Japanese Garden

Jaw-dropping April Garden Tour 2024: You Won’t Believe What’s Blooming!

Don’t forget to pick up your jaw after this garden tour today. My jaw was dropping while filming with the good and bad in my garden. I hope this tour will inspire you to get out and plant in your own garden. My garden/landscape brings me joy everyday.

#springgarden #gardenideas #gardening

In the spring I place these 4 products on my lawn.

1. Duiocide – for grubs and fireants plus many more.
2. Lawn fungus see below
3. Anderson’s PGF Complete fertilizer
4. Humichar/Soil Conditioner

5. Pre-emergent if you have not already. I place in November, January, March.


I may earn a small commission for my endorsement , recommendation , testimonial, or link to any products on services from this website.

Lawn products
https://amzn.to/3CAG7ts (lawn fertilizer PGF Complete Anderson’s)
https://amzn.to/3e27pPa (humichar/soil conditioner)
https://amzn.to/3q6CnbL (soil conditioner use this or humichar)
https://amzn.to/3R8oPaQ (fertilizer for spring and fall only)
https://amzn.to/3TfaED3 (lawn fungus in the spring)
https://amzn.to/3PM497G (Duiocide Andersons fire ants, grubs, army worms)
https://amzn.to/3BSZoWb (Anderson’s Pre Emergent)
https://amzn.to/3YesAz8 (Grass B Gon)
https://amzn.to/3jtqFba (Tool Garden Weeder)
https://amzn.to/3JAXPik (Giraffe Garden Reel Hose Retractable)

