Vegetable Gardening

Vegetable Gardening – Zone 6 – Early Spring Garden Tour – Planting Onions and Broccoli – 4/29/2024

We’re very excited to get to work in our garden. Today we start getting the garden ready. We plant our 2nd & 3rd beds of onions and our first Brassica bed of Broccoli – Cauliflower – Kohlrabi. Thanks for watching, Dawn & Tom

My husband is a contractor, so you may see us doing things a little different and using some of our construction tools in the garden.

Our zone 6 vegetable garden is set up using the Elliot Coleman method of 30 inch wide beds with 18 inch wide walking paths. The beds have been in these locations for almost 15 years. We just rotate crops and amend the soil as needed. Thanks to books like The Winter Harvest Handbook and The Market Gardener. Plus, with the use of our hoop house and covering beds we garden as close to year round as we can. We rely heavily on tee posts, Hortonova FA trellis netting and we plant as much as we can in landscape weed fabric.

Dixondale farms –
The weed fabric we use –

Music from Epidemic Sound:

00:00 Intro
00:55 Onions – bed prep, making weed fabric and planting
07:13 Planting Broccoli, Cauliflower & Kohlrabi
09:04 Quick garden tour

#gardenharvest #vegetables #potatoes #dehydrating #canningandpreserving #vegetablegarden #flowers #zone6gardening #NewJerseygardening #jerseystrong #gardentour #growingfood #summerharvest #preservingfood #broccoli #onions #tomatoes #peas #strawberries #garlic #peppers #weedfabric #springgarden #howto

