Gardening Supplies

Carrot Cultivation: Patio Container Gardening Guide in 11 Steps

The video demonstrates sowing carrots in pots, sharing steps on how to grow carrots at home in patio containers. First, viewers are advised to buy carrot seeds from a garden supply store and select a container at least 12 inches deep and 18-to-24 inches wide with drainage. They’ll need potting soil, compost, and sand in specific proportions to create a planting mixture. Once gathered, they’re instructed to head to the patio with the supplies and seeds. The video emphasizes checking seed packaging or local advice for optimal planting times, suggesting waiting for temperatures above 55°F (12.78°C). Then, viewers learn to mix the planting supplies, position the container in partial sunlight, plant seeds 2-to-3 inches apart, and fertilize weekly using a compost-infused liquid mixture. Regular watering is crucial to avoid soil dryness. The video also highlights tips like expecting carrots to be ready in 60-to-80 days. The necessary items include carrot seeds, a patio container, gardening shovel, potting soil, compost, sand, shovel, bucket, and water.

how to grow carrots in patio containers gardeners and those wishing to save money on groceries can grow their own carrots even if they don’t have a yard to Gran them in all you need is a patio a few supplies and carrot seeds to produce homegrown carrots the following explains how to grow carrots in patio containers steps one purchase carrot seeds from a garden supply retailer any variety of carrot seeds will suffice two purchase a patio container to grow carrots in and a gardening shovel the container should be at least 12 in 30.48 cm deep to contain the carrots at their full length the container should have a width of at least 18 to 24 in 45.72 to 6096 cm to allow ample room for planting the seeds any type of container will suffice as long as it has drainage three purchase materials to plant the carrot seeds in this should include potting soil compost and sand bu enough of each to make a mixture of 60% potting soil 20% compost and 20% sand for each container four take your seeds gardening shovel patio container and planting supplies to your patio five the packaging for the seeds for information regarding the best time of year to plant them in your area if you are unsure when to plant the seeds ask a fellow Gardener or contact your local garden supply store for this information it should also be available on the internet in general you should wait until the nighttime temperatures in your area consistently remain at more than 55° F 12.78 de C six mix your planting supplies in the patio container seven place the container in an area that receives partial sunlight eight plant the carrot seeds space the carrot seeds 2 to 3 in 5.08 to 7.62 CM apart and 1 4 in 1.27 cm deep use a garden shovel to dig these small holes if necessary cover the seeds with a loose layer of potting soil it is important not to pack the soil as doing so may make it difficult for the carrots to grow nine make a liquid fertilizer add a shovel full of compost to a bucket and fill the rest with water allow the mixture to sit overnight separate the compost from the water retain the water as your liquid fertilizer 10 fertilize the carrots weakly 11 water the carrots regularly the soil should never dry out tips the carrots should be ready to eat in 60 to 80 Days things carrot seeds patio container gardening shovel potting soil compost sand shovel bucket water

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