Garden Plans



Hey guys!
Welcome back to my channel and to a very exciting video. We are finally starting our garden makeover and I am so excited to share with you the progress.

I have linked everything featured below, part two is coming very soon.

Big love,
Luke x

Wickes sleepers:—100-x-150-x-1200mm/p/189227
Previous garden plans video:






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what could possibly go wrong look at how much mud there is is it rolling what hello everyone good morning and welcome to episode one of garden transformation Vlog episode but something tells me I’m not going to get it all done in one day part one episode one whatever you want to call it essentially breakdown one breakdown one so in today’s video we’re going to be tackling our garden now this Garden hasn’t really been touched aside from basic maintenance and when I say basic maintenance streamming all we’ve done um since we’ve got keys in October last year so today can I just address something about the streamming as well CU I think there’s been a misconception online about the streaming people seem you’re already starting you’re already getting just because I feel like people have thought that we’ve opted to STM our grass we can’t lawn we can’t put a lawn mower on it because it it’s that higgledy piggledy so it’s uneven basically and obviously the blades of a more you can raise the wheels yeah it’s a very uneven lawn so in today’s video I’m going to insert some footage prior to this of plans where I’m going to talk through what we’re going to be doing but okay so these are the garden plans that we’re working with I’ve split the page down the middle so we’re going to go half is kind of like a rough sketch and half is an aerial view so this is not a scale but essentially this is where our house is at the moment this is like the side return piece here we were on and iring about what we’re going to do with this space so that’s for another time but obviously this is where we’ve got the box planter at the moment and then from here on in is just grass so this is what we’re planning on doing so we’re going to gravel around um 12 ft which is two fence panels worth of distance and then we’re going to add four lots of Timber sleepers on this side we’re going to do some kind of raised bed got a lovely L shaped set on order which is going to be coming in a couple of weeks time and then this is going to be a dug border and then this is the grass so we’re going to corner off well essentially Circle off the coner tree with some more um privacy plant in here so maybe like some lovely um Cherry Laurel trees or something nice and essentially lots of green growth and then adding a garden path to lead further down into the garden which we haven’t thought about yet but we’re going to do some kind of like pagola situation here and then took the shed behind so that’s the like aial View and then this is kind of like a rough sketch so this is probably going to be more visual for you guys to see so this is the PED area that we have at the moment with our little seatan um dining set these are going to be the rear beds so we’re going to get these made with Timber sleep ERS going to be painting the fence black with lots of greenery planted here more Greenery along this side and then lots of privacy Greenery here too this is the set and then that is the tree which is kind of like cornered off with just some regular um lower fence panels not fence panels but you know you get the gist of it so yeah this is the this is the rough plan um so if we can have something that’s going to look like this once we finish then that’s going to be a job well done but I’m very hopeful that we can achieve this all probably not going to happen at once but I think the end result will be brilliant we’re going to be doing essentially the largest part of the labor today so so we were quartered by a very nice Gardener and 1,250 plus VT to level our garden um dig out sorry I’m just putting my boots on that’s what I’m doing underneath the table um dig out obviously the asurf that we’ve had laid and put some shingle down which is basically like gravel um and obviously that you know is a price for a landscape Garder we don’t really have that money so we’re going to try and Tackle ourselves and I say the word try because we are not gardeners we’re not professionals but we have a vision and I think with a bit of graft and hopefully minimal back pin God loves a Trier we’ve worked out so far with materials which we’ll still need more it’s cheaper for us to do this and both go and get a professional back massage than it is in garders yeah and that’s not that’s I know there’s going to be people who have gardeners as friends partners and that’s not saying the gardeners aren’t amazing because we’re going to have to enlist gardeners for some parts of our cheap for the work we’re cheaping that it was actually more affordable than we thought but we’re trying to save and do what we can where we can where we can um hence while we did the door we can take things up until a certain point and then elist professionals from there so we’ve got a spar each and we’re just going to start I’m so nervous so am I the fact that we both really can’t 100% breathe right now yeah we’re doing this when we’re very very sick both of us have well I’ve got quite a fresh cords are is on the back of the cord look how much that cherry La Laurel is can you just call it a tree every time you name the plants find that I’m playing my I spine it’s not a tree though it’s it’s a plant oh that’s a cherry laurel okay we make a gardener over here anyway um we’re going to finish our coffees boots are on I’ve got my flower mug to get me in the mood what could possibly go wrong So the plan is we’re going to be digging up until this point here so we’ve already dug out essentially where we were going to mark and we’ve got the sleepers I’m going to put them all the way along here we’re going to wood treat the sleepers before they go on the ground and then yeah all of this is going to be dug up and leveled now we don’t know what we’re going to find into this we’re expecting to bump into things like this which is solid concrete so I don’t know how we’re going to work around that we might need to attack that with some kind of hammer or something to try and get it out but hopefully by the end of today this will be leveled to the best of our ability so need to go into the shed and get some tools into the shed of Doom we go this shed