Garden Plans


This video is my garden plans ideas for this year, hopefully I can achieve them. Only time will tell. I will give it a good try though.

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#ukgarden uk

all I want all I [Music] want Hello everyone happy Easter Mass here again for another one what I’m going to do in this video I’m going to tell you my plans what I’m going to do to my garden this year at the moment I think it’s currently in its worst state it’s been for oh a long time but enough of that got big got big plans for this year uh Right Where Do We Begin right start with this so first one I’ve got some um steel eding got a couple of packs of that about 20 odd meters of it so due to all the rain we’ve had all this where the stone is it all fills up so all the Stone’s going to come out and then I’m going to do a good oval shape bring the grass level up a little bit and then where the stones are I’m going to put bark all around it hopefully it give it a bit more a tropical feel instead of these Stones these stones are just going to get put over onto here and then up the side going to carry on the uh the edging and then all around this bed as you can see it’s all it’s all gone so all the grass is going to come out and then I’m going to do a nice little middle bed just up there again put some uh of the chart becking around it becking bark chippings should I say and then I’m going to put the shamrops shamat Palms in in there and then a couple of other bits cuz we’re going to have plenty of little bit because the middle border and the top border were a bit crammed last year so take a little little bit out right I’ve already started it cuz we’ve had nice weather as you can see managed to get the first bit of painting done still got all that to go and I’ll show you the reason why is because just water down the dim be has have dried out through the sun it’s gone nice and green as you can see on that bench which is now not cuz I’ve managed to get that done but everything’s all in really really slow time so that’s the one get the uh all the fence done all the railway sleepers all around going to give them a good sound back I’m not going to going to Varnish him this year I’m going to put some of the uh the same paint as I’m using here to cut my old Ducks back but I’m going to get the the light brown one all on that read the defense post just here and the Planters where the PC areia is coming up and redo my little little uh stages just there for when the washing Tes get grown again hopefully they look a bit bit more crisper so that’s quite a bit quite a bit to to get on with then all the all this border I don’t like it so I’m going to rejig quite a bit inside inside the Border trying to get cuz like over there now you got the fats here in the spiders web and you can’t tell the normal FES at the back and then the the spiders webs at the front you can’t really see it we going to move that forward move the spiders webs across and then move the other bits at the B like the Hy Rangers and then here move the chaffer move all that over and then the big big job is if everyone thinks I’ve been doing absolutely nothing so far is my garage so’s the uh the growing room this is what it currently looks like and then there’s the damage it’s where it’s leaking the uh Wood’s rotten at the uh the top in the corner you can see the little bit of daylight just here so the water has gone down gone down here rotten at all all the flow was rotting but it looked like I didn’t like it anyway cuz that that L the garage so my plan is to take the back off put it on the front roof off turn it round make it just so it’s a length just by the window if all that goes to plan and it doesn’t uh collapse collapse down wave it yourself in the window mat uh going to clad it all and then do some uh bamboo get some rope it’s in me head if it works happy days and then just a big repair job really get it all spruced up get it all looking good but this year I’m in no rush I’ve learn my lesson my back’s on the menend everything’s all really really really slow time and get it all looking good another job on to of all that the usual uh jet wash everything s all the all the guttering out like normal and then that’s my plans for this year hope hopefully we can well we me and a couple of mates when we come to do it can make it all look all good again oh yeah well speaking of just before I wrap it all up anyone remembers the the can of the the musifolia gr was me hand uh about that he that’s coming out this year like I said in the previous video last year and then I’m going to put that all down there so it look nice when you set here breaks it all up a bit makes you need to lock around the corner so that’s coming out and then the Cleopatra I’m just going to propagate now and just put all that down the side this biggest which isn’t that big considering some people’s the biggest tracky Carp Is fortunately there I’m going to cuz I got told when I plattered them all these years ago and can’t remember it was now but 100% correct they were too close together these two so this one here is coming out I’m going to transfer that one up to there I’m going to leave that one in situ so it look nice when the bark is and then I’m going to plant the other one here a good what start 3 m away from nut plant and then hopefully one day yeah in many many many years I have a nice hammock just going just going through that bit if everyone’s watched this to the end of this video thanks very much for watching um just like to give a big shout out to everyone who subscribed to my channel thank you very much I’ve managed to reach 2,000 subscribers thank you thank you again and hopefully this year you’ll enjoy my uh the garden transformation that hopefully will will happen I try my best happy Easter again everyone thanks everyone for watching and I’ll see you all in the next one bye for


  1. heh the classic tropical gardener, slowly but surely removing the grass! This could be our last year with any grass at all, the lawnmower just died and its easier to remove the rest of my grass than buy a new one for the tiny bit. Good stuff Matt keep us updated hope your back is doing better.

  2. Hopefully be a better year for it this year, canโ€™t wait to get ours sorted, all to do, just need some nice weather at weekends, great video ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

  3. Glad you are on the mend! Just like you I have loads to do in the garden and am hoping for good weather.
    Cant wait to see how yours turns out.

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