Garden Plans

Backyard Landscape Re-Design | No-Dig Garden Beds | NEW Hydrangeas

Extending my backyard garden beds using the no-dig sheet mulching method. Planting some new variegated hydrangeas & heucheras.

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My name is Jess, and I make videos about indoor & outdoor gardening, DIYs, and Home Decor. I live in North Carolina and garden in zone 8a. I have 2 kitties & 1 dog and I love pretty much anything that allows me to be Kreatyve! If you are a houseplant lover, a gardener, enjoy DIYs, or home decor & room makeovers then please subscribe to join me!

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Pleasant Garden, NC 27313

#backyard #variegatedhydrangea #landscapemakeover

[Music] hey guys it’s Jess welcome back to my garden for another video so today I’m going to be working in my backyard garden focusing on this area right here along my wall as well as finishing my beds going in this direction you guys have seen I’ve made a lot of changes back here it’s a nice cool breezy day we’ve had a ton of rain so everything is nice and watered in the grass is a little overgrown so I might mow that first but I have a lot of plants I want to get in the ground today because we are in like the mid 60s today it feels amazing out here so I want to try and get everything in the ground before we get into like the ‘ 80s and ’90s so let me quickly show you guys the area and the plants that we’re going to be planting and we’ll get to [Music] work okay y’all so here is my backyard corner you guys have seen I’ve been making a lot of progress in this area I’m loving how full and Lush it is first things first I am going to mow This Grass just because it’s just going to make it so much easier for me to walk around back here today but the area I want to focus on is this right here first so we did have a ton of rain come through I have some limbs that broke out of the trees here that I need to just clean up a lot of debris and then as you guys can see I have mushrooms coming up because it’s been so cool and moist back here but I’ve got some plants that I kind of want to reconfigure in this entire space space also you can see I have also started to lay out some cardboard I did just buy some topsole for now um I think I have enough compost in this area that we should be good so I just put down top soil on top of that and then I got a few bags of mulch to complete this area I have already mulched from here over so we’re going to focus on this area first today and then also going to do some rearranging over here just because I feel like my Salvia can y’all see that it’s leaning so this corner here from here over pretty much stays in the shade most of the day my Salvia is leaning to get some more light so I will be relocating these so it’s about 9:00 a.m. Clear Blue Skies today as you guys can see gorgeous gorgeous day so I am first going to go grab my mower get this area cut down nice and low and then we’ll discuss plant placement [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so I got this area nice and mode down so it be easier to walk and also easier to cover just standing here y’all I can tell I already need to get some more cardboard so I really want this to line up nice and straight and then just make a nice soft curve taking off down that way I also think I want to extend my bed maybe to like here so I am going to cut out some more of this grass maybe like about a foot or two but this line on this side is not straight so let me go grab some more cardboard and then we will get to sheet mulching I see everything around me changing again and again can’t stay stay in this dead in relation cuz it’s fading great I feel everything inside me changes over and over again can’t wait knowing that I love is wasted yeah wasted we’re running blind and we don’t know why was it really what we had in mind we’re running a wild only losing time yeah we’re left here without love we’re out of time and time don’t wa we in heaven but we lost our way we’re out of time again and again thought we make it but we lost we lost in the end yeah yeah lost in the end out of time again yeah we lost in the end I know living in a l easy I don’t want it no more I know one of us is going crazy if we don’t let it go I feel everything changes all over again all right y’all so I’ve got a cart full of goodies that I want to get in the ground today while it’s nice and cool starting off with these gorgeous plants right over here I have three of them I actually have four but one of them is going to AR Rosas these are hydrangeas you guys they are dis blooming hydranges and they’re also variegated do y’all see the blooms they’re just starting to open up I’m so excited about them here’s another one look how massive they are so I saw these online and I purchased one online o I want to say around February it came in March gorgeous full shrub and then I saw these three at the farmers market today and they’re running their Mother’s Day sales so all of the hard Rangers were 20% off so I got these three and then from Lowe’s I picked up three of these gorgeous Peach Berry ice hookas they’re also by Proven Winners I love love love the color on these like look at this gorgeous tangerine green coral color and the back sides are this like pretty magenta so love that pop of color can’t wait to get those in the ground I also got five of these Dolce Wildberry hookas by Proven Winners as well y’all y’all will not believe the deal I got on these at Lowe’s so I got all five of these hookas plus I think I have four of these Salvia and then also got another arbu which I’ll show you guys all of them total price was 20 $ 7.76 from Lowe’s like when I tell y all the managers there love me they just love me but any who yeah super deal on those and then down here in front I have two uh I think these are incrediball blush hydranges these are super wilted I need to get these in the ground and water them ASAP but look they’re setting a bud so I’m so excited about getting those planted and then also from the farmers market I picked up three of these Rock and playe the BL Salvia so cannot wait to get those in the ground as well gorgeous modge podge of plants and I think they’re going to add so much to this back corner so let me go ahead and figure out plant placement and we’ll get to planting all right so now that I’ve got the area kind of mapped out I want to go ahead and start placing out the plants so I’m going to start with the back row first and work my way forward so let’s start with the big hydranges oh I’m loving how that looks so far y’all I was debating on going back and getting a fourth one just because I have four holes already back there but the tag on these says that they get about 6×6 so let’s walk it off and [Music] see so this would be 1 2 3T wide so if I let them grow full size they should just