is also um I mean it’s as tidy as I can possibly get it but yeah we will be changing sheds momentarily so we need gardening gloves which are here grab those two and then we need string because we’re going to be markering out where we’re going to be going it’s going well okay so we’re going to use these pegs which we ordered off of Amazon we’re going to use those for the weed screening but also we’re going to use some rope and we’re going to essentially get a nice straight line from the fence panel which is over here nice and straight all the way along with a level to the other side so we know that we need to Edge it out so that is going to be job number [Music] one I get a little bit breathless my thoughts are too big can I get some comfort please I guess should have been honest a break to my heart it’s raining down baby a river that’s over soon know okay we’ve just pulled up the piece of faster tur so there is no going back now there was just a random strip of it here so Zara is now doing the EDG in and then there is L nothing left to do but just dig and when I say dig we’re going to have to dig real deep essentially it needs to be to the depth of of the flag stores here so all of this has to be leveled we do have a leveler which we have been very kindly donated by Zara’s parents which we will be giving them back but we have to do it this week yes they need it back they need it back yeah of course the girls are helping let speak the truth I know you don’t want to face it you think it’s too late but I can see past the rain won’t you lay it on me turn the B and bur so we’ve just found some old like paven slabs under the grass and we actually did need to get imp pavement Labs basically to create like a walkway to the back of the garden and literally they’re right there oh my goodness actually better doing your hands are really getting your hands under it there you go there we go look at that what go on that’s two so far oh that one’s bit damaged but that’s okay we’ve done that really bad thing where we’ve sat down and now I just don’t want to get back up I want to know how long it takes for the energy of a banana to kick in I know I know we’ve had coffees we’ve had bananas I’m currently looking at the Garden I know it has to get worse before it gets better but oh my God Mikey just blend in with the black Rubble bags hello down there you know what’s really funny is these dogs are really good at digging sand in gardens when you don’t want them to the minute we actually need to enlist help they couldn’t look lazier they’re basking in the sun basking in the sun there is so much grass over there that they can sit on as well but Maggie has choosing to sit on the one patch of grass right there so yeah this is progress we’ve got all of the pav flags that we’ve just dug up over there there are 10 there was 11 in total but one actually cracked in the ground so that’s fine but um yeah progress is being made slowly but surely fire on the beach with the Stars as our [Music] lighter hang on when did we start this uh exactly 4 hours ago what point ask we have been digging and breing 1,500 calories 4 hours straight guys 4 hours let me show you this pile of mud look at how much mud there is this is literally going to be a nightmare to get out into the front but anyway Mar’s been here and she’s been helping with SAR and we’ve just had this lovely little wall built around the tree as well so we um we use these from hor bargain and we just Ed some pegs on the other side kind like secure it in we’re going to dig all that up I’ve just CLI back the tree and yeah it looks amazing we do need to grab some more we only got three I think we maybe need like another probably another three for this side but yeah that’s going to be so nice when it’s done now we’ve just got this pile to deal with okay it is day two of project garden and the foxes have been in last night which is really helpful we made really good progress and um they’ve only just taken the guideline off it’s fine they’ve somehow unpicked this and then I traced around I think they were having fun last night hence how all this is now a little bit trashed but that will grow back I’m sure the aim of today is to carry on leveling this out and digging it and then um we’re going to get the weed membrane down just so the dogs on trips in the mud in and out the house because cuz that is also an issue we’ve had to face constantly cleaning their P their paws and the floor but yeah I’m really proud of what we achieved yesterday I feel like this is a bigger job than we’re anticipating but we’ve done well good girl Ivy so yeah we need to try and reinstate the boundary again with the raw yeah they’ve had a real good time with this right so we’ve officially dug until we can’t dig anymore and Zara’s Now using a rick to kind of like um distribute the soil as evenly as we can just to give you an Insight this is everything that we’ve dug up from our garden so there’s bricks terra cotta um we’ve had spoons stores rocks everything we also dug up all of these um P Stones tree branches like I would honestly say we’ve dug so much of including I don’t even know if I sure this yesterday that huge slab of industrial concrete so yeah sar’s just raking about now and then raking about look going to go I’m going to go get the leveler [Music] I think I’ve got it the wrong way around is it rolling what does it roll does it roll no so is that the idea maybe you just drag it surely not call my mom morning so we just rang up as Mom oh my God it all hell Ms like this is the thing we would never know and now we’ve just learned something if your outdoor appliances are like sorry your outdoor appliances are a bit Rusty and you don’t have um what’s it WD40 washing up liquid or cooking oil or cooking oil something that’s a little bit greasy so s momam thank you we’ve now got movement in the roller just it’s um it’s rolling it’s just incredibly hard this is filled with water it’s so heavy but it is working I think we’ve both got to that stage so like we’re kind of over it yeah like I’m going to say something now like I fully understand why things cost what they do can I say if I were a gardener I would quote three times this because I don’t know how that was cheap cuz this is hell and we haven’t even done the hardest bit yet like dragging all that through our house we don’t even have a wheelbarrow have you shown the sheer volume of that it’s actually not funny like all of that my car do you know what though one like