hello and Happy Spring it’s finally here uh my name is Dawn I’m in zone six welcome back to the Garden if you weren’t here last year welcome I have a lot of things to get done I have a lot of beds to get ready we have to root to till some beds we have to plant some onions we have we put paper down the fabric for our bed so we have to get some of that prepared we’re going to be Planting onions and broccoli and and uh so after we get all those things planted I’ll take a little tour around the garden show you what we did today show you what we’re going to be doing in the next couple days and next few weeks and then uh I’m sure everybody’s in the same boat trying to get your garden all set up for the spring and get everything planted so uh hope you enjoy the video Tom’s doing a quick roota till of the bed over here this is a bed we put in last year we’re going to move one of the onions over here this year we had them on the other side of the garden but we put the garlic here in a fall and it’s doing very well so we’re getting ready to plant onions today and we need some more Fabric and I put my onions and fabric uh also my lettuce and my garlic is in the same size fabric so here we’re doing two new ones we use an old piece of fabric for the template we use a torch and a piece of this stove pipe and then we just burn holes in it very fast very easy and a 6-in spacing if we wanted bigger holes we would turn this pipe around we have another one and then we have a larger one yet that we do tomatoes and other [Music] things so that’s basically how fast it is I wear a welding glove cuz it does get hot so if you’re going to do this make sure you have a good glove then there’s like no weeding for the onions which is awesome so they don’t compete against the weeds and you get much bigger onions and then to separate them you just pull it they stick together first cuz they’re a little burnt together but once they’re apart then you have two separate papers and and we do two at a time because uh three seems to not do as well for cutting through all three so we do two at a time and last year I planted extra onions and then I planted garlic in a fall so we just needed an extra paper for the garlic and if you’re going to do one you may as well do two then you have it you just fold it up and I put it in my [Music] bin all right so Tom did a quick roota till on this bed I got plenty okay I don’t have enough at all right about there take a little more if you want yeah right there all right you got three [Music] staples and then Tom will just take the roller and go over it just makes the uh dirt a little farmer for when I plant see now this bed’s all ready for plant I’ll get my onions in here and garlic is looking nice planted that last fall so now that Tom got the bed all root CH we got the plastic on I’m going to plant my onions in this bed I’m planting all Patterson these are a storing onion and uh so I get them from dixondale uh Onion Farm and they come and they’re amazing and I separate them and I get them all nice and uh trimmed I trim the tops off and I get them sized so I get the biggest ones first and I plant all the biggest ones and I go down from there so I’ll show you my steps what I do is I take the onions and I like to place them all on the ground first then I’m not moving anything so I just drop an onion right by each hole if I get a couple extra down there that’s fine I’ll pick them up but that way they’re down there I have to keep moving everything I can just plant real fast and this bed’s easy since I’m just doing one type I planted a bed last week and I have four types in there all right so I got them all laid out now I just got a plan so now I just stick them in I stick them into about my knuckle so I go about here you don’t want to plant them too deep and you want to put the dirt firm around them so they stand yeah so that’s how fast it is and I know it’s a little more work putting a plastic down but is well worth it to me not to have to weed this and uh I’ll probably put a piece of two foot here anywhere where I can I’ll put the fabric and then it saves me so much weed whacking time cuz I like to do other things other than Garden too so you don’t want to spend all your time in the garden weeding Remy Remy Remy okay I got to plant onions Remy I’m just working on the last couple and here’s a look at what they look like so in a few weeks they should really start to grow like I said I cut the tops off when I get them and uh dixondale farms for onions is amazing um the other thing I didn’t say is that it’s always free shipping and the more bundles you buy the cheaper it is and they’re really good quality onions all right so it’s pretty late we just ate dinner I think I have enough time to plant some broccoli and cauliflower so I just took my broccoli and cauliflower out of this I also have some kabi here I put the kabi in a center of when I’m planting this so this is my broccoli and I’ll put them in each hole and in the center here I will plant kabi I’ve done that many times in the past if you’ve seen my video from last year so I have everything all set up how I want it so here’s my karabi let’s put that down here too so the karabi grows really fast before the broccoli gets big so there’s plenty of time to grow it in between the broccoli and what I do is I take compost and I put compost in each hole as I plant them so make sure there’s no weeds put the compost and [Music] then put it in just like that then it gets a good dose of nice composted soil on top so the nutrients will go into the soil see once the fabric is here these broccoli we had broccoli here last year we rotate every 2 to 3 years so this year is fine to put these in again having the fabric here with the holes in it I know exactly where my spacing is that I want really cut down on Weeds I’m going to show you around the garden it’s spring it needs a lot of work yet but I’ll show you what’s starting to grow what we just planted and what we’re going to be planting soon all right so this is a bed of onions I put in a week ago and today I put in this bed of onions and the bunching onions in front here are some of my snap peas they’re just starting to trell us up the weather’s been crazy it’s been really hot and then it gets cold so we’ll see how they work I’ll take you over here and Tom Rota tilled the potatoes we’re going to be planting those tomorrow also tomorrow I’m going to be planting in uh paper I do my lettuce so I have some lettuce and some Choy I’m going to be planting in here but that will be on the next video here’s a look at the strawberries I planted these last spring they’re doing pretty good they’re starting to really fill in and these are the June bearing and these are the ever bearing these are my herbs from last year now a lot of these spread out of the bed I’m just going to leave them like that until they’re done because they’re a June bearing so as soon as they’re done I’ll dig them up and I’ll put them somewhere else we planted these onions today this is just Patterson these are garlic and I planted them in November I have a little video I’m going to put up of us planting them they look really [Music] [Applause] nice then over here today we planted the broccoli and cauliflower and I put karabi in the center so here’s a look at these I have four or five different kinds of broccoli two different kinds of karabi so here’s a look at everything I plant I have flowers Dill chamomile herbs lettuce I have a couple Tomatoes those are different ones that I’ve never planted you’re supposed to get early Tomatoes I’m going to be planting them tomorrow but these tomatoes they don’t get planted for a couple weeks same with the peppers and the sunflowers right there I like to get them outside and then we bring them in in the greenhouse in the nighttime I already brought in my Peppers these are my regular bell peppers and sweet peppers and some eggplants and Greenhouse is pretty much done we’ve had such hot weather that everything’s just started to bolt so that is the last of my lettuce and the kale is bolting already my Swiss Shard looks good though this is looking really nice I have some more to put outside and I have three little celeries over there and they’re doing nicely so uh yeah I have to get this cleaned up but for now we just put all our transplants in here and we just wheel them in at night that way we keep them nice and safe it’s still been chilly the other things on the court out here I just leave out here they’ve been outside for a week now so they’re fine so thanks for watching and I’ll see you in a couple days when we do our potatoes and our lettuce bye-bye [Music]


  1. Do you have a video on how you build the fencing around your garden ?I'm curious if you have electric fencing on your wires to prevent deer and other critters getting in.

  2. I’m so tired of these zones and first/last frost dates. It took me a decade to finally realize they are completely useless. If I plant out anytime before 8 weeks after my ‘average last frost’, I’m being foolish.
    Plants don’t grow we in windy cold weather, so what’s point?
    I wasted a lot of time a money acting on recommendations based on my zone.
    Also, global warming is a complete myth. I’ve been betting unsuccessfully that spring will arrive on time or early for the last decade and lost every. single. season.

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