hi guys Kim here welcome to Backyard blooms I am super excited today because I am going to show you my April Garden Tour and it is going to be epic so make sure you like that button and Share my video and make sure you subscribe because you are going to see some gorgeous gorgeous Blooms Today I promise you you will not be disappointed so I’m really excited because I have been able to keep the deer out of my garden with my invis ible garden fence like I really should sell these little kits you guys because it is really really worked so I have more blooms this year than I ever have because as always the deer have come up and eat have eaten my new foliage off the roses and if they eat the new foliage they’re going to eat the blooms so I’ve got some gorgeous gorgeous display of roses for you today I’m super excited and everything’s just looking like Lush and green and beautiful so I’m really excited to share it with you so I’m going to turn the camera around and I’m going to show you some gorgeous Blooms Today I hope you’re not disappointed I hope you’re inspired and yes this was my birthday weekend so I hope you enjoyed all the little birthday celebrations that I had my Mama gave me this gorgeous Garden quilt so make sure you go watch that video you will love that so I got to Garden a little bit with my mama and she’s about 7 and 1 half to 8 hours away and I normally don’t get to do that that much so I hope you enjoy that video let me turn the camera around and let’s get started do you see that bench on the water fountain there what a good way to start my video right I’ve got lots of finches lots of bluebirds lots of mocking birds the mocking birds are a little bullishly though so let’s just start over here so I have a fountain and everybody needs a fountain in their garden and this these roses right here are called Thomas gr and they’re supposed to be yellow but I feel like they’re a little bit more peachy color cuz you see the new foliage that comes out right here is a little bit more peachy so peachy to kind of a yellowish color and then it ages out into a white I should say I have three David Austin Roses right here in this little area [Applause] look at this how pretty this is just peeking up over this water fountain right there look at that is that not beautiful just a beautiful display this one looks a little bit more yellow than peachy beautiful beautiful so Thomas Graham these are three kind of medium shrubs I would say this gets a little bit more more going say a little bit more shade than normal I have a couple grasses here that I still need to get planted into the ground I’m still planting you guys I’ve just got lots and lots of stuff and oh can you not deny this Beauty look at this this is my yellow baptisia from Proven Winners I have two one’s just starting to come out this one’s a little bit earlier than the other one but this yellow was so so pretty now my little bit of advice to you is they do not like to be replanted I replanted this one and it really struggled the first year but their tap Roots just really really go all the way down to the bottom so if you want to plant a Bia make sure you find the perfect spot for it cuz I love this one and I wanted to bring it closer up into the garden so I could see it a little bit better and then it struggled the first year this container right here I just got some feet for it look at the little feet you guys so I do have drip here so I need to like not have this like right onto the ground and these feet were just perfect I got these at Wilson’s nursery and they’re the same type of um as this pot right here or the pottery just gorgeous and you can see my drip tubing that goes from my/ inch over here up through the drain hole and then you could see where I have my drip to the PO hot up here these right here are like African daisies so they’re doing really good I think they Peter out in our hot summer and then they’ll come back and look really good in the fall and that is a perennial and this is candy tufted and it’s a perennial too you guys this one’s just been blooming its little head off for I know over a month that I did this container and then up here is the uh you got always have geranium in my head it is not a geranium ah I’ll come back to it shoot I’m sure you all are commenting like what it is it’s the flower that flowers it smells so good you know what I mean right at Sasha it’s our nap time he on it she’s so sleepy so precious all right and then all this right here is my little gathering of plants that I still need to get into the ground some of these are that I bought some of them are from seed so this was like a leftover this peachy keen rbinom was left over so I think I’m going to put that in the ground this I believe was some type of lavender that I grew I think that’s a lavender too smell it yeah it smells like lavender and then I’ve got snapdragons here whole flat of that they need to be watered again that’s why I need to get them into the ground because these little containers they dry out so fast couple of hostas that I need to get into the ground look how pretty this foliage is on this plant right here this little bit of lighter color on the leaf see what that one is bought this one at Kings no I did not buy this at Kings I’m sorry this one I bought bear root and then it didn’t do anything last year and this year it came up on me I don’t know what’s eating on that something is so yeah that one came up from last year that was be root and I’m not sure I have to look back at the name and then I got a couple of hostas right here they’re from Monrovia this one’s called Libby hasta I like the foliage on that one too and they look really good right here paired with this one as well and this one is the dazzled hosta right there so I need to get all that in the ground I’m working on it you guys I’m trying my best to get everything planted and then I found this beauty the other day little lucky pot of gold none of my Lantana came back this year you guys I don’t know about I know my friend Don’s hers did that was up close to her house so there’s no blooms on this yet but my butterflies love this you all if you want to attract butterflies plant you some Plantana either in a container or in the ground does good either place and then these are all grown from my seed I think these are my fox gloves I planted a whole big area of fox gloves yesterday but I still got quite a bit more left and let’s see what else we got here didn’t have a lot of luck with my I fever few I got one little plant there you guys like look so I started some inside but look they’re starting to come come out more now and I believe fever few I I want them for for my C flowers I believe they come back year after year and then I’ve got some basil here that I need to get into the ground and I don’t know what this one is these are still tiny oh my straw flower still tiny some more Fox Glove I believe there’s something else in there it’s not a fox glove I think