Gardening Supplies

These Plants BEGGED Me to Buy Them: Unbelievable Finds! |PLANT HAUL

Transform your herb garden into a vibrant sanctuary with must-have plants that promise to elevate your green space! In this video, I dive deep into the essentials that every herb garden enthusiast needs to know. From the irresistibly aromatic Lemon Verbena to the enchanting Lavender Tree, I’ve handpicked each plant to ensure your garden not only thrives but becomes a beacon of beauty and tranquility.

Ready to grow your own lush paradise? Click the link below to grab your guide on the top plants for your herb garden and learn how to keep them flourishing year-round. Plus, don’t miss out on our exclusive garden planning masterclass—download now and save a spot to transform your gardening skills!

Want a beautiful, flourishing garden? Join me as we navigate the joys of container gardening and DIY plant care. Discover secrets to maximizing growth and maintaining vibrant health in your plants. Grab your own must-have herbs today and start creating a garden that’s as bountiful as it is beautiful.

Be sure to click Subscribe and tap the notification bell so you don’t miss any of our green-thumbed adventures. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, every video is packed with tips, tricks, and inspiration to help you and your garden grow!

Thank you for watching, and let’s get planting!


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#AuyannaPlants #TomatoCages #DeterminateTomatoes #TabascoPeppers #ProvenWinners

0:00 – Introduction
2:19 – Lemon Verbena Benefits
5:05 – Growing Shasta Daisies
6:15 – Lavender Tree Care
8:39 – Using Bay Leaves
10:32 – Tomato Gardening Tips
12:22 – Plant Clearance Finds
16:11 – Geum Plant Overview
19:05 – Variegated Pink Lemon Info
21:40 – Conclusion

