vegetables and sun dried tomato baked chicken. After dinner, as the sun gently relaxes into the hills, we’ll take a walk together. Let’s make a wish….. Are you ready? Your wishes glide off into the hills beyond, drifting into the first sunset of May. We’ll head back to the farmhouse now. However, there’s still some farm jobs to be completed before darkness envelopes the land. The meadows are steadily rolled, allowing for better grass growth and even footing for the cows. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my YouTube channel, regarding the regularity of how often I post. I’ve come to the decision to post twice monthly rather than one video per week. Creating videos is very labour intensive, and weekly outputs were beginning to drain me. I feel a longer video at the beginning and end of each month, will allow me to fully enjoy the process again, and create even better and more mindful videos. What do you think? I’d love to hear your feedback. I was nervous to make this decision, as I don’t want to let anyone down. However, it became unsustainable to do long-form videos of the quality I strive for once a week, while also running my business and farm. I hope that’s understandable. My heart has been truly warmed by this wonderful community here, and I want to be able to give you the best experience through my videos. Now, back to the studio….where we can seek shelter from an incoming thunder storm! I pack a final order and close the studio for the evening. The thunder booms across the threatening skies, but rest assured there is calm beyond the clouds, and magic springs forth, as rainbows reach out across the fields. I hope you enjoyed spending the day with me on the farm. Please give this video a like. See you all at the end of the month for another adventure together. Click the subscribe button to stay updated. For now…… Farewell, dear friends.


  1. I love whatever videos you can put out! They’re all beautiful and warm my heart! Say, I may be behind on watching these or something, but who’s the cute one eyed pup? I had a one eyed pup once, Lily. She went blind, all of a sudden, and then about six months later, she apparently had hit her eye on some thing or scratched her eye and she had to have one of her blind eyes removed. And your little one eyed pup reminded me of her. Thanks again for all you do, Gillian! You are much appreciated and loved!💜🌷

  2. Gillian whatever you need to do to sustain energy, and keep up with your farm and jewelry business is more than fine for us!! What matters is that YOU take care of yourself to prevent burnout! Take it from someone who burnt herself out at both ends, the process to heal is arduous, and long. It's been 7 years and I am still recovering. Self-care is the highest form of self-love you can do for yourself and your family! Your husband and animals need you to be healthy and full of energy. Your followers will survive- what matters is that you don't let yourself down…the rest will take care of itself 💖🤗 Much love and gratitude for all you do and create 💖🌟💖 Take care.

  3. There is so much beauty to see everyday! To see all of God's creation is stunning! The kitties playful ways are an added bonus! They are adorable!! Mr. Pup is a sweetheart!!
    You post a video whenever you want!! I will be here looking forward to it!!! I know you have a lot to do and I understand. I'm so glad I found your channel!!
    Take Care!! God bless!! ❤️❤️

  4. Most selfishly I have to be honest and say I'm going to MISS your weekly videos immensely, it's MY safe space and comfort zone that I soooooo look forward to EVERY week, & it would delight me no end to watch daily videos from your end too, the flora, fauna, Mr. Pup, the kitties and Moo ladies, have become an intrinsic part of our lives, having said that I totally understand where you're coming from, if it's draining you it's just not right.
    Please do take care of yourself. Very good care 💓
    BTW, when you mentioned in your video that you hope to make even better and more mindful videos, I have to tell you, your videos are already the BEST, daily, weekly, or monthly, I don't care but it's the best out of all that we watch.
    Please know that & do remember you've already done a superb job in each & every video you've already provided us with.
    Thank you for the gift of your videos 💝
    P. S. My love and blessings for Mr. Pup, his new girl Tess, and their budding relationship 💕

  5. Don't want you to resent doing videos…two a month makes sense…! Quality not quantity…
    I'll just look forward to them more!!❤

  6. What an absolutely breathtaking video this one is! All the green and your beautiful flowers! And I always enjoy seeing your kitties so very much! Thank you!❤

  7. Self Care is most important to your well being.Twice month videos will be more than enough.Your kitties and Mr.Pup look very happy to be outdoors in the sun shine ,and your flowers 🌷🌹 are so beautiful!!Thank You so much for sharing a day with us!!

  8. Thank you for another dreamy video. You've captured the calming ambience of springtime so well, my attention drifts and my mind wanders off on its own. I'm a fan of Joe Hisaishi and his Ghibli music scores go well overlayed onto your video. The music in the latter part of the video was great as well, it really complemented the scenes. All the best!

  9. Gillian, thank you so much for the videos you do on YouTube. I knew right away from the first video of yours I watched that I was going to love your channel. Every video is of exceptional quality – think this is my favourite one yet! It's obvious you put your heart and soul into everything you do. Even if you only do one video a month that would be brilliant. Take care of yourself Gillian and don't feel bad about letting anyone down. We are lucky to have such an amazing channel to watch. I know this sounds "gushy" but I really mean it. Have a great week and we'll be here fir your next video whenever that is xx 💚🌞🌿🐄🐈🐕💚

  10. When i first found your channel i couldnt believe you could produce such phenominal work each week. Its too much. At twice a month we are all still very blessed to have you. You make our world a better place. Thats sounds alot to put on you but you obviously have been sent here for many purposes and this is one.

