Garden Plans

Garden Cage Plans

Between the windy parts of the weekend, Doug & I were able to clear out the garden cage area, rake it down & use some of the remains from the demolished donkey stable to lay out a plan for our garden beds. We also sorted the debris into usable & non-useable piles so we can load up the trailer & make a dump run another weekend in the near future. Each project gets us closer to what we have envisioned ~ if Mother Nature would stop taking apart what we’ve already built we’d be a lot further along! We’re just going to move forward, use what we have & improve the systems as we can finance them. Garden beds don’t care if the wood looks pretty, as long as it holds in the dirt! The leaking shed no longer has to keep hay dry so it’ll be useful for empty pots, bags of dirt, asst. garden tools & the like. A little rain won’t hurt those things plus the cover over the whole cage should offer even more protection, win/win for me ~ No extra work or cash involved! I can’t wait to get to the fun part, actually growing things but we need a good, safe set-up first, one we can hopefully keep for a long time without having to move or re-do it, again… (this will be my 3rd attempt to have a real garden, I’ve learned a lot!)
Sending Much Peace, Love & Harmony from Petrichor Ranch, AZ ~ Happy Growing All!

[Music] okay folks Welcome to the New Garden cage we spent some time this weekend laying out our plans for the beds using the pile of wood from the stable when it broke but we think we have it figured out got our composter got a sink we’re going to hook a hose up to it take the door off the sh and I can use it for all my potting materials got a little stand here I can use top and bottom for small things then we get all this we’re going to use those clear panels along this black fence because things can get through that one it’ll provide a wind break and some little bit of shade but definitely keep things out that’s the main point this cage is very tiny my pinky just about goes through to the first knuckle so nothing much gets through it so pretty safe place to grow things it’s actually a bird Avary but we’re using it for a garden cage so we have this bed here and then a big u-shaped bed here so I can get in between reach the back wall and be able to have stuff on either side I can hang things I think it’ll be good I think we can grow a lot it’s about 100 square ft of growing space is my best estimate here and then we have a big 20x 30 sun shade that’ll cover the whole thing and actually it’ll cover that wall too if I want it to because that was how long it was this is 16x 22 is so I think it’ll be great I can’t wait to start growing things but first we got to build the beds and fill them up with dirt and we’ll see how far we get but we’re getting there hope you guys are all planting something somewhere even a pot of Basil on your window still it help you out dogs are loving it you guys have a great day [Applause]


  1. Hi Petrichor ! Looks like it will be a great garden! Can’t wait to see the progress! Hope you’re doing well! ❤❤❤ Massage Diva 🥰

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