Plant Propagation

Is there even the slightest chance that I can save this Pachira by ‘propagating’ it?

TL,DR: Pachira grew at a funny angle, apparently it was severely damaged but still managed to stay green for months. Can it be saved, and if yes, how?

I may or may not have neglected this Pachira for too long. It was inside my ball python's bioactive and while I did notice it was growing at a funny angle a couple of months ago, it still looked pretty healthy from afar. Today I decided to finally take it out and was honestly shocked by how damaged it actually is. How on earth it had still managed to stay green baffled me.

Enough background information; can I save this Pachira by 'propagating' it (i.e. cutting at the red and orange lines, discarding the dead part and keeping the other two parts)? Follow-up question: soil or water? And if this won't work, how else can I try to keep it alive?

Lots of questions, sorry. I'd really appreciate your help. Thanks in advance 🙂

by Sessa107

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