that one looks like a Salvia what do you guys think and then more Fox Glove over here and I think that’s basil as well I believe there’s a tag in it let me see oh oregano Greek this is supposed to be really pretty for my foliage too just as for like not not as a focal flower but just as we really pretty foliage I’m not really sure if it Bloom we’ll have to I’ll let you know and we’re going to learn together cuz I really don’t remember this box gloves look so pretty I think there’s something else growing in this one too that’s a little bit different I think and then a little Peak of my West Side garden over here we’ll get over there in just a second so I’m going to turn around just so slightly and then I have like a little yoshio Cherry not a tree but like a little shrub it’s got real pretty delicate leaves on it very very pretty and it’s doing pretty good in the shade and then my tea olives are doing good right here they’re starting to provide some privacy for me I’ve got four of them and there I’m trying to get some privacy right here from the neighbors since we’re so close together and then the summer and snow Jasmine looking really pretty with this Gold Dust I think that combination is going to be really pretty together I got brand new cocoa liners and I do love these hanging baskets they’re very nice quality so those are doing good and then down here below I have some the pink gar is blooming and then so is my flocks down here blooming too oh can you guess what this is you guys this is an emeris if you don’t know what to do with your blooms you can replant them in the garden and they will Bloom for you in the summertime so this is not not from this year but from last year how gorgeous that is so try to get some colors that are not just all red that you’ll enjoy into your garden and then you can replant that and repurpose it so pretty then this container with the carrick’s grass is looking really pretty so it’s in the shade so my pansies are doing pretty good hope it’s not too windy for you guys stained glass that’s what it’s called we just bring it over here little a little bit do have my hummingbird feeder out that’s all you do if you don’t know you can make your own syrup just one cup one cup to four cups I got my fingers up there of water one cup of white sugar to four cups of regular water make it come to a boil and then I do put mine in a mason jar and save it I have a video coming about this container I haven’t gotten it out yet but look how pretty this raspberry Rush is flasha girls moved a little bit could you tell everybody hi huh Sasha can you tell everybody hi H can you so my containers are doing really good I already had a video come out about this I was trying to do this one all as like a peach that’s the panone color of the year and these are like the peachy verbas this is the brand new super tunia called saffron fch just a real soft yellow color very pretty now these are the super Bells I thought these were going to be just a little bit more corly but it’s okay I think maybe they age out when they start aging out they look a little bit more Cory but come out more like a rose color and then I’ve got my vermillionaire from my hummingbirds so I always plant my vermillionaire no matter what in these containers because I love to see my hummingbirds and then a little bit more of this peachy keen over here it’s really pretty look at this the sun’s just hitting it so lightly so this is starting to fill out starting to look pretty and then I got some Ivy here this is from Prima winterers too was accent a ivy and then in the ground starting to plant a lot of stuff from seed I planted this delphiniums and then from seed this pink Salvia too I need to come back and water this little guy it is hot today it’s like 84 have a little bit of salvia and this is the uh Guana this right here was new in the garden agachi is what this is so I like it’s got like pink and a little bit of the peachy color on it it’s really pretty something must have hit this one it’s hanging down a little bit there it is real close up isn’t that pretty this would make a good filler if I had a lot of it into my cut flowers Salvia is looking really pretty bleeding hearts already bloomed out but I still really like that foliage f which looks really pretty helbor I need to come back and cut the hore flowers back they’re not liking this heat either this Bloom is completely done just done with how pretty this Salvia is up close the bees were just on it and then I have the spurge this is the glacier blue spurge it’s really pretty at the blooms on that gorgeous a vgo garden tomato cage is doing really pretty already have fruit on it look you guys so I got two different types of tomatoes in there this one’s already got some Bloom on it there trellis on this is really pretty so I’ll have the link for that if you guys are interested in this vgo Garden self-watering tomato cage it’s on Wheels as well which is nice because you can like move it around if you want and then it’s self-watering and when this little thing goes down it tells you to add water right here very very nice so that’s the vgo tomato cage and then Wine and Roses wadula this has been in the garden for a little while hummingbirds really like this plant as well gorgeous blo I do like the foliage that it puts off throughout the summer Walker’s Low NEPA it’s doing really good it’s blooming I got the pink bubblegum you can see the hbor there still a little bit of a bloom on them doesn’t that look so pretty right there with the patunas the bubble gum patunas I just got bees all over this walker Low’s NEPA Walker low gets a good size you guys if you’re looking for something with the structure I love the texture of the leaves I love the color of the Kaya seed that real light purple it’s really pretty and then I have some white gar that’s blooming they look really pretty together so I call this my Cottage Garden and I like that it’s I like the spikiness spiky stuff in here and then that back there is the lantana tree and I just bought that I was really excited about that just planted that and I really haven’t talked about it yet so I told the guy at Southern Roots about this plant where I asked him because it’s called teeny Genie compact Lantana look at the ballooms you guys right here this looks red right here but it’s hot pink can you see the hot pink and then a little bit of coral color back there very pretty that’s what the colors look like but this was a Zone nine and I’m a zone eight so I asked him I told him I said none of my Lantana came back and this was a kind of a pricey plant I think it was like $45 or something like that and he basically told me you know I can go out tonight and buy a steak dinner and it’ll just be gone that money will be gone but this plant is going to give me joyment enjoyment from now all the way till November and I said yeah enough said that was that was a good point like this little walkway it kind of gives me a little bit of a