Plant Propagation

Please help

So this is embarrassing to post, but I’m really upset. My mom planted tons of pothos all over our yard growing up, they’ve spread everywhere & it’s beautiful. She was my best friend & passed away very unexpectedly a few months ago, right before she died she gave me some cuttings & this one was my favorite that was thriving.

My boyfriend is short tempered when he drinks, earlier he got drunk & ripped it down bc it was “hanging in his face.” I’m really upset deep down. I’m here asking if ya’ll can tell me how to replant it or just it? I attached a few pics, the one w the circle is where it’s torn off. I can explain each pic if needed. Should I cut it straight? Put in water? Just put it back in the soil? Sorry if this is scattered or in the wrong sub, I’m just kinda heartbroken bc this plant is very sentimental to me & it thriving so well was symbolic to me😣

Thank u guys

by piiiiiiiiiiink


  1. FoxBread2137

    I’m so very sorry this happened I really hope you’re okay. But I would say put it in water to guarantee it’s survival. Pothos are very hardy and forgiving. So wherever you see those little brown nodes that’s where roots grow out of and that’s the best place to stick in water.

  2. LilBird1996

    I agree to maybe make a few chops to guarantee success. That’s a long vine for roots to support. Plus if they all root, you can soon plant a full, happy little pot.
    Also I know this isn’t a relationship sub, but your partner should know how much this plant means to you and respect that, regardless of intoxication of any substance. An accident is one thing. But short temper is something you shouldn’t subject yourself to. You’re clearly a sweet soul and deserve some love and support right now. Not more tears. He should not be hurting you or disrespring your things. I can only imagine how venerable you are right now, and this is a special plant.
    I don’t mean to overstep, I’ve just been seeing g a lot of manchikdren in my personal life acting out lately, and I’m not having any of it.
    Best of wishes to you and your plant. Sending love and hugs.

  3. Automatic-Reason-300

    Pothos are really hardy plants, the remaining stem in the pot looks yellowish and with dark spots. With the death leaf are bad signs.

    Fortunately for you, the vine in the second photo looks great, and since you´re in a prop sub, my advice it´s instead of only one vine, you can full your pot with a lot of new Photos if you propagate it.

    I hate that I can´t post images, but basically you have to cut a few cm above and bellow each leaf (a node) an put them in a glass of water. In a bright indirect light and changing the water every 10 days or so, they´ll be ready to soil in like 8-10 weeks. The success it´s almost guaranteed.

    If you don´t wanna propagate it, put it in water to avoid the stress for now, don´t let it in the air. Put them back in soil it´s not a good idea because that long vine gonna suffer a lot meanwhile trying to root and probably gonna ended dry itself.

  4. HouseHolder87

    This just happened to me 3 days ago! Message me and I’ll send you pictures of what I did to save all the leaves 😊

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