standing here again and now that’s not grass it does look so much nicer once once the storms are down yeah let’s start just knocking down walls use the off Cuts okay guys this is hard this is a lot harder than we anticipated I’m not going to lie yeah so we’ just been everything hurts we’ve just been to the skip to take the some of the waste land so we have to drag all of the bags through the house then we had to go to BQ to get wood chippens for the tree then we had to get more cotwell Stone and the cotwell stor is really cheap in home bargain but they only do it in bags so we really need like a large ton one they’re really expensive to get delivered so we’re going to work on that so we’re just applying weed killer now to the ground and then we’re going to get the weed suppressant rolled out cut slug repellent s repellent weed repellent repellent I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore basically it’s going to cover it all in um cuz obviously we’ve rolled it now it’s nice and level and then we are ready to um essentially level it off and then the girls can come out cuz we feel bad we’ve kept them inside just obviously they don’t trips the mud through the house but obviously we’ve still got all this to contend with right slug repellent is down we have weed killer down now we’re going to go in with the weed suppressant or the big roll Zar bought two rolls of this and we just got a third in home bargain just in case well the one I’ve put in the Home Bargains is just a l b one oh yes so we’re going to actually put that around Tre just before the bar goes on [Music] top Okay so we’ve got the sleepers out now these are going to be um put with some wood sealer on them just obviously sorry I’ve got to Sweet in my mouth that’s what that sound is um so yeah we’re going to Prime these with wood sealing and then lay them at the back and then drill them in and then do a second Court once we leave them to dry and do the gravel Edge as well I ordered this gravel edge off of Amazon we’ve never used it before but I think you literally just tack it in and cut how much you need so we obviously going to use that on that side and that side too that side’s larger because we’ve decided we’re going to get the um rear block Planters so that’s why we left a bigger Gap there and all of that is SL repellent along the sides okay so the sleepers are in they’re not entirely level at the moment but what I’m going to do is drill them together and Bash them down with a hammer so they are fully have dug and massive trench underneath there as well so they’re in oh that plastic bag I’ll go grab that they’ve been wood treated as well so that’s good zarus has gone along with the gravel Edge so she has literally just added all of the gravel edge here so when the gravel goes in it will stay up to that side and then um yeah obviously we’ve got the borders on each side for when we’re going to do the rise Planters the time has come unveil the gravel so this is cotswald stor from horn bargain and it was $499 a bag right9 3.99 a bag and my drill just died as I was drilling the brackets together so this is a good time to pause let the battery recharge I thought this would be like a really euphoric moment no I feel like I feel so so dead behind the eyes right now so we’re going to start in this corner just to keep the membrane to this Edge and then um we’re just going to unleash the stores we’ve bought 20 bags in total of stores which we know it’s not even going to do like a patch but it’s just a starting point until we get a larger delivery I’m actually going away to Italy on a trip soon so when I’m back we will we’ll order a big bag there we go you can’t really get this strong can you no throw our problems in the flame we fell down to the bottom so bottom up please we’re going to get over this okay so we’re leaving Vlog here and I think we’re going to call it a deer because we have ran out of gravel we only bought 20 bags of gravel to 200 kg of gravel and um obviously we knew it was not going to be enough but we thought we might as well get as much down as we possibly can today and we’re going to order a really large delivery of it online carry it through the house back at a time it’s just going to be hard graft but it will be worth it so let me show you where we’ve got to so we have dug leveled popped the membrane down and then obviously just scattered all of the stores around I popped a shrub there just to get a v of what it’s going to be like obviously we need to let all of the slug repellant and the um weed killer kind of like just do its thing I’m going to move that tree in a second but yeah we’re going to be painting all of the fence black I’ve started bagging up some of the uh waste but yeah there is a lot to do and it’s just going to take a minute so I’m sure it will happen but I’m just really pleased with how these sleepers have gone down their fully level there are gaps underneath but obviously the sleeper is level so then the gravel will fill those gaps along the side we’re going to do a full wall of shrubs so it’s just going to be really nice and tall and get some lovely growth and privacy and then on this wall they are going to be raised um Breeze block Planters so we’re going to get a builder in to do those because I just know for a fact I’m not going to be able to do that and then i’ just rather to get them done professionally if anything this has taught me it’s that you need to knowy limit and I feel like we’ve kind of done what we can here but yeah I’m really proud and from here obviously this little Ballard that we dug up I can’t believe we dug that up by hand yeah that obviously needs to go into the recycling so yeah really really pleased with how this is looking and I just think it’s going to come together beautifully once we start working on the back of the garden so we get more of that border pop down we’ve got some wood chips and bark to go down under the Conifer the shed’s going to be moved over so it’s all a work in progress but for now priority was getting this down leveled for when the lounge set comes which is going to be in around I think 6 to 8 weeks so quite a while for the delivery which is fine it gives us time to get the garden and ship ship but yeah I’m going to end this Vlog here I really hope you have enjoyed it we are super proud of what we’ve achieved and I think the end result is going to be amazing so lots of love to you all take care and I’ll catch you all very soon in a future video bye for now