walkway to get into it but these are the sugar peas trying to grow up here on it they haven’t really like latched on to it just yet I don’t know keep on trying to train it up and it just hasn’t took off yet like that and then I have some blackeyed Susans here too that I just planted somewhere right here black eyed Susan’s they’re going to be orange here I just planted some Salvia it’s called love and wishes right there look at this little Bloom that’s going to be pretty right there especially with that bubblegum in the purple in this light purple dark purple and then moving on over here more Salvia bumblebees or all over this look I just it just moved on me here so the Walker’s Low was just kind of like all the way down my Landscaping right here it used to be down a little bit further but in the when my Crate Myrtle starts to bloom this area over here gets more shade so I kind of pulled them out and just had these right here but I’ve got lots of salvia in here have lots of con flowers that are starting to come up this is a cone flour right there spia candy corn sparia looks really [Music] pretty they just have like four four different seasons of Interest they really do they’re very pretty then all of my daffodils are starting to be um cut back and all that foliage will die off soon another container just exactly the same you can see the white gar behind there the video that I did on my white Garis is they dancing butterflies in your landscape look at this bee lilac bush is already bloomed completely back so I can come and prune this now a puffer fish over there that the deer ate last year way over there I’m going to have blooms off that this year so that’s exciting some more agachi back there helor are starting to calm down a little bit my Jacob’s ladders done blooming this Colin’s about done so I could probably cut that back so now that I’m starting to get more shade which is pretty exciting because these Crypt miror trees are starting to provide more shade for me so I can start putting some more shade loving plants in here like the hostas the atill be this one is dark by the moon this one’s going to be really pretty when it starts to bloom another hosta I have some volunteer pansies and then over here this was all the daffodils that are going to be cut back I have some tall flocks and I wanted to show you my friend Loretta gave me these bearded irises look you guys a’t that so pretty so they bloomed the first year I planted them last fall and they bloomed I don’t I’m assuming the blooms don’t last very long because maybe a day are they kind of like day lies do you guys know but there’s one thank you Loretta this is the fox gloves that I planted in between these uh daffodils right there and then another little kind of a not a hedge a drift a drift of them right there they’re going to be really pretty can you imagine these being 3T tall and gorgeous flowers on them my junipers are doing good you need something on a hill this is a good plant for you they’re a little Pokey though that’s the third container everybody loves these Planters these I got from Wilson’s and I do know unique stone has some that are just like it too but these concrete pads were really close so I bought these little feet too to put underneath of it that way it’s not pinching my drip off so it’s a good idea if you guys need these a little windy today so you can hear my wind chime airplanes are over top of me too birds are down here this right here is Bonas pretty pretty yellow Bonas and I mixed it with this Peach bbina I cut this off cuz I thought it looked like it needed it and I wish I didn’t but oh well I still make rookie mistakes too then I have some ornamental oregano down here helor and then everything these are all volunteers too the uh creeping Jenny I don’t know I don’t think that’s a part of the creeping jenny but it could be look at this a soft gorgeous yellow and then this is starting to yellowing on me you guys so I did um spray it with fungicide yesterday the other two on the other side don’t look like this but so if you see yellowing leaves like this it’s some type of fungus just FYI this is a nelly Stevens Holly and I took all the lower limbs off and just made it into like a little to berry tree and then roses over here really looking good this is Miss Olivia right here so she comes out pink and then she kind of like goes into like a more of a white color too real pill uh pinkish to White got lots of new foliage on that one this one down here is called celebration this is another David Austin rose look at all the blooms all the petals I mean they’re just stuck in there so tight last year I hardly saw any blooms on this one because like I said the deer got it and it got some kind of fungus so this year I really put the ne oil on it and then there’s Olivia again and then look at the Happy Jack Claus you guys just starting to come out and then my climbing rose which is the shod fire shod shod Shar lad I love this color of the Rose let’s get a little closer this is how the Happy Jack looks and I’d say it’s very very happy let me show you this look at how beautiful this is you guys like I think it’s precious I just so love this Rose it’s more of a peachy color than any of the other ones and this one smells so good gorgeous so this one is going to be so happy this is on a three-way trellis so when the um roses starting to bloom out and all this Claus it looks so pretty and another tip you guys is that I do after this Claus starts to um um stop blooming I cut it back and I get one more flush out of it just to let you know and they said Claus don’t like hot feet so I planted some Dales down here and normally the deer eat it but I’m going to start to have something this year they already ate it once when they got through my fence the first time and I had to add more line to it and this is the uh a Sugar Shack that I’ve never seen Bloom don’t know if it’s going to bloom we’ll see if it’s happier over here and then I still have to cover my drip up and then that’s the Temple of Bloom right there from Proven Winners that I just planted what else is over here my Rose of Sharon it’s getting taller than me and then down here I have a strawberry hydrangea and some dalas coming up I think I don’t know I don’t think think Dalia have thorns on them do they I don’t know it might not be it might not be a Dalia I had them all around in here so it it must be because they’re all over the place I have some sedom right there and then my Yaro looks really pretty look at this Yaro Yaro makes a really good Cut Flower that’s a perennial so this is a Dalia you guys so that other thing with those Thorns that must be a weed I’m going to have to go get them out so it’s probably time to pinch this this Dalia right here so that’s all you do is just take your Clippers or pinch it with your fingers like so and then that way you’re going to get new branching you’ll get some little ones that will go here and here and instead of having this one