  11. Thank you everyone for taking the time to watch my video and leave a lovely comment! As I was taking a bit of a break, the YouTube algorithm is punishing me! Please show this video some love by clicking the thumbs up button, share on social media and press subscribe 🙏🥰💕

  12. How lovely. As a First Nation women, registered with the Navajo tribe of America, I would love to visit your beautiful land, possibly one day. Thank you for taking the time to share I appreciate it immensely.

  13. Dear Gillian, the art you create with your videos should not wear you out. It is not worth it if it is draining you…we would much rather you get as much enjoyment creating as we do watching. Take as much time as you need; regardless of Youtube's dreadful algorithm, we'll be here to watch whenever you feel like posting. This time of year is so busy on the farm. I don't know how you could manage the shop, the studio, the farm, and the videos! Love from my girls and I. <3

  14. Your videos are inspiring and relaxing. I love the fur babies too and of course we all understand about needing a break, it's alot I'm sure. Take care and I await patiently for your next video❤

  15. Just found your videos in my feed. I instantly liked your channel and have subscribed. I love Ireland. I named my youngest son Kevin after the Irish patron saint of birds Saint Kevin. When Kevin died at 31, I knew he had gone to be with the Lord. A wren sang to me day and night and 26 years later this bird sings to me and I talk to it and it signs in answer.
    I know I am going to enjoy your channel. The videos are beautiful and the music so lovely! I am a very big animal lover of all kinds of animals. Seeing your animals gives me a big smile at 79.
    I do understand the need to pace ones self and listen to our body rhythms.

  16. Dearest Gillian, such a beautiful and peace video and your loveable fury friends that always bring such joy and bring us the sunshine through the cloudy days.
    I completely support you fully on monthly videos and do understand 🫂 I will always be here for you my dear and will always look forward to you next video 🥰 such a beautiful Rainbow at the end 🌈 I had written this short saying for you my friend.

    "On rainy days, it feeds the earth. On sunny days, it brings blossoms to our world. When mixed together, they create a Rainbow. "What is at the end of your rainbow? 🌈🪻

  17. I think it is a wise choice to downsize your workload. I watch often in the evenings to quiet down soul, mind and body. We all need to do this. You do an excellent job….thank you.!

  18. I love the colour of the gorse … the tulips … and those cats, they live the life of Riley lol. It is hard work making films, I know. (You make it look easy!). So it is much better to take as much time as you need and your other commitments will allow. We will still be here 🙂 Take care. And thank you ♥♥♥

  19. “Take Care of yourself first, I watch your previous videos at times also. Being a Artist is Very draining!! Especially one as Great as you!🌺☕️🍦🌈🍪🍵🍩🍮🍰🧘‍♀️

  20. Do what is best for you and your wellbeing! On the off weeks I will simply rewatch your older videos! Because truly, they never get ‘old’! Wishing you and your family all the very best!

  21. Hello Gillian the Fairy of Nature ! 😻Bravo for your very beautiful video, your way to show slowly and so marvellous Nature, your eyes know how wonderful she is, I like this longer format because it's richer and I'm feeling more the pleasure of the details !!! So never worry when you are making your videos, you have a lot of things to manage, we all have our own Life and time is going so fast everyday, so as I always wrote, your videos will be welcome and appreciated at any time, be quite quite peaceful in your mind with this !!!!!! The Kitties are soooooo lovely and funny, the "tracteur" from the sky rolling the green fields is very relaxing to watch, your Knight will like it I think, and Nature has grown a lot in your garden, around, it's the same here, it's l'abondance, soooo green and beautiful !!!! I can tell you you are very lucky to have those majestic Trees in your property for you can protect them, they are quite Alive Beings and friends for all reigns, but here some people are quite unconscious about that and destroy them drasticfully…. So there are more and more citizens to protect Trees and Forests, so essential for biodiversity, animal reign, insects, bees, mushrooms, pure water, etc. I'm very interested in protecting what is alive !!! I've heard recently Sadhguru (a spirituel guide in India, on youtube) telling that the worst crime is to be insensitive to the Alive (it means everything alive on Mother Earth) !! ….My best thoughts to all family, enjoy Life, et à bientôt !!!😻😸💝💖💋 Astrid

  22. As always, it's been a pleasure to spend the day with you, Gillian, and your sweet kitties 😻😻😻😻😻 ☘️❤️🌼 Thank you. 🌺 What comes from the heart, goes to the ❤️ heart. You give so much. The creation of your awesome videos shouldn't drain you, but enjoy you. So, yes, please do what is best for you and what makes you happy. ❤️😃 We all are happy to watch them, independent how often you post and how long they are. May you have a happy month of May. 😉💞🥰☘️

  23. Youtube has been around long enough to see how channels evolve and grow. It seems evident to me that when a creator's channel becomes to much of a job and not an enjoyable activity that the content suffers. I love your videos and welcome whatever amount you can happily manage. Here's hoping you and all on the farm continue enjoying a wonderful Spring.

  24. Yet another very grateful subscriber who will be very delighted to watch two videos per month, Gillian. in the meantime, we can all revisit previous videos on a weekly basis, if we’d like. Your videos are absolutely spectacular and like many, I can’t believe you’ve been able to produce them on a weekly basis at all. Thank you so much for what you do. Good luck with the farm and your business.

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