  1. A brilliant, totally natural slug/snail deterrent is: Place 6 whole Garlics into a pan (do not peel) add 2 pints of water, bring to the boil, simmer for 10mins, remove from heat and leave to cool. Strain, then decant garlic concentrate into a large empty (coke) bottle.
    To use: put about 5cm of concentrate into a spray bottle and fill with water, shake and you’re ready to blitz. It really does work, although it does take a wee bit of time, (it stops them multiplying) Its also harmless to plants and pets. I saw this on Gardeners world and It really does work. As for the pile of turf cuts, use your turf cutter to shave off the excess soil which can be used around the huge conifer tree, the remainder can be put (upside down) at the bottom of the garden, then in 5-6 mths you have some very rich free compost. Plants that are Excellent Cat and Fox deterrents, they hate strong smells. Lemon Balm. Lavender, Rosemary, Peppermint, Scaredy Cat Plant (Coleus Canina) also, ground Black Pepper mixed with hot water and put into a spray bottle. Hope this helps on your gardening journey. SO looking forward to seeing the end result. Oh nearly forgot, another deterrent, I planted Garlic Cloves, which grew into fab big plants, the smell which we love, cats Hate, so does deter them. You can harvest the leaves in spring for cooking and making your own Pesto, if you want the recipe just ask 👍🏻😁 A great garden design does add Equity👍🏻 Gardens are an absolute joy. Good luck you two xx🫶🏻