main plant you could have two and you can also if you wanted to you can put this in riding hormone and get a whole new plant out of it cuz I just did that too I’ll show that into another video but that was very interesting it worked it absolutely worked it took about two weeks for them to root out and for me to plant this is where we’re looking that’s another Dal right there and then my big white Dalia Grows Right in here so I need to kind of watch this and go ahead and probably stake some some of these and two more rows of Sharons over here more cat mint this one is called not cat’s pajamas cat’s meow it’s a little bit bigger than the cat’s pajamas which is right there this one’s pretty dense this year look got another weed there another weed imagine that this one’s a little bit more dense and compact than the other cats meow another celebration Rose you guys are looking at this and thinking this is a crazy lady coming out of me right here but these I’m going to want to I want to do a lot of projects this year with cut flowers so these are all my dalas and then I labeled them so I know what they’re going to be and to make sure they even like come up and on the back of it I put what where I got them from so I’ll know next time so they say dalas you want to put them in the ground and then you want to make sure they have new growth before you start to water them I did water this just lightly but I did not drench them so these are seven gallon grow bags and then once they all flower you’re never going to see these grow bags down here and I honestly cannot see them from my house because they’re hidden from my rose garden down here and so are my raised garden beds this one is from Savannah and then I have all of my rocus SES down here too and then I have my fishing line which is really really hard to see you can’t even hardly see it you can see it this way you see right here I had to add more so I’ve got five lines going down here this this one ends right here it’s kind of like right above my oh I’m going to say shoulder level I guess I’ve got my sweet peas that I grew from seed growing up this little trus right here on each corner I planted BAS I have all the dalas in here these came from cuting that like like like just what I told you to do earlier they took it right off the tuber and then rooted it and then sent them out to me so you can buy a tuber in a like a little potato tuber form or you can buy cuting too and then these are the rocus that I grew I just cut some the other day these are the Italian ones and I love them and I will do these again these are the ones that the deer like put their whole Hooves in do you remember and they pulled them up and ate them and I had to replant some well I did get some new blooms out of them and it had some volunteer pansies from last year that are white and then these are all my dalas that I just planted and I have some some volunteers that’s some kind of Zena I think they were lime zenyas in here from last year so lots of Volunteers in here as well I’m going to put some Cosmos in here too I thought the diaas and Cosmos would be really pretty and then there’s all my grow bags and Sasha just got around the fence there or the post I need to go free her so this is the Rose Garden looking up just kind of give you like how much of a hill we are on this is the back of the house these are the Sprinter box woods and these are Alexandra of Kent and you guys look how big these blooms are compared to my hand they are so big and this flower smells so so good so these have been in for four years and I’m going to say and maybe because the deer ate a lot of them this is the best that they have ever done for me there’s four plants or four what you want to call them I bought them be Roots so four be root roses in this area right here gorgeous is isn’t it beautiful beautiful beautiful and these right here are box of bells and I do have my great big gigantic alion growing right here how pretty they are these make the garden look magical to me I have some that has a like really bloomed out just yet that’s what the leaves look like and they are tall I think they’re called glow Masters Alum I got those the bulbs from color Blends look how Bosa Bell looks I love her color too like she always has different pinks and corals on her gorgeous I have five be root flowers in this one it’s a little bit bigger area in the front so from The Cottage Garden over to the Rose Garden I have four different areas of different roses four sections all four different roses CRA myrtles are really pretty they’ve been pruned back and they’re like really dense this year they’re going to have lots of flowers on them I just have to show you again BOS Bell this quadrant right here is called Gabrielle o o and this one is the hottest pink of all this one is known for its smell as well another alom another alom this one’s already got lots of blooms and still lots more to come forgive me this is my Galloway yarn from unique stone I truly love this piece do not remember every single plant in here but you can go back to where I planted it up so these are gorgeous I got these from Wilson this is the first time that I planted these they’re called capula or something like that I’m sure I’m saying it wrong cuz I have the word in front of me and then purple verbina and then I have some super Bells this is a great punch that I had last year it was gorgeous an angel wing which is kind of Droopy right now needs to be watered spurge back here this is the rainbow escot spurge and then a curly grass which didn’t really transplant very well and then the kind of same thing on the side over here and these are kind of very similar to snapdragons they have a name and I forgot these really smell good really really good I do have the tags in here somewhere but if I showed you everything I’d be here forever and then these are Oakland Hol they do really good they’re making they make a good screening plant as well and then this right here is tigia I’ve trying to get my shadow out so these are just a more of a pale pink this one’s a pretty new rose very very pretty look at the cluster here I planted 50 alums and all not all 50 came up I still have some you see down there in the corners here that haven’t came up yet there’s my Arbor so you we can get in and out because we have that invisible fence down there these Nelly Stevens are looking a little more healthier that’s why I said the other I sprayed for fungus and then I have a standard form Limelight hydrange tree right over there and then my whole Hedge of limelights and they’re going to probably Bloom sometime in June June or July hanging baskets that me and my mama planted up look really pretty arbina super Bells have two of those Limelight hydranges are looking so pretty and then I’ve really tried to work card down here on my third tier you guys with the hearty geraniums that are blooming out the Bordeaux lemon coral sedom and then the lamium like I said I’m really