[Music] so I don’t know who I thought I was fooling but I wasn’t fooling those plants as soon as I walked into the garden center and to Costco honey they stood upright and they said you might as well come on over and you might as well get us because we going home with you today thank you all so much for stopping by today so y’all know in one of the last videos that we did I specifically said everything was going good everything was getting planted as long as I didn’t keep buying plants now I don’t know who I thought I was fooling today it was a great day though it was really really good I was off today I got a very early start now I wanted to be home by a certain time but I was like 3 hours later than what I wanted to be back by but still that’s okay so today let me share with you what I picked up over I would say the last two days here’s the thing though most of these plants that I’m about to show you I know exactly where I’m going to put them often times I will get up get plants and then I just try to figure it out as I go but I’m serious y’all I pretty much know where all of these are going most of them so let’s go ahead and let’s get started so really quickly let me just tell y’all I had this plant stand over by these trees but they are about to get cut down and so I had to do a lot of moving of my plants so that’s why this is like in the middle of the yard and as soon as the trees get cut down I will move them back over there but I’m not going to fill up this stand with plants that I just randomly bring in like I said before a lot of them I know where I’m going to plant and so I’m just going to over the next couple of days go ahead and get them planted some of them are going in the raised beds some of them are going in the herb garden and some of them are going in containers so let’s go ahead and get started but make sure y’all stick around to the end because I want to show you a plant that I picked up that I had heard about about a couple of months ago I’ve never heard of this plant heard about it a couple of months ago in this garden planting master class that I had attended and I looked it up and lo and behold I saw it at the Garden Center and I’m like these will be so pretty they had two different varieties but I only got one and I know exactly exactly where they are going so let’s go ahead and start right here y’all know I love lemon verbina I I love it for my teas I want y’all to look it up yourself the medicinal properties of the te’s but I absolutely love it and I love growing it but this was one of the plants that I left and so I bought four because I want to make sure that I never run out of it and it basically grows about um 3T in height and about 2et wide so I’m going to put these in the herb at least one or two of them in the herb garden that we’re creating and then I also put some in containers but this time I’m going to be very smart and I’m going to take cuting of the lemon verbina because this is not a plant that is really popular here in the Southeast for some odd reason when I’ve gotten it and growed it in the past I’ve actually had to order it online so I’ll make sure that I don’t run out again and here’s the thing we got these from Pike Nursery y’all know this is one of my favorite nurseries in the Atlanta area but we got these from Pike Nursery and here’s the thing about them because I originally went there today I am looking for the trailing Rosemary so I bought some in the fall and evidently they did not um withstand that 13 Dee temperature all of the other rosemaries that I bought did but this one didn’t so I was looking for that to put in the raised garden bed so it could be able to Trail over and I have yet yet to find it but I noticed that when you see different herbs because sometimes they’ll bring these oneof herbs if you see them go ahead and get them their herbs are priced a little higher than the garden center but you do see herbs that you don’t normally see at your big box stores so that’s why I went ahead and got these because I went like maybe 3 weeks ago did not see any lemon verbina and then I went today and they were act actually like it was only a few left so I went ahead and I picked those up okay so Lowe’s is having right now a two for 10 sale and so I got these right here I’ve grown Shasta daisy before it’s such a beautiful plant I’m going to try to find a picture and Flash it up when we’ve grown it before but this variety right here I specifically wanted to get because this is going to go in the front of one of our INR beds so this is the White Lion Shasta Daisy and what I love about it these are perennials but this one doesn’t get very um tall it gets about 8 to 10 in in height and 8 to 12 in in width so it’s going to be one of my lower growing plants that’s going to be in the front and they have some nice blooms and this is what I look for y’all often times when people are in the stores they look for things that are full of Bloom I don’t I like to see the blooms coming like this and like this and like this but I don’t like to see the plants full of blooms and these are ones that I like to dead head so I can make sure that the blooms continue to come now this is my favorite right here and this is from Costco and it is the lavender tree and y’all let me just tell you this when I see these at the big box stores the price is is ridiculous it’s ridiculous and I’m like we not about to do that today um a little bit cheaper right here but what I’m going to do is I am going to put these in a container so these are going to be in a container garden um or they’re going to be in a pot so that if I need to move it around to find the perfect space because I told y’all here in the Southeast you got to watch some of these stores there’s certain type of lavenders that we can grow because lavender does really like a whole bunch of humidity so um I did get some varieties that were bred for the hot and the humid climates of the southeast especially here in Georgia so we’re going to put these um we’re going to put this one in a pot and this is going to be kind of at the beginning of the herb garden and I’m just going to watch it cuz I know it’s going to be beautiful and I know it’s going to be great and I’m going to keep it trimmed up to be this tree formed right here I got this from Costco and they were $22.99 and let me tell you the thing about Costco is when you see them go ahead and get them because they put a lot of the plants inside they don’t have light and they don’t really have water it was only three they had a pink one that looked like this but y’all they look like they was about to check out and I’m like I’m not about to spend $22.99 for a plant that looks like it’s about to check out y’all know I am a clearance buyer when it comes to some plants now I like to buy a lot of plants like on this rack right here I could tell they had just rolled it out when they just rolled it out I’m okay with like the two for 10 I’m okay with playing paying regular price but if you want me to pay regular price the plant better be looking good so it was like three left I took one and then I directed another lady that I saw to where they were I really would have got a pink one but not when it looked like it was about to check out so we’re going to put those in pots and then we are going to grow this this is going to be so pretty like right at the herb garden I can already tell it so here is another find from Pike Nursery and this is the bay leaf now I’m not going to keep talking about the old Garden y’all this is probably going to be the last video where you hear me talking about the old Garden because we going to get ready to recreate this and this is going to be the beautiful garden right here but this was one of the plants that I left and when it comes to bay leaf I don’t use bay leaf a lot but I do use it in a lot of soups and stews so we’re going to put these in a pot because here’s the thing I ordered a small 4 in uh bay leaf 4 in it was in a 4 in pot when it arrived and it didn’t make it when it got down to 13 now this tag right here so this is the Sweet Bay by Monrovia it does say hardiness zones 8 to 10 and it says down to 10 to 20 10 to 20 this grows really as a tree but again I don’t use bay leaf like that so we’re going to put these in containers just in case I need to move it then I can do just that but look at the new growth on here already this wasn’t here when I got it like none of the new growth so we’re going to put these in a pot as well and we’re GNA put this in the herb garden too the herb garden is just going to be phenomenal everything you can think of is going to be in the herb garden okay so make sure you stick around because I’m almost at the plant where I just saw this like for the first time in I don’t know how many years and I’ve never seen it here in Georgia so I want y’all to let me know if you’ve seen it but again Lowe’s has a sale finally they got they got some of their plants uh three for 10 no I didn’t need to pick any up honey but I just felt like I needed to patronize Lowe’s this weekend so I said you know what let me go ahead and get even more Tomatoes although I planted um about 40 from seed but let me go ahead and get some more but these right here y’all let me let me tell you my thought process with this um these are actually in no determinant determinant Tomatoes okay determinant and I got these because determinate means that they put on uh most of their crop all at once and then that’s it so I figure okay go ahead