about end up touching which I’m okay with y’all so I am loving that it looks so full and Lush also y’all know how I am about my balance and symmetry so I have five eal green arbites planted inside the wall this one over here on the far left is a deg GRS arbid so it’s different I have the middle one planted right in front in line with the middle one so I think I want to plant this one in between these two and then this one over here in between these two so there’ll be more evenly spaced but oh y’all I’m excited about that so I think I’m going to plant those there and then the tough stuff ahas I will bump up just a little bit I have four of them oh I don’t know y’all that piy might have to move we might be able to find another spot for the piy the Roto dendrin right here may end up moving I’m not sure y’all I’m winging this I have no clue where these plants are going I just really want to get them in the ground and established before it gets too hot so let’s go ahead and get those in the ground first and then we’ll find placement for the other ones [Music] [Applause] [Music] I’m interested to see what these roots look [Music] like not much of a root system so that might explain the problem well I don’t know y’all yeah the roots look pretty shallow on this so I might put these pots until they rehab this one has no growth on it I’m going to have to scratch the stem on this one to see if it’s still alive [Music] um I don’t know y’all we going to pray for these plants back here all right let’s get the first one in the ground first I should have brought a hair tie out here I don’t know why I come out here with no hair bow all right so I think about here should be [Music] good I got my new kneeling pad from garden answer and I love it you guys it’s so cute so I’m going to toss in some biotone starter fertilizer to give them a nice good kick [Music] oh yeah those are some healthy Roots [Music] okay now I’ve got another bucket to throw trash [Music] [Music] in me step back and see if I like how that looks oh that foliage y’all is just so pretty okay let’s get some Garden [Music] Soul slide some of this to back fill just a little bit [Music] [Music] all right first one done fingers crossed it does well all right let’s do the other two [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right all three hydrants are in the ground and I did also dig out my rendin and move it off to the left hand side just until I figure out a permanent home for it it was throwing off my planning space so we have a Blake slate there now that I know what color my pey is it’s red blooming I can finally move that to a location cuz I had no clue what it bloomed you guys it wasn’t labeled so now I what it is I’m going to dig out the penny which is sitting right here and then we can figure out plant placement oh that looks so much better so now I can figure out where I want the rest of my plants to go we have a blank slate just imagine the mulch bag’s not there cuz I’m not ready to put it down yet but I think I want to start with the hookas first okay y’all so I kind of like where they’re placed but I feel like I need to go grab two more just to finish off the drift but I am going to go ahead and put down the front few bags of mulch cuz I don’t think I’m going to plant the front border just to get them out of my way so I can fully visualize the space before we finish that I am going to go get a hair tie [Music] he [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] all right so I got all of the hokura planted I’m really hoping these last few on the right survived their Roots were the worst out of all of them but I’m loving the pop of color with the purple I do want to get a few more maybe like 1 two 3 four to finish off this row here I do have an idea for some plants that are going to go in the middle row here which I am just waiting for them to go on CL so I get my hands on some so I’ll come back and plant those later but these peachberry y’all I’m loving the color so much but I’m thinking I kind of want them to go where the Salvia are just not sure if they’re going to get too much sun in that area I don’t know they do say sun to part shade and it’s not full sun so I’m thinking they’ll be okay I do also want to move some of my celines so that I have a clear walkway to my bench so we’re going to do that as well I’m not sure if we’re going to get over to the right side today but I feel good about getting this back area tidied up my bad y’all I did not realize the camera was not filming but I did get three of my celines dug up and moved so I have a nice little arc on the right side and a nice little arc on the left side which leaves me a clear path to the bench now so now I can finish visualizing the rest of this space yall when I tell you I come out here and I just Wing these beds it makes it a little bit harder just because it slows down the process but I enjoy it a lot more so I’m just making sure the holes that I dug up are filled in nice and tight so that when I come in with my mulch it’ll be nice and sturdy and I won’t be twisting my ankle in a hole that would not be good all right so now I need to figure out where I want to put the three Peach Berry ice which I can always go back and get more um I also need to figure out where I’m putting these four hydranges that I just dug up so let me move these out of the way cuz they’re messing up my vision okay Peach Berry ice where should they go should they go over here let’s see all right so here’s what we’re looking like so far we’ve got three hydrangeas planted in the back we’ve got a drift of five hooka over here which I do plan on going back to get four more to finish the whole row in between them I will be planting something else which I’ll tell you guys in another video don’t know what I’m doing up here in the front yet so we’re just going to mulch this area I did also move my Celine so I have an arc on this side and an arc on this side and then I’m thinking peachberry ice over here Salvia is going to come out just because it’s stretching for sunlight so I think the peachberry ice that is a sign that they will be okay let’s go ahead and get those moved literally just planted these two months ago and now they’re moving again such is gardening with Jess okay come now oo these stink yeah this one over here is not doing good at all starting to Yellow are you okay you don’t even look like salvia are you my this might be my agastache y’all it’s rooted in there though this is kind of perfect y’all I have three holes don’t even have to dig them I’m just going to pop the peach Berry ice right down in here am going to sprinkle just a little bit of biotone just cuz these are coming out of their cans into new soil you know what y’all that’s a little bit too tucked in for me let’s move you up a little bit there that’s better we’ll go these holes are bigger than they