Container Gardening

Container Garden 2024 #containergardening #plants

#adashofgratitude #garden #containergardening #plants

Welcome to A Dash of Gratitude!! Let’s clean up the container garden and plant some veggies!

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hey y’all welcome back to a dash of gratitude my name is Beth I’m a little under the weather so excuse my voice I’m feeling much better than I was a few days ago but you know I’m grateful for that but you know I’m not quite 100% myself yet so I’ll be looking forward to that day anyway today is actually Mother’s Day as I’m videoing this and I have some tomatoes that I’ve got to get planted in my garden if you don’t know I’ve got a container garden our house sits on a really nice lot but it’s got too much shade to actually plant a garden so I have a container garden on my driveway and and it works you know it’s not the it’s not what I really want but it works for now and it’s fine I was gifted some Tomatoes a few days ago from a friend of mine who lives up the street and the fun thing about these Tomatoes is they’re all heirloom tomatoes she started them from seeds and she had them nicely organized and they’re a really great variety and fun heirloom tomatoes well they got a little bit mixed up somehow so she doesn’t know which ones are which so when I plant them I’m not going to know what’s going to be coming up but that’ll be kind of a really fun surprise it’s a little bit more Tomatoes than I anticipated planting this year but I am I am totally fine to change my game plan and just have a bunch of tomatoes this year so let’s go out and get them planted I’ve got to do a little bit of preparation in my containers and then I can just plant them and watch them grow so let’s go here is a shot of what I’m starting with I do a lot of my gardening in 5 gallon food grain buckets so here’s what I’ve got so far along the back the green one’s empty I’m I’m probably going to plant something in there today and all those tall stocks those are garlic they’re not quite ready to be harvested yet but they’re doing so great back there in this brown rectangle we have strawberries and some of them are actually growing in here and I think that it’s fair to say that I’m I’m not a professional Gardener I’m a very much a hobby Gardener and I don’t really know what I’m doing but I just like to try things and see what happens all right most of these are empty so I’ve got to clear out some of the little weeds and this one here has some straggling little tiny kale that never grew so you know I’m just going to like clear out the I’m going to clear out what needs cleared and get to planting over here in this container we have carrots and I’ve never grown carrots before I don’t know when they’re ready to be picked I have no idea we’re just going to let them keep going for a little while I’ve got carrots over here too that I know need to be thinned maybe I’ll do that today and then up here I’ve got oregano and rosemary in this little pot I need to clean out the leaves I’ve got more oregano here and a couple variations of time that don’t look so great but anyway so let me do some work here and I’ll bring you back when we’re ready to plant the tomatoes all right it’s been about 10 minutes and let me show you what I’ve got so far I roughly cleared out some of the Dead Leaves From the Strawberry Patch there were a few large weeds back there so I pulled them out of the garlic buckets and then down here I just kind of pulled out the weeds that were there and then I’m wearing gloves and I just kind of like dug through the dirt a little bit kind of turned it over a little bit with my hands and the dirt looks really good I actually saw some worms in there some big fat earthworms so I think the dirt is pretty good I am going to add some compost I didn’t do anything to these and then y’all I don’t know what to do about these carrots one of them oh let me show you one actually pulled up when I was pulling the weeds and look at it they are like a like a they’re like a small variety of carrot I don’t remember exactly why isn’t it focusing there we go um but look at it it’s so short and cute so anyway I don’t know what to do about them it’s the first time I’ve grown carrots so I don’t know and here are the little baby tomatoes that we’ve got I think there’s one pepper in there as well and my friend Dawn who I got these from said that there are a couple some of them have a couple tomatoes in each little thing together so I’m going to plant them together I’m going to plant them deep yeah let’s go also just being out here for a few minutes it’s so hot and I’m also really grateful for the this gardening hat I found it at Aldi if you missed my Aldi haul and it’s so great I love how it’s floral and green and it really is helping the shade but man the heat still is hot I don’t know I don’t know what the temp is here today but it is hot okay I’m back again and I’m sorry I didn’t film the actual process but it’s just so hot and I’m not feeling awesome so you know I just was doing this as quick as I could but I’ve got the one pepper plant back here in the back of the carrots and then I’ve got all these Tomatoes I think this one right here there might be a pepper in there as well along with this those Tomatoes but all the little baby tomato starts I need to get them watered in nicely and then down here in this bucket I did fill it with soil and I added some cucumber seeds because last year was the first year I ever grew cucumbers and they did really well so I’m going to see what they do this year and that’s what I’ve got so far for my garden whole bunch of tomatoes y’all also I have this pot down here that I need to put some dirt in and I think I’m going to do just flowers in that one cuz I do love to have flowers in the garden to attract those bees and butterflies and that’s what we’ve got today let me see if I can show you something else where we live we live really close to a couple of water sources okay so I’m going to hold this my camera down close and if you can see little bitty movement in the grass I can see a couple here hold on let me find a better spot okay you might see a little bit of movement here we have a couple water sources near our house and this time of year the frogs emerge and they’re tiny super tiny little frogs let me see if I can get there’s one they’re so small they’re so tiny and there are hundreds if not thousands of them in the grass back here but they’re just so tiny they’re hard to even catch on the camera you see that little guy they’re so small so it was just a couple days ago they emerged out and we call that day day baby frog day I hope they’re coming across on the camera cuz if not this is pretty boring just looking at grass but they’re everywhere everywhere and my kids just love them so cute here’s an update on our Berry Patch which is kind of kind of wild my mom and I got out here did some weeding a few weeks ago and it was looking real good I need to come back out and hit the weeds back down again but we’ve got blueberry bushes and we’ve got lots of blueberries they’re not quite ripe yet this bush has a couple that are ripe Robbie and I had some and they are delicious so we got four blueberry pots out here 1 2 three and four and that tall guy back there that’s an Elderberry I got that start from a friend of mine who moved away over here we have a fig I got to figure out where to plant my fig tree y’all I don’t I just don’t know and then up front here we’ve got this pot that has blackberries and as of right now I’m keeping it potted because they do spread like crazy and the vines are looking a little wild but I kind of like it and there’s lots of berries on here all the vines are just loaded with these beautiful berries so that’s exciting all the way down and then throughout the bed there are hostas that are that were planted here when we moved here and they’re just beautiful they fill in nicely and I noticed the other day that somebody’s been out here having a snack I don’t know who I’m imagining it’s probably deer out here on the back side of the bear Garden we have these hydrangeas planted they are starting to bloom so nicely look at this pale pastel color pink and purple it’s so pretty little cream color in there got some really nice blue ones up around the corner we can see these outside of our kitchen window where our kitchen table sits and it’s just so pretty to see them out here they are the most beautiful blue color and they’re looking really pretty this year I hope you enjoyed this video today if you want more information about the way that I Garden I’ve done several other videos and I will add this video into my garden playlist feel free to head over to the channel and check it out thank you so much for adding a dash of gratitude to your day I appreciate you being here please take a moment to subscribe to my channel and give this video a thumbs up and I’ll see you on the next one


  1. Love to see your garden going. Yum berries! I think fig tree needs sun. Hydrangeas are just beautiful! Good job!! 🥰🥰

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