and put on all your tomatoes and then we can go ahead and pull it up and replace it with something else now the tomatoes that we’ve planted thus far those are indeterminant so that means that they’re going to keep growing until like frost or the first killing Frost but the two type of tomatoes that I picked up um were and one of them said it was for heat too I was I was sitting there reading one of it said it was like for heat and it it you know is great so we got two different type of determinants which means I have some tomato cages so with my normally with the determinant I use the tomato cages if I have indeterminant that’s when I’ll start trellising or using like a very very tall cage um one of the tomatoes that we just planted I think that has to be the tomato cage has to be about seven feet and I think that the tag said it gets about six to seven feet but these are determinant did I need 12 hey the more the marrier we’re going to share we’re going to share uh everything throughout our garden with family and friends so yes I did and then I’m also going to make some sauce one of these were good for sauces I think it was this one and then I’m also going to freeze some so we we going to have something to do with it for sure and so I also picked up some pepper plants yeah I started some peppers from from seed as as well but this Mad Hatter right here I just like the shape of the I hope y’all can see it uh I like the shape of these Peppers but these are not it says matad Hatter but they’re actually a sweet pepper it’s not hot although mad you think hot this is the sweet variety I do think they have one that has a little bit of heat to it but just like I showed y’all in another video I’m going to top this off um instead of growing straight up y’all know I like to top off my Peppers um we also picked up a giant Marone sweet pepper right here so we’re going to top those off as well I went ahead and picked this one up right here this is a burpless bush tomato so it’s a bushy one but I said it’s at least two in here I saw some with like three but they didn’t look very healthy so we at least got two we’ll split them in half and plant those and then y’all know I love I put a little little bit and my family loves pepper sauce so we went ahead and got some Tabasco Peppers because we’re going to make like a a pepper sauce with these that you can put over your greens um and so that’s what we’re going to do with this and find somewhere to plant it what I tell you y’all about stuff this was clearance and I bought some more clearance plants I’m not going to show you the other ones that I bought I’m going to put up a video or a short to show you how they look I trimmed them up they’re perennials they’re perennials but a lot of people turned their nose up at the guarden center as they was passing by they turned their nose up at those plants but I knew I’m going just tell y’all and I’m not sponsor I always tell you I’m not sponsor I don’t mind paying the price for proven winter plants now these were on clearance and they didn’t look this good but y’all we got the most amazing round the other day and you see how they perk back up I’m like nothing’s wrong with these plants they might need a little dead head and a little trimming but it’s like a old house that has good bones people don’t see it and they look past the beauty but I saw it honey after that rain look how these blooms start coming out okay this is the Lemon slice right here lemon slice I’m going to put these in containers caliber coas do do better in containers um in my experience and in the past now if you want the super Tunas you can put those in the ground they do amazing too but the calibra coas really in my opinion I like to grow them in containers and I have some white containers that I’m going to put them in because I think they’re just absolutely going to go really beautiful whether I plant them apart or together but these were on clearance but again y’all go ahead and subscribe I’m not going to show you yet cuz I got to put the wood chips on here um but I got three of them and I’m telling y’all people were just just walking on by but I said they’re perennials Proven Winners has a good reputations and I know that these plants are going to come uh back and just with that rain I can already see that they’re going to flourish they just needed a little bit of deadheading a little bit of talking to a little bit of love but again hit the Subscribe button because I’m going to show y’all once they come up in this Garden once I put those wood chips on you will never know that they were clearance [Music] plants so I’m going to step back a little bit because these are called gy geu M and again when I attended a garden planning Master Class the lady spoke about them I had never heard of them before but they are really pretty these are Red Dragon Gem but you see the color variation so I’m thinking that it maybe starts off as like a orange color and then maybe go to a red color but they also had another type I think it was like Miss Margaret Miss margarit I don’t know but it it looked the same the only difference was it was a little bit wider and taller these get uh 24 in in height and 12 in in width it is perennial but look at the cold heartedness on here like -10 to 20 you shouldn’t I I shouldn’t have any problems okay and so I thought that these would look really pretty with these summer colors of the bell peppers of the tomatoes of the squash I’m thinking this is going to go grow amazing in here and then like the lady was saying on the master class they kind of have like a flowy uh type thing so I can just imagine once all of these blooms start to um flourish they will be so pretty I’m going to put them in ground and I think I’m going to put them where we have have our squash um that we’ve started or maybe our cucumbers I think this would be a beautiful combination with this but again put it down in the comments if you’ve ever grown or heard of this plant before because I didn’t and this is how I know is something new in my area because people were it was like three people that said what is that plant right there like I had three of them in the cart I started to get six but I said Slow Down slow down plant what you got you know where to come and find it if you need more slow you roll so three people asked me what are those plant and I heard the guy behind me he didn’t want to ask he was talking to his wife he was like what are those and the lady was like I don’t know and so she finally asked me and so um I think that they’re going to be pretty uh the leaf variation is different on here but I already know where I’m going to put them and I just feel like they’re just going to to be some floating flowers that’s really going to stand out once you enter the garden really quickly before we go here’s one that they got now they got me with this one y’all they straight up got me with this one um I’ve seen some at Lowe’s and I saw some at Tractor Supply but I didn’t see the pink variegated lemon I’ve seen the banana the kumquat the lime the uh Meer lemon happen to run up on tractor Supply and I was like this is what I have been wanting variegated pink lemon my dad grew it on his patio and it is just so pretty I think I shared a video with y’all maybe a year or a year and a half or a couple years ago where I actually bought some back from his house and it was just it was really pretty and I love the variegation of the leaves now let me get to the part to how they got me so y’all I have looked all on here pink lemon key lime okay so I looked all Let me watch them I looked all on here I’m looking at the bottom I’m saying to myself it can’t be no more let me see can’t be no more than like $1 199.99 you know it’s a small one stem plant and so they have some other Citrus at the big box stores but they were like $33 $34 I’m like oh this is small this is a patio tree it can’t be that much and I looked and I looked at the tags see this is how they got me this is how they got me they didn’t get me I let them get me I let them get me y’all um $33 $33 I was like I wanted to put it back but I kept looking at the leaves I just kept looking at the leaves and I say this is going to be phenomenal okay so that’s how we gonna do that that’s how we’re gonna think about it like that but they did get me uh it grows up to 2 to 14 feet tall and it can be moved indoors but yeah if these leaves didn’t look like this I probably would have said you could take that off you could take it off but I went to two other different lows and it this one was hard to find so I don’t know if like they only have one or two like in the whole shipment and people are just picking it up and then I went online like I even went online and they’re around the same price so I just said you know what take one for the team make sure you keep this up this one we can Will inside if it gets too cold um but it’s just the leaves the leaves got me so I hope this video was helpful for y’all I’m super excited for you to see us get this Garden planted it’s really going to be beautiful and I hope you follow us along on the journey so as always thank you all so much for watching this video make sure you share this video with your family and your friends and if you’re not a subscriber go ahead tap the Subscribe button make sure you tap the Bell so that you can receive notification each and every time we upload a new video again thank you all so so much for watching and until the next video [Music] bye-bye now