trying hard to give that third tier look you know with the head knees and toes look se’s looking pretty looks like it’s like it’s variegated a little wilty from the Sun this Salvia is already Bloom so I’m going to have to cut this back but the more you cut back the more Salvia will rebloom if you didn’t know that more Hardy Rosanne [Music] geraniums this plant has um the oregano ornamental oregano in it means watering I could hook that up to drip I haven’t done it yet you can see that’s not a snake that’s strip line I just need to find my drip and plug it up look at this geranium that’s coming up ain’t that pretty how it’s coming up into the limelights right there I love that love how things mingle together never expected that to do that so we’re going on the skinny side Garden right here and these are the Roses that I had planted at my Arbor and they’re yellow look how pretty they are I have the name somewhere I’ll find it for you but I’ve got two of these roses climbing up this Arbor and it’s the exact same Arbor that I have down at the end that’s attached to my invisible fence see I do have like aphids all over these though I’ve already sprayed them but they keep coming back have AIDS aphids all over them oh trying to find the tag they’re called the pilgrim and they are a climbing rose from David Austin yesterday I planted some geraniums right here these are called lavender rose geraniums I like how it’s got the foliage on it different color foliage on there and look at this Bloom how bright and cheerful this is very cheerful all right you guys well that’s what the backyard looks like like emerald green and Bates little lime lime lights hydranges and I just went over all the ground cover that’s Miss Grace from unique stone two planners that me and my mom just planted up for my birthday this is what the Grow garden looks like a little wind Chim over there the little wind spinner thing just going so pretty down there and then the Cottage Garden so pretty grass is looking good we have the sod because we are one weathered grass look how pretty the grass is you guys looks so pretty I always have products I can tell you what products I have if you want your grass to look better we always put Soul Amendment down I like Anderson’s products I’ll throw the links up there for you we’ve already put down Fungus Control already grub control the grub control is the deicide it does the ants and all that stuff too and the Anderson’s pgf complete every single month for fertilizer we put down pre-emergent from Anderson’s already and then we put the sole Amendment on for the last three years and I’m done with that because we’ve already turned our soil over we have that hard heavy clay soil this is the aqua poot and it’s starting to fill out really pretty with all the new super patunas that were in here that’s that new Orchid Vivid petunia from Proven Winners rabina [Music] jasberry colus grasses I have everything in here make sure you watch that video this is the skinny side that we pull up in the driveway I just had a video on the three tier cascading cascading from Kinsman we planted all that up so make sure you watch that video I’m excited to see these all fill out these are sun impatience which can do sun or shade and then the clons down here are really pretty look at that more cat’s pajamas I need to prune some of this up how needs a haircut look at this what’s another day more containers with that Vivid Orchid so pretty the hoopla Vivid Orchid containers are starting to fill out really nice more angel wing colia Jaz Berry potato vine then these are all the mini white patunas the mini Vista white just a whole gorgeous drift of those and then the very last to emerge usually for a perennial is the Hardy habiscus right here this loves that space and then this Holly was there when we moved in it was the only thing that I pretty much left in this garden and look at the Lady of the Lake you guys this is a climbing rose not very as many petals but the bees love this one she’s a real light pink and has yellow in the center and then my husband and me came up with this design with the wire going across so I can train it to go all the way across so it’s going to be so pretty when it gets there but I love the structure of it this year of how we pruned it so pretty Japanese maple the Japanese maple is doing really pretty and then I need to come and give these little spiral boxwoods haircuts too and my boxwood head back there is really really pretty I just got a compliment Tre oh where the little beetles that eat apids and stuff like that and they eat spider mats too I don’t know if you guys knew that I got new pillows on my rocking chairs up there I love those and I do have a bird nesting in my wreath you guys just showing you my pillows a little closer there and I wanted to show you this bird nest up here so I hope he doesn’t make a mess or she I guess she’s a she or he I guess it takes two doesn’t it so you see the bird nest up there I think they’re house finches that are in there look at these roses a little bit closer up look at the detail and there in that pretty just love them kind of falling off on me it’s starting to fill up this whole side of the house with these roses then my Limelight hydrange tree over there and that was the West Side Garden that I started last year this is the front porge area area that’s what it looks like on the other side look how gorgeous that tree structure is isn’t it pretty all right back on this side let’s go over here and show you the West Side Garden so I carried over the mini Vista whites over here as well these pansies over here are still looking good because they’re in the shade more I came over here and kind of deadheaded them a little bit yest yesterday Sun hostas looking gorgeous I don’t know what this is you all what is that I don’t know what that is that’s aphids is that black aphids all right I’m just keep finding more and more stuff don’t I they’re all over those whatever that is I guess it’s aeds look all righty keep finding more stuff look how gorgeous this is isn’t this funky it throws out Runners too I’ve got one right there that I pulled up and it’s rooted in really well so if you like this plant you can also pull the runners up and replant them this is the um I got spia in my head sweet Spire sweet Spire it’s gorgeous and this plant you guys love this plant like it has the best fall color I’ve ever seen on a shrub like it is like look how beautiful it is and it’s beautiful in the fall too I have some Salvia that came back last year from Proven Winners that overwintered and that one was called playing the blues rocking playing the blues look you guys second year and then my fat is back there hanging out and then this is a rambler Rose from David Austin this is called the floss on the mill and this is floss on the mill closeup there lots and lot lots of very dense petals very dense this thing’s super happy here loves this spot loves it look at this Coline isn’t