Gardening Trends

Awesome Flower Show: Malvern Spring Show 2024: FULL Walkthrough and Review! [GARDENERS MUST WATCH]

Join us for a comprehensive walkthrough and review of the RHS Malvern Spring Show 2024. From stunning garden displays to expert tips and inspiration, this video is a must-watch for all gardening enthusiasts. Get an exclusive look at the latest trends and must-have plants from the show. Don’t miss out on this ultimate guide for all things gardening at the Malvern Spring Show!

#MalvernSpringShow #RHS #Gardening #Gardeners #Review #Walkthrough #GardenInspiration

[Music] hi I hope you’re having a wonderful day it is a beautiful spring day and today we’re at Malin at the rhs malvin Spring Festival this should be a wonderful experience and it’s just going to be flowers flowers in horiculture so much of all of it so let’s go enjoy this show and let’s start out right here at the floral Marquee starting out here going into the floral Marquee we just entered the show and this is all about flowers coming in I’m seeing these magnificent picture plants these are magnificent and beautiful wow these are so large oh I think I see a suo here which are unusual I love the carnivorous plant because they’re just so special and unique of course you have to have Peak to grow them in very special growing conditions they also can’t tolerate tap water and things of that s carbonated uh chlorinated water that’s bad for them you have to can only use rain water on them so they have some special care conditions but as far as being beautiful plants to add to your garden they’re really good for that here is another king sundu and you don’t see them this large very often but this is a magnificent the suw and I can actually see tiny insects which are trapped all up and down the leaves of this sundue PL so the sundo plant is really nice but I love the picture plants cuz these pictures are so tall narrowing down at the end I may actually purchase some of these cuz you can’t find them everywhere but it’s they’re really beautiful but this whole Space is just filled from end to end with so many wonderful plants and we’ll try to cover as much of it as we can but let’s work our way around we pass the Sund we pass the carniverous plants and right here next to them are some beautiful [Music] succulents here’s a display by the national Dalia Society this really is early in the spring for having dalas they normally Bloom much later in the year but these have been probably brought up in the greenhouse and nice little plants with beautiful blooms here from the raw da society and here’s a display of cottage garden plants there are some hostas in here hcas I see some salvas irises and these are quintessential classic English plants that you’d have in a flower garden to include a nice little rose bush tucked in there as well that’s a really nice display and right next to that would be the fuchsia which is some of my most favorite plants of all I don’t from Min fuchsia but these are really beautiful I’ve seen much larger displays again this is a spring show so most of these are coming out of the greenhouse they’ll be much more abundant towards the end of the season but these are really [Music] nice there are so many different types of plants on display here and here we have a massive display of beautiful orchids I’ve never really grown a lot of orchids but I always appreciated the petals because the petals are just so beautiful and then the sizes change the colors are changing constantly the orchids are so beautiful but you have to have some very special growing conditions for them so I’m kind of steered away I do know that some are easier to grow than others but this is a beautiful display of orchids [Music] excuse me I always get I always get the name wrong how do how do you pronounce theman vilia ban some Sayan I say ban Vila okay thank you here are some truly magnificent buan vilia I always get that name wrong but I love the this plant this is a magnificent plant of course it is completely tropical and can’t take anything near Frost but if you have the right conditions for it is really wonderful I guess if you grow It Outdoors keep it in the pot and in the fall bring it in you can save it to the next year but definitely don’t leave this outside during The Fall season and until the winter it will not be here for you next year it’s magnificent tropical and here’s something I haven’t seen a lot of here in the UK and these are chrysanthemums and they’re such a variety for sale Reds and pinks and blues and yellows I love the habit of chanthon because they come back year after year when I’ve grown them in the past and what they contend to do is make this nice rounding you can see it here and in the fall you get that shape where it’s all rounded and you just covered with blooms and that is magnificent and here are some moms that have clearly been grown indoors but look at this coloration here these are similar to what I used to grow these nice little burgundy ones but the burgundy and pink is a greator color combination and here you have a chantham moms these chantham moms here actually almost look more like dalas but they come in with great growth shapes and this one is beautiful this is chrysanthemum Miss golden and chrysanthemum duy I’m not sure which is which but wow look at these I love this pom pom flower is so magnificent and then these colors just keep going it’s really beautiful so we picked a couple of the 17 17 [Music] okay so we picked up some really wonderful CA moms here because I wanted to get thank you and although we couldn’t get this golden color because they’re sold out we did get two others of this yellow color and we picked up another one that’s a more pale yellow yellow I just never seen a chanom with this particular growth habit it’s really beautiful so these chanom just keep going because here’s chanon filling white and then here’s chanon fing green that green color is so unique that’s such a unique growth pattern for that particular balloon and right next to the ganam moms are some mints and herbs and I’m already I’m very particular about mints and herbs because I’ve grown some before and a lot of them tend to just really take over your garden space so if you’re going to grow some mint and herbs I would suggest keeping them in a pot don’t let them bloom definitely don’t ever let them go to seed because they can tend to take over the entire Garden that’s been my experience and if you have other experience drop that down in the comments and here are some really unique clst we have one of these growing at home but what I really like is this one cl is Josephine cuz that is a