
Tips on Conophytum pollination? Also update on Faucaria

Hey all. Was having some trouble uploading so hopefully things are working now.

I have a Conophytum obcordellum that is currently treating me to some honey-scented night blooms. I also happen to have a Conophytum pearsonii who’s providing some lovely purple afternoon blooms. I’d like to attempt to cross them but I have two problems:

  1. The anthers of C. pearsonii seem to be very recessed inside the flower. Even if I could extract pollen I couldn’t guarantee I’d be able to pair it with either plant’s stigma because I’m certainly not seeing that structure!

  2. The lack of overlapping flowering time. I imagine I could keep C. pearsonii pollen on a brush for a few hours, but I’m uncertain.

Any tips or advice?

I’ve also attached pictures of my repotted Faucaria that got moved outside. It seems happy!

by KiwiFella07

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