need to be put this one here oh yeah you’re way bigger way bigger hole than I need let’s get some of this soil okay and the last one this is off cimer I can’t deal thought I wasn’t going to have to dig but need to move this over just a little bit I can toss some of this dirt back here okay okay there we go oh yeah that’s pretty gorgeous this one over here is a little on The Struggle Bus but hopefully it’ll beef up yes I love that so much better that pop of color is what that space needed all right so pretty much everything else I have to plan is salvia except for these two hydranges which I know where they’re going I’ve already dug the holes for them I’ll put those in last but let’s go ahead and finish mulching first [Music] he [Music] all right you guys so I got all the plants in the ground I got this area pretty much mulched I did leave just this Center area bare so if you guys can see here where the old mulch is I left all of this empty as well as over here just because I will be going back to get some more of these hooka to finish this drift and I also will be planting in this middle section here but if I step back look at all of the planting space I still have left to fill up y’all I’m so excited about it I know it looks a little bit crazy just because this area is dark that back area is dark over here is dark y’all all of these bags were labeled black mulch from Lowe’s so thanks Lowe’s for giving me two different like dosages of dye I guess I ordered from two different palettes I’m not sure but it doesn’t really bother me you guys mulch is mulch it’s serving its purpose hopefully next year it will all match but it’s neither here nor there I’ve got the mulch down and it’s going to serve its purpose so I’m so glad I was able to move my celines cuz it was really kind of stress of me not being able to walk straight to my bench without having to step over them so loving that as well so so I am actually going to head to Lowe’s really quickly and see if I can pick up a few more I think I just need four y’all when I counted it out 1 2 three four yep cuz I have my drain here which I’m thinking I’m going to try the mulch glue just to hold it in place cuz it does wash down into the great unfortunately so yeah you guys I am so excited about how this area is shaping up I do still have plans to build up my wall which I probably will do sometime in the fall but really quickly let me run through the plants with you guys starting with this back row here I planted three of these gorgeous variegated hydranges they are so full and Lush y’all like I’m so surprised that I was able to find these in the garden center I ordered one of these online I’ll show you guys it’s up front I ordered one online back in February and I had to wait until March for it to come in stock and get it delivered but you guys look at this Bloom do y’all see this so this is a dis blooming hydrangea do y’all see the purple and the white oh my gosh it’s so so pretty I cannot wait to see them all open up and then the variegation y’all that alone just speaks for itself so this one does get about 6 by6 so I’m hoping that these will grow their mature full size and end up kind of touching um these are Hardy zone 5 through n I’m in a garden zone 8A so these should do well back here I am going to put some super thrive on them just to make sure cuz I’m not sure why the other hydranges were struggling but I really want these to thrive back here in this space so I will come in and plant something in front of them in another video I’m not going to spoil that for y’all yet um and then down here I have a drift of the five hura that I got on clearance these are the Dolce Wildberry let me see if I can get their tag for y’all cuz I don’t remember the specs off the top of my head okay so here is the tag they are sun shade perennials they are Hardy zones 4 through so super hearty that’s awesome they get about 16 in wide and about 20 in tall so I think they will make a cute little Mound here hoping they survive really worried about these two over here cuz their Roots were in such bad shape but I am going to keep an eye on them I also moved three of my celines so I’m so happy to have just a clear path to my bench now so now the pollen is dying down I can finally bring out my pillows my cushions and make this area nice and cute also I planted up both of my pots off camera in them I have a clearance hydrater that I got on Lowe’s for $7 in the back on the sides I have two wanas that I got for a doll a piece y’all L’s was running a deal five for $5 so I got five of them for a dollar a piece and then down here in the front I’m not sure if this is going to thrive because these do require Sun but this is a caliber COA it’s called grape punch so I just Mir the same thing over on this side so I just think the papa blue adds so much back here and then the cushions that I got bring out that blue as well so I cannot wait to get my little Stepping Stones to fill in this space here still have plenty of planting space to come along the front edge which y’all let me St [Music] back I am loving the shape of this curve so far so I have not finished mulching over here just because I still need to work on this area over here but last but not least I did plant my three Peach Berry ice hookas here which y’all I am loving the pop of color that these are giving here so I’m so excited to see the rest of this fill in I do have plenty of space to come in so I will be extending out here around my arbues these are probably going to line my walkway I’m not sure if I’m going to keep them here yet or not but for now they’re staying um but yeah I have plenty of room to plant along the front border with something cute oh you guys it’s just so quiet and peaceful back in this corner here so any who so yeah y’all that is going to wrap up today’s gardening project thank you guys so much for hanging out with me I hope you all enjoyed it I hope you learned something also learned about some new plants like look at that y’all those hydranges are just so so pretty I even thought about planting some hostas in between them but I’m hoping they grow together in touch but any who I’m rambling I am going to head out to Lowe’s see if I can pick up some more of those hokura get some lunch I hope you all have a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there if you’re not a mom maybe you’re a stepmom a God Mom a plant mom a pet Mom I’m not sure what other moms there are out there but anyo happy Mother’s Day everybody I hope you have a great weekend and I will catch you in the next one peace well y’all I got super lucky I’m so glad I went to Lowe’s because these were the only four they had left and all of them were in clearance so I got the last four that I need to finish my little drift so I’m going to go ahead and get those in the ground I’ll catch you on the next video [Music]


