Garden Plans

CUTE BABY LAMBS and Garden Plans On Our Canadian Homestead (Looking Back At 2022) Raising Sheep

Sheep in the garden, and Lambs, lambs and more lambs. The farm is alive with the sounds of Spring, and with this warm weather, we are feeling the effects of some serious procrastination On getting our garden space ready. Today, we share some cute baby lamb antics and future plans for the garden.

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Steph and Chris


cute baby lambs and a garden update it’s nighttime races I guess I forgot there was a fence there that’s funny I can’t get over how fast they are and they’re only like a week old wow well at least they’re spreading our compost around for the garden look at them go and again so this area here is soon to be converted into Garden but is currently the uh Lamb’s play area but the sheep have been out here eating this down to nothing which is awesome now it’s up to us to get busy and make this space work they’re not going to come back cuz I’m standing here by the gate those two little girls just don’t stop it’s like that thing from little school when you were like I’m the king of the castle cute baby lambs so this portion right here is where we had the garden last year we had potatoes the s Orum uh and a little bit of other stuff on the other side going to the end of that chicken coop so the Sheep are out here doing their job and we’re hoping to double wide this for this growing season it’s not going to go all the way to the end this growing season but the plan is there’ll be a swath here between the two sheep pens that is going to be Garden one thing we had in this area was an ongoing problem with Biro as you can see by all the little ones that are growing around but the sheep have come in here and anything that was even decently growing they’ve sure set it back they H it right down into the ground which is awesome so we’ll get in here and get this uh working in our favor lamming season is almost done this one here has such cute markings of course can be shaded in the sun here’s first time Mama moow with her new little ramb boy and they’re figuring out how to nurse lawnmowers are hard at work today and they are happy to be out here although some of the babies are not happy that their moms are out here and they’re not yet but everybody is enjoying a sweet treat on this May 12th afternoon so this is going to be the weekend job trying to convert this into a garden space like Stephanie already said we only had a little fraction of this kind of following my finger up and then back to the the little building there only a fraction of this was Garden last year but if you look way down there one of the things we have to do is make a fence post or fence line from that fence post coming this way to keep chickens and whatnot out and uh we’ll see what we can do with this space because despite the heat we definitely need uh more Garden space to grow all of the wonderful things that we’d like to grow fortunately the sheep have helped us a bit because this area was uh quite overgrown with weeds well we’ll see how we do on this this weekend uh hopefully the fence posts go in relatively well the fence goes up decently and uh this is going to be kind of our one big inground Garden uh we’ll calculate the area on this once we get it uh sort of worked up I suppose but uh looking forward to it we need the space uh we’re definitely going to up our uh our sorum production and sunflowers so they may go in here and uh yeah Garden space is important so let’s make more let’s make more see how it goes but uh the sheep have done us some favors so that’s uh awesome [Music] n [Music]

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