Plant Propagation

Monstera water prop- am I doing this right?

I proped my monstera around a month ago. I have 3 props going each with nodes. 1 has 2 leaves and a baby leaf and is going really well! Developed a few inches of roots overall, some new from the main stem and also aerial roots has branched out. My other 2 props are each 1 leaf and 1 node. These don't look like they've really changed at all. I'm noticing the tips of the leaves are going a bit brown and dried out and compared toy he first prop the leaves on these other 2 look quite a bit darker. A bit confused how 1 is doing so well and the other 2 are just stagnant. It is a bigger prop with 2 and one soon to be leaves compared to 1 leaf but otherwise they are both in tap water and in the same spot. Just a different vase

Atm they are all just in straight tap water and have a devils ivy cutting in there as well. I've read adding honey or water plant fertiliser can help too… Anyone have any general tips or tried either of these water additions?

I've been trying to leave them alone but worried they are "starving" of nutrients and that's why the tips are appearing burnt/dried out.

by Agreeable_Way6836


  1. SunShineFLGrl22

    Looks great! Get some length on those roots and pot it up. Super healthy roots.

  2. JulieTheChicagoKid

    Looking good. I usually let mine root for around 6 months. If I’m lazy they’ve stayed in water for 12 months. I do not change water, just add as needed.

  3. Massive_Industry_761

    I grow mine in my aquariums, they like to reach pretty far. Give them tons of room, they are BIG plants.

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