
Passionate Gardener: How to Pruning and Propagation of Blackcurrent Plant | Tricks, Tips and Care

Welcome Passionate Gardener! In this video, we delve into the fascinating world of blackcurrant plants. Join us as we explore the essential techniques of pruning and propagation to ensure healthy growth and bountiful harvests.

Pruning blackcurrant plants is a crucial task to remove old, diseased, or overcrowded branches, promoting better airflow and sunlight penetration. Our expert tips and tricks will guide you through the process, empowering you to master the art of pruning like a pro.

Propagation is another key aspect of blackcurrant care, allowing you to expand your garden with ease. Learn the best methods for propagating blackcurrant plants from cuttings, ensuring success and sustainability in your gardening endeavors.

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener seeking to refine your skills or a beginner eager to learn, this video is packed with valuable insights and practical advice to help you achieve gardening success. Watch now and embark on a journey of growth, knowledge, and passion with us!

Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more gardening tips, tricks, and inspiration. Happy gardening!

0:00 – Introduction to Pruning and Propagation of Blackcurrent plant
0:17 – Importance of Pruning
0:37 – Tools and Equipment
0:51 – Pruning Techniques and Tips
2:00 – Propagate Blackcurrent Plants from Cutting
2:18 – Propagation Step 1 Selection
2:38 – Propagation Step 2 Planting
2:57 – Propagation Step 3 Water and Placement
3:15 – Conclusion of Pruning and Propagation of Blackcurrent plant

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hello and welcome back passionate Gardener! Today we are going to talk about crucial aspect of growing blackcurrant plants pruning proper pruning not only encourage Healthy Growth but also encourage fruit production. Join me as we dive into the world of pruning Blackcurrant plants let’s get started before we begin pruning let’s understand why it’s essential pruning blackcurrant plants help to remove old diseased and overgrown branches allow sunlight and air to penetrate the plant this promote better fruit development improve air flow and reduce the risk of diseases let’s gather our tools first we need a pair of gloves and a cutting shares or hand cutter make sure your cutting tools are sharp to make a clean cut Blackcurrant fruits best on strong young growth made in previous few years. First of all we’ll try to prune those branches which are at least 3 to 4 years old or damaged or crossing branches the simple tips is cut out up to a third of older steams down at the base. This Blackcurrant plant is 4 years old so this has around 9 10 branches and my aim is to cut down at least three branches from this plant you can identify all branches from its color the older they are the darker they will be. Removing this older going to encourage more new steams from the base if you see new coming Buds coming from base or see some visible Buds upward facing try to cut just above it keep the new growth. Remember those new growths going to be give you fruits from next year onwards and will give lot of fruits for several years. cut the branches which is crossover and touches the other branches. done with the pruning and you can see there are little shoots already coming from the base. Blackcurrant can be easily propagated from hardwood cutting that we got post pruning the Blackcurrant plant. cutting does not need any special treatment all they need to take root in well drainage soil in a sheltered border or Cold Frame you could even propagate them in a pot from the steams you have removed from the bush. cut a section around 20 to 30 cm long like as thick as pencil ensure there is a bud at both the top and bottom of the the cuttings and remember which is is the top end aim to have five to six bird at least per cuting I am planting in a pot with multi-purpose compost f in it simply insert your cuttings the right way up make sure at least two birds are under the soil surface firm the cuttings gently by hand this will reduce any movement and improving the routing. Now water them well to soak the soil properly make sure the soils are moist in the dry days especially during the summer. Place the pot in a shady area where there’s no direct full sunlight and in few months time the steam should start rooting. Congratulations! You have mastered the art of pruning Blackcurrant plants as well as propagate new plants from cutting, with proper pruning and Care your Blackcurrant bushes will reward you with a Bountiful Harvest of delicious berries and by propagating new plants you will get lot new plants for the next year you found this video helpful don’t forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel for more gardening tips happy gardening passionate gardener

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