  2. 'We do have a leveller'… points at Ivy Haha Great job guys! Looking forwards to all your renovation work x

  3. Luke, I know this is much later and so I am assuming that Maggie and Ivy are fine, but slug and snail pellets can be highly toxic to pets! A common ingredient in slug and snail pellets – metaldehyde – is EXTREMELY toxic to dogs and cats and can quickly be fatal if left untreated. The pellets are green/blue in colour and dogs particularly seem drawn to eating it – so never let the dogs in the garden unsupervised with slug repellent uncovered. They are also fatal to foxes, hedgehogs, insects and birds as are many types of weedkiller. There are many much more environmentally and pet friendly solutions.

  4. Yes the gardener’s quote was very reasonable but you’ll have so much satisfaction from doing it yourself as much as you can. Possibly that huge chunk of concrete was where a clothes post was previously set into the ground. It’s all looking fab.

  5. Your large tree would look good and give you’ll more room if you’ll cut the lower limps on you tree so you could move and mow under it.

  6. Luke and Zara.
    Don't use slug repellent ITS SO DANGEROUS FOR DOGS OR ANY ANIMALS.Please listen to the comments,advise from your followers is good.Your doing a great job on the garden both of you.Soon you will be out there enjoying it.Gloria,fellow Geordie x

  7. You will have to put the fence up on your back to keep animals out. Where the last owners didn’t put it up.

  8. It’s going to look great when you’re done. Think of the satisfaction and pride you will both feel when you sit and admire the finished garden over a chilled glass of fizz x

  9. You have done really well guys these things take time, i remembered when we moved into our house the back garden was full of brussel plants it was a nightmare to deal with but it took us some time to sort but we did it in the end. you both should be proud of your acheivement. love to all xxx

  10. Wow you guys have put a lot of sweat equity into your home. Geese! It’s going to be fantastic though when you’re finished. I would never undertake the kind of work you guys have done in the garden but you’re young and have the strength and energy. Nice job!

  11. A natural weed spray can be made with: 1 gallon of white vinegar; 1 cup of salt: & 1 Tablespoon of dish soap. Mix together and then put in a spray bottle (I reduce this myself to fit into an easy to carry bottle.). Best to use on a sunny day per the directions I have. Unlike some chemical solutions, this formula does not work its way into the root system, meaning multiple treatments will probably be necessary to keep weeds at bay. Also don't let the spray get on plants you do not want to die. That said a healthier weed killer than a store bought brand. As someone else said, it is your home, do the changes you and Zara want regardless of comments.

  12. Just think of how it will be when it finished May the image spur you onward toward your goal! cheering you on. gardening here in Texas

  13. You can stack your turds grassdown in the bottom of your raised beds they will rot down, means you do not have to buy so much compost/loam to fill them. Stack the rest behind your shed grass down and then soil to soil, grass to grass, water when it is really hot and it will rot down and make great nutritious compost next year. Keep up the good work.

  14. Oh I feel your pain moved last August and takling the front garden need to dig up old gravel around the grass and replace it with new gravel gave up and hired a gardener my husband and I where in so much pain but we are so much older than you two good luck with it lol

  15. Gorgeous design 😍 just be careful what you plant as privacy green screening , don’t use conifers or fir trees, they will destroy fences and engulf your garden. Plus they are not easy to get rid of when you realise this. From experience 🤗

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