Front Yard Garden

A Colourful & Tiny Front Yard Garden | Small Space Gardening

My front yard is small but I make the most of every inch of garden space. Join me as I do some spring cleaning to bring beauty to this small garden. Regardless of size, any garden can radiate beauty with effort

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My tiny front yard I was a bit late with my spring cleaning this year Since it’s a small garden space, it doesn’t take me too much time to tidy up These are all perennial plants that are blooming again after the winter months It’s the perfect weather for cleaning today. Not too cold, and not too hot I try to clean thoroughly and remove every weed without leaving any behind Creeping phlox Gardening has always been a passionate hobby of mine, keeping me busy without ever feeling bored Forget-Me-Not I still have a lot to do in my backyard. I’ve been a bit behind on my gardening since returning from vacation I’m hoping this lemonade will give me an energy boost to keep on gardening It’s such a tiny yet eye-catching flower My front yard garden looks so bright and colourful I plan on buying some annual plants for my garden very soon After all my cleaning, I want to keep admiring my front yard instead of going back indoors I hope you like the view of my front yard after today’s clean-up


  1. Welcome back home Ida. Was waiting for your garden update 2024!😍 Thanks for sharing the looks of your front yard. What is the plant, next to the pink phlox, rather purple tall flower. Thanks!

  2. Beautiful front yard garden. I especially liked the pink, blue, and yellow flower combinations. It takes years and dedication to build a perennial garden like you have. I love your videos and look forward to the next one. Welcome back.

  3. Many evergreens and some 🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸make it look very nice at this time of the year where other shrubs are not blooming yet 🌝🌼👍

  4. Love the color of your phlox! I love mine, absolutely beautiful but so hard trying to pull grasses from it, a constant battle for sure

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