that pretty Prett this is my favorite look at all these just many many petals I love that those I bought bear root last year they didn’t do anything last year but this year oh they came out gorgeous so if you plant something be root like don’t give up on it because the second year it may came back it comes back gorgeous look so last year didn’t do anything it was just growing Roots now it’s gorgeous ying and yang over there it’s kind of already done their thing they were so pretty I have more of the Coline up there that’s a little bit taller and orange look at that climbing vine over there so this is my honeysuckle from Proven Winners and this one is like this was this is the second year and I planted it late in the year it’s got something all over it too it’s not bloomed yet I don’t know what is all over look at this you guys like oh my gosh like I’ve got such an aphid problem it is just covered on it man like I cannot believe this where are my little things that look they’re all over the place I guess I can take and come spray this yuck yuck so I don’t have a at on my roses very well very bad this year but everything else I do colum Bin’s pretty so if you guys have a big problem like this you can either like release insects or neoil there’s something trying to eat eat eat all of them that’s a bad problem oh it’s gross but there is something trying to eat them over here ladybugs that’s what I released ladybugs so the dianthus is really pretty a do love this type of dianthus tough stuff hydrange ja is going to look really pretty this year I got two of those right together some day Liles growing I’m up on the hill up here butterfly bushes this is the bud Lea from Proven Winners the dwarf one these are the punkster blue I have five of these they’re not doing anything just yet and then hardy hibiscus lilacs from pren winners that are coming up I have three of [Music] these these are all my daffodils that are have to D back the foliage I do print them back a little bit but I leave a good amount for them to D back so it will regenerate the bulb for next year and this is the Ruby hydrangea that likes a little bit more shade the Oakland Oakland Leaf hydrangea Ruby ruby slippers I believe ying and yang that’s already completed it’s blooms so these are the after it blooms that’s what it looks like right there look at the Fox Glove you guys this is why I wanted many many Fox gloves look how pretty isn’t it gorgeous it just gives a big height it’s like it’s so tall it’s just a big presence it’s like a big focal point and I’ve got purple and some white this one I had to steak as you can see another tough stuff hi Danger let’s see I have another limelight hydrangea [Music] tree and this is munstead wood David Austin Rose this is the deepest red burgundy color I guess you should say look how gorgeous that is it almost looks like um purple too right like that jazzberry but a little bit deeper color I’ve got four of these I have the Serendipity coming up these are my hens and chicks they look good need to come back and prune a little bit of these have my tall flocks looking gorgeous back there look you guys this is going to be pretty when these finally get a little bit taller and then you have this tall flocks behind it look how pretty that would be more Fox gloves over there it’s my an anomia anonia Claus growing up the oblisk here I do have one bloom over here let me show you look at this isn’t that pretty that one’s white and this one’s going to be hot pink so this is the other side of the Cottage Garden those are the tea olives have a little gem magnolia and then this is all the West Side Garden right here that we just toured this area is the skinny side Garden this this area is always hard in the summertime because the air conditioners always kick in you know guys it’s 80 for today but this is my red bud do you remember that we had to break the pot and plant this look how pretty this is this year so it’s happy it’s going to like this space this is for another project oh it just kicked off and then I planted all these I did from seed you guys I did did the eucalyptus the delphiniums these all right here are the seeds that I did from um florette Farm all the dalas and I have zenas and then down here I have saloia some of them are starting to give a little bit of color the red and the yellows oranges and then on this side I have my Lizzy anthus that are growing are just like babies these are the slowest things to grow you have to be really patient with those more eucalyptus I need to move this Coral Bells but I haven’t moved it yet and then this down here it looks like weeds but it’s not let’s see those are GL ardia they’re going to be like a pretty good size yellow Bloom so I have Gardia here Gardia there and then I try to repeat the same down there down onto this side over here so it can be cohesive so I have the saloia here and then zenas dalas same and some of these doas and zenyas are the ones that I had pinched back and got to root again because some of them didn’t look so hot so I wanted to make sure everything was full look at this sloa Autumn Blaze sosia it’s going to be so pretty I have Cosmos to mix in too I think I’m going to mix those into my doas Cosmos and doas together what do you guys think and then coming down here I got this new my mama wanted one so I had to have one too I got this for my son Kyle I miss him so much he comes home soon he’s in Italy in the 173rd Airborne guys keep them in your prayers please coral bark Japanese maple our noisy makers right here and then we have fern burs kinoi St John’s wart and then back to the backyard again I hope you enjoyed this April Garden Tour I’m really excited I honestly thought these roses would bloom more in May than they did at the end of April but I’m I think I’m going to have a lot of Bloom still in may as well but I’m just in love with all these David Austin Roses and I found a lot of stuff that I’m not in love with those eight a I can’t believe I had so many aphids in the garden but I know like if you have this big ecosystem that you’re going to bring things to you as well and also found a snake this past week too that was hiding underneath my chair my dad moved the chair from the Sun into the shade and it just came slithering out and I was like so grossed out I saw little baby snakes before but not one this big and I heard they’re going to be bad because of the cicas this year have you guys heard that if you seen more snakes like comment and let me know if you have if you have aphids in your garden like tell me too like make sure you comment I’m on Facebook and Instagram send me pictures of your Gardens if you want to on Instagram and I can share them on here as well I think some of my audience would like to see that also I love it when um Janie with a dig plant water repeat like submitted my garden onto her video and so did Laura with Garden answerer I just like loved it so anyways I’ll see you in the next video bye friends


