Vegetable Gardening

Harvest Rice By Hand – Manual Threshing Machine – Baby Care – Vegetable Gardening | Trịnh Thị Mây

Harvest Rice By Hand – Manual Threshing Machine – Baby Care – Vegetable Gardening | Trịnh Thị Mây

Our daily routine begins with taking care of our baby while my husband and I attend to our various farming tasks. He clears the grass and then heads to the pond to feed the fish, while I feed the ducks. Later, he plants a new tree in our vegetable garden, ensuring we have fresh produce for the future.

After 4 months, our rice fields are finally harvest season. My husband dedicates a significant part of his day to harvest rice by hand. With careful, practiced movements, he gathers the golden stalks, working diligently under the warm sun. This traditional method allows us to connect deeply with our land and its bounty.

After harvesting rice, my husband uses a manual threshing machine to separate the grains. As he operates the machine, our baby and I watch, smiling and cherishing these simple yet profound moments. This way of life brings us closer together, grounded in the rhythms of nature.

Thank you for watching my video. Wishing you and your family health and peace!
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#trinhthimay #lythica
00:00 – Intro
00:48 – Baby Care – Feeding The Livestock – Vegetable Gardening
10:27 – Harvest Rice By Hand
22:00 – Manual Threshing Machine

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