  1. I bought the same pink variegated lemon from Lowes 2 years ago. It was about $27 . I thought it died in the freeze we had Christmas before last. I was gonna throw it away but it had lots of good roots. I left it alone and in the spring, a green sprout came up. Now it's a nice sized plant, but hasn't bloomed yet.

  2. I keep trying to convince my neighbors that whenever I go to Lowe's on Friday (when their weekend plant clearance starts) plants just "fall into my cart". But at 50% or 75% off that's why they enjoy seeing my garden, and I do share when I propagate things.

  3. Omg!!! You sound like me🤦🏾‍♀️. I have so much to plant, yet I keep buying them. I have found so many great clearance plants from Lowe’s. I’ve been collecting to create new island flower beds in my front yard. 🥰

  4. Hello, the Grower's Outlet still has some trailing rosemary – 1gal for $7. I just saw them 3 days ago.

  5. I have heard of geum by watching other U tubers, yet haven't grown them yet .
    If you know where you are going to put something, that is the only justification you need to purchase , right ? 😉
    Thank you for sharing your haul. 🤩

  6. Every time I watch your videos I'm glad to hear I am not alone. I have an addiction to plants. I have plants I haven't put in the ground and I am buying new plants. Lol

  7. Growing geums in my perennial garden bed for years and comes back faithful every time. They have different colors but I really love the orange ones best. They are really beautiful. Nice plants ❤

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