  1. Kim, beautiful garden tour your roses are amazing this year I gain so much inspiration – good luck with those nasty aphids.

  2. Hi Kim🌺 . Your garden looks stunning with the amazing roses and clematis and other plants . Have agreat day .🌺🌻🌺

  3. AMAZING! I’m so inspired. Can you comment on what type of watering schedule you use? We share the same zone & clay soil. Thanks

  4. Your roses are gorgeous Kim! I'm so glad that your deer fence is working, what a difference for you.❤

  5. Love you garden is beautiful as usual
    Was one of the first garden I saw a few years ago in YouTube I was inspired as
    a new gardener and I saw you with a friend in visiting creek side garden and said I know this lady her garden is beautiful. I’m seen your videos now every time you post a video
    Thanks for your videos and your beautiful garden

  6. Your garden is magnificent and it shows how much time, effort and money your have invested. All your choices are so well thought out, and I love your roses, which I cannot keep because of deer. I kept six, and dug out the rest, unwilling to keep spraying, and losing that battle. Your deer fence is just fishing line and metal fencing? If it has worked for you, congratulations! I have dug out most of my lilies and replanted with a variety of deer and rabbit resistant plants. So far, so good. But, the deer fencing sounds interesting for the future and the plants I still have left that they like. Thanks for showing us your beautiful creation. You are an artist at work.

  7. Your garden is gorgeous, I’m new to garden and have seen a lot of people show their beautiful David Austin Roses. Where can I find/buy them? Home Depot/ Lowes? Thanks!

  8. Beautiful garden. You mentioned you put in an invisible fence to ward off deer. What did you do? The deer are such a nuisance in my garden.

  9. My son is part of the 173rd Airborne Brigade too! I enjoy watching your videos. Gardening is one of the things keeping me sane while he is gone! He is joining us for a vacation starting this weekend though. It’s been 17 months!

  10. For sharing another beautiful, beautiful garden tour, my dear friend hugs and kisses from grandma Sandy and Debbie

  11. What a joy it is to be touring your beautiful garden with you dear Kim 😃 What strikes me the most is the variety of plants that you have selected that really add interest all year round with some beautiful specimens. I am in love with your peach coloured stone containers as well as your gorgeous Spireas. It is really interesting to see how in your zone, things are fast forwarding from Spring bulbs flowering to almost mid summer blooms as far as our climate ( London UK ) is concerned. For someone who only saw hummingbirds in pictures, watching them live in your garden must be such a treat. I am so glad that your invisible deer fence worked as you do put so much thought, work, time & love in your garden 💚

  12. My first visit to your channel. So beautiful 💖 So many plants does make it such a great cottage garden. Cindy in NC

  13. The shots are too close up on the plants. Give yourself some space between you and the plants so we can enjoy the design and space with the plant. It’s part of the package

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