beautiful Bloom on that one a lot of petals and then two pedal types actually looks like almost three but definitely two pedal types these are some really magnificent Cletus you know they’re not have business are you looking at the bloom are you looking at the [Music] and here are some truly magnificent peers these are on sale but right below us are some penis that’s been grown in greenhouse and you can see what those look like in just a moment those are some beautiful blooms I don’t think I’m going to pick up any of these but I love pies and they have some great great varieties here but let’s go look at the balloons now in the US pees are favored at weddings and you can see why with this big blousy petals and the is beautiful full and single and the fragrance I can smell it is so fragrant right here these are some magnificent [Music] pies and here’s one of the most impressive panies that I’ve ever seen this is co charm and look at that pale yellow color I don’t think I’ve ever seen one fight that color and behind it is a soft salmon saucer which is another magnific py and then there’s pillow talk I have seen pillow talk before just those massive amount of pillows and then here’s a very fragrant pianning that there rcking in front of me but I can’t see the name this is Dutchess dor mother’s choice just a great selection of pities pies are wonderful plants if you plant them they’ll come back year after year for so many years I’ve had some for at least a decade a longer and I know some that are much older than that so pities are wonderful plants they bloominous spring and they’re absolutely magnificent now here’s a really great selection of properly labeled peloni these are typically uh from South Africa uh these varieties have been really modified and cultivated so you got a lot of colors and variety here you don’t normally see them labeled properly I love to see that the fact here at this rhs show they’re labeled as pelagonians they’re not called geraniums cuz in many cases people call them geraniums but they are pelagonians and here’s a wonderful selection of pelagonians and [Music] Bloon here’s some unique grasses grasses are really great to add to a garden uh they really add a lot of different color variety and shape they can they can also add height depending on its height of the grass but next to the grasses cuz I I don’t have any of those but I’m in love with the succulents in the cacti now these are some beautiful succulents I have some of these at home but nowhere near as large are as impressive as [Music] these the floral abundance at this show just keeps going and here we have some really magnificent little bunai a lot of these are acers and different other varieties I see acers I see some youu but bunai is so unique let’s look at some of the larger [Music] this is a really impressive Japanese white p boage [Music] and here’s a magnificent display of acers these are beautiful plants I tried to grow them many times in the past but they really need some very special growth conditions they also grow incredibly slow so if you buy a small one it’s going to be a small one for a very long time they’re really beautiful we you ever get them going get those right growth conditions for them but these Japanese maples are beautiful I love the burgundy colors here also in contrast with the chart tro there’s also a great selection of chamia these are Japanese flowering plants now the thing about chamia is that they don’t tend to have any smell but they bloom you can get them to bloom at different times of year some will bloom in the spring some will bloom in the winter and then some will Bloom at different times of year so if you if you get multiple ones and you know when they bloom you can have chameleons blooming from most of the times across the year I had one that used to bloom bloom in December and I had others that bloom in the spring so I had Chamas blooming for quite a while uh in my yard when I had those all set up but these Chamilia are nice I love to see a different variety because there are multiple types I don’t see some of the petals types that I like but uh These are nice I I think this is a really nice one as well here you can see this pink that’s a pretty petal chameleons to me are all about the petal but they grow as a shrub uh some can’t get as large as a small trees you have to know what you’re getting when you get them but they’re beautiful plants now these say that these varieties blo from October to May so like I said you can get varieties of Bloom across a very broad spectrum of the year but this is a very blousy chamia this is Hawaii and I like that blooms really blousy really beautiful open petal here at this company is called New Forest hasta and hermac Calis which I know is daes but they have some truly magnificent hosta here now these hosta with the steems that are red are kind of unique that’s kind of hard to find but there are some other varieties here as well well I love the shat Truse and the oh here’s one that’s very unique that just a green with this red at the base that’s green with a purple kind of a burgundy color at the base kind of going down it’s a nice color there I love hasta these are shade they can’t take full sun they will burn in full sun but if you can get those right growing conditions a nice shaded condition is a little moist with a bit of moisture you can have a magnificent hosta I will say though hosta are a favorite of uh rabbits and de here so when I’ve grown them you’re always fighting Wildlife who also loves to eat them here’s a display of namisa which have blooms that look a lot like orchids it looks a lot like orchid bloom a little bit like iris blooms I’m not very familiar with this plant but it’s really nice so this why I come to these shows as well cuz I don’t know everything and this is a plant that I’m going to go look up to see if I can find out a lot more about [Music] it namisa if you know something about that drop down in the comments let me know know about Nisa this is a beautiful plant I love the colors and it is very it is very fragrant and here are some lies you can still get these and plant them and grow them out this summer we’re getting towards the end of the year for the Tulips but you can get a good look at what the Tulips would look like here’s one it’s ice cream a double blooming tulip it hasn’t blown yet but a lot of these tulips are in full bloom a lot of them in out in the wild have already Bloom but you get some great color tulips you can kind of look now and see what you want to plant for next year I see a lot of varieties here that are unique this Orange v vated orange is this orange