  1. I am a huge gardener, I love your channel ! your garden looks amazing , your choices of the plants and placement are great, so much texture and color just beautiful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Question – which farmers market has these beautiful hydrangeas? I also live in NC – Charlotte area!

  3. Love the variegated Hydranga I have never seen one they are beautiful like the peach colored plants as well you have such good taste thank you for sharing

  4. Jess your backyard is beautiful, i cant wait to see it in full bloom. Which zone are you in? The heuchera is gorgeous!!

  5. Oh Jess, your garden is becoming magazine worthy! I LOVED the long video, I didn’t want it to end😩 Can’t wait to see everything in bloom!

  6. Just a couple of tips, considering you’re planting so close to summer especially in your zone, you may have to baby all the transplants big time! And always tease the roots of your plants before planting especially when the roots are tight. Keep ‘em hydrated. Happy gardening! 😊

  7. Looks great Jess. I had the same problem with the Lowe’s mulch. I got 40 bags in one day and only 7 were actually black. I was disappointed.

  8. Your enthusiasm is contagious. You have made me crave variegated plants and heuchera👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾💐

  9. Love the tuff stuff hydrangeas BUT I do know that they require a little bit of babying due to a possible late frost, and they do get stunt if you don’t baby and cover them 😭I have mines in container and it’s almost ready to bloom 🥰

  10. I do memorial Park in New Kensington PA on 6p and I have 30 gardens out there have been doing it for about 20 years now but I have a suggestion when you take a plant out of the pot if it's rootbound like it is you need to touch up the loosen them up a little bit sorry my phone keeps going off on me but yeah loosen them up otherwise they're going to keep going around and around the circle so a little suggestion talk to you later good watching your show okay bye

  11. Love all of it! Can you tell me the name of the small pine looking tree (round ball top) that’s next to the peach berry plants you planted?

  12. Hi Jess, It looks gorgeous! Love the variegated hydrangeas and the contrast you've created with the heucheras! So envious that you can no dig! I just put in a new bed and it is so much work where I am! It's like planting in modeling clay and the plants will be dead in one week…lol!.

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