and yellow very open open petal here’s another one it’s very similar to that with another red and yellow kind of a red and yellow a very open FAL tulip both of those are really [Music] magnificent another great selection of car nervous pit plants and again picture plants a lot of them actually originated from the United States around the Carolinas but I love this little red sun [Music] do a magnificent display of Lies I love these lies a lot of different varieties here this was a nice one almost as good as though that’s a beautiful one mil and then Olympia right beside it and here’s dark secret original love there’s some magnificent lilies here just wonderful displays and here is a blend of Bonia and Kus look at this Black Knight Bonia and Bonia mint tea and behind it are some magnificent variegated colia [Music] is just so many wonderful flowers here on display Walter Turner is another colus that is really [Music] nice there’s so many wonderful flowers on sale and on display in this Pavilion so many wonderful things to see but hey this is just one Pavilion this is a larger show let’s go and see what else is here because I’ve seen all of this let’s go see what else we can find [Music] [Music] so we’re heading out this Pavilion but here is some magnificent dianthus I love dianthus because it really looks like grass has a great growth habit it’s not hard to grow it comes back year after year but you kind of have to protect it to get this Bloom out of it I’ve planted up in flower beds before you can mistake it for grass early in the season so I would keep it in a pot just like it’s potted up here but these are some magnificent colors and here is a plant that I know is so popular in the UK I just don’t see it very often in the US but this is Delphinium and I love the colors of blues the blues is such a unique color the blues and the burgundies and the whites you can’t really find these colors and a lot of flowers but I just don’t see this plant uh in the US W very often but here in full bloom definium is a magnificent stately flower sometimes you come to these shows and you find things you’ve never seen here are some daffodils and they are really beautiful now I’ve seen something similar to this one before and you can get the full pedal multi-on like that but you walk back and you get this apricot whan look at that one really nice my dearest and then on this end that’s one I can think you’ll find but I’ve never seen one quite like this one which is fire drill look at those Bloom patterns on that that pedal is so unique and that’s why I come to these [Music] shows and here is a truly unique Cana I’ve never seen Cana this small before this is only about a foot tall can of can get up to about 6 to 7t tall and I’ve seen them at about 4 to 5 ft tall but these are blooming at about a foot tall truly unique can com out of the floral Marquee we’re right next to the this is the section where they have set up for all the food trucks there’s butter MC fried chicken and brisket and churros and ice cream so we might end up at there later but let’s continue looking for more flowers and flower breeders and breeds [Music] so here’s the kitchen Garden theater there was a lot of people listening to this presentation we’re going to keep moving around though we still here just looking specifically at the plants if we get opportunity to listen to some of the great talks that they’re having we will definitely do that but let’s see what other plants we can find and here’s a whole section of really beautiful garden displays I like these a lot I think this is like something that the youth at the local schools may have put together because I see a lot of things here that kids made and some unique features as well some of these displays [Music] he [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] so these flower displays are absolutely blowing my mind because all was put in just over the last uh short period here and it’s all going to be taken out when this show is over but it is such a magnificent display overall and then the artist who are on display here really beautiful one of the most striking aspects of this show are the artists who clearly have all the displays on design here you can see a lot of metal work and woodw but mostly metal because metal will have the longest longevity in the garden setting wood tends to be decoded by the wind wind and the rain and the sun this metal will also be corroded but it has a greater chance of lasting much longer than you say the other aspects of wooden artwork now this is a section that I was trying to get to because there’s a lot of things for sale out here but one of the things I’m excited about is this section here this a propagation Place uh that you can see that this is where they’re selling really just Garden focused uh aspects if you like to have things hanging in your garden hanging around your garden that’s not a fan I’m not a fan of the garden Gomes and things of that sort but a lot of people do like it but Dominic K plants you have some really beautiful plants here this is what I was hoping to find some other plants now this blue i’ figure out what that is cuz I’m not familiar with that but it’s just a striking a bit darker than a sky blue but is a very striking plant some of these are poppies and some of them are gems just’s a lot of great nurseries out here and I love to see also these massive terracotta pots although you’d have to get these delivered to home I mean some of these are truly what SP 3 ft tall there this is going to weigh a tremendous amount so I don’t know how you transport this home but it’s great to see what they have on display I’m pretty sure they can transport that for you and here’s some small J [Music] con [Music] and this will be the future of lawn maintenance and these are some really unique hydrangea I love these these stems on these blooms I don’t think I’ve ever seen a hydrangea quite like these these are Oakleaf hydrangea but this is hydrangea fireworks blue that is really unique how trange [Music] you you really could spend an entire day really two days out here just trying to see everything to take it all in there just so much to see so many plants varieties as well as uh so many other aspects of just beautiful tree pities those are hard to find you don’t see those very often you spend a lot of time here just looking at all these magnificent plants and also all the other aspects of gardening that’s all rode up into this raw horiculture show and this isn’t a show it’s a festival [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] on for [Music]

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